Critiquing the Rule Against Hearsay

Write a 1500 word paper ( 3 to 5 typewritten pages) critiquing the Rule Against Hearsay and three of the major exceptions to the rule. The paper should be written in the APA style and contain a cover sheet, table of contents and a references page, none of which are part of the 1500 word count. References should include at least three reported cases. Re-read Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) then discuss the Supreme Court’s reasoning in establishing that the stop and frisk in Terry was a search; and the taking of the weapon was a seizure; and the stop and frisk amounted to an arrest; (all covered by the Fourth Amendment)and the officer did not have probable cause at that time: however, the stop and frisk, arrest and seizure were all “legal.” After discussing the Supreme Court’s reasoning on these issues relate your opinion of the entire “stop and frisk” issue. Write a 1500 word paper ( 3 to 5 typewritten pages) comparing the various types of searches utilized in the criminal justice system. The paper should also discuss the evidentiary issues that surround them and demonstrate the process of preparing the case for trial. The paper should be written in the APA style and contain a cover sheet, table of contents and a references page, none of which are part of the 1500 word count.

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