Philosophies and Theories For Advanced Nursing Practice


Nurse practitioners actively engage in the process of translating nursing knowledge into practice, thereby establishing evidence-based approaches within the discipline. Throughout this process, a theoretical framework provides a meaningful context to guide and support evidence-based practice.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify a theory or model which can be used as a framework for a future evidence-based project during your nurse practitioner education. Criteria for Content Review literature regarding issues or concerns within your selected nurse practitioner specialty. Select a theory or model which is relevant to your nurse practitioner specialty and would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified. 1. Address the following.

1. Introduction to the presentation

2. Identify and describe a theory or model, and explain its relevance to your nurse practitioner specialty.

3. Describe an issue or concern that is related to your nurse practitioner specialty, and explain its impact on health care outcomes

4. Explain how the theory or model can be used as a framework to guide evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern and discuss the unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or model.

5. Conclusion to the presentation

6. References Reading for Ideas Butts, B. J. & Rich, L. K. (2018). Philosophies and Theories For Advanced Nursing Practice (3rd ed.).

Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapters 25, 26 Recommended Dwyer, T., Craswell, A., Rossi, D. & Holzberger, D. (2017). Evaluation of an aged care nurse practitioner service: quality of care within a residential aged care facility hospital avoidance service. BMC Health Services Research, 17(33), 1-11. Morone, J. (2017). An integrative review of social determinants of health assessment and screening tools used in pediatrics. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 37.2. Schierhour, G., Hains, J., Si, D., Kennedy, C., Cox, R., Kwedza, R., O”Donoghue, L., Gittock, M., Brands, J., Longergan, K., Dowden, M., & Bailie, R. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of a multifaceted, multilevel continuous quality improvement program in primary health care: developing a realist theory of change. Implementation Science, 8, 1-16. doi: 10.11.1186/1748-5908-8-119.

Prioritisation of complex patient health issues


1. Choose one of the case studies. YOU WILL BE DOING CASE STUDY 1 – JIM COOPER MORNING SHIFT. State the case study that you have chosen including whether the assignment addresses (morning shift) or (evening shift) of the case study. Identify a total of five patient health issues from the case study that nurses can address within their scope of practice. You may include ‘risk for’ or ‘potential for’ health issues. Select the three highest priority patient health issues from the five health issues that have been identified.

2. Rank the three patient health issues that were selected in part 1 in order of priority. Provide a rationale for the order of the rankings. The rationale must be supported with current literature. 3. Outline the nurse’s role in addressing the top three priority patient health issues using assessment, coordination of care and provision of care. Relate the discussion to regulatory frameworks of nursing and health department policies e.g. RN Standards for Practice, NSW health policy, National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards etc

Heart Failure Program Evaluation

Identify one health care program area of activity in a population-based health organization you want to evaluate. You may use the organization where you work or the Moreno Medical Center virtual organization. You will be creating a proposal for a small-scale research project to evaluate your selected program. Write a 350-word overview of your topic selection for the Health Care Program Evaluation Proposal, due in Week 8. Use the following information below as an outline for your overview. An example of how this outline should look can be viewed within the Moreno Medical Center virtual organization for any of the programs listed within the Director of Research, located under the Administration tab. Program title Program goal Program purpose Program scope Program audience Program background Rationale for developing this evaluation plan Existing program evaluation program model, if available References

The nurse’s perspective and experience on end of life patients in the intensive care unit


The nurse’s perspective and experience on end of life patients in the intensive care unit?

There’s sample dissertation, please structure it in that format. I have provided you with the articles that will be critiqued, as well as, extended literature guide. my question is the following: The nurse’s perspective and experience on end of life patients in the intensive care unit? If you could find more recent articles please use it.

Short staffing in long term care and the negative effect it has on care using Betty Neuman’s theory

Short staffing in long term care and the negative effect it has on care using Betty Neuman’s theory

Power point presentation with 7 slides of information, plus a title slide, and reference slide. Should be done using APA 6th edition format. Must provide speaker notes for each slide except the title and reference page, and include citations from scholarly literature for each slide to support the assertions.

1st slide should be the intro and provide general info on what will be presented, and identify the sections of the powerpoint. The next 2 slides should identify Betty Neuman’s theory and provide an overview and explain its relevance to short staffing in long term care

The next slide should address the issue of short staffing in long term care as a nurse practitioner and the negative impact it has on health outcomes, and validate the importance of the issue.

The next 2 slides should explain how Betty Neuman’s theory can serve as a framework to support evidence-based practice to address the issue at hand, and discuss unique insight or perspective through the application of Neuman’s theory. The final slide should be the conclusion, and should summarize key info presented in the powerpoint. Balance among space, words, graphics, and color should be effective.

Nurse education practicum

Nurse education practicum

Using the “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form,” write objectives for what you will accomplish in this topic and how you will evaluate your accomplishment. Be sure to read the instructions (in blue font at the top of the columns on the first page) on how to use the form before you begin.

The NEPD form uses the nursing process and follows the format of a nursing care plan, so this should be familiar to you. Refer to materials from previous courses in the nursing education track to be sure that your objectives are written appropriately. The written objectives, resources, and criteria for evaluation columns (first three columns) must be posted prior to the clinical experience for this topic’s competency – Functions of a Change Agent and Leader. Complete the fourth column (evaluation) at the end of each topic’s clinical experience as you evaluate how you met the objectives you wrote. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. FYI : We are at week 10 and Revise the lesson plan processes by integrating feedback from preceptor

Focus on a clinical issue of interest

Overview Integrated Review Using the six peer-reviewed literature articles from your annotated bibliography, compose an integrated review that focuses on a clinical issue of interest. Ensure that the topic of this integrated review is viewed from the perspective of a healthcare professional who is looking to validate the need for program evaluation at your hospital.

Remember to use APA format. The final project is due in Module Eight. Using the six peer-reviewed literature articles from your annotated bibliography, compose an integrated review that focuses on a clinical issue of interest. Ensure that the topic of this integrated review is viewed from the perspective of a healthcare professional who is looking to validate the need for program evaluation at your hospital.

Remember to use APA format. This final project is graded with the Final Project Rubric. Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit the integrated review as one complete document, including the title page, abstract, written components, references, and any necessary appendices. The written components of the review (excluding the title page, abstract, references, and appendices) should not exceed 12 pages, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Be sure to adhere to formatting guidelines from the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA)

Analyse the effects of using ultrasound technology to administer medication to treat disease


Analyse the effects of using ultrasound technology to administer medication to treat disease. For instance, certain cancer treatments can cause serious damage to normal tissues; the use of ultrasound can help administer treatment around healthy tissues. Dissertation needs to be 15000 words, around 12-14 peer reviewed journals, under 10 years old, a list of journals to be used needs to be included in proposal.

Why you are pursuing your MSN

Statement (under 1,000 words) that will give the admissions committee a better understanding of: 1. Why you are pursuing your MSN? To have better job opportunities in the future. Recent hospital closure (Hahnemann Hospital) after working there for 12 years 2. Your plans upon completion of the degree? Start a home care business serving maternity patients Become a clinical instructor for nursing students 3. How your current work experience will enhance your experience in this program? Thirteen years of nursing knowledge /During my time working as a labor and delivery nurse

Nursing : healthcare policy advocacy

You may use the same references and add 2 more. Please follow instructions to the exact request. Read each line and answer each questions in instruction from 1-6. Also please add speaker notes to each slides with precise and clear. For slides please use 5-7 rule limit what is posted on slide but explain thoroughly in speaker notes. Make sure conclusion is: Summary of the key points regarding the: Healthcare concern Proposed solution Presentation to the elected official – 1. Overview of healthcare policy in the nursing profession: This section provides an overview of healthcare policy advocacy as it relates to advanced practice. It should contain the following elements: • Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the nursing profession • Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role • Impact of healthcare policy on population health 2. Selected healthcare policy concern and resolution: This section provide an identification of the selected healthcare concern and its proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements: • Provide a comprehensive description of the healthcare concern • Describe the impact of the concern upon the population group and community • Describe, with detail, the proposed solution to healthcare concern • Clearly identify the slides provided to the elected official 3. Description of the meeting with the elected official: This section provides a detailed description of the meeting with the elected official. It should contain the following elements: • The name and position of the elected official • Explanation of why this individual was selected • Description of the meeting by including information as: o Day/time of meeting- which was 7/10/19 o Location of meeting-(in office) at 96 E Main Street (Suite 5) East Islip, NY 11730 o Materials/handouts used during the presentation • Describe the response of the elected official to your presentation and proposed solution-He was very interested/ had a lot to say about the healthcare concern (immunization and school age children) 4. Future plans regarding selected healthcare concern: This section provides an opportunity to discuss way to foster ongoing or future advocacy regarding the selected healthcare concern and proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements: • Describe possible future opportunities to be an advocate for your selected healthcare concern and proposed solution • Identify the revisions you would make in the proposed solution • Select a professional nursing organization and discuss how this organization could be helpful in fostering or supporting your proposed solution 5. Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points regarding the healthcare concern, proposed solution and presentation to the elected official