The Nurse as Advocate-Whether nurses are advocating for their patients

The Nurse as Advocate. Whether nurses are advocating for their patients, health care, and/or policies that improve people’s lives, the advocacy processes have commonalities that transcend the subject of their advocacy. There are also differences, although these differences may be more nuanced than obvious.

The Nurse as Advocate-Whether nurses are advocating for their patients

The Nurse as Advocate
Whether nurses are advocating for their patients, health care, and/or policies that improve people’s lives, the advocacy processes have commonalities that transcend the subject of their advocacy. There are also differences, although these differences may be more nuanced than obvious.

Write a 5-page brief to answer the following questions. Be sure to use APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

Read the following chapters from your course textbook:
Taking Action: Nurse, Educator, and Legislator: My Journey to the Delaware Senate
Taking Action: A Nurse in the Board Room

Answer the below questions:
Describe what you believe to be the drivers for each of the individuals? What factors led them to become advocates?
Discuss the challenges that each of them identified in their writings.
Analyze these drivers and challenges and compare them with your own experience to date as an advocate. In what ways do you believe that you can expand your advocacy skills within the next five years?

Submission Details:
FIRSTLY, Submit your response in a 5-page Microsoft Word document.
SECONDLY, Name your document SU_NSG4068_W5_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
THIRDLY, Submit your document to the Submissions area by the due date assigned.
FINALLY, Cite sources in the APA format on a separate page.

Your patient C.S is 78 years old – Admitted to the nursing home you work at

Your patient C.S is 78 years old. Admitted to the nursing home you work at, with a diagnosis of dehydration. C.S., has been ordered to increase her oral fluid intake to 2500cc per day. When offering her a glass of water, she pushes away your hand and says “I hate water and I don’t drink it much”. You note that after one and a half days she has dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor.

Your patient C.S is 78 years old – Admitted to the nursing home you work at


1.       APA Format with References
2.       No single word responses
3.       At least 100+ words for each response
4.       Give questions some thought and answer honestly and sincerely
5.       Students MUST complete questions for BOTH scenarios

Scenario 1:
Your patient C.S is 78 years old. Admitted to the nursing home you work at, with a diagnosis of dehydration. C.S., has been ordered to increase her oral fluid intake to 2500cc per day. When offering her a glass of water, she pushes away your hand and says “I hate water and I don’t drink it much”. You note that after one and a half days she has dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor.

1.            What should your assessment be on this patient? Explain in detail.

2.            After completing your assessment, what should your next step be? Be specific.

3.            Write 3 complete nursing diagnosis from above information. Include all 3 sections (NANDA, Related to (R/T) & Evidence based practice (EBP) & include 2 nursing interventions for each nursing diagnosis.

Scenario 2:

Ms. Cohen is hospitalized for repair of a fractured hip after a fall at home. She requires intravenous (IV) antibiotics after surgery. Shortly after the first dose she became restless and started picking at her IV line and frequently tried to get out of bed. Several restraint alternatives were attempt ed; but, because of her restlessness, she was successful at pulling out her IV line and getting out of bed. It becomes necessary to restrain Ms. Cohen.

1. You know that a health care provider’s order is require d for the restraint. What are essential components of the restraint order?
2. Which assessments do you need to perform on Ms. Cohen while she is restrain ed?
3. The physician orders a belt restraint. Your assessment of Ms. Cohen the next day reveals that during the day she is alert and pleasantly confuse d but not attempting to get out of bed. Do you continue use of the restraint? Explain.

Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege?

Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege? Consider the financial implications of your response. What are the additional responsibilities of the client, the nurse and the overall healthcare system based on your stance?

Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege

Topic: The Future of Nursing

Write a paper addressing the following questions (provide citations to references used): 5-year peer reviewed article or citations.

1. Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege? Consider the financial implications of your response. What are the additional responsibilities of the client, the nurse and the overall healthcare system based on your stance?

