Criminal Justice – Corrections

The student will write a 10-page Literature Review on a specific problem in Corrections (provided in files). It should not be a descriptive paper but one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student should make an argument if need be. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources (also provided, but you can use others) that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources.

The paper must properly follow current APA style. Include the following elements in your paper: Title page including a running head Abstract and keywords Body The body of the paper consists of all of the questions a person would ask if you mentioned the hypothesis to them. What is it I am researching? What is the current problem? What is the solution? What do my critics say about the problem and my solution? What does the literature say about the problem and my solution? What gaps in the literature will my solution address? If successful, what are the implications of my research? And a conclusion. Conclusion (Make sure you reflect back upon your thesis statement and make adjustments as needed.) References Review the Literature Review Rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.

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