Decreasing Stress and Burnout in Nurses Replicated Research Study Proposal

In this class your final paper will be a research proposal to replicate a published nursing study. You develop part of that paper each week and obtain feedback from your classmates through the discussion board post. The purpose of this assignment is to teach you how to write a strong nursing research proposal. You only prepare the proposal you will not actually do the research study. You will select one of the quantitative nursing research studies from your NUR 510 paper to use as a template to replicate for your research proposal. It must be an RN discipline study and it must be quantitative.

Systematic review on success rate of misoprostol vs other prostaglandin Cervidil or dinoprostone

Systematic review on success rate of misoprostol vs other prostaglandin(Cervidil or dinoprostone)

Do a systematic review with metaanalysis using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and Forest plot and other graphs for systematic review Inclusion criteria were (1) singleton live pregnancy, (2) ≥36 weeks gestation, (3) Bishop score ≤6,, (4) cephalic presentation, and (5) reassuring fetal heart rate. Exclusion criteria were (1) hypersensitivity to misoprostol, (2) previous cesarean delivery or other uterine surgery, (3) multiple gestations, (4) uterine contractions, and (5) significant maternal cardiac, renal, or liver disease.(6) IUGR Outcome: compare ( Misoprostol vs other prostaglandin) Vaginal delivery in ≤24 h Maternal adverse events(Uterine tachysystole, Uterine hyperstimulation, Pyrexia ,Nausea orVoimting) Nenatal outcome ( Nonreassuring fetal heart rate, Apgar score , Neonatal intensive care unit admission)

Educational development program through using digital learning to improve undergraduate nurses’s skills regarding pediatric clinical practice


Please follow the criteria in the marking rubric because I need HD mark; – focus on the highlighted yellow instruction in the PDF. – the purpose is to improve the clinical performance of undergraduate students regarding pediatric clinical practice. – write about 1500 words in the background . – write 3000 words. – don’t plagiarize and try to paraphrase analytically – use at least 20 references

Patient Health History and Review of Systems

Patient Health History and Review of Systems Assignment


Paper details:

Patient Health History and Review of Systems Assignment Submit the patient history and the review of systems, focusing on the systems we are studying in this class. The write up should be a 3-5 page summary in APA format of the findings of the complete history and review of systems. Use the headings Patient History, Review of Systems. You should also use subheadings as in the Bickley text. For example, under history, you should use subheadings of Health History, Chief Complaint, etc.

The “Case of Mrs. N” in our Bickley text (p. 17-20) gives an excellent example to use as a reference for this assignment. You will find the “Recording Your Findings” section at the end of each Bickley Chapter very helpful in your documentation for the above assignment. I would suggest using it as your guideline.

Here is a sample paper for your reference: Sample of Patient Health History and Review of Systems.docxPreview the document Patient History Form and Rubric With a patient of your choosing, conduct and document a Patient History, including a Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, Past Medical and Surgical History, Family History and Personal Social History. (Using the outline in the Bickley textbook, pages 1-2). Review the Grading Rubric below, which will guide you as you prepare to demonstrate proficiency in your documentation of the Health History.

Teaching Plan Proposal

The teaching plan proposal developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation due in Topic 5. You are strongly encouraged to begin working on your presentation once you have received and submitted this proposal. Select one of the following as the focus for the teaching plan:( THE FOCUS IS PRIMARY PREVENTION HEALTH PROMOTION) Primary Prevention/Health PromotionUse the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal” resource to complete this assignment. This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment. After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan proposal with a community health and public health provider in your local community. Request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement) from the provider. Use the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal” resource to complete this assignment. This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment.

Flu immunization for infants

Subject:Health careTopic: flu immunisation for infants Discuss the current evidence that the MCH nurse should provide to Ashley, relating to the risks and benefits of the seasonal flu immunisation in infants, and the risks associated with refusing this immunisation. Identify and describe two (2) strategies the nurse could use to promote effective family-centered communication with parents who have concerns about immunisation


PROFESSIONAL GOAL STATEMENT On a separate sheet of paper, please provide a statement of your professional goals and aspirations. Note: It should be typewritten and about one page in length. INFORMATION ABOUT FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER. FNP are trained to work with both children and adults, most often in context of a family practice or clinical setting. They work with patients on maintaining health and wellness over the long term with a particular focus on preventative care. They mostly choose to work in underserved populations and communities. Community clinics Empathy and communication skills – work closely with same patients through many stages of their lives

Nurse to patient ratio

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs. Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.

Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.

Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue. Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting. Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles other than those presented in your text or provided in the course. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

The Role of the Nurse Leader

The Role of the Nurse Leader


Paper details:

This week’s focus is the nurse leader’s role in this and similar projects. Consider the nurse leader’s role at each stage of your project. Determine actions the nurse leader needs to take to ensure project success. Consider the following: -Communication -Training -Budget -Change management -Authority Format your assignment as an 825-word APA-formatted paper. The paper must be formatted using APA-compliant headings for each required topic of the assignment being addressed. You must use and cite two peer-reviewed references.

In women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism at the realization of pregnancy does treatment with levothyroxine for TSH greater than 2.5mlU/L reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion within the first trimester


Provide a written narrative covering the following items: Please label each week 6-10 and write on each week individually. (1) Bullet points providing an overview of clinical or scholarly activities during the reporting time period (Weeks 1–5). (2) Commentary and evidence (examples) of progress toward achieving specific course objectives. (3) Reflections that include thoughts, feelings, and correlation to the University Five Pillars of Nursing (professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring) on the overall experience and correlate to The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice. The essentials that correlates mostly with my project are these 3 below: (1) Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice (2) Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes (3) Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health Refer to the website for the DNP essentials details:

Research question: In women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism at the realization of pregnancy, does treatment with levothyroxine for TSH greater than 2.5mlU/L reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion within the first trimester? Please just generalized the experiences eg. Going through patient charts, researching different studies related to my topic. Mention how helpful my mentor has been with guidance and IRB application.