Enhancing nursing and midwifery practice

Read: Borbasi, S., & Jackson, D. (2016) Navigating the maze of research: Enhancing nursing and midwifery practice (4th ed.). Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 10. Or Borbasi, S., & Jackson, D. (2012) Navigating the maze of research: Enhancing nursing and midwifery practice 3e. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. These above are two books name. you need to do this research from these books only. i want this solution to be ready by 20th august but i will show this to my professor on 21st for proof reading and if i need changes then you have to make that changes, again on 26th i show again to my professor for once again for proof reading then if i satisfied then only i will release whole payment.

keeping nurses engaged at work and provide programs to help balance the challenges of the demands of personal life and work

Description For this paper, pick one topic in personnel psychology and investigate what practices and programs organization utilize for that area. Your paper should look at what is considered the norm, what is legally (if at all) required, and what are some of the novel approaches to this area. Additionally you should use your new found knowledge of personnel psychology to evaluate the effectiveness (or lack of) these programs and use the theory from the course to explain why they are or are not effective. Your paper should at a minimum include the following as part of this assessment: • Overview of topic • Normative practices • Best practices • Emerging practices • Evaluation of effectiveness • Incorporation of at least 2 theories in your evaluation

Executive Summary – Medication Errors

Description Your summary of relevant outcome measures is based on your findings from the quality and safety gap analysis you completed in the previous assessment. Preparation Your analysis of the gap between current and desired performance was the first step toward improving outcomes.

You now have the information you need to move forward with proposed changes. Your next step is to focus on existing outcome measures and their relationship to the systemic problem you are addressing. For this assessment, you have been asked to draft a summary of existing outcome measures for your organization’s executive team to raise awareness of the problem and the strategic value of existing measures. Requirements

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Executive Summary Scoring Guide. Be sure that your written analysis addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Executive Summary Scoring Guide and Guiding Questions: Executive Summary (linked in the Resources) to better understand how each criterion will be assessed. Composing the Executive Summary Explain key quality and safety outcomes. Determine the strategic value to an organization of specific outcome measures.

Analyze the relationships between a systemic problem in your organization or practice setting and specific quality and safety outcomes. Determine how specific outcome measures support strategic initiatives related to a quality and safety culture. Determine how the leadership team would support the implementation and adoption of proposed practice changes affecting specific outcomes.

A Comprehensive Health Education Program Presentation on a Specific Vulnerable Population

Your presentation should be at least 15–20 slides, not including your cover slide or reference slides. Your reference slides should cite at least seven references. Your presentation should, at the minimum, include the following topics regarding your chosen vulnerable population and related health education program/plan: Clearly states population chosen Describes the vulnerable population States the current population demographics Discusses background of the problem, and its effect on public health

Discusses the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population Discusses the psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population Discusses the economic concerns of the population including, but not limited to, income levels, educational levels and occupation

Discusses specific health concerns of the population Information on specific risk factors for target population is presented concisely and accurately

Discusses prevention and control of health concerns and risk factors (primary, secondary and tertiary) Discusses the role of the public health nurse in caring for vulnerable populations States the core functions of public health and applies it to the care of the specific population

Three local agencies/facilities delivering services to the target population are identified and accessibility and service rendered are fully described Additional resources needed in the community are identified. Information discussed is current, within the last 5 years.

stress factors in the field of nursing

answer these questions, at least one paragragh and citation per question. How does urban compare to rural nurses? How does age play a role? Could age be connected to injury which would effect stress? If the hospital has a union do nurses feel less stress? What is an exemplary hospital for how it treats health care workers? Where is it located and what are they doing? – What age groups are most effected by stressors in the practice of nursing? – What gender is most effected by stressors in the practice of nursing? here are some helpful websites: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2442035/ https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1547-5069.2005.00030.x https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5039891/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0099176702699106

Medication Errors

Medication Errors

Root Cause Analysis Please follow the Root Cause Analysis example paper for paragraph headings and such. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative. Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address a safety issue or sentinel event. Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan.

Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks. Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event within an organization.

Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety. Identify existing organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve a plan.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care. Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style. Use the Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan Template [DOCX] to help you to stay organized and concise. Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score. Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event in an organization. Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address the safety issue or sentinel event. Identify organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve your plan. Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan.

