Design nursing care strategies which incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors

Design nursing care strategies which incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors. You are feeling passionate about developing information to share with your clients and families that have positive genetic testing results.

Design nursing care strategies which incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors

You are feeling passionate about developing information to share with your clients and families that have positive genetic testing results. A young couple approaches you concerned that they may have a child with Down syndrome as both the male and female in the relationship have siblings with Down syndrome. You decide to create an educational document that supports the family in their search for more information.

Describe educational information that a couple may need to know before the birth of their baby. What testing can be recommended? How is this testing done and when in the gestation?
Additionally, After birth, what resources can be offered to this couple to care for their newborn with Down syndrome?
Finally, List and describe resources this family may access now and into the future to support care for their child with Down Syndrome into adulthood.

More details;

What is genetics and genomics in nursing?

Genetics focuses on the individual genes in the genome, generally addressing those conditions resulting from single gene errors, conditions nurses encounter rather infrequently. Genomic information focuses on the interaction of specific genes within the genome and with external factors within the environment.
What are some implications of the integration of genomics in healthcare?
Genomic medicine has the potential to make genetic diagnosis of disease a more efficient and cost-effective process, by reducing genetic testing to a single analysis, which then informs individuals throughout life.
Why is genetics important in nursing?
Genetics and genomics are fundamental to the nursing practice because the basis of genetics can recognize individuals at risk for certain illnesses and diseases, identify the risks of certain disease or illnesses when conceiving children, facilitate drug dosage or selection for certain illnesses or specific patients.

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