2. Compare the cost of Healthcare in the U.S. considering the specific approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management.
a. Identify which approach is the most cost effective.
b. How can nursing practice impact the cost in each category?

3. What, in your opinion, are the current U.S. Health Care System design shortfalls, if any? How would you re-design the system to promote the approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

4. Think about your future nursing practice. How can you use your nursing knowledge to champion health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

5. Finally, recall the essential themes in the latest Institute of Medicine’s Report on the Future of Nursing? Reflect on how your knowledge/views/opinions have changed or remain the same since starting your education at Nightingale College.

Rubric for this assignment

This Criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analytical and Cognitive Skills
30.0 pts
Learner Demonstrates understanding of content. In-text citations are present, but there is less than 10% cited, the work is the learner’s own and not cited or paraphrased material.

This Criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Posts
10.0 pts
Thorough use of key terms and concepts relevant to the assignment. Thoroughly incorporates readings and other academic & professional resources

This criterion is link to a Learning Outcome Addresses all questions
20.0 pts
Thoroughly and substantively addresses all 5 questions.

This criterion is link to a Learning Outcome Grammar and Spelling
10.0 pts
No Grammar or Spelling Errors

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evidence
10.0 pts
Provides references to at least 5 scholarly sources (textbook, journal articles, articles, etc.)

This criterion is link to a Learning Outcome Timeliness
20.0 pts
Assignment is on time or early.

Li Chen is a 43-year-old, married, Chinese-American woman

Li Chen is a 43-year-old, married, Chinese-American woman who comes for an evaluation for anxiety-related symptoms. She presents with excessive worry that she finds challenging to control and complaints of irritability, muscle tension, and difficulty falling asleep.

Li Chen is a 43-year-old married Chinese-American woman

Li Chen is a 43-year-old, married, Chinese-American woman who comes for an evaluation for anxiety-related symptoms. She presents with excessive worry that she finds challenging to control and complaints of irritability, muscle tension, and difficulty falling asleep.

She reports the anxiety symptoms are causing her difficulty caring for her two children. Also, she reports she has developed a fear of driving her car, which has limited her ability to shop, take her children to school, and her ability to see her family who live 20 minutes away. Additionallly, She tells you that every time she tries to drive, she experiences a feeling of extreme dread.

Her last menstrual period was three weeks ago. She reports a history of high blood pressure for which she takes Lisinopril 20 mg daily. She is 5’ 4” and 110 pounds.

From your perspective as Li’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in a double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references.

1-Identify one screening tool you could use when evaluating Li.
2-Articulate one DSM-5 diagnosis and at least one differential diagnosis for Li. Please match her symptoms with the corresponding DSM-5 criteria.
3-What interviewing techniques would be best used for Li?
4-Identify what lab work you would order for Li. Provide evidence to support your rationale.
5-What coping skills would you give Li? Would you refer her to therapy? If so, what type? Provide evidence to support your rationale.
6- Finally, Is Li in need of hospital stabilization? If so, what steps would you take to seek hospitalization? Would you involve her family? Why?

The ethical and legal issues in nursing study essay

This is a paper that is focusing on the ethical and legal issues in nursing study essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

The ethical and legal issues in nursing study essay

An Essay on Ethical and Legal issues in nursing
Instructions to Write the Essay
An essay to be written on Ethical and Legal issues in nursing based on the case study given below.  This assessment has a weighting of 40%.
You need to consider:

The legal and ethical concerns that the situation in the scenario raises.
The possible actions or inactions that could be taken and also the implications of those actions.
You do not need to provide the ‘right’ answers, what you will be assessed on is your ability to determine the implications of different actions or inactions from a legal and ethical perspective.
Firstly, think of the possible courses of action (or inaction) that could be taken and then consider, do any ethical theories support (or not) the actions that you discuss?

