Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior
Paper details:
Please read the attached research article and summarize your findings. I expect discussion regarding the purpose of the article, the general (very general, think concise here) methods of the research, their overall findings, and your personal thoughts (did you like it, did it contradict something you already knew, was this completely new info for you, etc) Your essay should only be one page long (though I will accept 2 pages) and formatted in APA style. I expect an ESSAY with paragraphs; an intro, body, and conclusion. It must be written well. YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS FROM YOUR ARTICLE TO SUPPORT YOUR DISCUSSION. Reference Citation: Martens, A., & Schmeichel, B. J. (2011). Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior. Death Studies, 35(6), 504–524. https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.uwf.edu/10.1080/07481187.2011.573174
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