Collaborative nursing home leadership

Research Paper ( 8 Pages ) The Research Paper will be an analysis of a collaborative effort of the student’s choosing. The topic may be a collaboration within a single entity (a community or a place of employment) or one that involves multiple organizations. Personal involvement in the subject collaboration is a plus as it allows the student to bring personal observation into the discussion, but it is not required. The topic must be approved by the instructor. In completing the analysis, students will demonstrate understanding of concepts discussed in class assignments and readings. The paper shall be eight to ten pages in length (double spaced/12-point font size), excluding the abstract, references and any supplemental materials, and will use APA format for reference citation and structure. The paper will follow the following outline: Abstract (on separate page) Introduction Description of Collaboration, including who is involved, objectives, status (e.g., in preparation, ongoing, completed), measures of success, etc. Analysis of leadership challenges, success/failure, reasons why Analysis of lessons learned that can be applied to other collaborative efforts Summary and Conclusion References Supplemental Materials (Optional) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Reflection Paper ( 2 Pages ) The Reflection Paper should be at least two pages but should not exceed four pages (double spaced/12- point font size). It will be a narrative that summarizes the student’s personal “key learnings” from the course and how they can be applicable to the student’s work or personal life. In addition to submitting the paper, a summary (two – four paragraphs citing one or two key items) will should be posted in a Discussion Forum. Evaluation of this summary will be included as part of the 15% of students’ overall grade allocated in Activity Weight for the Reflection Paper. ……………………………………………………………………. “Collaborative nursing home leadership ” Research Paper needs to include this following topics. You can rewriting from the “Collaborative Healthcare leadership” ( additional file ) but change to the topic to “nursing home” details and including this following information on the paper .( see detail on the PDF file ) 1: The Context of Collaboration ( unit2 ) 2 An Organization Model of Collaboration ( unit3 ) 3: Teams- The Heart of Collaboration ( unit4 ) 4: Developing People ( uni5 ) 5: Leading Change ( unit6 )

Intelligent Hospital Pavillion ICU

Watch these 3 videos. Write a paper in which you identify and describe elements that you feel are of benefit or risk to both patients and nurses. Explain the benefits/risks and why you do or do not support this type of available technology. Your paper should be a minimum of three pages and written in APA format with at least three outside credible references

Job Stress among nurses

Review and summarize an academic journal article. Discuss each of the following. 1. Purpose of the research (Job Stress among nurses) 2. The method used, including the participants (subjects in the study; source of subjects), types of instruments to collect data, and other pertinent information 3. Summary of the findings 4. What are the implications for the organization and/or workers from this research? 5. Discuss the contributions of the research (do findings provide new information or supports previous research?) 6. Discuss additional research that might come from this study.

Discuss the effect of a patient’s level of health age lifestyle and environment on oxygenation

Introduction states intent and purpose of paper disease/condition pathophysiology clearly explained and signs and symptoms observed on assessment clearly described nursing diagnoses related to condition nursing interventions to treat conditions and evaluation methods clearly stated conclusion paragraph clearly summarizes nursing care plan for disease/condition with APA FORMAT COVER PAGE ABSTRACT BOBY OF INFORMATION REFERENCES IN TEXT CITATION

What is the relationship between medication error reporting and patient safety What are the barriers to medication error reporting

Research Question: What is the relationship between medication error reporting and patient safety? What are the barriers to medication error reporting? An annotated bibliography of scholarly sources that can be used to answer the questions in the topic: What is the relationship between medication error reporting and patient safety & What are the barriers to medication error reporting? 6 sources needed for bibliography.

Nursing home shortage of nurses and nursing assistance to resident ratio

Senior Healthcare Facility Recommendation ReportA title page (page 481). A letter of transmittal (pages 481). An abstract (pages 481-482). This will provide an overview of a problem and solution relating to the larger Recommendation Report. A table of contents and corresponding page numbers (pages 482-483). This table should closely correlate with subheadings, and figures in the body of the Recommendation Report. A table of graphics/illustrations (pages 483-485). This table should closely correlate with subheadings, and figures in the body of the Recommendation Report. A one-page executive summary (pages 483-484, 493). Body, including an introduction (problem, solution, background, data sources, scope and limitation) that ends with a clear thesis statement or initiative to solve the identified problem, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations (pages 478-480). A concluding paragraph that restates the paper’s main ideas (pages 480).. Effective, useful, and properly cited graphic aids (minimum of three). For citation guidance, see pages 483-485). Glossary that provides a comprehensive overview of specialized terminology appearing in the Recommendation Report (pages 479-489). Include at least four sources (from Week Two Assignment) in addition to the course textbook that are amply and appropriately cited in the text of the document and listed on the Reference page. Two sources must be credible journal articles from the Ashford University Library. References page in APA format (pages 488-489, 622-638).

Op-Ed opinion-editorial) on violence directed towards or threats on the job to paramedics teachers and nurses


Write an Op-Ed (opinion-editorial) on violence directed towards, or threats “on the job” to, paramedics, teachers (talk about this area), nurses, social workers etc. Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that applies to an issue or problem relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of the common good that relates to your professional practice now and in the future (i.e., the degree program you are studying) and I am studying bachelor of education- primary. The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what the issue or problem is and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses the issue or problem and relates to the discipline area you are studying in which is bachelor of education – primar

Epidemiology: Influenza


Please try to include this article: Students will be required to complete a 7-10 page final paper for this course.

The final paper will require the student to select an infectious or chronic disease and provide an epidemiological overview of this topic. Please note that you must gain approval from your instructor for your topic during Week 4. Also, carefully review Lesson 7 before you begin to work on this paper. All writing should be in paragraph form and academic writing style (no lists). Include at least one epidemiologic table or graph in proper format. Since topics may vary, formatting will as well; however, students will need to provide:

Abstract Introduction of disease nature of disease

– if chronic or acute, infectious or not, disease agent or underlying causes Clinical picture

– symptoms of disease, treatment Descriptive epidemiology Number of people infected or affected today (number of deaths, if applicable) should also use graphs and tables (Use descriptive epidemiology concepts)

– at least one is required What populations are more at-risk and why? overall trend in incidence and prevalence of disease Public health interventions including prevention such as vaccination programs, educational efforts how is the disease controlled by public health (not how individuals avoid it) Conclusion what is the outlook of the disease? summarize main points of paper

There must be a minimum of five (5) different scholarly sources used. References must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. If necessary, refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ED). 2009 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 3. Use Times New Roman Font in a 12-point font.

Administrative Processes for Preventing Nursing Home Patient Abuse

Administrative Processes for Preventing Nursing Home Patient Abuse


Paper details:

All papers must be written using the APA style. A simple compilation of the authoritative works on a subject will be necessary but insufficient to properly complete the project. A thorough analysis of the subject must be made with conclusions developed by the student. The paper should be double-spaced, contain a cover page, an Abstract and a Bibliography

Patient Care Executive PCE


A new position called the Patient Care Executive (PCE)patients and their families would get a better, more personalized hospital experience, while doctors could spend less time managing patients and more time practicing medicine. but the doctors have been complaining that the PCEs are incompetent and intrusive The CEO has gotten wind that the PCEs are a factor in the hospital’s high doctor turnover and is trying to decide whether to get rid of the role altogether