Secondly, which ethical principles, doctrines or concepts apply to the actions/inactions put forward and if so, how?
Thirdly, do any of the ethical principles conflict with each other or with the law?
Fourthly, which torts or other legal concerns apply to your suggested actions/inactions?
Consider the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and RN Standards of Practice (2016), how do they apply to this situation?

The ethical and legal issues in nursing study essay

On 18th January 2020, Nicole Mary Smith (pseudonym) was admitt to the Emergency department of a private hospital with the chief complaints of abdominal pain, poor appetite, and urinary symptoms. Upon review by the Emergency physician, she was admitt to the surgical ward for further investigations and symptom management. The patient is an 86-year old woman, who lives in an assisted living facility. Her daughter and also her grandson live in a nearby suburb and often visit her. During the preceding two weeks, Nicole’s condition has drastically deteriorated. Her daughter appears to be anxious and has narrated her struggle to manage the visits to the hospital and her work and family responsibilities. The visiting Oncologist has refereed Nicole to the palliative care team after the initial diagnosis of metastatic ovarian cancer.

You are the registered nurse looking after Nicole. You entered the room to administer pain relief, the patient’s daughter approaches you and says, “Why do you keep bothering us, do not give her any injections; she is going to die anyway”. She goes on, “I just cannot wait for all of this to be over; I have my own family to look after”. You realize her concerns and try to reassure her. However, you been new to palliative care and are finding the situation challenging.
Write an academic essay on Ethical and also legal issues in nursing, specific to the given scenario. Additionally, provide supporting evidence to your claims and include recommendations to improve future practice.

A current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change

In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature.

A current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change

In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession NUR204: Week 9 Assignment Page 1 `

Assignment: Change Paper
Assignment Overview In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:
Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.
Assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe your healthcare environment, focusing on areas of nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature.
Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change you want to make.

Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change.

Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal.

Reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession.

Write a 3-5 page paper following the criteria below:  your paper should include primary sources and include at least two peer-reviewed nursing journal articles.

Citations should be in your own words and not direct quotes.  Include a title page, running head, appropriate headings, and reference page. The paper should be double spaced, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, follow APA style format, and cite all sources correctly.

Include the proper file naming convention: NUR204_wk9_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy. Grading:

Criteria Excellent (3pts) Good (2pts) Needs Improvement (1pt)
Research – Cited 4 or more reliable sources. – Sufficient information provided to support topic. – Research in-depth, revealing new insight.

– Cited 4 or more reliable sources. – Adequate information provided to support topic. – Research is superficial.

– Missing citations or unreliable sources used. – Information does not support research topic. – Research is not relevant to paper.

NUR204: Week 9 Assignment Page 2

Content – Appropriate topic is chosen that relates directly to the nursing process. – Proposed plan contains specific ideas for change. – Change theory is included and proposal follows theory. – Timeline is included for change proposal. – Reflection is provided.

– Appropriate topic is chosen that relates directly to the nursing process. – Proposed plan is included but missing specifics. – Change theory is included and proposal follows theory. – Timeline is incomplete – Reflection is not relevant to nursing process.

– Inappropriate topic is chosen that is unrelated to nursing process. – Proposed plan is inconsistent and missing specifics. – Change theory is missing or inappropriate. Plan does not follow theory. – Timeline is missing. – Reflection is missing.

Grammar/Spelling – Consistent and appropriate writing style. – No spelling/grammar errors. – Length is 3-5 pages using Times New Roman, 12-point font

– Writing is consistent and appropriate. – Grammar/spelling errors are minor. – Length is less than 3 pages or Times New Roman, 12-point font not used.

– Writing is inconsistent and inappropriate. – Significant grammar/spelling errors. – Length less than 3 pages or Times New Roman, 12-point font not used.

References/APA – All sources properly cited using APA format. – Includes title page, running head, page numbers, proper paragraphs, and reference page.

– All sources properly cited using APA format with minor errors (punctuation). – Includes title page, running head, page numbers, and reference page with minor errors in paragraph format.

