Trends Issues and Opportunities in Home Health Care

Trends, Issues and Opportunities in Home Health Care


Paper details:

Assignment: Read the following case study and submit a 1300 – 1500 word paper that addresses the case study and the questions at the end of the case 5 study. Include 4 citations NOT OLDER THAN YEARS OLD. Include the text below of Clark (2015) in the citations. APA formatting required. Mr. B. is an 83 year old male referred to home health services following a hospital admission for congestive heart failure. His payor source is Medicare (traditional). He lives alone and indicates he does not have sufficient financial resources to afford private-pay in home supportive care. His daughter, who lives in the neighboring county about 30 miles away, has offered her father to move in with her – he has refused and she is not “forcing the issue”. Mr. B. is also not open to discussing moving to an assisted living environment. This is his third hospital admission for the same problem over the last 12 months and his second admission to a home health agency. He was discharged from the previous home health agency 6 weeks ago. Physician orders are for the home health agency to provide skilled nursing for assessment of his cardiac condition and to teach him about his care and medication regime. Physical therapy has been ordered to establish a home exercise program. Home health aide services have been ordered 3 times a week to assist Mr. B. with his personal care needs. By the end of the third week of service, it is clear to the RN Case Manager that Mr. B. is not making progress to the established goals. She reports during case conference that he is not a good candidate for teaching because of intermittent confusion and forgetfulness. According to the nurse, no matter what she has tried to teach him and regardless of the aids she has used, Mr. B. continues to take is medication incorrectly. She states, “I know he needs services, but I am not sure that he is in the right environment. I am concerned about Mr. B. – I am not sure why his daughter won’t just step up and put her foot down.” The physical therapist reports at case conference that the “client lacks motivation”. The home exercise program has been established with Mr. B.; however, he does not complete the exercises between therapy visits. An improvement in his personal hygiene has been noted with the Home Health Aide (HHA) services. The HHA has also been successful in decluttering his living space. The HHA reports that she is concerned that he is not eating regular meals. This situation offers an ethical challenge to the professional caregivers and to the agency for which they work. Discuss how you would handle this ethical dilemma. Address the following questions as a part of your response: 1. What are your concerns about this case? 2. How does the RN Case Manager meet her ethical responsibilities to the patient and to the organization? 3. What is the best plan of action to ensure the client’s safety and well-being? 4. What are realistic outcomes and goals for this client? 5. Who will provide the ongoing care needs required by this client? Goals After completing this module, you will be able to do the following: Identify trends, issues, and opportunities influencing the provision of home health care services. Explain how pay for quality performance initiatives are influencing home health care delivery. Explore the ethical challenges faced by professional caregivers in community-based care. Overview We plan to examine the present state of the home health care industry and examine future trends and opportunities. Just as other segments of the health care industry have been impacted by health care reform, the home health industry is no different – provider organizations have been challenged by the changing reimbursement landscape and more often than not, are having to “do more with less”. As a result, it is imperative to examine productivity and efficiency while simultaneously looking to enhance patient outcomes. The prudent home health care administrator is constantly surveying the horizon and must be vigilant to ensure that his/her agency remains viable in the face of industry challenges. However, one cannot focus only on the challenges; he/she must look to the future and position the agency to be a leader in the provision of quality services that patients and their families expect. Future trends and opportunities for the home health care industry include, but are not limited to : Partnerships with other providers in the provision of quality care that enhances patient outcomes. Pay for quality performance initiatives. Demographics of an aging population. Use of technology in the provision of home health care services. Research opportunities in home health care. Home health nurses cannot be passive participants in their practice environment, but instead should seize the opportunity to lead the organization to new levels. Ethical dilemmas present themselves in the home care setting just as they do in any other health care setting. The home health care nurse must be comfortable with navigating these situations so that patient’s desires can be respected and care can be provided within professional boundaries. Learning Materials Chapter 13 – Clark, M. (2015). Population and community health nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Case Management Society of America’s Standards of Practice for Case Management (2016). Pay for Performance Demonstration Home Health Star Ratings HHC Star Ratings (46 minutes)

Leadership and Management in Nursing

Leadership and Management in Nursing


Paper details:

It should be 2 files In a two-part assignment, submitted in weeks 6 and 8, you will create a job portfolio that highlights your exemplary nursing career. In Week 6, you will focus on creating a cover letter and personal statement. Planning for Professional Development Part 1 due this week: Step 1 Create a cover letter for your portfolio. Imagine that you are interviewing for a nurse manager position in your institution. Write a cover letter, containing at least two-paragraphs, explaining why you want to be a nurse manager and why you are the best candidate for the position. Review how to prepare an effective cover letter There are many online resources to help you. You may find GCF Learn Free particularly useful. You may use one of the following templates for your cover letter or develop one of your own. Cover letter 1 Cover letter 2 Step 2 State your nursing beliefs. Some employers ask you to include a personal statement. To complete this section, create a separate document with the following three main headings: Why I Became a Nurse My Nursing Philosophy For assistance in writing your philosophy, see Nursing Philosophy Examples and refer to previous course work, particularly NUR300 Professional Issues in Nursing. My Vision for the Next Five to Ten Years Each section should be at least one paragraph long. Please on the second assigment the respond to each questions should be at least one paragraph. follow the instructions

Research and Informatics in Home Health Nursing

Research and Informatics in Home Health Nursing


Paper details:

