Do men being a feminist increase their resilience

Do men being a feminist increase their resilience to sexual harassment, or will it make them more vulnerable to sexual harassment?

Do men being a feminist increase their resilience to sexual harassment, or will it make them more vulnerable to sexual harassment?

Research Question
Do men being a feminist increase their resilience to sexual harassment, or will it make them more vulnerable to sexual harassment?

Paper must Include:
Firstly, abstract.

Secondly, Introduction.

Thirdly, background of Study.

Fourthly, statement of the Problem.

Further, research Question.

Moreover, conceptual Framework.

Also, scope and Delimitations of Study

Furthermore, definition of terms
Literature Review
Sexual Harassment
Causes of Sexual Harassment
Effects of Sexual Harassment
Ways of preventing Sexual Harassment
Study Methodology
Focus groups
Secondary research methods
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
Summabikry of the Findings
Conclusion and Recommendation

More details;

Causes of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is, above all, a manifestation of power relations � women are much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment precisely because they more often than men lack power, are in more vulnerable and insecure positions, lack self confidence, or have been socialized to suffer in silence.� In order to understand why women endure the vast majority of sexual harassment, it is important to look at some of the underlying causes of this phenomenon.

Violence and Male Self-Perception

The relationship between the sexes in many countries around the world includes a considerable amount of violence against women.� Data about the United States, for example, indicate that one out of every ten women are raped or sexually assaulted during their lives, while more than half of all women living with men have experienced a battering or similar incident of domestic violence.

Violence by men against women exists in the workplace, as it does in other settings.� Some scholars, such as Susan Faludi, the author of Backlash: 

Marginalized underrepresented vulnerable population at San Diego City College

Marginalized underrepresented vulnerable population at San Diego City College

Identify a marginalized, underrepresented or vulnerable population at San Diego City College (SDCC). Discuss why this population is considered a marginalized, underrepresented or vulnerable population (cite the statistics/research).

Identify a marginalized, underrepresented or vulnerable population at San Diego City College (SDCC)

In this (maximum one-page) letter, please do the following:
1. Identify a marginalized, underrepresented or vulnerable population at San Diego City College (SDCC). Discuss why this population is considered a marginalized, underrepresented or vulnerable population (cite the statistics/research).

2. Discuss current support offered to this population at SDCC.

3. Provide at least one additional resource or system of support that is needed to help this population achieve equity or equality at SDCC.

Additionally, this letter should be brief and concise. Please do not worry about APA (but do cite your sources if used in-text) or being very formal, write this as if you were emailing the Dean with ideas.


More details;

Part 1
Institution offers sustainability courses and/or courses that include sustainability and also makes an inventory of those courses publicly available.
Part 2
Institution’s academic departments (or the equivalent) offer sustainability courses and/or courses that include sustainability.
In order to report and earn points for this credit, the institution must conduct a course inventory.

The inventory should consist of two parts:
1) An inventory of sustainability courses that includes, at minimum, the title, department (or equivalent), and level of each course (i.e. undergraduate or graduate), as well as a brief description if the sustainability focus of the course is not apparent from its title.
2) An inventory of other courses that include sustainability. The inventory includes, at minimum, the title, department (or the equivalent), and also level of each course and a description of how sustainability is integrate into each course.

A course may be a sustainability course or it may include sustainability; 
• A sustainability course is a course in which the primary and also explicit focus is on sustainability and/or on understanding or solving one or more major sustainability challenge (e.g. the course contributes toward achieving principles outlined in the Earth Charter).

Compare the law enforcement officers procedures and courts

Compare the law enforcement officers procedures and courts

This is a paper that is requiring the student to compare the law enforcement officers procedures and courts. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in the writing of the assignment paper well and precisely.

Compare the law enforcement officers procedures and courts.

