Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency

Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency

This is an assignment that discusses a Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency. A description of the agency and the client system.

Clinical case reflection on SFBT session on an agency


Each student will present a client with whom you have been working and will discuss your SFBT session with your client. This client may be seeing you individually, as part of a couple, or family. Your work together may be short or long term—you may have finished the work by the time you write the paper, or the work may still be in progress. You will be asked to write a clinical case reflection paper that will inform me about your approach to treatment. You may use case material and may reference any research you find useful and informative. The goal is to illustrate how you think about clinical issues, how you conceptualize cases, and how you approach treatment.

Include these three elements in your clinical reflection paper (four to seven pages double-spaced) on each of the three items below:

a) A description of your agency and of the client system. This should include (but not limited to) the name of the agency, the focus of service, and your role (job responsibilities/duties) in the agency; a description of the client system (i.e., age, education, ethnicity, family system); how lon‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍g you have been working with them (i.e., number, length, frequency, and location of meetings); and the issues that brought the client to you.

b) Discuss the structured SFBT session you conducted with the client from techniques. Also, discuss questions you used with your client and your observations about how it went. Also include any conversations with your field instructor/supervisor you had about your client either before or after meeting with your client sessions. Discuss how effective you were with using this approach in your work with this client and how the client responded to your counseling session. (You will NOT receive a lower grade if you determine your use of the SFBT techniques was not effective, as that can be an EXCELLENT discussion point; but please offer possible reasons and elaborate).

c) Finally, talk about barriers that you and the client may have faced as you work toward change. Also, what would you like to do next time in order to further your work. Discuss any cultural or client value issues that may be pertinent with your case. I work in the school setting so majority of my clients are between the ages of 5-‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍15.

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