P53 and cancer treatments

P53 and cancer treatments

Please edit my paper as following use simple language so my teacher and the students could understand it, add a good statistic in the introduction about the cancer and use a clear thesis. Research Writing 28 October 2019 P53 and future of cancer treatment The health impact of certain disorders alters the quality of life (QOL) of many individuals. Especially, cancer is a special kind of disorder that has a severe life-threatening impact on life. Cancer affects many body systems, organs, and tissues. Cancer starts in cells that serve as the body’s building blocks. In general, a body synthesizes novel cells based on the needs then substitutes old cells that later encounter death. When this natural process undergoes aberration, novel cell continues to grow regardless of any need and old cells fail to die or go off. The additional cells later turn into a tumor mass (Cancer). A tumor may be of benign otherwise malignant types. Benign tumors do not lead to cancer whereas malignant ones lead to cancer. Malignant tumor based cells can affect the tissues in the nearby region. Very often, these abnormal cells can also undergo breakage and spread to different body parts. Research initiatives have been instrumental in discovering a gene, P53 (Cancer). Briefly, the p53 gene is commonly termed as the tumor suppressor gene. The activity of this p53 gene ceases the tumor formation. If a person inherits only one functional copy of the p53 gene from their parents, they are predisposed to cancer and usually develop several independent tumors in a variety of tissues in early adulthood. This condition is rare and is known as Li-Fraumeni syndrome. However, mutations in p53 are found in most tumor types, and so contribute to the complex network of molecular events leading to tumor formation. Researchers mapped p53 gene to chromosome 17. In a given cell, protein p53 forms binding with DNA. This again activates a different gene to give rise to a p21protein that in turn forms a link with a cdk2 (cell division-stimulating protein). Whenever p21 forms a tight linkage with cdk2 and this restricts the cell passage to the subsequent cell division stage. A mutant form of p53 could not form any bondage with DNA in a reliable manner, and thus a p21 protein cannot be fully ready to function as the cell division. Thus cells undergo division in an uncontrolled manner and form tumors (Genes and Disease, 1998). Importance of p53 gene:

Nursing Leadership and Management

1-Do you think it is important for nurses to be involved in their professional organizations? Why or why not? 2. The Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”) has been both praised and vilified. Debate the pros and cons of this legislation and of health-care reform in general. 3. What is your vision of nursing’s future? How will you contribute to shaping it? 4. Interview a nurse educated in a diploma program at least 20 years ago. a-How did that nurse’s education differ from your education today? 5. Locate the website of a professional organization related to nursing. Bring a copy of the organization’s mission, membership criteria, and standards of practice. 6. Ask five people of different ages and gender who do not work in the health-care field what they think most nurses do. Compile their answers with the answers your classmates collected and summarize them. Compare the summary to what you know nurses actually do. a-Were the answers realistic? b-Did they over- or underestimate the responsibilities most nurses have? c-Did they recognize the wide variety of things nurses do? d-Was there a difference by age or gender of the person answering the question? e-What do the results tell you about the public’s image of nursing? f-What do you think influences their image the most? Explain your answer. 7. Describe the nurse of the future. a-What does he or she do? b-Do you think nursing will become a more powerful force in health care? c-Why or why not?

Public policies that affects nurse practitioners

Topic Public policies that affects nurse practitioners

Please provide at least 250 words on each questions. Thank you. 1. Consider a few public health policies that affect nurse practitioners. Select one piece of federal legislation and one piece of state legislation that impacts the nurse practitioner practice. Describe the considerations to keep in mind on the job, ramifications for violating the law, and any other important aspects. 2. In the current environment of health care reform, describe the role nurse practitioners have in shaping legislation. If you wrote a letter to your state representative, who would you be writing to and what points would you state to create a positive impression on the issues addressed? references: https://www.aanp.org/ https://www.aacn.org/ https://www.ncsbn.org/federal.htm https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/AZ#representatives

Patient shielding in x-ray examinations

Subject is Radiology. 1500 words required. Review needs to establishes the purpose, scope, and context of the problem. Should discuss the articles and the relationship of the themes in a highly synthesized manner. Detailed conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Research question are formed through the literature review and is clearly stated. Information must be formed and cited in APA format

Kaplan- Meier Test

Using the Survival Curve dataset tab located in the Framingham Heart Study Dataset, perform a Kaplan-Meier test to determine the survival curve for the Survival Curve data. perform the Kaplan-Meier test in Excel. H0 The survival time is not related to the patient treatment group. (Null Hypothesis) H1 The survival time is related to the patient treatment group. (Alternative Hypothesis) Present your findings as a Survival Curve chart in a Word document, including a title page, introduction explaining why you would conduct a survival analysis, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the survival analysis, and a conclusion. Your submission should be 6 pages to discuss and display your findings. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of Seven scholarly, peer reviewed articles. Follow APA writing standards.