Analysis of Clinical Legal/Ethical Nursing Issue Paper

Analysis of Clinical Legal/Ethical Nursing Issue Paper

1. Choose either an ethical dilemma or a legal nursing situation that you think is a significant issue in nursing practice. 2. Analyze your chosen ethical dilemma or a legal nursing situation utilizing the two ethical theories or principles you chose. Use the Seven-Step Decision Making Model. a) Determine and describe all the facts of the situation – what, when, where, who, and why? b) Determine and describe the exact ethical issue involved. c) Determine and describe the rules, laws, principles, or values that are involved. d) List all possible options or courses of actions. e) Determine all the advantages and disadvantages of each options. f) Determine all the possible consequences and who would be affected by the options. g) Determine which decision is best for that decision. References- Scholarly citations only i.e. text, journals and other scholarly sites; do not use Wikipedia or blog posts. 3. Make a conclusion of which theory or principle you find most agreeable in answering your chosen situation.

Social Media in Nursing Today

Social Media in Nursing Today

Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems for nurses as well as the field of nursing. Login to all social media sites in which you engage. Review your profile, pictures and posts. Based on the professional standards of nursing, identify items that would be considered unprofessional and potentially detrimental to your career and that negatively impact the reputation of the nursing field. In 800 words, summarize the findings of your review. Include the following: Describe the posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing at work and in their personal lives. Include discussion of how personal conduct can violate HIPAA or be considered unethical or unprofessional. Provide an example of each to support your answer. Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

Evaluate the state boards of nursing’s rules and regulations to which you must adhere to for nursing education

Assignment Content


Top of Form

Deciding on the model or concept to use when developing curriculum depends on the type of program the nurse educator plans to build. Here are some questions to consider before developing a nursing curriculum:


What type of curriculum would the nurse educator build for an academic pre-licensure program versus a graduate program, or would the concept be the same? 

What does the board of nursing in your state indicate, as needed, in nursing curriculum? 

What type of curriculum would the nurse educator build for non-credit professional development or continuing education curriculum?


research different models and concepts of curriculum types: block-based, concept-based, competency-based, and problem-based.


Evaluate the state boards of nursing’s rules and regulations to which you must adhere to for nursing education.


Cite and reference sources.


Preterm labour and birth

Preterm labour and birth

NICE guideline [NG25] Published date: November 2015


1.11 Fetal monitoring

Monitoring options: cardiotocography and intermittent auscultation

1.11.1 Discuss with women in suspected, diagnosed or established preterm labour (and their family members or carers as appropriate):

  • the purpose of fetal monitoring and what it involves
  • the clinical decisions it informs at different gestational ages
  • if appropriate, the option not to monitor the fetal heart rate (for example, at the threshold of viability).

1.11.2 Involve a senior obstetrician in discussions about whether and how to monitor the fetal heart rate for women who are between 23+0 and 25+6 weeks pregnant.

1.11.3 Explain the different fetal monitoring options to the woman (and her family members or carers as appropriate), being aware that:

  • there is limited evidence about the usefulness of specific features to suggest hypoxia or acidosis in preterm babies
  • the available evidence is broadly consistent with that for babies born at term (see monitoring during labour in the NICE guideline on intrapartum care)
  • a normal cardiotocography trace is reassuring and indicates that the baby is coping well with labour, but an abnormal trace does not necessarily indicate that fetal hypoxia or acidosis is present.

1.11.4 Explain to the woman (and her family members or carers as appropriate) that there is an absence of evidence that using cardiotocography improves the outcomes of preterm labour for the woman or the baby compared with intermittent auscultation.

1.11.5 Offer women in established preterm labour but with no other risk factors (see monitoring during labour in the NICE guideline on intrapartum care) a choice of fetal heart rate monitoring using either:

  • cardiotocography using external ultrasound or
  • intermittent auscultation.

1.11.6 For guidance on using intermittent auscultation for fetal heart rate monitoring, see monitoring during labour in the NICE guideline on intrapartum care.

Fetal scalp electrode

1.11.7 Do not use a fetal scalp electrode for fetal heart rate monitoring if the woman is less than 34+0 weeks pregnant unless all of the following apply:

  • it is not possible to monitor the fetal heart rate using either external cardiotocography or intermittent auscultation
  • it has been discussed with a senior obstetrician
  • the benefits are likely to outweigh the potential risks
  • the alternatives (immediate birth, intermittent ultrasound and no monitoring) have been discussed with the woman and are unacceptable to her.

1.11.8 Discuss with the woman (and her family members or carers as appropriate) the possible use of a fetal scalp electrode between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks of pregnancy if it is not possible to monitor the fetal heart rate using either external cardiotocography or intermittent auscultation.


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