Assignment Content

Scenario: You are interviewing for a position as human services professional who will be expected to interact regularly with juveniles and adults involved with the criminal justice system. The hiring committee wants to choose a candidate who can write clearly and who demonstrates a solid understanding of standard procedures in the juvenile versus adult criminal justice systems.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper comparing the procedures that law enforcement officers and courts should follow when interacting with juveniles versus adults during the stages of intake, prosecution, adjudication, and disposition.

Choose 1 of the following videos from the University Library of a court session to use as an example scenario for this assignment:

“Rodrick: Juvenile Court in Session”
“Kenneth: Juvenile Court in Session”
“Kymyada: Juvenile Court in Session”
“Morris: Juvenile Court in Session”

Compare the law enforcement officers procedures and courts.

In your paper, ensure you:

Summarize the case you chose and the legal issues facing the juvenile and the court.
Define the role and key parameters of the juvenile justice system.
Explain the function of juvenile vs. adult courts.
Summarize the court’s philosophy of juvenile justice used in this case.
Explain how law enforcement and the courts might have interacted differently with this person as a juvenile than if they had been an adult.
Summarize the rights and confidentiality protections that exist for this juvenile that are not the same for adults. Use the State Profiles from the National Juvenile Defender Center. Include at least 1 policy specific to your state that would be relevant in this case.
Describe at least 2 additional factors that officers and the court must consider for the juvenile in this case that may not work the same way for adults.

Use language and terms appropriate for each justice system when comparing juveniles versus adults.

Cite at least 2 academic sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

GEO110 physical environment fall 2020 assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze GEO110 physical environment fall 2020 assignment. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description details:

GEO110 physical environment fall 2020 assignment



The  Oak  Ridges  Moraine  is  an  important  land form in  Southern  Ontario  which  has  shaped  and also contributed to the development of human settlement around it over time. In your essay, you will discuss  various  aspects  of  the  Oak  Ridges  Moraine  itself,  and  its  importance  to  human development in the area. Your essay must include a brief discussion of the following questions, structured under seven subheadings:

1.     Introduction: Firstly, state what your essay is about, what your main argument will be, and how you will discuss it in your essay (i.e., list the sub-sections here).Your argument will come under sub-section 5: Why is it an important landform?

2.     Secondly, where is the Oak Ridges Moraine (please include a map)

3.     Thirdly, how and when did it form?

4.     Fourthly, what is its composition? (below the surface, above the surface)

5.     In  what  ways  have  human  beings  used  the  Oak  Ridges  Moraine? Why is  it  an important landform?(this is where your argument will come in)

6.     Discuss  one  of  the conflicts  that  has occurred  over  the  use  of  the  Oak  Ridges Moraine area? How was it resolved or is it still on going?

7.     Conclusion. Your brief conclusion summarizes your main argument.


Please use 12-pt font, Times New Roman, and make it double-spaced. You are required to use at least 3 peer-reviewed articles and/or books. You will find these articles by conducting  searches  on  Ryerson’s  RULA  library  system.  Please  click  on  this  link:  sure  to  checkmark  “scholarly  (including  peer reviewed) articles only” before conducting your searches.

Every figure, table, graph or photo must have a proper title above it, and also a reference below it. For images or tables from the internet, please paste the URL in very small font under the image.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) is a manufacturing leader

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) is a manufacturing leader in the utility vehicles (UVs) segment in the Indian automotive industry. Since 2004, M&M has been exporting UVs to South Africa,…

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) is a manufacturing leader

This assignment is worth 100 points (10% of your total grade). The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to apply what you have learned so far about international business foundations to a real-world situation that happened in the recent past.

·         Chandrasekhar, R. (2011). Mahindra & Mahindra in South Africa. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. If you purchased the case pack for Assignment #1, this case was also included. If not, see “Individual Assignments Overview” above for a link.

Background and Alternatives
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) is a manufacturing leader in the utility vehicles (UVs) segment in the Indian automotive industry. Since 2004, M&M has been exporting UVs to South Africa, the only country in the African continent with a significant middle-class population. M&M has set up a wholly owned subsidiary in South Africa, where it has also established a servicing and spare parts infrastructure and a dealer network.

