Globalization Trade Wars and Economic Development


You are a senior advisor to the leader of Bolivia. Given the recent concerns about a trade war between China and the United States, how does this affect development in your country? Prepare a briefing for this leader, and answer the question: How does the global trade war affect your country, and which strategies would be best as a response? Choose three or more policy areas, including trade; capital liberalization; exchange rate policies; multinational corporations and foreign direct investment; immigration, poverty, inequality and development; global governance and democracy; global environment and public health. 1. Grounding your argument in at least one theoretical perspective of IPE of development (liberalism/liberal institutionalism, economic nationalism/mercantilism, Marxism/dependency theory, feminist theories, critical anti-colonial theory, cultural/constructivism), how would your country be affected by the trade war between China and the US? Given this context, which strategies are most important in your country’s top three policy areas? 2. Discuss the assumptions, key concepts, and main points of your chosen theoretical perspective and show how your theoretical perspective best explains this important question of economic policy priorities. 3. Please address two or more counter-arguments from other theoretical perspectives and show how your argument is more convincing. 4. Please provide some evidence from class readings and real world examples to support these claims. 5. Finally, provide a brief recommendation about specific policies for your country to pursue.

Globalization Trade Wars and Economic Development

21 minutes ago

Link to book for readings (1 source):

Fear and Motivation


Just go with whatever interests you that relates to motivation. My guidelines are only (1) length (4-5 pages single-spaced or 8-10 double-spaced); (2) sources (at least 2 other than the textbook, and they can be reputable web sites as well as books and journal articles); (3) style (the more coherent and tied together the narrative is, the better the grade, so topics should not to be so overly broad that coherence is difficult to achieve); (4) your own opinions are encouraged, and particularly important when there is controversy between two or more viewpoints.

Fear and Motivation

There are no guidelines for topic other than that, so please just say what interests you and I’ll take it from there. I am most familiar with the APA style for references, but if you have another format that you’re comfortable with that’s OK too. More important than format is that (1) every item cited in the text must be in the references as well, and the other way around and (2) the references be in alphabetical or numerical order.

Is drinking coffee good or detrimental for us

The research assignment should be 4 pages. APA style. Paper should incorporate direct quotes/ or paraphrasing from at least three different sources.


A total of five sources should be included in the references/bibliography. At least one source should be from a recent medical journal. Is drinking coffee good for us or detrimental for us?

Research paper about princess Diana

or your final paper you must choose a hoax, myth, mania, conspiracy theory, or scare tactic. You will explore it from 2 of the following: gender, religion, sex, socio-economic, or cultural perspective. You must also give the history of your choice. This is an exploration, not a summary. You will need 6 sources total. 3 must be peer reviewed, scholarly sources. You must use MLA. The paper is 7-8 pages typed. Times New Roman, Font 12, double spaced. Please use the proper MLA format we have been working on this semester.

Wirless Technologies to Support 5G

REPORT GUIDELINES Each group research report will result in a detailed 10-12-page written report. The research report should be neat, readable, and self-contained. Also, it should be written with the readers in mind. Any class member should be able to understand your report, and benefit from the results you obtain. Therefore, you should include adequate references and/or background materials and you should use tables, diagrams, graphs, figures, and portions of printouts to enhance readers’ comprehension of your research the following format is suggested. You don’t have to follow it exactly. Some sections may not be needed, or additional sections may be necessary. In all cases, please type and paginate your report! (1) Abstract. It comes first in your report, but you write it last. (2) Summary. Gives succinct information on the purpose, methods, results and conclusions reported. (3) Introduction. Include background material and discuss the scope and limitations of your project. (4) Discussion. The body of your report. This includes the methodology used. Be sure to fully describe any figures, tables or diagrams you include. (5) Results. (6) Conclusions. (7) Recommendations, especially for future work and unsolved problems. (8) References (must always be included), annotated if possible. (9) Appendices, including supporting material as needed.

House of cards or any political debate that relates to national government

Description Watch a documentary, series episode, televised political debate, or movie related to a topic in our class. Some examples include an episode of “House of Cards” (Netflix subscription required), a live parliamentary debate in the House or Senate via C-SPAN, or the PBS documentary “Trump’s Takeover” (free on PBS); Partake in a local election event of a party or political candidate running for Congress/Governor/President; Partake in an event related to an interest group such as Black Lives Matter, Environmental Protection advocates, Pro-Life/Pro-Choice advocates, etc. a summary of the co-curricular activity or documentary,  how it relates to this class, and how you feel about it.

Media, Journalism and Digital Labour

Paper details

Media, Journalism and Digital Labour Final Project Individually student will develop a final project relating to themes of the course in Essay Your final project must incorporate *at least* one reading from the list below. Keep in mind that each student must also turn in a Coursework Statement #4, reflecting on their learning during the final project, and throughout the course. Option A: Essay At least 2000 words (not more than 2500 words) Developing the research question or questions from your Final Project Proposal, write an essay of about 2000 words. The essay must incorporate *at least* one reading from the list below, as well as additional materials in the form of other scholarly articles and/or books and case studies. The essay must relate in some way to themes of this course. You must use direct reference (quotations) to scholarly materials and develop your ideas in a coherent and organized way. You must also include a Works Cited or References list as well as in-text citations using MLA, APA or Chicago style. Your essay should include the following at the top of your essay: 1. The name or names of the authors 2. Title of the essay 3. Indicate which citation style you are using (MLA, APA, Chicago)

Reyna Grande’s Distance Between Us and Family immigration story

Reyna Grande’s “Distance Between Us” and Family immigration story

Introduction: Pros and cons of interviews Pros: Interviews allow sociologists to Collect detailed information about a person or a group.