Assignment: For this professional development exercise, submit a 1250 – 1350 word paper. Two resources outside of your text should be used for this assignment. Citations must not be older than 5 years old and textbook to be cited is Clark 2015 below. In the United States, the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) data are used for home health regulation, reimbursement, clinical purposes, and research. Debate the validity and reliability of OASIS as a tool in the measurement of patient outcomes, in research, and in quality improvement. Goals After completing this module, you will be able to do the following: 1. Identify research opportunities what will increase nursing knowledge in the home health care environment and advance the validity of the industry as a whole. 2. Examine telehealth as an opportunity to influence the practice of home health care nursing and transform home health care operations. Overview Welcome to Module 7! This module will explore research opportunities for home health nursing practice. Additionally, the use of technology and information technology in the home health care industry will be explored. The extent of research in home health is small; however, there is a tremendous opportunity for home health nurse researchers to contribute to the body of knowledge related to outcomes, health policy, models of care, and best practice interventions in home health care services. There is a need to explore interventions and best practices that will decrease the risk of adverse events for home health care recipients. Technology and information technology related tools are evolving rapidly in the home health care environment. These tools demonstrate the ability to influence home health nurse practice and agency operations. Telehealth, within the scope of home health nursing care, offers promising opportunities to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of communication, to enhance quality of care, improve patient and clinician safety, and increase productivity. The home health care agency of today must consider technology that enhances clinical, financial, scheduling, and statistical management if they are to remain relevant and viable. Learning Materials • Chapter 13 – Clark, M. (2015). Population and community health nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. • Case Management Society of America’s Standards of Practice for Case Management (2016). • Marketing your agency (1 hour and 9 minutes)

The Role of the Nurse Leader

The Role of the Nurse Leader


Paper details:

This week’s focus is the nurse leader’s role in this and similar projects. Consider the nurse leader’s role at each stage of your project. Determine actions the nurse leader needs to take to ensure project success. Consider the following: -Communication -Training -Budget -Change management -Authority Format your assignment as an 825-word APA-formatted paper. The paper must be formatted using APA-compliant headings for each required topic of the assignment being addressed. You must use and cite two peer-reviewed references.

In women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism at the realization of pregnancy does treatment with levothyroxine for TSH greater than 2.5mlU/L reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion within the first trimester


Provide a written narrative covering the following items: Please label each week 6-10 and write on each week individually. (1) Bullet points providing an overview of clinical or scholarly activities during the reporting time period (Weeks 1–5). (2) Commentary and evidence (examples) of progress toward achieving specific course objectives. (3) Reflections that include thoughts, feelings, and correlation to the University Five Pillars of Nursing (professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring) on the overall experience and correlate to The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice. The essentials that correlates mostly with my project are these 3 below: (1) Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice (2) Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes (3) Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health Refer to the website for the DNP essentials details:

Research question: In women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism at the realization of pregnancy, does treatment with levothyroxine for TSH greater than 2.5mlU/L reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion within the first trimester? Please just generalized the experiences eg. Going through patient charts, researching different studies related to my topic. Mention how helpful my mentor has been with guidance and IRB application.

What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections in patients


TASK: Critically justify the application of the EBP process in a practice situation and the rationale for why a nurse would need to know the answer to the chosen question.

My chosen question is “What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections in patients?”

In your justification, consider the following: o support your discussion with current literature (in-text references) on EBP o think about health and safety and clinical practice o remember at this point you are not answering the question, you are just informing the reader of the importance of answering the question for clinical practice.

• Develop a search strategy to then systematically search the relevant nursing databases for articles to answer your answerable question. • Report your systematic search narratively. You can support your narrative report with a table- a logic grid of search terms will be good idea.

• Refer to the unit material to ensure that your report covers all elements of the systematic search (keywords, alternative keywords, databases, limits, hits).

• Make sure that you narrow your search to 10 articles that are relevant to your answerable question.

• In your report, it is required to outline how you narrowed your search. Many students in my cohort have found this task confusing, I have attached a form titled ‘Replies to students queries’ where our lecturer clears up confusions many students have around the structure of this assignment.

It has been stated to us that it is important to know that this assignment is not about answering the question, but about the justification of the Evidence Based Practice process, breaking down the question using PIO or PICO, and narrating how we came to find the articles

Racial Ethnic Disparities in Nursing Home Healthcare Services

Racial Ethnic Disparities in Nursing Home Healthcare Services

All sources must be peer-reviewed sources 10 sources at least. PERR REVIEWED

Executive summary: Wound care for SNF/long term care facilities


In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved( WOUND CARE FOR SKILLED NURSING FACILITY). Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which the board will make its decision to fund your program or project. Include the following: The purpose of the quality improvement initiative. The target population or audience. The benefits of the quality improvement initiative. The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative. The cost or budget justification. The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

Lesson Evaluation

Lesson Evaluation

The effective nurse educator employs a variety of formative and summative techniques during curriculum implementation to monitor student learning. A well-developed lesson plan employs both formative and summative assessments. A nurse educator should plan to use data from these assessments to guide instruction. The purpose of this assignment is to employ a variety of assessment strategies to guide instruction and evaluate learning.

Using the Topic Materials and your own research, write a 900-1200 word paper describing your plan to evaluate student learning in your capstone lesson plan. Include the following criteria: Description of one formative assessment strategy to be used in lesson plan with rationale. Explanation of how the data from the formative assessment will guide your instruction. Description of one summative assessment strategy to be used in the lesson plan with rationale.

Explanation of how the data from the summative assessment will guide your future lesson plan revisions. Description of the instructor satisfaction survey to be administered to students. Explanation of how data from the instructor satisfaction survey will guide your teaching practice. Cite two or three peer‐reviewed/scholarly resources no more than 5 years old in your paper. Prepare this assessment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing Shortage

Using the references you identified in the module 1, write a first draft of your paper in 2,500-3,000 words. Include Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References sections and headings. Refer to one of the journal references you are using and copy its writing style/format rather than APA (You can also typically go to the journal’s home page and find links to their exact rules). Identify which journal format you are using on the title page.