Dealing with Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the 1920s

For History 105: Dr. Stansbury’s Classes Due Week 3 and worth 120 points. The formal deadline is on Monday morning at 9am Eastern Time; this is the next day after Week 3 ends. Watch announcements, emails, and postings for exact dates and any holiday notes that sometimes arise. [NOTE ON ECREE: The university is adopting a tool called ecree for helping and doing writing assignments in many classes. In our History 105 class, we will be using the ecree program only for EXTRA CREDIT as a tool for doing work on your rough draft of the paper. We hope this approach encourages more rough drafting and revision work by students as well as makes students familiar with this useful new tool. For Assignment 1, in the Week 3 unit, you will see the link “EXTRA CREDIT: ROUGH DRAFT….”—that is where you can get up to 5 points of extra credit. Instructions will be posted there in the early days of the summer course. If you try this option, you will be able to use the file developed in ecree as a rough draft; you will then download that draft and edit it further. Then, once your paper is fully polished and finished as you see fit, you will then submit it at the next link in the Week 3 unit, which says “ASSIGNMENT 1: DEALING WITH DIVERSITY….”. ] BACKGROUND FOR THE PAPER: This is a 5-paragraph paper based on research in designated sources. It is a position paper in which you support a thesis statement by reason and historical examples. After the Civil War, the United States had to recover from war, handle western expansion, and grapple with very new economic forms. However, its greatest issues would revolve around the legacies of slavery and increasing diversity in the decades after the Civil War. In the South, former slaves now had freedom and new opportunities but, despite the Reconstruction period, faced old prejudices and rapidly forming new barriers. Immigrants from Europe and Asia came in large numbers but then faced political and social restrictions. Women continued to seek rights. Yet, on the whole, America became increasingly diverse by the 1920s. Consider developments, policies, and laws in that period from 1865 to the 1920s. Examine the two statements below and drawing from provided sources, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. [Don’t use this background paragraph in your paper.]

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