Development of an evidence base nursing care for a patient

This is a paper that focuses on the development of an evidence base nursing care for a patient. The paper provides additional information for a eBook to gather information for this assignment.

Development of an evidence base nursing care for a patient

NURS5018 Assignment Guidelines
1. Undertake a piece of coursework that will require students to develop an evidence based nursing care plan for a person in whose care they have participated,  demonstrating evidence of co-creation with the service user. (50%).

Care plan.

Undertake a piece of coursework that will require students to develop an evidence based nursing care plan for a person in whose care they have participated,  demonstrating evidence of co-creation with the service user.

Please identify one or two nursing problems for a patient you have looked after in practice. Additionally, provide a critical analysis of the evidence available for the interventions to address that problem. Please make recommendations based on this evidence and also clearly state how this will change your future practice should you come across this problem again. This essay should be no more than 2500 words.

A note of caution – there are many care plans available online as well as essays about caring planning. Please be aware of the risks of plagiarism when searching for these materials. All essays are a subject to a similarity analysis and evidence of academic misconduct will be investigated. You can avoid this by ensuring your care plan is co-constructed ( and so is unique) and your work is accurately referenced.

Example essay plan

Don’t forget that your patients are unique and also the following is just a suggestion to help your thought processes.

The following table has been created to help in developing the assignment.
The word count for this writing task is 2,500 words. It will be necessary to also make individual decisions about what to include and what to leave out depending on your patient’s needs.

You may find the following ebook useful to help you understand more about care planning:-

Barrett, D. Wilson, B. Woollands, A (2012) Care Planning and guide for nurses.  Pearson. Harlow.

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