The case is positioned as of May 2011, when M&M’s subsidiary must choose from among four alternatives:

1.       M&M can continue with its prevailing business model of importing completely built units (CBUs) from its Indian operations to meet local demand while using South Africa as a re-export hub to target the burgeoning markets in sub-Saharan Africa.

2.       It can also choose to form a joint venture, collaborating with a local vendor to assemble vehicles locally from completely knocked down (CKD) components imported from India.

3.       Alternatively, M&M may choose to set up a manufacturing facility of its own in South Africa, a model followed by many of its competitors.


4.       Lastly, M&M can choose to continue its cautious approach and watch until it notes clear signs of revival in demand.
The case provides an opportunity for you to examine each alternative and make a decision on M&M’s way forward in South Africa.

Your Assignment
1.       State your recommendation for the BEST alternative. You may select ONLY one.

2.       Justify your answer, using facts from the case and concepts from the text.

Your justification is more important than your recommendation. Be sure to provide solid arguments supported by facts in the case. Your justification should discuss advantages of your chosen alternative, but should also address disadvantages of the other three alternatives. This is an important part of making the best choice; just because one choice has advantages doesn’t mean that other choices might not be better.

Additional research is not useful for this case, since it is dealing with a situation that arose several years ago. In addition, what M&M actually chose to do is not important; it might not have been the best choice.

Format and submission requirements
·         Click the link above and submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.
·         Your assignment should be at most 1,000 words long. This requires you to be complete but concise.

You are working as a criminal justice research specialist assigned to a special crime reduction task force

You are working as a criminal justice research specialist assigned to a special crime reduction task force. The officials would like a report from you on three main theories as they relate to criminal behavior.

You are working as a criminal justice research specialist assigned to a special crime reduction task force

You are working as a criminal justice research specialist assigned to a special crime reduction task force. The officials would like a report from you on three main theories as they relate to criminal behavior. The focused crimes are personal assault, robbery, burglary, and theft. While race and ethnicity are not factors, there may be other identifiable factors or theories that motivate or predict a personal propensity to criminal behavior.  Your assignment is to:

Discuss in detail the risk factors and explanations for each of the following:  social, biological and psychological theories of criminal behavior.

Additionally, compare and contrast each of the theories, determining which is the most likely to be the primary contributor to criminal activity.

Collectively, these comparisons must be supported by at least three (3) cited sources from outside scholarly sources.
(Note: “Scholarly” sources include articles from professional journals —and also other professional publications, textbooks, professional association sponsored websites, etc. Not included are blogs, commercial websites and/or anything from Wikipedia.)

A Supreme Court case that had a direct influence on civil rights

This is a paper that is focusing on a Supreme Court case that had a direct influence on civil rights. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well and concisely.

A Supreme Court case that had a direct influence on civil rights

GOV-140: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Essay Resource

Assignment Instructions:

Write a 750-1,000-word essay on a Supreme Court case that had a direct influence on civil rights or civil liberties. Do the following:

Select a U.S. Supreme Court case with direct influence on civil rights or civil liberties. Visit the Supreme Court’s website for information about cases and rulings of the court.

Include the following for the case you selected:

Case Information

Firstly, explain the case background and the civil liberties or civil rights issue.

Secondly, describe the court’s ruling.

Thirdly, defend your position whether the Bill of Rights expands or contracts civil rights and civil liberties.

Individuals and Groups Involved

Fourthly, describe the individuals and groups involved and their role in the case from the beginning to the end.

Note any changes in the groups and individuals involved as the case advanced from the local courts to the Supreme Court, such as whether the number of interested parties or their level of involvement increased or decreased as the case progressed.

Describe whether the court’s decision met the objectives of the individuals and groups involved.

Case Influence

·      Explain the influence this ruling has on civil rights and civil liberties, and whether it protects or erodes civil rights or civil liberties.

·      Include how the involved individuals and groups used the process to advance or contract the civil rights or civil liberties through this case.

