Effects and Cause of Immigration

Research Question: What causes people to immigrate, and how does it effect the host nations economically and security? REFERENCES: Alexseev, Mikhail A. Immigration phobia, and the security dilemma: Russia, Europe, and the United States. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Alkopher, Tal Dingott, and Emmanuelle Blanc. “Schengen area has shaken: the impact of immigration-related threat perceptions on the European security community.” Journal of international relations and development 20, no. 3 (2017): 511-542. Collado, M. Dolores, Inigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe, and Guadalupe Valera. “Quantifying the impact of immigration on the Spanish welfare state.” International Tax and Public Finance 11, no. 3 (2004): 335-353. Constant, Amelie, and Klaus F. Zimmermann. “Immigrant performance and selective immigration policy: a European perspective.” National Institute Economic Review 194, no. 1 (2005): 94-105. Karyotis, Georgios. “European migration policy in the aftermath of September 11: The security–migration nexus.” Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 20, no. 1 (2007): 1-17. Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. Economic impacts of immigration: A survey. No. w16736. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011. Lee, Ronald, and Timothy Miller. “Immigration, social security, and broader fiscal impacts.” American Economic Review, 90, no. 2 (2000): 350-354. Reitz, Jeffrey G. Warmth of the welcome: The social causes of economic success in different nations and cities. Routledge, 2018. PLEASE FOLLOW DETAILS: Thesis Proposal: Your title page should include the working title of your thesis, your name, and your working abstract. The abstract includes the following components: purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The body of the abstract is limited to 150-200 words Introduction: The introduction is where you identify your specific research question and where you set the general context for the study. In this section you need to include: a statement of the problem or general research question and context leading to a clear statement of the specific research question; background and contextual material justifying why this case or topic should be studied; and a purpose statement. Literature Review: This short preliminary literature review section reviews the literature important to your specific research question. The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same or similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this case. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to your specific research question. In this section you should: Summarize the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question. For example if you discuss other studies that have been conducted you would summarize the researcher’s findings, how those findings were obtained, and conduct an evaluation of biases in the findings. This section should provide a broad overview of the primary arguments related to the topic and organizes the general views on the main aspects of the topic by theme, which could be the prevailing arguments or schools of thought, or commonly held beliefs that your particular topic may challenge. Include a short conclusion and transition to the next section.

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