Cerebral Palsy


1. Provides detailed information about the characteristics, prevalence, aetiology (if known), relative strengths and learning needs of this group of people. Detailed information about the characteristics, relative strengths and learning/support needs that are characteristic of people with this disability.

2. Makes specific recommendations about teaching and/or support techniques and school/disability service supports for the group. Specific recommendations about teaching and/or support techniques and school/disability service supports for the group. .

Explain the causes of Cushing’s syndrome



Paper details:

Must answer all critical thinking questions and research questions related to scenario in essay. A 45-year-old woman developed hypertension, a moon-shaped face, and a “buffalo hump” on her upper back. She was diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome. Critical thinking Questions 1. Explain the causes of Cushing’s syndrome. 2. What is the treatment for Cushing’s syndrome?

Nursing – Service learning project

The chosen Service learning project will be helping out at a Mental Health Service awareness night. -The paper included a comprehensive discussion describing why the service learning experience was selected and included scholarly support. -The paper included a comprehensive discussion describing why the service learning experience is meaningful and solves a real-life problem and included scholarly support. -The paper included a comprehensive discussion describing at least three steps needed to set up the service learning experience and included scholarly support. -The paper contained clear and concise introduction and conclusion paragraphs. -The paper included a proper APA formatted title page, running heads, page numbers, and headings throughout the document. -The paper included a proper APA formatted in-text citations and a complete reference page, with at least two current, scholarly references. -The paper met the required page count. Two complete pages of content (does not include title or reference pages). –

Missed drain in the abdomen discovered during cesarean section at 28 weeks of gestation

A 28 years old lady, medical free, primary infertility 5 years, underwent IVF, then she became pregnant, triplet pregnancy.

Her pregnancy was complicated by ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, admitted to the hospital, conservative mangment done, on us : sever ascitis diagnosed, cystocath drain was inserted, patient managed as inpatient for 5 days, then she discharged home, with drain in situ, followed up for several days after disharge, the drain finally didn’t drain any fluid it was removed by obestetricion outside hospital. After that her pregnancy run without complications apart from recurrent attacks of generalized abdominal pain. On antenatal visits, her complaint was described as normal pregnancy symptoms.

Her abdominal pain became worse with pregnancy advance. Nothing specific diagnosed, at 28 weeks of gestation, she presented to us complaining of abdominal pain, generalized, with vomiting. Admitted for further investigations and mangment, 3 hours after admission, she devolped pre term rupture of memberans. On us triple pregnancy, fatal heart present for all, all breech presentation. Sterile vaginal exam, confirmed the diagnosis of pre term pre mature rupture of memberans. Soon later her abdominal pain worsed with active gush of fluid per vagina. Vaginal exam repeated and showed dilated effaced cervix. Urgent cesarean sectionwas done. During cesarean section, massive omentalabd bowel adhesions diagnosed.After delivery of all three fetuses alive and closure of the uterus., the adhesions reviewed .

Long tubular structure noticed protruding from the adhesions, surgeon called, the tubular structure has many holes, at same time, proximal bowel founded to be dilated. Adhesoilysis done, the tube removed, looks like a drain, washing done, several bands of adhesions removed, dilated bowel return normal, deppiser drain inserted, count correct , hemostsis secured, closure ofrectus sheath ,subcutaneous fat and skin. Patient stayed for three day’s, covered by antibiotic no complications happened, deppiser drain removed. Patient discharged home in good condition., drain was taken by patient. Follow up done at our hospital for three weeks, no any complications happened also.

Community Needs and health Screening Initiative


For this Assignment you will pick one recommended screening from United States Preventive Task Force A and B Recommendations using this link https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/recommendations An initiative is a project, an event, so something in the community is ideal.

Please include the following suggested level one headings so content is clear and easily identified.

Theory or Conceptual Model Choose a theory or conceptual model that you think might work for your initiative and explain the theory or model here.

Screening Purpose

Discuss why it is important to screen for this condition.

This is where you address your community assessment and the reason for this need in your community/ population choice. Support your stance with statistics and information, ideally related to the location and population.

**Location should be Marion County Indiana** Population Clearly address the demographics that are being screened; where they live, state, county, ages, races included etc. Screening Activity This section is what you are doing at the screening and should completely align with the screening guideline for the condition.

