Clinical psych

Clinical psych


Paper details:

Hello, I’m a physical therapy student and I need you to write a critical review for my psych class based on a book called Childhood Disrupted: by Donna Nakazawa. I attached the book for you. Please No Plagiarism. I need to submit it on turnitin. And, No reference page. Here’s the instruction for the paper.Thanks. Write a critical review of the following book:Childhood Disrupted: by Donna NakazawaStructure the paper in the following way. Part one (one paragraph) should be an abstract that simply summarizes the author’s book. Part two should answer the following question: “What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of authors’ views?” Part three should discuss what insights you gained personally from this book. Part four should discuss the implications for your physical therapy practice.. GRADING CRITERIA for TERM PAPER:Quality of narrative (clear picture of your thesis)Quality of analysis (range and depth of argument; logic of argument)Quality of research or original thought (appropriate sense of complexity of the topic; appropriate awareness of opposing views, supporting documentation)Organization & Development (effective use of transitions; unity & coherence of paragraphs)Clarity and Style (ease of readability)Sentence Structure and Mechanics (grammatically correct sentences; accurate spelling)

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