Environmental Model of Nursing: Florence Nightingale

Environmental Model of Nursing: Florence Nightingale

(1 slide)
Introduction includes general information on what will be presented. Identify sections of the PowerPoint presentation.
Identification of Theory or Model (2 slides)
Identification and overview of one theory or model. Explanation of its relevance to the selected area of advanced practice nursing.

Provide speaker notes. Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which support the assertions made.
Issue or Concern in selected area of Advanced Practice Nursing
(1 slide)
Describe one specific issue or concern within the selected area of advanced practice nursing. Explanation of the impact of this issue or concern
on health outcomes. Provide speaker notes. Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which validate the
importance of the issue or concern.
Theory as Framework for Evidence-based Practice
(2 slides)
Explain how the theory or model can serve as a framework to support evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern. Discuss the
unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or model. Provide speaker notes. Speaker notes and/or slides include
citations from scholarly nursing literature which support the assertions which you present.
(1 slide)

Summarize key information presented in PowerPoint presentation. Provide speaker notes.
Total CONTENT Points= 160 pts
APA Format
Ideas and information that come from scholarly sources must be cited and referenced correctly. In-text and parenthetical citations must be used
and may be provided on the slide or within the speaker notes. Slides, speaker notes, and references are consistent with APA 6th edition format.
A minimum of three (3) scholarly references are used.

Presentation of Slides
PowerPoint presentation includes title slide, 7 content slides, reference slide(s). Presentation of slides are professional in appearance and tone.
Balance among space, words and graphics, and color is effective.
Kaltura Presentation
Kaltura is used for presentation. Recording is clear. Length of recording is between 5-15 minutes.
Writing Mechanics
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the
APA manual.

Total FORMAT Points= 40 pts
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
• Identification of sections of the presentation
• Speaker notes used to add depth to introduction
20.0 pts
Presentation of information is concise and includes the required elements.
18.0 pts
V. Good
Presentation of information is adequate and includes the required elements.
17.0 pts
Presentation of information includes ONE of the required elements.
10.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information is unclear or disorganized and includes one of or both the required elements.
0.0 pts

No introduction slide
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of Theory or Model
• Identifies one theory or model
• Explains the relevance of the theory or model to the selected area of advanced practice nursing
• Provides speaker notes
• Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which support the assertions made.
40.0 pts
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the required elements.
36.0 pts
V. Good
Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the required elements.
33.0 pts
Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the required elements.
20.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information in one of the required elements fails to meet expectations.
0.0 pts
Presentation of information in two or more required elements.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIssue or Concern in selected area of Advanced Practice Nursing
• Describes one specific issue or concern within the selected area of advanced practice nursing.
• Provides speaker notes
• Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which validate the importance of the issue or concern.
40.0 pts
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the required elements.
36.0 pts

. Good

Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the required elements.
33.0 pts
Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the required elements.
20.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information in one of the required elements fails to meet expectations.
0.0 pts
Presentation of information in two or more required elements.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTheory as Framework for Evidence-based Practice
• Explains how the theory or model can serve as a framework to support evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern.
• Provides speaker notes
• Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which support the assertions which are presented.
40.0 pts
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the required elements.
36.0 pts
V. Good
Presentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the required elements.
33.0 pts
Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the required elements.
20.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information in one of the required elements fails to meet expectations.
0.0 pts
Presentation of information in two or more required elements.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

• Summarizes key information presented in PowerPoint presentation
• Provides speaker notes
20.0 pts
Presentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the required elements.
18.0 pts
V. Good
Presentation of information is adequate and includes the required elements.
17.0 pts
Presentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the required elements.
10.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation of information in the required elements is missing.
0.0 pts
Conclusion is not provided
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the following:
• In-text citations are used and provided on the slide or within the speaker notes.
• Slides, speaker notes, and references are consistent with APA 6th edition format.
• Uses at least 3 scholarly references
One deduction for each type of APA format error.
10.0 pts
0 to 1 APA error is present
9.0 pts
V. Good
2–3 APA errors are present
8.0 pts

