Quality Safety in Nursing Education

Review and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following: As you reflect on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education in Nursing, what Essentials did this course assist you in meeting? How will you integrate your newly-learned theory into current practice? How will practiced integration of these Essentials improve patient outcomes? How did this course content help to build on your knowledge from your pre-licensure nursing program? The main post should include at least 1 scholarly reference to research sources published within the past 5 years, and all sources should be cited using APA format. Reference American Association of College of Nursing. (n.d.). Essentials of Baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice and faculty tool kit. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/baccalaureate-toolkit

Appraise major components of patient safety and health care quality

Case Study 24 This assignment will assess competency 5. Appraise major components of patient safety and health care quality. Part 1: Answer discussion question 6 in Case 24. • What mechanisms can be put in place to prevent this from occurring in the future? Part 2: Evaluate this case in accordance with the Joint Commission’s guidance for Sentinel Events for hospitals. • How does this case meet/or not meet the criteria? Explain your answer.

Nursing Diagnosis: Increased risk of influenza among the elderly population related to lack of education on the importance of influenza vaccination as evidenced by increased flu hospitalization in New York City.

Nursing Diagnosis: Increased risk of influenza among the elderly population related to lack of education on the importance of influenza vaccination as evidenced by increased flu hospitalization in New York City. B. Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement. 1. Explain how the health concern from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population. a. Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently in place to address the health concern. b. Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern. 2. Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic. a. Identify data about the selected Field Experience topic from the local (e.g., county), state, and/or national level. C. Develop a community health nursing social media campaign strategy that will convey your health message and address the Field Experience topic by doing the following: 1. Describe your social media campaign objective. 2. Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected Field Experience topic. 3. Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population. a. Discuss the benefits of the selected social media platform in supporting preventative healthcare. 4. Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message. D. Describe best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing. E. Create a social media campaign implementation plan by doing the following: 1. Describe stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan. 2. Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to aid in the implementation of your campaign. 3. Create a specific timeline for implementing your campaign. 4. Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. 5. Discuss the costs of implementing your campaign. F. Reflect on how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations. 1. Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice.

Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce

Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce Purpose. CO2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO3)


As nurses, we work with providers and healthcare team members whose native language is not English. In fact, some of you may have interviewed a non-native English speaker for your Course Project. This diversity may lead to challenges with communication and the nurse being “caught in the middle.” • Reflect on your newfound knowledge of transcultural nursing. • Share an example of miscommunication that occurred as a result of this diversity and whether an adverse outcome resulted. • Describe how the miscommunication could have been and will be prevented in the future. Important information • Please be very detailed about this paper and make it robust also use an outside scholar reference along with the reading provided above and cite them as reference.

You must use an outside reference in order to have a full credit. • You are required to cite information from an outside source each week. Your additional information needs to be from the online library and a nursing journal, no additional information without author or datesshould be used. All of your references should be within five years of today’s date. • Also answer each question in yellow separately Reading Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2016). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (7th ed.). Philadelphia: PA. Wolters Kluwer. • Chapter 9: Creating Culturally Competent Health Care Organizations • Chapter 12: Cultural Diversity in the Health Care Workforce • Appendix C: Transcultural Nursing Assessment Guide for Health Care Organizations and Facilities

How would you explain the appropriate technique to examine the ears



Paper details:

As an instructor, you are working with a nursing student in the second year of a 4-year nursing program. The student does not perform an ear exam correctly. How would you explain the appropriate technique to examine the ears? You are working the triage desk of the ED. A client presents with sudden loss of vision of the right eye after a head collision during a volleyball game. What would your assessment include? What could be initial problems and would they warrant emergent intervention?

Screening tools and sbar

Screening tools and sbar


Paper details:

Select one pulmonary, cardiac, peripheral vascular, or lymphatic system disorder. Discuss the clinical characteristics and identify the appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic and screening tools that apply to this disorder. Explain why these tests or tools were chosen as appropriate to the conditions. You are called to the bedside of a critical patient as a rapid response team member. Upon initial inspection the patient is cyanotic, has labored breathing, and is not responding well. Develop an SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) for this patient. Use references to substantiate your approach to this clinical scenario.

Evidence for phospholipid export from the bacterial inner membrane by the Mla ABC transport system


Critical review on paper titled : Evidence for phospholipid export from the bacterial inner membrane by the Mla ABC transport system

Write a 3000 word critical review on a journal article and my subject area is Molecular Biology and I will upload the requirements and guideline that may be used if needed on how to approach the assignment in a document titled : Help on how to write critical Assignment. I will also upload the paper that I am required to write the essay critique about

The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses

To support your work, use your course and text readings and articles from the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. To learn more about qualitative designs, please visit the following website: Qualitative Research Designs For quantitative designs, please visit the following website: Research Designs Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources for your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week. Respond to one of the following discussion questions. List all references in APA format. Discussion Question 1 Based on the following titles of research studies, identify what you believe to be the methodology, design, and rationale of the studies. You also need to provide a rationale for your assertions. Exploring the rate of seasonal-pattern depression in an Inuit community Democracy in America The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses Two drugs for Alzheimer’s show promise Evaluating technology with student success Factors that influence weight control among women The meaning of living with brain injury and stroke 10 years after the injury Exploring the beliefs of healing among Aborigines

Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network

This is my Question i put it up but it is too long that is why I type it here. 1 Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose, mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member. 2 Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses. 3 Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes to practice that affect the specialty area. 4 Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development. NO PLAGIARISM, APA, AND CITE

Culture and Health Discussion Board 3 Influence of power in Nursing

The NMBA and CATSINaM have released a joint statement on culturally safe care that highlights the importance of Social Justice in the provision of health care. The Code of conduct for nurses and the Code of conduct for midwives provide clear professional standards that advocate for cultural safe and respectful practice in nursing: Discuss In your discussion consider your professional responsibility and cite 3 examples of the influence power has on your ability to provide care that is culturally safe. E.g. stereotyping certain groups of people https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/codes-guidelines-statements/professional-standards.aspx Each week students will post on discussion board their response to the topic provided (CONTRIBUTION) and ( APPLICATION) • Each week students will respond to another students post developing the discussion with additional thoughts and ideas ( SHARE).