Compare the western biomedical model to TWO other non-western medical systems that we have studied in class

 Topic: In an essay, detail these universals and use them to compare the western biomedical model to TWO other non-western medical systems that we have studied in class.

Compare the western biomedical model to TWO other non-western medical systems that we have studied in class

Topic: In an essay, detail these universals and use them to compare the western biomedical model to TWO other non-western medical systems that we have studied in class.

Anth301: Midterm 2

The midterm essay questions are designed to make you think about the material we have covered in class and to synthesize this material in a coherent manner.  You will need to think about the WHOLE and how the parts fit together into this whole

Directions: Select ONE essay topic from the questions in Part I and ONE essay topic from the questions in Part II.  Write an organized, coherent and cohesive essay for each prompt.  Your essays should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font, size 12.  Your essays must be organized and well-written, and you MUST use material from lectures, guest speaker presentations, films, and readings to support your arguments.  You may work alone, in pairs, or in groups of three.

Grading:  Your grade will be based on: 1. Articulation of concepts and discussion 2. Comprehensiveness of response 3. Cohesion 4. Use of class material 5. Engagement

Part I (20 Points)

1. The western medical model functions from a particular ideology, or world view, different from that of other medical models.  Yet, there are universals of medical systems that pertain to ALL healing systems throughout the world.  In all societies, a healing system:

a) is an integral part of the culture relating to a particular view of the body and also the cosmos; b) has illness causation explanations; c) has diagnostic methods and tools; d) has healers; e) has helpers; and, f) has treatments for both preventing and curing.  In an essay, detail these universals and also use them to compare the western biomedical model to TWO other non-western medical systems that we have studied in class.  ALSO, incorporate a discussion of EITHER personalistic vs. naturalistic etiologies OR the principle of equilibrium, including the assumptions that underlie these concepts in terms of world views, anatomy, illness causation explanation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

2. Adrianna B. Catcher was suffering from a serious bout of anger.  She was unable to sleep at night, awakening periodically, and experienced frequent outbursts of rage.  She finally went to see her medicine person/healer about this condition.

Assuming you are the healer who is treating Ms. Catcher, explain how would you diagnose and treat this illness in THREE different medical traditions.  Further, how would you provide an explanation for the cause of this illness IN FULL, contextualizing it in terms of world views and views of the body in THREE different medical traditions? In your explanation, incorporate a discussion of EITHER personalistic vs. naturalistic etiologies OR the principle of equilibrium, including the assumptions that underlie these concepts in terms of world views, anatomy, illness causation explanation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

3.         Anais B. Celos was suffering from a serious bout of fear.  She was a professional big wave surfer, but during one competition at Maverick’s, she fell off the board and was held down but a series of waves. She almost drowned but was saved at the last minute. At night, she still has nightmares about this incident and since has been unable to surf.  She finally went to see her medicine person/healer about this condition.

Assuming you are the healer who is treating Ms. Celos, explain how would you diagnose and treat this illness in THREE different medical traditions.

Further, how would you provide an explanation for the cause of this illness IN FULL, contextualizing it in terms of world views and views of the body in THREE different medical traditions? In your explanation, incorporate a discussion of EITHER personalistic vs. naturalistic etiologies OR the principle of equilibrium, including the assumptions that underlie these concepts in terms of world views, anatomy, illness causation explanation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment

4.         Anthony B. Cruz was suffering from a serious bout of asthma.  He began his symptoms when he was two years old and these escalated through the months. His parents finally went to see her medicine person/healer about this condition.

Assuming you are the healer who is treating Anthony. Explain how would you diagnose and treat this illness in THREE different medical traditions.  Further, how would you provide an explanation for the cause of this illness IN FULL, contextualizing it in terms of world views and views of the body in THREE different medical traditions? In your explanation, incorporate a discussion of EITHER personalistic vs. naturalistic etiologies OR the principle of equilibrium, including the assumptions that underlie these concepts in terms of world views, anatomy, illness causation explanation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment

Part II (5 points)
Choose ONE prompt for your response.

1. Using the class material (e.g. Van Sickle, Farmworker Healthcare Lecture, Spirit Doctors, Amchis: Forgotten Healers of the Himalaya, etc.) to support your discussion, detail and also fully discuss any FIVE variables that come into play when a person seeks a particular type of treatment.

2. Finally, using the class material, discuss THREE challenges traditional medical systems face today.

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