Reyna Grande’s Distance Between Us and Family immigration story

Get to know the interviewee and their context better. For example, if the interview is conducted at the interviewee’s home, researcher gains access to data such as the neighborhood the respondent’s home is located (indicating their social class), how the home is decorated, whether or not family pictures or art is displayed, etc. (If you conduct your interview in your family member’s home, pay attention to that: Are they displaying art work having to do with their ancestry, which family photos are displayed etc.?).


Establish a strong rapport with the interviewee, which can reduce dishonesty. In prestructured interviews, the face-to-face delivery of questions leaves room for clarifications and probing (unlike self-administered questionnaires) Cons: In using the interview method, Researcher has to be very careful to establish rapport to receive truthful answers. A respondent may be more likely to hide their true opinions or feelings, because they may be afraid of offending the interviewer or giving them a negative impression of themselves. The researcher has to spend a considerable amount of time conducting each interview.


Travel expenses may also make the research costly. It may sometimes be difficult to access and recruit willing respondents. Part I. Preparation To prepare, please read Reyna Grande’s “Distance Between Us.” Also, please read the excerpt from George Ritzer’s “Social Research Methods,” especially the part about “interviews” (pp. 83-85). (available under this week’s materials on Canvas) Review the “Writing a Paper” document (on Canvas, under Week 2 materials) to familiarize yourself with rules of spelling, proofreading, plagiarism and citations. Take the extra-credit quiz titled “Spelling, Proofreading, Plagiarism and Citations,” if you haven’t done so already. Part II. Collecting Data Conduct an in-depth interview with at least one of your family members about your family’s immigration history. This could be a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle or cousin. Please select somebody or multiple family members who have deep knowledge about your family’s history. The interview could be conducted on the phone if necessary but please note it in your paper, if that is the case. Also, if possible, information should be gathered on both mother’s and father’s sides of the family. Ask questions about where your family is from and how they arrived here (in the United States, in California or in Santa Rosa, whichever is available or applicable). Part III. Discussion: Questions on Reyna Grande’s “Distance Between Us” and Your Family’s Immigration History In your paper, please answer the following questions. Please number your answers.

Compare and contrast Jordan Peele’s film Us and Get Out

Paper details

Prompt: Compare and contrast Jordan Peele’s film, “Us” and “Get Out.” LENGTH: 1,500 words (approx. 6 pages; word count is more important than the page count) – FILM: 6 minutes or longer MINIMUM NUMBER OF SOURCES (Essay only):


Discuss TWO works from class (you may add ADDITIONAL works, either from inside or outside of class, but you must include at least two works from class.) And at least TWO secondary sources. (An outside article/blog/opinion that supports your argument or you refute in your paper. Wikipedia and dictionaries are not appropriate sources.) ———————————————————— YOUR ESSAY:


Based on the books, literature and films we have studied so far—or similar horror works you find during your research—craft an essay discussing your understanding of the themes in the black horror aesthetic and their meaning, context and/or effectiveness.

You should refer to the course work and at least two sources—which would include quoting from the works themselves. (Outside scholarship is required—TWO articles or blog posts, for example—but you must discuss at least two class works even if they don’t have equal weight.) Be as specific as possible. POSSIBLE APPROACHES:

You may write a compare and contrast essay about two or more of the works we have studied (or comparing a work we have studied to another outside of class); an analysis of two or more works; or present a specific argument (i.e. argumentative essay) that you then use your analysis of works to bolster.

You should have a thesis statement in your first paragraph and lay out your subtopics. Each paragraph introducing a new subject or idea should have a topic sentence.

FORMAT: Assignments MUST be emailed as a Word document (or Word compatible) of PDF. You must write DOUBLE-SPACED in a 12-pt font, preferably Times New Roman. The word count will be weighed more heavily than the page count, so do not rely upon specialty fonts to increase your page count. Again, it is best to use Times New Roman.

Essays may be formatted in MLA or APA style, but all citations should be cited in a Works Cited page. DEADLINE: You will receive full credit for turning your paper in on time as long as I receive it by midnight PST on November 26. Late papers will be marked down. PROMPT: Compare and contrast Jordan Peele’s Us and Get Out.

Justify selection of departmental and executive sponsors

This is a paper that is focusing on justify selection of departmental and executive sponsors. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing the assignment paper well.

Justify selection of departmental and executive sponsors


Complete Part 1 of the project charter using the Project Charter Template. Be succinct but be sure to include all required information. Include evidence-based rationale and cite appropriately using APA. Include the reference list on the last page.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate your work:

Justify selection of departmental and executive sponsors.
Describe the overarching aim of the project, including the impact on a process or systems change.
Summarize the specific project strategy or intervention that will be used to accomplish the aim.
Describe the project team members and reasons they were chosen.
Describe the impact the project will have on stakeholders, including patient safety and quality.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.;Even though this is a template, you are to write in complete sentences unless indicated otherwise. Avoid the use of bulleted lists or incomplete sentences.
Length: Complete all fields of Part 1 of Project Charter Template.
Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template, and provide a reference list on the last page.
APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point

Remember, ensure  that the paper pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.