How can health literary education among nurses impact patients understanding with discharge

How can health literary education among nurses impact patients understanding with discharge


Paper details:

This research paper is to focus on the understanding of discharge instructions among the patients provided by the nurse. Making the nurse aware of the tools that can be used example new vitals tool and proper simpler language to be use so that the patient can understand their discharge paper work. Please see started paper and abstract and adjust as needed also attached is all articles,example papers and guidelines. a total of 20 pages but just paying to get it started. After paper will be adding Wednesday. I AM REQUSTING draft paper of first 10 pages in 8 days then second 10 but November 1st.

Abuse In Nursing Homes


Write annotations for the two non-scholarly sources. Turning research question into a thesis statement. A strong thesis statement. Annotated Bibliography. Research question should be open-ended. Develop a thesis statement that summarizes the research findings. Provide annotations and references for the two scholarly journal articles and ebook.Use search engine to select two non-scholarly sources that pass the CRAAP Test and address research questions. Create APA reference for the non-scholarly sources. Write annotations for the two non-scholarly sources. Include references and annotations for the sources.

Develop a thesis statement based on research question. two appropriate non-scholarly sources using a search engine such as google or bing. Must use 2 scholarly articles one e-book and two non-scholarly sources. 2 paragraphs long address the points brief description explanation or example to support answers.

PARAGRAPH 1 SHOULD INCLUDE: what kind of source is this? what is the thesis or main claim of the source? what credible and authoritative is the source for research question? what limitations if any was noted in the source? how does the source help answer the research question? PARAGRAPH 2 SHOULD INCLUDE: How adequately does the source support it’s thesis?, how current is the information in the source relative to research question?, how credible and authoritative is the source for research question?, what limitations if any noted in the source?, how does the source help answer research question? YOU CAN USE: A NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE ARTICLE, ARTICLE FROM PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION WEBSITE OR TRADE JOURNAL, ARTICLE OR REPORT FROM GOV. (WEBSITE), BLOG POST WRITTEN BY EXPERTS ON TOPIC.

Emerging/Current Health-Care Issue Death by Measles

Review the case study “Death by Measles.” •Review Trevor Noah’s video on traveling from Africa during the Ebola crisis. The purpose of this paper is to examine an emerging/current issue in health care. Potential topics are but not limited to the following: •Reemerging outbreaks such as measles or Ebola •Human trafficking •Violence in health-care settings •Medical tourism •Consumer-directed health care •Assisted suicide •Medical marijuana •Mandatory vaccinations •Eldercare •Abortion •Personalized medicine Research, examine, and analyze your issue with thought, sensitivity, and reflection. Your paper must have the following elements: 1.Identify the resources/protocols that a hospital/health provider would need to consider and have in place to address the issue (e.g., HR policies, staff training, etc.). 2.Explain the leadership and managerial responses and/or responsibilities. 3.Discuss the cultural impact. 4.Describe the legislative actions or government agencies that may be involved (e.g., CDC, AMA, ACA, etc.). 5.End your paper with a summary of your research and a conclusion to what you have found.

Early Onset Schizophrenia Choice

The Assignment (2 pages): Compare at least two evidence-based treatment plans for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia with evidence-based treatment plans for children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia. Explain the legal and ethical issues involved with forcing children diagnosed with schizophrenia to take medication for the disorder and how a PMHNP may address those issues.

Case Study: Environmental Health

Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. Submit your completed document to Blackboard using the assignment link. As a nurse practicing within a family practice, you are interviewing a 55-year-old woman who is an executive assistant at a local law firm, where she has worked for 9 years. She has a 7-year history of respiratory illness, which occurs several times throughout the year, not seemingly connected to the changes in season. She does not use tobacco products in any form. During your questions regarding her home and work environments, she reports that she enjoys working adjacent to the courthouse in a building over 100 years old because it is such a contrast to her brand-new home on a local golf course. When describing the health of her coworkers, she indicates, “We all share illnesses, which seem to affect everyone else during the year; we just seem to be sicker more often!” • What information is pertinent to your client’s case? • How would you assess your client’s risk? • What would be an exposure pathway for your client? Your document should be 1-2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, double-spaced with 1” margins, and include at least two citations using references less than five years old.


Description Please use the template provided in the uploads for the case study as it as the scenario on it. All instructions on this page is exactly what is required and needed to be followed. * Identify the main issues in the scenario Matina is 65 years old and her weight is on the heavier side. Lately she has been complaining of extreme tiredness. Her GP is aware that she has a family history of diabetes mellitus and requests that she get her blood tested for the standard glucose tolerance test (GTT). Matina’s GTT results indicated impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), her GP next requested for the thyroid function tests. 1) Structure and Function – 4 marks – Always use the headings/titles provided. This makes it clear for the reader what you plan to discuss. – In the heading clearly state the organ/structure you intend to describe, e.g. Structure and Function of the heart Provide a detailed information of the functional anatomy of the organ/s you have selected, While describing the structure remember to relate it to its functions. 2) Homeostatic imbalances – 2 marks – Identify two imbalances related to the above information and spell it out in the heading, e.g. myocardial infarction, use the correct terminology (not heart attack). – Refer Marieb and a pathophysiology textbook 3) Correction of Imbalances – 2 marks – This does not mean how the body attempts to correct the imbalance but how this imbalance can be corrected medically and by making life-style changes – Acknowledge the source of information in the text. – Again read through what you have written and correct all types of errors. 4) Pacific world views (3 marks): – Explore your cultural practices, beliefs and therapies to manage the imbalances you have identified. – Do a literature search on the herbal preparation and massages used, spell out the main ingredients used in making the preparation, and search the literature for the possible active ingredients in it.

Human Anatomy Paper and Presentation Paper

Paper Process: Choose an anatomical defect. Introduction should briefly introduce topic & discuss why you chose it

. Describe normal anatomy (not embryology alone) and then describe the anatomical defect. Describe how the defect changes the function of the body.

Describe treatment and outcome with/without treatment. Overall conclusion paragraph. Paper may be illustrated with photos, diagrams, etc., but cite references for them appropriately. 1000-1250 words…word count in parenthesis at end of paper. Double-spaced Include a Title page….ok to put a picture on the Title page but cite reference if appropriate….should have Title, Your Name, Class info & Date. References for information & illustrations should be cited in the paper & a Bibliography at the end of the paper Bibliography should be in MLA format with a minimum of three sources, not Wikipedia.

Course Resources Grading: Word count – 10 points Title page – 5 points Bibliography – 5 points Appropriate references cited within paper/illustrations – 5 points Spelling & Grammar – 5 points Content – 20 points Rubric for grading of Anatomical Defect paper Presentation: The presentation will be given in front of the class on Monday December 2. It should be less than 5 minutes in length. You may use electronic formats such as Power Point or similar. Assume the audience has no knowledge of anatomy or the defect. Reading your paper aloud is also acceptable. Your classmates & I can’t wait to hear about your topic, so have fun with it.

Middle Range Nursing Theorist Paper: the process of family waiting during surgery

Description The middle range theory: Trimm, D. R., & Sanford, J. T. (2010). The process of family waiting during surgery. Journal of Family Nursing, 16(4), 435-461. doi:10.1177/1074840710385691 1. Define the middle range theory and the purpose of the selected middle range theory. 2. Define and discuss the nursing metaparadigm within the context of the selected middle range theory. a. Explain how the theorist employs and defines each of the four concepts that comprise the nursing metaparadigm within the selected middle range theory 3. Explain the importance of the selected middle range theory in nursing practice. a. provide and discuss two examples of use of the selected middle-range theory from current practice 4. The scholarly paper should be 4-5 pages excluding the title and reference pages. 5. Include level 1 and level 2 headings. 6. The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose statement. The introductory paragraph and purpose statement allow the reader to understand what the paper/assignment is going to address. 7. The paper should include a conclusion. 8. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’). 9. Include a minimum of three references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) to support the paper. ***Historical references may be used as appropriate. (Definition of historical reference: reference to a well-known person, place event or literary work that adds meaning to the paper.) 10. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Article by Walton Finding a balance: a grounded theory study of spirituality in hemodialysis patients

Description Article by Walton Finding a balance: a grounded theory study of spirituality in hemodialysis patients, Instruction 1 and half to 2 Page (Reference Page) Mrs. M’s AV fistula is not healing properly and she will have to undergo another AV graft repair in a few days. Mrs. M. remembers the number of sites the surgeon explored prior to the creation of the first AV graft. Mrs. M. states, “Why me? Why has God chosen to keep me on this earth? Consider one of more of the following to discuss how you would address Mrs M.’s comment. • The concepts of spirituality and religion how does it influence patient care • How will you address Mrs. M’s comment? • How will you build a therapeutic nurse-client relationship that will support her through this? CNA End of Life Issues CNO Therapeutic Nurse-client relationship RNAO Best practice guidelines-Establishing Therapeutic Relationship

Should Women in Labor Be Shackled


Please number these questions. They should not be done in essay form. No references needed. 1. The issues in Search and Seizure without a Warrant revolve around the factors that make consent valid or invalid, as well as the nature of consent. Explain your choices in this scenario by addressing the following questions: What constitutes consent to a warrantless search, and who is able to consent? Give an example where consent might be somewhat ambiguous. Is there a reliable protocol police might employ to ensure that consent is valid? Explain your reasoning. 2. When can third parties consent to warrantless searches and seizures? For example, can a roommate consent to the search of the entire shared home? What about a family member? Does it matter whether the relevant part of the shared residence is a common area, or if it is locked? Explain.