– Sources not cited correctly. – Missing elements such as title page, running head, and reference page.

Josie Bellings, a 34-year-old nurse, presents to your office. Her boyfriend, Robs, is with her.

Josie Bellings, a 34-year-old nurse, presents to your office. Her boyfriend, Robs, is with her. “Hi,” Josie sighs deeply. “Remember your first months as a new nurse?

Josie Bellings a 34-year-old nurse presents to your office

Josie Bellings, a 34-year-old nurse, presents to your office. Her boyfriend, Robs, is with her.

“Hi,” Josie sighs deeply. “Remember your first months as a new nurse? I just finished orientation and I’m struggling to keep up now. I’m… I’m having trouble clocking in on time because I have to be certain my hands are clean before I start my shift.”

Robs breaks in. “She’s told me she sometimes washes her hands six times in a row. Maybe even seven or eight to be sure. She does this at home, too.”

Josie nods. “Yeah, he’s right. And after seeing a patient, I also have to clean the desk and computer with wipes just as many times before I can finish the chart. My charge nurse says I’m overdoing the cleanliness a bit, but I just have to do it. And it’s not just cleanliness. At home, I’m the last to bed because I have to check the doors at night five to six times at night.”

“Even if I’ve already locked up and she saw me do it,” puts in Robs.

“Well, I feel like I have to have some control over my world. And, um, Robs doesn’t know this, sometimes I get up after he falls asleep because I worry to the point that I will have to get up and go check one or two more times before I can go to sleep.”

Robs adds, “Actually, I did know about that, Josie. I’m also concerned because Josie will get focused on something and then not be able to shut her mind down. She perseverates and I cannot distract her for anything.”

Josie reports that she has always had these symptoms but that they are worse recently. She reports feeling depressed, mainly because of the OCD symptoms that are causing her trouble. She denies any SI, HI, or A/V hallucinations.

From your perspective as Josie’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, address the following in your initial post.

What screening or diagnostic tool(s) would you use for Josie? Include a link or copy of the screening or diagnostic tool(s). Identify additional questions you need to ask that will help you know what the best treatment option(s) are for Josie.

The Nicole Mary Smith ethical and legal issues in nursing

This is a paper that is focusing on The Nicole Mary Smith ethical and legal issues in nursing. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

The Nicole Mary Smith ethical and legal issues in nursing

An Essay on Ethical and Legal issues in nursing
Instructions to Write the Essay
An essay to be written on Ethical and Legal issues in nursing based on the case study given below.  This assessment has a weighting of 40%.
You need to consider:

The legal and ethical concerns that the situation in the scenario raises.
The possible actions or inactions that could be taken and also the implications of those actions.
You do not need to provide the ‘right’ answers, what you will be assessed on is your ability to determine the implications of different actions or inactions from a legal and ethical perspective.
Firstly, think of the possible courses of action (or inaction) that could be taken and then consider, do any ethical theories support (or not) the actions that you discuss?

Secondly, which ethical principles, doctrines or concepts apply to the actions/inactions put forward and if so, how?
Thirdly, do any of the ethical principles conflict with each other or with the law?
Fourthly, which torts or other legal concerns apply to your suggested actions/inactions?
Consider the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and RN Standards of Practice (2016), how do they apply to this situation?

The Nicole Mary Smith ethical and legal issues in nursing

On 18th January 2020, Nicole Mary Smith (pseudonym) was admitt to the Emergency department of a private hospital with the chief complaints of abdominal pain, poor appetite, and urinary symptoms. Upon review by the Emergency physician, she was admitt to the surgical ward for further investigations and symptom management. The patient is an 86-year old woman, who lives in an assisted living facility. Her daughter and also her grandson live in a nearby suburb and often visit her. During the preceding two weeks, Nicole’s condition has drastically deteriorated. Her daughter appears to be anxious and has narrated her struggle to manage the visits to the hospital and her work and family responsibilities. The visiting Oncologist has refereed Nicole to the palliative care team after the initial diagnosis of metastatic ovarian cancer.

