Pediatrics are not just little adults
Paper details:
paper that explain the difference between a child vs to an adult assessment. In this case I will discuss Traumatic Brain Injury.. It needs to be focus on the differences in between. Example: a difference between a child and an adult if we are taking about the integumentary system the skin for the child is thinner than the adult so if a child get burn the skin can be damage in a greater scale compare to the adult. This is just an example. This paper will talk about traumatic brain injury. I will attach the article. Please do not add any other article, work with the one that i submitted.
Linda is a 28-year-old female in a discordant relationship with her boyfriend of 1 year. Linda is 12 weeks pregnant based on her last menstrual period. She is engaged in HIV-care and is naïve to antiretroviral therapy (ART) because her CD4 cell count is 538 per mm3 and viral load is 8,300. No tobacco, alcohol, or illegal or illicit drug use. Physical examination: Normal, healthy 28-year-old gravid female. She is overweight with a body mass index of 28.2. Laboratory and other tests: Genotype is pan-sensitive without HIV mutations. Ultrasound at her 2-day follow-up estimates she is 15 weeks pregnant.
What are the Public Health Service Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents guidelines for HIV-positive pregnant females regarding starting ART? What antiretroviral medications are recommended as first line? Which drugs should be avoided? Provide a rationale for all answers. What education does Linda need regarding her medication? Are there any risks to the baby during labor? What should be done for the baby at birth if he/she tests positive for HIV? What will the providers need to do in terms of monitoring the baby? Instructions Prepare and submit a 3-4 page paper [total] in length (not including APA format). Answer all the questions above. Support your position with examples. Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria. Submit the following documents to the Submit Assignments/Assessments area: Case Study: HIV Patient
The intake of the patient i want you to use will be attached to this and also the preparation for practice tasks sheet will be attached.
Paper instructions below !! Engagement Process Paper Section 1 – Write a brief description of the presenting problem (what you knew about the case BEFORE meeting the client).
Section 2 – Write a description and critique (strengths and weaknesses) of your preparation process, what you did or did not do prior to meeting the client based on what you have learned about the preparation process.
Section 3 – Write a description and critique of the beginning tasks and skills that you used during the interview based on what you have learned about these tasks and skills.
Section 4 – The process recording of the interview used for this paper should also be attached to the paper. In the third and fourth (analysis) column of the process recording, the tasks and skills used should be identified.
The analysis columns should serve as a guide for the writing Section 3 of your paper.
The required reading and at least one outside relevant reading from an academic journal should be integrated into your paper. All references should be cited appropriately using APA format.
The paper (Sections 1-3) should be approximately 7- 8 pages in length.
For this assignment, you will be graded on your ability to recognize and critique what you did or did not do in relation to the preparation process and first interview tasks and skills Thank you very much !! and the book I use for this course is Cournoyer, B. (2017). The social work skills book. Edition 8. Brooks-Cole: USA.
In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance the goals for the nursing profession.
Include the following: Describe the work of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Outline the four “Key Messages” that structure the IOM Report recommendations. Explain how these have transformed or influenced nursing practice, nursing education and training, nursing leadership, and nursing workforce development.
Provide examples. Discuss the role of state-based action coalitions. Explain how these coalitions help advance the goals specified in the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Research the initiatives on which your state’s action coalition is working. Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. Discuss the ways these initiatives advance the nursing profession. Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers.