Also all health promotion screenings include some brief prevention education component. Outcome Goals Bullet a few specific goals here. What do you hope to accomplish with your screening? Location Briefly explain where you are doing this.

Health Fair in Marion County as an example, BUT must be Marion County Indiana. Think about what kind of facility or area you will need. Include comments explaining how this location meets the needs of your target population and screening choice. Cost This is the cost for you to develop and conduct the initiative. It is best displayed as a brief Word table showing what it costs you to conduct the screening; paper, equipment, rental s etc.

Volunteers are fine, but everything is not free. Must demonstrate a cost estimate for a community screening intervention that is realistic and takes into account financials. If there is a cost for the attendees that should go here as well. Summary Provide a summary of your screening, general benefit to the community and why it is important.

This Assignment is focused on preventive screening applications in the community, workplace or school settings. A person should be able to read the paper and understand fully what it is screening, where, when, the costs and how it is supported in the guideline.

Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the application of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is used to help reduce the anxiety and fears in pediatric intensive care patients. Make sure you include all elements. The application section towards the end of the paper needs to describe specific ways to apply what was learned that another APN can put into practice. Broad statements will not be sufficient. Need to know specific content of programs and/or scales may use to teach and/or assess learning.

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.

1. Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. 2. Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse. 3. Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision‐making, differ between the BSN‐prepared nurse and the ADN nurse. 4. Discuss the significance of applying evidence‐based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN‐BSN nurse supports its application. 5. Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.

Breast Cancer Screening

Your screening methodology must come from the the United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines – use the attached link. https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/recommendations Explain the guideline, the correct application of the screening, and the epidemiology behind the guidance. Content required should include epidemiologic data such as statistical information as available ex. morbidity, mortality, incidence and prevalence of condition. Identify risk factors, risk assessment, testing interval, description of the patient population, screening test recommendations and other factors relative to the guideline.

Identify and experimentally validate a gene and the mutations in that gene that seem to cause a human monogenic disease

Identify and experimentally validate a gene and the mutations in that gene that seem to cause a human monogenic disease.


Paper details:

– USE Vancouver style references and high impact journals. – please don’t skip the questions. solve them all and follow all instructions carefully – see previous year assignment and pay attention to the comments so you don’t do the same mistakes – answer each question alone and put subheadings for each answer. don’t combine the answers. divide into sections. – no plagiarism

Trauma-informed treatment plan

This is a social work class that explains the the 6-stage treatment process Purpose/Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to practice conceptualizing a trauma-informed treatment plan that outlines an appropriate sequence of treatment. Format: You will use the findings from your case conceptualization to develop a treatment plan using the materials provided for you in the course shell. Specifically, your treatment plan will provide specific details about and suggestions for working with the client during the following stages of treatment and address all of the questions under each section: Evaluation What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? At what stage of trauma treatment is the client currently? What are the client’s long and short-term goals, and how are your treatment recommendations designed to help the client reach them? How might you build rapport/trust with the client (and their family, if applicable)? Safety/Stabilization What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? What specific rules/expectations/agreements might you need to establish with the client to help to ensure safety during and/or between sessions? How come? What are your recommendations in terms of case management (e.g. safe housing, medical care, transportation, educational placement, etc.)? How come? What do you suggest to help the client manage unnecessary stressors/triggers? What type of training do you suggest for family members to help the client feel safe and secure at home/in the relationship? How come? Skill/Strengths Building What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? What types of skills and strategies do you suggest to help the client manage their anxiety symptoms? How come? What types of skills and strategies do you suggest to help the client improve their coping behaviors and outcomes? How come? What progressive challenges might you suggest to help increase the client’s sense of accomplishment, strength, and/or affect tolerance? How come? Trauma Resolution What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? How will you know when the client is ready for this stage? What do you suggest in terms of the order for targeting memories? How come? What do you suggest in terms of an exposure strategy? How come? What additional skills/strategies do you suggest using with clients during this phase of treatment to help ensure safety, containment, relaxation, and/or recomposure during and after exposure? How come? How might progress be monitored/evaluated? Consolidation of Gains What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? What do you suggest to help the client overcome remaining symptoms after trauma resolution treatment? How come? How might you and the client identify and resolve remaining problems or challenges? Relapse Prevention and Harm Reduction What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? What suggestions do you have for this stage of treatment? How come? General Expectations: Remember to provide rationales for your suggestions: the “how come” is as important as your recommendations.