Controversial environmental issue

this activity, you will research all sides of a controversial environmental issue ( e.g. The Keystone Pipeline, The use of DDT, The Dakota Access Pipeline, Global Climate Change, The US withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, Human population growth and food security, energy use and environmental pollution, Hydraulic Fracking etc.) to gain a better understanding of the environmental issue and articulate a position based on the evidence you have collected. Learning Objectives Addressed by this Activity  Be prepared to apply critical and reflective thinking in environmental science.  Articulate a position on an environmental issue.  Provide evidence that supports a position on an environmental issue. Required Time The completed paper is due before midnight on January 7 th , 201 8 and MUST be submitted through the final paper turnitin link in Canvas. Late submissions will not be accepted. Description You will prepare be a three-page position paper that includes your opinions, viewpoints, feelings, and the evidence that supports them (excluding cover page, reference list and figures/data tables). The main reason for this activity is for you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the different arguments of an issue and then articulate your own position on the issue (supported by evidence). The three-page position paper guideline is included below. Assessment A description of the evaluation criteria is included in the guidelines following. I am also providing the attached cover sheet including the evaluation criteria. I will use the cover sheet to grade your papers. Paper Guidelines Position paper Due date is 01 / 07 /201 9 A position paper differs from a traditional term paper in that it includes your opinions, viewpoin ts, feelin gs, an d the evid ence that supports them. The main reason for thi s activity is to understand an iss ue better by researchin g all sides of the iss ue thoroughly . Choose an environmental topic that interests you (you can select from the list above or c hoose a topic of yo ur ow n). Research the different sides of the issue an d think ab out your position on the issue. Write a position paper based on the guideline s outlined below . The paper should be 3 pages long (12 pts font, 1 ½ spaced). If your paper is longer than 3 pages, I will grade the first 3 pages. Use at least 5 sources for the paper and make sure you use the proper format for your sources. The following books, available at the HCCs bookstore will help you explore different environmental issues:  Tak ing sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues / selected, edited, and with introductions by Theodore D. Goldfarb  Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues / selected, edited, and with introductions by Thomas A. Easton Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines: Point Values Paper : Please turn in the cover sheet I provided 15 possible points 15 possible points 15 possible points 15 possible points 10 possible points 15 possible points 5 possible points I. Introduction: Statement of the issue to be discussed. II. Description of more than one side of the issue supported by relevant and multiple sources of information (use references). III. Clear concise statements of your position on the issue. IV. Discussion of your position supported by relevant and multiple sources of information. V. Questions that have arisen as you researched the issues and information you need to understand the issue better. VI. Concise summary statement restating the issue, your position, and the essential evidence that supports your position. VII. Literature Cited (APA) Appropriate number (minimum of 5 ) Appropriate type (not only opinions) Proper format ( see below for examples ) Overall Important Communication Factors 10 possible points Spelling and grammar Neatness Clarity and consistency of focus Subtitles for each section heading in your paper (required) Total Possible Points 100 possible points Example of proper format for references IN TEXT: Book or Journal Article : The wild boar has caused extensive damage to the wildlife reserve. (Smith, 1993). Personal Communication : J.W. Jones explained that the Smoky Mountains are used quite extensively during the summer months (personal communication, August 24, 2000). The Smoky Mountains are used quite extensively during the summer months (J.W. Jones, personal communication, August 24, 2000). Note : Personal communications should be referred only in text. Provide initials and as exact a date as possible. Explain who the person is and why their input is important. Examples of proper APA (American Psychological Association) format for LITERATURE CITED: Journal Article : Adelgid, B. W. (1999). Killing fraser firs in the Smoky Mountains. Journal of Exotics and Introduced Species . 1 (15), 13-15. Book : Boar, E. W. (1993). Upsetting the balance of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge . (3 rd ed.). London: Island Press. On -Line Sources : Mussel, Z., Loosestrife, P. (September 23, 1999). Gaining a foothold in a new environment [On-Line]. Available: A brief listing of some suggestions that should be implemented in your position paper to ensure the highest quality: Make sure your ‘voice’ is apparent in the paper

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