You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. chapter 1
It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span. Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. M., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below. Health History and Medical Information Health History Mr. M., a 70-year-old male, has been living at the assisted living facility where you work. He has no know allergies. He is a nonsmoker and does not use alcohol. Limited physical activity related to difficulty ambulating and unsteady gait. Medical history includes hypertension controlled with ACE inhibitors, hypercholesterolemia, status post appendectomy, and tibial fracture status postsurgical repair with no obvious signs of complications. Current medications include Lisinopril 20mg daily, Lipitor 40mg daily, Ambien 10mg PRN, Xanax 0.5 mg PRN, and ibuprofen 400mg PRN. Case Scenario Over the past 2 months, Mr. M. seems to be deteriorating quickly. He is having trouble recalling the names of his family members, remembering his room number, and even repeating what he has just read. He is becoming agitated and aggressive quickly. He appears to be afraid and fearful when he gets aggressive. He has been found wandering at night and will frequently become lost, needing help to get back to his room. Mr. M has become dependent with many ADLs, whereas a few months ago he was fully able to dress, bathe, and feed himself. The assisted living facility is concerned with his rapid decline and has decided to order testing. Objective Data Temperature: 37.1 degrees C BP 123/78 HR 93 RR 22 Pox 99% Denies pain Height: 69.5 inches; Weight 87 kg Laboratory Results WBC: 19.2 (1,000/uL) Lymphocytes 6700 (cells/uL) CT Head shows no changes since previous scan Urinalysis positive for moderate amount of leukocytes and cloudy Protein: 7.1 g/dL; AST: 32 U/L; ALT 29 U/L Critical Thinking Essay In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mr. M.’s situation. Include the following: Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. M. Based on the information presented in the case scenario, discuss what primary and secondary medical diagnoses should be considered for Mr. M. Explain why these should be considered and what data is provided for support. When performing your nursing assessment, discuss what abnormalities would you expect to find and why. Describe the physical, psychological, and emotional effects Mr. M.’s current health status may have on him. Discuss the impact it can have on his family. Discuss what interventions can be put into place to support Mr. M. and his family. Given Mr. M.’s current condition, discuss at least four actual or potential problems he faces. Provide rationale for each.
More and more patients are being diagnosed with mental illness. As nurses, we must stay up to date on medical management of psychiatric disorders. Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are common diagnoses your patients may have. Address all questions for your initial posting.
What is the role of SSRI’s in depression management? How does the medication treatment differ for depression in an adolescent versus an adult? What about patients that have co-morbid psychiatric disorders? What would you educate patients about who are taking multiple anti-psychotic medications?Psych Meds Discussion Order 426067 Bidding Tomorrow, 06:59 AM 16 hours remain ORDER DETAILS DESCRIPTION FILES Description More and more patients are being diagnosed with mental illness. As nurses, we must stay up to date on medical management of psychiatric disorders.
Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are common diagnoses your patients may have. Address all questions for your initial posting. What is the role of SSRI’s in depression management? How does the medication treatment differ for depression in an adolescent versus an adult? What about patients that have co-morbid psychiatric disorders? What would you educate patients about who are taking multiple anti-psychotic medications?
What is an Asthma Action Plan? Where to Post Response: You will post this response to the online Journal. However, please write your response in Word or another text tool and save your work. When you are ready to post, copy your response text and paste it into the online Journal. This approach will ensure that you have a backup of your work. Assignment Requirements: As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal assignment should: • clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment; • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and • use APA 6th edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.
Students will develop a scholarly paper addressing a healthcare delivery situation in need of change within the practice setting. The paper will address how the master’s prepared nurse can facilitate the change process as a change agent. Assignment Criteria:
1. Discuss the essential elements needed by a master’s prepared nurse leader to be an effective change agent.
2. Identify and provide background information of a healthcare delivery situation within the nurse’s current practice that needs change.
3. Select and discuss a change model the master’s prepared nurse can apply to the selected healthcare delivery situation.
a. Develop a proposed plan for change the master’s prepared nurse could initiate to address the selected healthcare delivery situation.
b. Discuss strategies the master’s prepared nurse can utilize to initiate change and improve health outcomes.
4. Determine how the master’s prepared nurse leader can facilitate interprofessional communication and collaboration during the change process.
5. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 4 to 5 pages excluding the title and reference page.
6. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
7. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.
8. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner.
To clarify I, we, you, me, our may not be used.
In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.
9. Include a minimum of three (3) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
10. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
11. Submit the assignment to Turnitin prior to the final submission, review the originality report, and make any needed changes.
As a public health nurse at a free clinic, you are assessing and interviewing a 21-year-old woman who has come to the clinic because she doesn’t have any energy and hasn’t felt good in weeks. During the interview, you learn that she averages one meal per day, smokes up to two packs of cigarettes per day, and rummages through trash to find items she can sell to purchase food, snacks, and cigarettes. She admits to using street drugs every once in a while when she can find someone who will share with her. She admits her life is a mess and she doesn’t know how to make it better. What data can you gather based on available client information? What questions should you ask yourself while interviewing this client? During planning, how can you, as the nurse, best assist this client? What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a “better” life? Your paper should be 2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.
Assignment 1 (1650 words plus the case scenario which is already written 450 words, so total it will be around 2200) Aim: This assessment will assess the student’s ability to critically apply the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to a patient scenario. Assignment Task: Utilising the patient scenario developed for Assessment 1, describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for the medicines your patient is taking. Medicines that are administered via at least two different routes should be selected.
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