Employ collaborative strategies in the design coordination and evaluation of patient-centered care

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

1Understand other health professions’ scopes of practice to maximize contributions within the healthcare team. (AACN VII.2)

2 Employ collaborative strategies in the design, coordination, and evaluation of patient-centered care. (AACN VII.3)

3 Use effective communication strategies to develop, participate, and lead interprofessional teams and partnerships. (AACN VII.4).

4Apply the best available evidence from nursing and other sciences as the foundation for practice.( AACN IX.2)

5Advocate for patients, families, caregivers, communities and members of the healthcare team. (AACN IX.3).

6Use epidemiological, social, and environmental data in drawing inferences regarding the health status of patient populations and interventions to promote and preserve health and healthy lifestyles.

(AACN IX.6). 7Use knowledge of illness and disease management to provide evidence-based care to populations, perform risk assessments, and design plans or programs of care. (AACN IX.7)

. 8Incorporate core scientific and ethical principles in identifying potential and actual ethical issues arising from practice, including the use of technologies, and in assisting patients and other healthcare providers to address such issues. (AACN IX. 8).

9 Apply advanced knowledge of the effects of global environmental, individual and population characteristics to the design, implementation, and evaluation of care. (AACN IX. 9).

10 Establish therapeutic relationships to negotiate patient-centered, culturally appropriate, evidence-based goals and modalities of care. (AACN IX.13).

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations. For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective. Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application

Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy Security and Confidentiality Best Practices


Prepare e interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care. Introduction Health professionals today are increasingly accountable for the use of protected health information (PHI). Various government and regulatory agencies promote and support privacy and security through a variety of activities. Examples include: Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR). Provision of EHR incentive programs through Medicare and Medicaid. Enforcement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules. Release of educational resources and tools to help providers and hospitals address privacy, security, and confidentiality risks in their practices. Technological advances, such as the use of social media platforms and applications for patient progress tracking and communication, have provided more access to health information and improved communication between care providers and patients. At the same time, advances such as these have resulted in more risk for protecting PHI. Nurses typically receive annual training on protecting patient information in their everyday practice. This training usually emphasizes privacy, security, and confidentiality best practices such as: Keeping passwords secure. Logging out of public computers. Sharing patient information only with those directly providing care or who have been granted permission to receive this information. Today, one of the major risks associated with privacy and confidentiality of patient identity and data relates to social media. Many nurses and other health care providers place themselves at risk when they use social media or other electronic communication systems inappropriately. For example, a Texas nurse was recently terminated for posting patient vaccination information on Facebook. In another case, a New York nurse was terminated for posting an insensitive emergency department photo on her Instagram account. Health care providers today must develop their skills in mitigating risks to their patients and themselves related to patient information. At the same time, they need to be able distinguish between effective and ineffective uses of social media in health care. This assessment will require you to develop a staff update for the interprofessional team to encourage team members to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient information.

Focus on a clinical issue of interest

Overview Integrated Review Using the six peer-reviewed literature articles from your annotated bibliography, compose an integrated review that focuses on a clinical issue of interest. Ensure that the topic of this integrated review is viewed from the perspective of a healthcare professional who is looking to validate the need for program evaluation at your hospital.

Remember to use APA format. The final project is due in Module Eight. Using the six peer-reviewed literature articles from your annotated bibliography, compose an integrated review that focuses on a clinical issue of interest. Ensure that the topic of this integrated review is viewed from the perspective of a healthcare professional who is looking to validate the need for program evaluation at your hospital.

Remember to use APA format. This final project is graded with the Final Project Rubric. Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit the integrated review as one complete document, including the title page, abstract, written components, references, and any necessary appendices. The written components of the review (excluding the title page, abstract, references, and appendices) should not exceed 12 pages, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Be sure to adhere to formatting guidelines from the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA)

Analyse the effects of using ultrasound technology to administer medication to treat disease


Analyse the effects of using ultrasound technology to administer medication to treat disease. For instance, certain cancer treatments can cause serious damage to normal tissues; the use of ultrasound can help administer treatment around healthy tissues. Dissertation needs to be 15000 words, around 12-14 peer reviewed journals, under 10 years old, a list of journals to be used needs to be included in proposal.

Why you are pursuing your MSN

Statement (under 1,000 words) that will give the admissions committee a better understanding of: 1. Why you are pursuing your MSN? To have better job opportunities in the future. Recent hospital closure (Hahnemann Hospital) after working there for 12 years 2. Your plans upon completion of the degree? Start a home care business serving maternity patients Become a clinical instructor for nursing students 3. How your current work experience will enhance your experience in this program? Thirteen years of nursing knowledge /During my time working as a labor and delivery nurse

Nursing : healthcare policy advocacy

You may use the same references and add 2 more. Please follow instructions to the exact request. Read each line and answer each questions in instruction from 1-6. Also please add speaker notes to each slides with precise and clear. For slides please use 5-7 rule limit what is posted on slide but explain thoroughly in speaker notes. Make sure conclusion is: Summary of the key points regarding the: Healthcare concern Proposed solution Presentation to the elected official – 1. Overview of healthcare policy in the nursing profession: This section provides an overview of healthcare policy advocacy as it relates to advanced practice. It should contain the following elements: • Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the nursing profession • Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role • Impact of healthcare policy on population health 2. Selected healthcare policy concern and resolution: This section provide an identification of the selected healthcare concern and its proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements: • Provide a comprehensive description of the healthcare concern • Describe the impact of the concern upon the population group and community • Describe, with detail, the proposed solution to healthcare concern • Clearly identify the slides provided to the elected official 3. Description of the meeting with the elected official: This section provides a detailed description of the meeting with the elected official. It should contain the following elements: • The name and position of the elected official • Explanation of why this individual was selected • Description of the meeting by including information as: o Day/time of meeting- which was 7/10/19 o Location of meeting-(in office) at 96 E Main Street (Suite 5) East Islip, NY 11730 o Materials/handouts used during the presentation • Describe the response of the elected official to your presentation and proposed solution-He was very interested/ had a lot to say about the healthcare concern (immunization and school age children) 4. Future plans regarding selected healthcare concern: This section provides an opportunity to discuss way to foster ongoing or future advocacy regarding the selected healthcare concern and proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements: • Describe possible future opportunities to be an advocate for your selected healthcare concern and proposed solution • Identify the revisions you would make in the proposed solution • Select a professional nursing organization and discuss how this organization could be helpful in fostering or supporting your proposed solution 5. Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points regarding the healthcare concern, proposed solution and presentation to the elected official

Quality Safety in Nursing Education

Review and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following: As you reflect on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education in Nursing, what Essentials did this course assist you in meeting? How will you integrate your newly-learned theory into current practice? How will practiced integration of these Essentials improve patient outcomes? How did this course content help to build on your knowledge from your pre-licensure nursing program? The main post should include at least 1 scholarly reference to research sources published within the past 5 years, and all sources should be cited using APA format. Reference American Association of College of Nursing. (n.d.). Essentials of Baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice and faculty tool kit. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/baccalaureate-toolkit

Appraise major components of patient safety and health care quality

Case Study 24 This assignment will assess competency 5. Appraise major components of patient safety and health care quality. Part 1: Answer discussion question 6 in Case 24. • What mechanisms can be put in place to prevent this from occurring in the future? Part 2: Evaluate this case in accordance with the Joint Commission’s guidance for Sentinel Events for hospitals. • How does this case meet/or not meet the criteria? Explain your answer.

Nursing Diagnosis: Increased risk of influenza among the elderly population related to lack of education on the importance of influenza vaccination as evidenced by increased flu hospitalization in New York City.

Nursing Diagnosis: Increased risk of influenza among the elderly population related to lack of education on the importance of influenza vaccination as evidenced by increased flu hospitalization in New York City. B. Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement. 1. Explain how the health concern from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population. a. Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently in place to address the health concern. b. Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern. 2. Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic. a. Identify data about the selected Field Experience topic from the local (e.g., county), state, and/or national level. C. Develop a community health nursing social media campaign strategy that will convey your health message and address the Field Experience topic by doing the following: 1. Describe your social media campaign objective. 2. Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected Field Experience topic. 3. Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population. a. Discuss the benefits of the selected social media platform in supporting preventative healthcare. 4. Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message. D. Describe best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing. E. Create a social media campaign implementation plan by doing the following: 1. Describe stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan. 2. Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to aid in the implementation of your campaign. 3. Create a specific timeline for implementing your campaign. 4. Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. 5. Discuss the costs of implementing your campaign. F. Reflect on how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations. 1. Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice.

Heart Failure Program Evaluation

Identify one health care program area of activity in a population-based health organization you want to evaluate. You may use the organization where you work or the Moreno Medical Center virtual organization. You will be creating a proposal for a small-scale research project to evaluate your selected program. Write a 350-word overview of your topic selection for the Health Care Program Evaluation Proposal, due in Week 8. Use the following information below as an outline for your overview. An example of how this outline should look can be viewed within the Moreno Medical Center virtual organization for any of the programs listed within the Director of Research, located under the Administration tab. Program title Program goal Program purpose Program scope Program audience Program background Rationale for developing this evaluation plan Existing program evaluation program model, if available References