Write an essay explaining the reason(s) you feel this designer should be remembered and why.

This is a minimum of one page plus assignment. You are encouraged to add more content for an in depth perspective. Note each page is approximately 250-300 words without sources cited or heading. For full credit consideration, you are encouraged to add more content for an in depth perspective, 500-600 words. As this is a short report, please refrain from using quotations or keep them brief.  Please use the material posted in Lectures and Additional Resources Folders throughout the semester.  Additionally, research must include professional trade sources found in our Berkeley Library such as WWD (Women’s Wear Daily) and WGSN.

These sources are available in our Berkeley Library databases.  This are to be clearly stated in the References (cited sources) Page.  Use only a 12 size font and APA1 Format. Use Spell and Grammar Check.  Please research and WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS to demonstrate an understanding of the topic.  Please document all sources including images.  The Assignment is to be submitted as WORD DOCUMENT, a Word Format. APA STYLE: Written submission must follow the APA-style. Here is a useful link to ensure you follow these guidelines: Sample of APA Style Paper:

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