Do men being a feminist increase their resilience
Do men being a feminist increase their resilience to sexual harassment, or will it make them more vulnerable to sexual harassment?
Do men being a feminist increase their resilience to sexual harassment, or will it make them more vulnerable to sexual harassment?
Research Question
Do men being a feminist increase their resilience to sexual harassment, or will it make them more vulnerable to sexual harassment?
Paper must Include:
Firstly, abstract.
Secondly, Introduction.
Thirdly, background of Study.
Fourthly, statement of the Problem.
Further, research Question.
Moreover, conceptual Framework.
Also, scope and Delimitations of Study
Furthermore, definition of terms
Literature Review
Sexual Harassment
Causes of Sexual Harassment
Effects of Sexual Harassment
Ways of preventing Sexual Harassment
Study Methodology
Focus groups
Secondary research methods
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
Summabikry of the Findings
Conclusion and Recommendation
More details;
Causes of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is, above all, a manifestation of power relations � women are much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment precisely because they more often than men lack power, are in more vulnerable and insecure positions, lack self confidence, or have been socialized to suffer in silence.� In order to understand why women endure the vast majority of sexual harassment, it is important to look at some of the underlying causes of this phenomenon.
Violence and Male Self-Perception
The relationship between the sexes in many countries around the world includes a considerable amount of violence against women.� Data about the United States, for example, indicate that one out of every ten women are raped or sexually assaulted during their lives, while more than half of all women living with men have experienced a battering or similar incident of domestic violence.
Violence by men against women exists in the workplace, as it does in other settings.� Some scholars, such as Susan Faludi, the author of Backlash: