Transcultural health and wellness group presentation

Transcultural health and wellness group presentation

Theoretical Presentation (Group Presentation) 1. Topic : Josepha Campinha-Bacote – A Culturally Competent Model of Care (1991) Cultural group : KOREAN GROUP IN ASIA 2. Research the model 3. Create a clinical scenario and use the chosen theoretical nursing framework as a guide in the planning and delivery of patient care/interventions. 4.Based on the scenario, develop a culturally sensitive Education Plan* for the patient upon discharge, utilizing the chosen theoretical nursing framework. 5. ELABORATE ON THE KOREAN CULTURE 6.APPLY THE MODEL ( CULTURALLY COMPETENT MODEL OF CARE ) IN THR CARE OF A KOREAN PATIENT DURING ASSESSMENT, DIAGNOSIS, PLANNING/ IMPLEMENTATION, EVALUATION 7. Include the various concepts in the description.. *Note: utilize TNS Standard of Practice on Cross Cultural Communication (#9) to help with developing the Education Plan. 8. USE PRESENTATION, VIDEOS, COLORFUL PICTURES, AND CASE STUDIES

Stream Bioassessment Lab Report

Stream Bioassessment Lab Report


Paper details:

I have to write a lab report for my evpp 302 lab. I have already completed the methods section. I need the writing to match mine.

The lab report I will be posting already has a methods section and has notes on it to help with the intro, the hypothesis, the results, and the discussion. I will also be attaching photos of the streams we looked at. Along with that, I will be attaching my past assignments from this class so you, the writer, can match my writing style, that is the most important part of this. My professor has given me many writing assignments so she knows my writing style, please do your best to replicate my writing style.

The first 5 attachments were posted on my blackboard account by my professor to help with the lab report. You need to follow the “how to write a lab report” pptx and the “Formal Lab ReportGrading”, this one is the grading rubric. The writer needs to review, study, and follow all of the attachments. The writer also needs to look at all of the links and follow all of the instructions in the “LAB REPORT” doc.

The results are from the YSI are in attachment 7, the rest of the results are shown in attachment 8. pics of stream 1 are in attachments 9-15, pics of stream 2 are in attachments 17-22. Attachments 23-26 are my past assignments, I attached these so you (the writer) can understand my writing style.

The last attachment is an article that you need to use as one of your references. The purpose of this lab is to test the effects of urbanization on the watershed, using macroinvertebrates as indirect indicators of water quality.

Identify a problem of interest within your clinical practice and research

The focus of the final two weeks will be on bringing the information together through research.  You will identify a problem of interest within your clinical practice and research the data.

Identify a problem of interest within your clinical practice and research

Final Assignment: Evidence-Based Paper

The focus of the final two weeks will be on bringing the information together through research.  You will identify a problem of interest within your clinical practice and research the data.

Learning Objectives 
FIRSTLY,  Bringing it all together.
SECONDLY, Checklist for the Week.
This week, you will need to complete the following:
THIRDLY, Do your own research.

FIRSTLY,  Identify and discussion basic designs, corresponding questions, analytical methods related to research questions, and limits on implications of findings (e.g., causal vs. relational)

FIRSTLY,  Write a 6-8-page (not including the title and reference pages) paper.
SECONDLY, APA formatted paper with an introduction and conclusion.
THIRDLY,  APA headings for each section of the paper.
FOURTHLY, At least 5 peer reviewed articles.

Step 1: Research

·         Review previous research and new research to complete.
Step 2: Consider
For your final paper you will identify an issue in nursing and explore the evidence.
FIRSTLY, What is the problem?
SECONDLY, What do you hope to achieve by addressing it?
THIRDLY,  Identify your search strategies
FOURTHLY, What level of evidence were you able to find?
FURTHER, Write a literature review of at least 5 articles to address your problem.
Step 3: Write
FIRSTLY, Write a paper that addresses the questions above.

Please refer to Rubric to get full possible pints.

Criteria for grading

Intentional Learning and Reflection
25.0 pts
Identifies/addresses a relevant topic and a thesis that provides direction for the content that is engaging and thought provoking. The thesis clearly and concisely states the position, premise, or hypothesis and is consistently the focal point throughout the presentation. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Compares/contrasts perspectives, considers counter arguments or opposing positions, and draws original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Decision Making and Clinical Reasoning
25.0 pts
Provides compelling and accurate evidence to support in-depth analysis to the central position beyond the required (2) research sources with at least 1 source from a periodical database. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate, recent (less than 5 years old) and reliable and add to the strength of the content.

Organization & Presentation
25.0 pts
Content is effectively organized. Ideas are arrange logically, flows smoothly, with a strong progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, citations, references, etc.). For a slide presentation, the design, font size, style, and spacing are optimal for audience viewing

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing and APA Formatting
25.0 pts
Content is well written and uses Standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style. Basically, free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors. APA guidelines for formatting are consistently followed. Includes in-text citations and references that are written correctly.

Total 100 points

The adherence of medication in chronic kidney disease

This is a paper that focuses on the adherence of medication in chronic kidney disease. The paper also discusses the individual differences relating to the topic.

The adherence of medication in chronic kidney disease

Title: A report on adherence of medication in chronic kidney disease (affecting adults) for dialysis nurses

The aim of this report is to address how individual differences have an impact on medication adherence in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Individual differences:
Sociodemographic features and beliefs about medicines on adherence to medication treatment (Theofilou, 2013)
Age, e.g. older hemodialysis patients as well as older transplant patients are more adherent to medication treatment (Avram et al., 1990;
sex and also gender differences (Kimmel et al., 1995)
ethnic differences (Jindal et al., 2003)

AND SO ON! I assume there are many more individual differences that may determine the adherence to medication/treatment in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

1.       Firstly, the task is to produce a REPORT addressing the impact of CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (kidney failure; CKD) and THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES on this condition. This has to be presented as a 2,000 WORD REPORT directed at healthcare professionals (in this case DIALYSIS NURSES). At the end of the report reference list has to included and the report has to based on academic literature. It is like an academic writing for dialysis nurses.

2.       Secondly, to accompany this a LEAFLET has to be designed and created which will be aimed at a particular client group that has been identified in the report. (in this case PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and need dialysis). The contents of the leaflet have to be based on the evidence presented in the stakeholders report but should be suitable for the lay reader.

Lastly, it also needs to include some statistics, graphs, numbers too, which is easily comprehendible by the lay people/lay public who have this disease.
The Leaflet should be engaging and easily readable, avoiding special/technical/difficult terms and words.

Clearly define the adolescent health problem or issue and address why

Clearly define the adolescent health problem or issue and address why it is of significance to the field of social work. (Describe the issue, who is affect ed, incidence/prevalence, costs – both financial and other – associate d with the issue, why action is needed)

Clearly define the adolescent health problem or issue and address why

Students are expected to write an individual final paper addressing an issue of public health importance relating to adolescents with the following components:

Firstly, clearly define the adolescent health problem or issue and address why it is of significance to the field of social work. Describe the issue;

who is affect ed;


costs – both financial and other associated with the issue;

why action is need ed?

Secondly, critically review school, family, and community programs and policies designed to prevent the health problem or promote health issue currently.

• Assess if the strategies have been evaluate d with rigorous research designs.

• Determine the results of these strategies. Were they effective? What doesn’t work?

Thirdly, employ peer reviewed literature and use mainly primary sources as references (e.g., not literature reviews or web-based articles)

Fourthly, present an evidence-based intervention that is derive d from your understanding of the problem. Also, the publish ed intervention research (please justify your selection of an intervention). Also, discuss implications for prevention. You should include a description of your proposed policy or program: rationale, design, intended audience, implementation, anticipated outcomes, and evaluation methods.

This is to be a professional research paper with accurate APA citations (minimum of 5 – 7 references required) from recent professional literature. Use referencing format per the American Psychological Association format (5th edition or later), which can be found online.

More details;

What are the problems and health concerns during adolescence?

The teenagers reported worrying mostly about chronic conditions such as acne, menstrual disorders, emotional problems, dental problems and being overweight. The psychosocial problems most important to the adolescents were school and family problems.

Role of the acute care nurse e.g unit staff nurse 

Identify the role of the acute care nurse (e.g., unit staff nurse) in planning and coordinating care to transition patients to home (or other non-acute setting).

Role of the acute care nurse (e.g., unit staff nurse)

Clinical Reasoning Tool: Practice Excellence
Goal of this clinical reasoning tool. This assignment will assist nursing students in identifying and exploring the role of acute care nurses in the transition process.


The student will identify the role of acute care nurses in the transition (discharge) process related to the current Immersion setting. This role could be currently used in the Immersion setting or found in the nursing literature. ALSO, related to the Immersion setting.  Additionally, the student will complete the questions on this clinical reasoning tool to explore this role.  Further, responses should be detailed and thoughtful.  If the student refers to the literature a citation should be included (APA format).  After completion of this assignment, students will share findings in a clinical debriefing.

Page limit: 1 page
Identify the role of the acute care nurse (e.g., unit staff nurse) in planning and coordinating care to transition patients to home (or other non-acute setting).

Describe the impact of the acute care nurse’s function on patient care outcomes after transition from the acute care setting.

Identify and describe any barriers to practice excellence as related to potential complications that impede safe and effective transitions of care from your acute care setting.

How can acute care nurses contribute to changing and supporting evidence-based practice to better addresses the physical and behavioral needs for patients and families during transition from the acute care setting.

More details;

What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions?
Additionally, Nurses play a key role in promoting successful transitions by developing and evaluating the transition plan and identifying and communicating barriers to the plan. Nurses must engage patients and caregivers as active partners and advocates for their healthcare and community support needs.


The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity-every bed is 

The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity. Every bed is occupied on every unit. The emergency department (ED) is full, and patients awaiting admission are being held in the hallways.

The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity-every bed is

Firstly, the hospital where you work is at maximum capacity; every bed is occupied on every unit.

Secondly, the emergency department (ED) is full, and patients awaiting admission are being held in the hallways.

Thirdly, you have just left a Director’s meeting where everyone has been informed that the ED is not able to go on diversion. Therefore, patients awaiting admission from the ED will be sent to the nursing units within the next three hours.

Further, you have been ask ed to admit patients to your unit and place them in the alcoves at the end of each hallway. Also, Rental beds and privacy screens will be deliver ed within the hour.

Lastly, you are the nurse manager of a progressive care unit where all patients are monitor ed for their cardiac rhythms.

More details;

When admitting a patient what are the basic procedures?
  • In Preparation. Prior to the day of your hospital procedure or admission, there are several processes that must be completed, including: …
  • Registration. …
  • Patient Advocate Consultation. …
  • Pre-Admission Testing. …
  • Anesthesia Evaluation/Questionnaire. …
  • The Day of Arrival. …
  • Billing and Payment. …
  • Phone Numbers.
What is the most common reason for hospital admission?
Highlights. Circulatory disorders (diseases of the heart and blood vessels) were the most frequent reason for admission to the hospital through the ED, accounting for 26.3 percent of all such admissions; injuries accounted for 11.4 percent.
Can you make a hospital admit you?
Decision to Admit to the Hospital. Generally, it is in your best interest to ask the emergency department doctor to contact your primary care physician, even if he or she does not admit patients to the hospital where were taken. … This “on call” physician can admit you to the hospital.

J.S. is a 54-year-old Hispanic woman who presents to her primary-care 

J.S. is a 54-year-old Hispanic woman who presents to her primary-care clinician for follow-up regarding elevated blood pressure. She was last seen 2 weeks prior with a blood pressure of 162/94 mmHg.

J.S. is a 54-year-old Hispanic woman who presents to her primary-care

Case Study:
J.S. is a 54-year-old Hispanic woman who presents to her primary-care clinician for follow-up regarding elevated blood pressure. She was last seen 2 weeks prior with a blood pressure of 162/94 mmHg. She has no significant medical history. Additionally, she is a 1 ppd tobacco user with a history of 25 pack-years, and she has a family history of premature cardiac death.

Her vital signs are as follows: height, 5 ft. 4 in.; weight, 188 lb.; pulse, 84 beats/min; blood pressure, 168/98 mmHg; and body mass index, 32.3. As J.S. has been found to be hypertensive (>149/90) on two consecutive office visits, starting an antihypertensive medication is indicated.

Firstly, What is your initial choice for an antihypertensive medication in this patient? (Further, support your treatment plan with a discussion of the evidence based guideline you utilized)

Secondly, Which therapeutic lifestyle change is a priority in helping J.S. achieve blood pressure control?

Thirdly, Which of the following diagnostic tests would you order for J.S. to establish a baseline before starting an anti-hypertensive?

More details;

There are many classes of antihypertensives, which lower blood pressure by different means. Among the most important and most widely used medications are thiazide diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs), and beta blockers.
Further, What is the best antihypertensive medication?
According to many studies, thiazide diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone) and calcium channel blockers (amlodipine) are the place to start. Another option. ACE inhibitors (lisinopril, benazepril, etc) or ARBs (valsartan, irbesartan, losartan) are also recommend ed as a good place to start.
Lastly, What are the new antihypertensive drugs?
We review three new classes of antihypertensive drugs: imidazolines, monatepil, and neutral endopeptidase inhibitors. Imidazolines are a new generation of central acting drugs.

The Yellow Wallpaper illustrate the dangers of the Rest Cure

How does “The Yellow Wallpaper” illustrate the dangers of the Rest Cure as a treatment, especially those related to gender roles? You may include in your answer how late 19th century ideas about women shaped Mitchell’s Rest Cure, but make sure to include references to the short story.

“The Yellow Wallpaper” illustrate the dangers of the Rest Cure

How does “The Yellow Wallpaper” illustrate the dangers of the Rest Cure as a treatment, especially those related to gender roles? You may include in your answer how late 19th century ideas about women shaped Mitchell’s Rest Cure. But make sure to include references to the short story.

More details;

What is the rest cure in the Yellow Wallpaper?
The cure involved four basic elements: bed rest, force-feeding/overfeeding, massage, and electrical stimulation of the muscles. Later, Mitchell adapted the rest cure to treat hysteria and other nervous disorders in the civilian population.
What is the mental illness in the Yellow Wallpaper?
Nervous exhaustion

The protagonist of the story might have been suffering from puerperal insanity, a severe form of mental illness labelled in the early 19th century. He claimed by doctors to be triggered by the mental and physical strain of giving birth.

What is the symbolic meaning of the yellow wallpaper?
Clearly, the wallpaper represents the structure of family, medicine, and tradition in which the narrator finds herself trapped. Wallpaper is domestic and humble, and Gilman skillfully uses this nightmarish, hideous paper as a symbol of the domestic life that traps so many women.
Who is Jane in Yellow Wallpaper?
There are only two possibilities for the identity of ‘Jane’ in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’. It is either a typo for Jennie, or Jane refers to the narrator herself. This lesson covers both, and focuses on the argument that Jane is the name of the narrator.

Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient

Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient. In your answer identify the clinical manifestations of an MI demonstrated by Kath Harris and why these are occurring. Identify the risk factors evident within this case study. How would you manage Mrs Harris’ care?

Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient

Your assignment is to produce a written piece of work addressing the following areas;

Firstly, Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient. Secondly, In your answer identify the clinical manifestations of an MI demonstrated by Kath Harris and why these are occurring. Lastly, Identify the risk factors evident within this case study. How would you manage Mrs Harris’ care?

Furthermore, Outline the immediate nursing and medical management Mrs Harris requires in the treatment of an acute MI. In your answer include the pharmacological management required by a patient with an acute coronary syndrome.

– Identify three medications that would be used in the treatment of an MI and outline the indication for use, mechanism of action, administration method, side effects, and nursing care required for these medications (No tables).

Aim of assessment
Additionally, The purpose for this case study is to enable students to produce a nurse-led case management plan, using evidence-based information relevant to nurses and up-to-date Australian statistics, for improving the health and quality of life for an older adult who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Also, Content should include discussion on pathophysiological treatment options, based on national guidelines and implications for nursing practice.

More details;

What does pathophysiology mean in medical terms?
Pathophysiology ( a.k.a. … Pathology describes the abnormal or undesired condition, whereas pathophysiology seeks to explain the functional changes that are occurring within an individual due to a disease or pathologic state.
What is an example of pathophysiology?
Medical Definition of

Pathophysiology: Deranged function in an individual or an organ due to a disease. For example, a pathophysiologic alteration is a change in function as distinguished from a structural defect.