Current bowel cancer screening in the UK
Current bowel cancer screening in the UK
This is an assignment that focuses to Examine and discuss the current bowel cancer screening in the UK. The paper also provides a guideline on how to write the paper using the marking scheme.
Examine and discuss the current bowel cancer screening in the UK
Write a formal report evaluating the current bower cancer screening in the UK. The report should contain the following sections:
Introduction, methodology, discussion and conclusion – see guidance below.
Figures and tables may be used to support the text providing they are concise, relevant, annotated and referenced.
Appropriate references (majority from primary sources) should be cited within the text and listed in the bibliography as per Harvard format. For guidance on referencing please see portal
Guidance for report:
However, provide an introduction outlining the need for bowel cancer screening including the associated histology / histopathology.
Firstly, describe the current method(s) of sample collection and analysis, thinking about the relevance to cellular pathology, having some detail in the processing of samples and then it can be comparative to other techniques as well as other countries screening programmes. (Remember this is an evaluative report so there needs to be some depth. Just mentioning the techniques is not enough, more detail will give the scope to evaluate and critically discuss.
Secondly, evaluate/discuss the effectiveness of this programme with respect to disease prevention and patient care.
Lastly, conclude your report with a brief summary of your findings.
Marking Scheme:
This essay will be marked electronically using a combination of a marking rubric and individualised feedback comments.
1. Content, Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and critical understanding of this subject area. Alignment to the criteria of this assessment.
2. Range and Relevance of Research Informed Evidence
Evidence of the ability to evaluate critically, analysis of key concepts, comprehensive range of evidence, reflection and reasoned argument
3. Cognitive/IntellectualSkills
Evidence of the ability to evaluate critically, analysis of key concepts, comprehensive range of evidence, reflection and also reasoned argument. Also, include depth of understanding in relation to analysis and interpretation of evidence.
4. Communication, Organisation and Presentation
Scientifically presented, appropriate vocabulary and terminology, grammar. Well organised, with flow and progression.
5. Referencing, sourcing, acknowledging and coverage
Bibliography is wide and extensive, and sources cited in text are predominately primary sources.
This assignment covers the following learning outcomes:
Discuss the rationale of population screening programmes with reference to malignant disease.
Discuss the aetiology of disease, whether as a result of external agents or internal malfunction
Also, discuss current understanding of the changes in cellular structure and/or function, which occur as a result of disease.
Lastly, describe the cellular basis of major clinical examples of disease e.g. neoplasia, metabolic defects, infection, atheroma
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