4–5 APA errors are present
5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
6–7 APA errors are present OR does not use at least 3 scholarly references
0.0 pts
8 or greater APA errors are present AND does not use at least 3 scholarly references
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation of Slides
• Title slide
• Reference slide(s)
• Slides are professional in appearance and tone.
• Slides are balanced spatially, including words and graphics.
• Color is effective.
• Presentation is 7 total slides
10.0 pts
PowerPoint presentation addresses all of the required elements.
9.0 pts V. Good
PowerPoint presentation does not address one of the required elements.
8.0 pts
PowerPoint presentation does not address two of the required elements.
5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
PowerPoint does not address three or more of the required elements.
0.0 pts
PowerPoint is unprofessional or does not include any required elements.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKaltura Presentation

• Kaltura is used as presentation medium
• Audio is clear
• Video is clear
• Presentation is between 5-15 minutes in length
10.0 pts
Kaltura presentation addresses all of the required elements.
9.0 pts
V. Good
Kaltura presentation does not address one of the required elements.
8.0 pts
Kaltura presentation does not address two of the required elements.
5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Kaltura presentation does not address any of the required elements.
0.0 pts
Kaltura is not used for presentation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
Grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual
10.0 pts
1–2 errors
9.0 pts
V. Good
3–4 errors
8.0 pts
5–6 errors
5.0 pts

Needs Improvement
7–8 errors
0.0 pts
9 or greater errors
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductions
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a
deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty
as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not
considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.
0.0 pts
Manual Deductions
0.0 pts
Manual Deductions
0.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0

Letter of Recommendation for a Nurse

Letter of Recommendation for a Nurse. Nurse Letter of Recommendation


A letter of recommendation from your physician.

Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare (Case Study)

Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare (Case Study)

Read the case and answer the questions

Q1– Give a brief outline of the case from a clinical perspective.
Do not use any patient identifiers.



Q2. Identify all the ethical and legal (if relevant) issues(s) of this case.
Identify the key ethical principles or theories that could apply to this case e.g. autonomy/ justice.


Identify the key legal issues where relevant.



Q3. Discuss the management of the case, from an ethical perspective, considering your own views and how you would deal with another similar case.


Your answer should include the following if not already discussed above:


·         Your first impressions of the case.

·         A description of how the GP dealt with the case.

·         Your view of the way the case was handled: strengths & weaknesses.

·         Any ethically preferable way you consider the case could have been handled.

·         Would you feel better equipped to deal with this case if it occurred again?

·         What influences did this case have on your own attitude from religious/cultural contexts?

·         Were you able to identify your own prejudices and limitations?




NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

Health Promotion and Policy

This is the name of the campaign:

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England Please follow the instruction of the question, the most important is :

1. Aims and objectives of the campaign

2. What is the theoretical underpinning of the Campaign

3. Evaluation of the Campaign

4. Effectiveness and impact of the Campaign

5. The strength and weakness of the Campaign

6. Conclusion

Health Disparities in the State of North Carolina

Health Disparities in the State of North Carolina

Research paper on Health disparities in the state of North Carolina, specifically county of Forsyth

In depth describing about how it affecting minorities.

APA format


Original Research Article Critique Related to Nursing

Original Research Article Critique Related to Nursing

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically evaluate an investigative study. Choose
an original or primary research study related to nursing or medicine. The purpose of this
assignment is to review a research study in-depth and to decide whether or not it is a valid
research study that can be used in practice. It is your written evaluation of the study, not just a
summary of the study. References must be w/in 5 years (2015-2020)
The body of your paper should follow APA Style guidelines, and it should 4 pages double-spaced
plus a cover page and reference list.

The full article must be attached to the critique for credit.
Note: Because submission of the article is part of the assignment requirements and is necessary
for grading, any assignment submitted without the accompanying article will be considered
Articles used for one assignment cannot be used for the other assignments. (Students should
find new research articles for each assignment.)
The selected articles should be ORIGINAL RESEARCH STUDIES Review articles, concept
analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systemic review should not be
Mixed-methods studies should not be used.
Your critique should include the following:
1. Research Problem/Purpose
Describe the problem as it is presented in the study.
State the purpose of the research.

Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing nursing or
healthcare knowledge?
Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
2. Review of the Literature (may be part of the author’s introduction or conclusion)
Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
Are the references current in relation to the publication date of the study? If not, what are the
possible reasons for using older sources?
3. Theoretical Framework
Do the authors identify their overall assumptions or a theoretical framework for the study? Are
these assumptions appropriate for the study?
Does the research draw only on nursing theory, or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
If a formal theory is not identified, suggest one (preferably a nursing theory) that might be
suitable for the study. Various nursing theories can be found at http://www.nursingtheory.org/theories-and-models/
4. Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions
What is the research question or the hypothesis? Is it clearly stated or implied?

What are the independent and dependent variables in the hypothesis or research question?
Are the variables clearly defined so that the reader understands the researchers’ interpretation of
the variables?
Is the dependent variable concrete and measurable?
5. Methodology
What type of design (quantitative, qualitative) was used in this study?
Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
Describe how the independent variable was tested or surveyed in the study.
Describe how the dependent variable was measured.
Discuss the reliability and the validity (quantitative) or the credibility (qualitative) of the
measurement tools.
How were ethical considerations addressed? What ethical considerations were necessary for this
type of study?
6. Data Analysis
What data analysis method was used?
How were the results in the study presented to the reader?

Discuss at least one (1) finding from the authors’ results and relate it to the dependent variable of
the study.
7. Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
What are strengths and limitations of the study other than those stated by the authors?
Can the researcher generalize the findings to other populations? Explain.
What is the significance of the findings and conclusions for you in your personal nursing
practice? For nursing as a profession?
The body of your paper should be 4 pages double-spaced plus a cover page and a reference
page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA Style guidelines. References
used must be w/in 5 years 2015-2020

Creating a Health Promotion Program

Creating a Health Promotion Program

Your Signature Assignment is your opportunity to combine what you have learned throughout
this class and to show how you meet the learning outcomes of your program.
For this assignment:
Select a population with a health disparity in your community.
(*African American )
Describe the factors that contribute to the disparity: social, racial, cultural, environmental,
religious, etc.
What systems are in place to remedy this situation?
Design a health promotion program that addresses solutions to the disparity in a culturally
competent way.
What barriers will be faced by the population? What barriers will be faced by the public health
What systems will need to be in place to ensure appropriate utilization of the program resources
in order to achieve improvement in health equity within the community?
Your paper should be five to seven pages in length (excluding cover page and reference page).
Use APA (6th ed.) format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into
the paragraphs and use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting
your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Obesity Awareness Comparison

Obesity Awareness Comparison

Obesity is not just an American problem; it has become a global concern.
You will explore obesity around the world. You will research information on obesity in the United
States and two other countries, each from different continents.
For this assignment:
Discuss obesity in the United States and the two countries you selected.
What comparisons can be made?
What are the cultural differences in these countries that contribute to obesity?
What are some of the contributing factors to worldwide obesity rates?
What are some social determinants that may contribute to obesity rates?
What are shared causal or associative factors that contribute to the global spread of this
Compile your response into an APA-formatted, three- to four-page paper (excluding cover page
and reference page) that addresses each item listed above.
Use APA (6th ed.) format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into
the paragraphs and use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting
your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

Health Promotion and Policy

This is the name of the campaign: NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

Please follow the instruction of the question, the most important is :

1. Aims and objectives of the campaign

2. What is the theoretical underpinning of the Campaign

3. Evaluation of the Campaign

4. Effectiveness and impact of the Campaign

5. The strength and weakness of the Campaign

6. Conclusion

Role of Big Data and Data Analytics in COVID-19 Pandemic

Role of Big Data and Data Analytics


Discuss the Role of Big Data and Data Analytics in Epidemic Handling (with focus on the COVID-19 pandemic)