You are the registered nurse looking after Nicole. You entered the room to administer pain relief, the patient’s daughter approaches you and says, “Why do you keep bothering us, do not give her any injections; she is going to die anyway”. She goes on, “I just cannot wait for all of this to be over; I have my own family to look after”. You realize her concerns and try to reassure her. However, you been new to palliative care and are finding the situation challenging.
Write an academic essay on Ethical and also legal issues in nursing, specific to the given scenario. Additionally, provide supporting evidence to your claims and include recommendations to improve future practice.

Janel Wood’s 9-year-old son recently began experiencing migraines

When Janel Wood’s 9-year-old son recently began experiencing migraines, the working mother decided to try a new company health care program that allowed her to communicate with a doctor through videoconferencing, voice over IP and instant messaging.

Janel Wood’s 9-year-old son recently began experiencing migraines

Please read the narrative below and answer the questions. Record your answers in a Microsoft Word document, save and then submit here when completed.

Telehealth : The Doctor Will Tweet You Now

When Janel Wood’s 9-year-old son recently began experiencing migraines, the working mother decided to try a new company health care program that allowed her to communicate with a doctor through videoconferencing, voice over IP and instant messaging.

While her son was home for lunch, Wood logged onto a local medical practice’s website and connected via videoconferencing and IM with the doctor on duty, who then reviewed her son’s electronic medical record, or EMR, online. The doctor sent Wood links to migraine articles and podcasts and prescribed more hydration for her son, which worked overtime. “I ended up bringing [my son] back to school before missing any classes, which he was kind of bummed about. It was so quick and efficient,” Wood said. Please read the article and answer the following:

Do you agree or disagree that telehealth is cold and impersonal?

What are the advantages of telehealth?

What are the disadvantages of telehealth?

Finally, What other industries could benefit from this type of technology?

Not less than 350 words of your answers. Make sure you label each question with the question number. Use APA style if you cite other resources.

Ritchie Metcalf is a 66-year-old Caucasian man whose wife 

Ritchie Metcalf is a 66-year-old Caucasian man whose wife has encouraged him to seek treatment. He has never been in therapy before and has no history of depression or anxiety. However, his alcohol use has recently been getting in the way of his marriage and interfering with his newly retired life.

Ritchie Metcalf is a 66-year-old Caucasian man whose wife

Ritchie Metcalf is a 66-year-old Caucasian man whose wife has encouraged him to seek treatment. He has never been in therapy before and has no history of depression or anxiety. However, his alcohol use has recently been getting in the way of his marriage and interfering with his newly retired life. He describes drinking increasing amounts over the last year, currently consuming approximately a six-pack of beer per day. He notes that this amount “doesn’t give me the same buzz as it used to.” He denies ever experiencing “the shakes” or any other withdrawal symptoms if he skips a day of drinking.

Ritchie comments that his wife, Sandra, is his biggest motivation to decrease his alcohol use. She tells him that he gets argumentative and irritable when he drinks, although he usually does not remember these incidents. Twice, he has fallen while intoxicated, causing bruises both times and once hitting his head.


From your perspective as Ritchie’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in a -page double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references.

1-What screening tool could you use for Ritchie?
2-What assessment questions would you ask regarding his alcohol use?
3-If Ritchie and Sandra want to use medication to help with alcohol cravings, what are his options? Create a table that compares and contrasts at least three medications for alcohol use and/or cravings. Choose one medication, explain why you recommend it for Ritchie, and list the prescribing information. Are there any special considerations in prescribing it for Ritchie?
4-Ritchie and Sandra are both interested in community support groups. Please list one community support group that Ritchie could attend in your area and one community support group for Sandra in your area.
5-What type of individual therapy would be appropriate for Ritchie?