Emerging technologies in today’s changing world of technology

Emerging technologies in today’s changing world of technology

This is an assignment that focuses on the Emerging technologies in today’s changing world of technology. The paper also proposes an emerging technology solution.

Emerging technologies in today’s changing world of technology

Firstly, in today’s ever-changing world of technology, organizations must compete with each other to offer better products and services. Organizations look for new technologies to run their companies more efficiently and gain market share. Emerging technologies are innovations that are new or cutting-edge or considered ground-breaking and sometimes perceived to the way businesses operate.

Secondly, read the attached case study, which presents the existing technology and needs of a fictional organization.

Thirdly, propose an emerging technology solution that will benefit the organization in the case study.

Lastly, discuss the impacts of this technology within the context of the organization.

A. Summarize an organizational need in the case study, including the scope of the need.

B. Propose an emerging technology solution to address the organizational need from the case study. Provide justification that classifies this technology as emerging.

C. Explain the steps of the adoptio‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍n process that you recommend the organization use to integrate the new emerging technology, including a description of why each step is necessary and how each step relates to the organization.

D. Describe both a positive and a negative impact that your emerging technology solution could have on the people or current processes in the organization. Also, provide examples for how to address the negative impact

E. Compare your emerging technology solution to an alternative technology solution, providing at least two advantages and two disadvantages that each technology may have for the organization.

F. Recommend a method that can be used to determine whether adoption of the proposed emerging technology solution will be successful or unsuccessful, based on the needs of the organization.

G. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references.

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation

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