Include three or more scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

HR software selection and HR software implementation assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to prepare a HR software selection and HR software implementation assignment. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing this assignment paper in detail.

HR software selection and HR software implementation assignment

Please prepare a text document (5 pages of content + references) on the following points. You are the person responsible for HR Information Systems at the company Better AG, where you were tasked to prepare a project for selecting and implementing a new HR Software. Give an insight into how you would convince the board of directors for the HR software project and how you would plan such a project (market research, vendor selection, RFP/RFI, implementation, rollout, project timeline etc.). Pay attention to a meaningful structure and a coherent argumentation according to the case. Orient yourself on the following leading questions:

Phase 1: HR software selection

Firstly, what are the most important project phases, project milestones and deliverables in this specific project in chronological order?

Secondly, which stakeholders of BETTER AG do you have to involve in the project? What are their expectations, hopes, fears and attitude to the project?

Thirdly, how do you convince the skeptical board of directors for the project? How does BETTER AG benefit through the introduction of a new HR software? What are your key arguments? E.g. if you were the CEO … How do you make decisions? What information do you want to have?

HR software selection and HR software implementation assignment

Financial investment: you can assume 100 Euro per employee per year subscription fee (ongoing software costs) and 2 million Euro in total for the implementation through an external implementation partner (external onetime costs). Our internal efforts are not included.

Which selection criteria do you have to consider when deciding on a new HR software for our company?

What are the opportunities and risks behind the introduction of a new HR software solution?

What HR processes would you recommend to cover with HR software and why?

Phase 2: HR software implementation

Which implementation approach would you suggest?

Which project streams would you define? What are the most important phases in the implementation?

The new solution should be used internationally by all employees – how do you plan the appropriate training and also communication?

Where do you see a need for interfaces to other software products in the company?

How do you ensure support for the solution in the future?

You can find more information about the HR System market on and

The latter is only focusing on recruitment systems, not core HR systems such as Workday, SAP SuccessFactors, Peoplesoft etc.

Paper about an organization ( Dior )

Submit a research-based paper about an organization ( Dior ). This paper must include at least the items outlined in the table below. 1. Cover page (corporate names, your name, course number/name) 2. Table of contents 3. Corporate history and background 4. Corporate business strategy (vision, mission, goals, objectives) 5. Corporate structure (organizational chart) 6. Corporate stakeholders (who are they?) 7. Corporate identity, image, and reputation 8. Internal communication strategies (communicating with employees) 6. Corporate social responsibility strategies 7. Corporate advertising strategies 8. Media relations strategies 9. Investor relations strategies 10. Government relations strategies 11. Crisis communication strategies 12. Recommendations (as a consultant) 13. References Sheet



Paper about an organization  Dior


Globalization Trade Wars and Economic Development


You are a senior advisor to the leader of Bolivia. Given the recent concerns about a trade war between China and the United States, how does this affect development in your country? Prepare a briefing for this leader, and answer the question: How does the global trade war affect your country, and which strategies would be best as a response? Choose three or more policy areas, including trade; capital liberalization; exchange rate policies; multinational corporations and foreign direct investment; immigration, poverty, inequality and development; global governance and democracy; global environment and public health. 1. Grounding your argument in at least one theoretical perspective of IPE of development (liberalism/liberal institutionalism, economic nationalism/mercantilism, Marxism/dependency theory, feminist theories, critical anti-colonial theory, cultural/constructivism), how would your country be affected by the trade war between China and the US? Given this context, which strategies are most important in your country’s top three policy areas? 2. Discuss the assumptions, key concepts, and main points of your chosen theoretical perspective and show how your theoretical perspective best explains this important question of economic policy priorities. 3. Please address two or more counter-arguments from other theoretical perspectives and show how your argument is more convincing. 4. Please provide some evidence from class readings and real world examples to support these claims. 5. Finally, provide a brief recommendation about specific policies for your country to pursue.

Globalization Trade Wars and Economic Development

21 minutes ago

Link to book for readings (1 source):