Pepper in a survey and pie charts in this paper. major project of this course will be the completion of a research proposal that will expose students to some of the basic elements of the research process—question formulation, searching and synthesizing professional literature, research design, data collection and analysis, and implications for policy and practice.

Most of the course objectives will be achieved through the completion of each step in this process. The remainder of the desired course outcomes will be achieved through the completion of additional projects and assignments.

1. Research Proposal (75 points): Link (Links to an external site.) Each student will write a 15 – 20 page research proposal

– The proposal will include a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, discussion and references. For a more detailed description of each chapter, please see below. Remember:

APA format required and please note that incomplete work will not be graded. a. Abstract Link (Links to an external site.) A brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article. It should describe the problem under investigation, in one sentence if possible; the participants; the essential features of study method; the statistical analysis used based on the data you would have collected; the basic findings (in this case, what you hope to find); and the implications or applications.

b. Chapter One: Introduction and Purpose (20 points) Link (Links to an external site.) The focus of this introduction will be articulating the “problem” under investigation and the research “question” that will guide the study. It should be 2- 3 pages in length, introduce the topic, explain the significance of the “problem,” and clearly articulate the question that will be pursued.

c. Chapter Two: A Review of the Literature (25 points) Link (Links to an external site.) The purpose of this 8 – 10 page chapter will be to develop your skills in literature searching, critiquing of research articles, writing a brief literature review through synthesizing material, and learning to follow APA format.

The number of sources should be a minimum of 6 scholarly journals. d. Chapter Three: Research Methods/Design (20 points) Link (Links to an external site.)

Training people living with Osteoarthritis

The literature review will be double-spaced, and use Times New Roman font size 12, with one inch margins on each side of the page. No exceptions. The total length of the literature review will be no less than seven (7) pages and no more than twelve (12) pages (NOT including the cover or reference pages). APA style is required.You are required to use a minimum of ten (10) references of which at least seven (7) must be from peer-reviewed sources. Please read the movement project guidelines on files, for this project I picked training people living with Osteoarthritis since I want to become a physical therapist that’s a growing population.

A interview with a nurse

A interview with a nurse


Paper details:

Interview one nurse who is actively involved in advocating for health-care policy and collaborating with health-care policymakers. Some questions to consider include: What sparked your interest in health-care advocacy? How did you get started in health–care advocacy? What advice would you give to nurses who are not yet involved? What have you learned through your experience? Add any other question you would like

Biopsychosocial theories and psychotherapeutic approaches assessment

This is a paper that is focusing on the biopsychosocial theories and psychotherapeutic approaches assessment. The paper also provides the requirements to focus in writing the assignment paper.

Biopsychosocial theories and psychotherapeutic approaches assessment

Assignment task

Of three scenarios, select two and develop a report on collaborative care for the individual. The aim of the assignment is to test your knowledge as outlined in learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4; take particular note of the emboldened sections of learning outcomes.
learning outcomes

1. Firstly, utilise and apply knowledge of biopsychosocial theories, psychotherapeutic approaches and pharmacology to critically understand the nursing assessment and management of presenting mental health conditions.
2. Secondly, demonstrate critical understanding of a range of nursing skills used in the delivery of safe and effective care for people with mental health problems
3. Thirdly, analyse the interrelationship between physical health and mental health for providing appropriate care utilising the best available evidence
4. Fourthly, critically reflect on the use of effective communication skills with inter professional team member, people with mental health conditions, their families and significant others


Select two scenarios to develop a report on collaborative care (see below), which includes consideration of the patient’s views and also the inter-professional team. The care package should include consideration of the physical, mental and sociological needs of the individual. It further needs to focus on providing psycho-therapeutic approaches (skills).

The structure of each developed collaborative care package needs the following:

Ø  Introduction (Approximately, 175 words*) This will acknowledge which scenario you are addressing. Your main areas concern, please not just lift from the assignment brief, think about the person and their future. How will you find out more about these needs and their strength; additionally,  do remember the inter-professional and collaborative aspects of this scenario.

Ø  Main body (Approximately, 900 words*) In this you should consider how the physical, mental and also social aspects of the individual are addressed, consideration of communication processes and of nursing skills especially around the use of psychotherapeutic approaches are concerned. Justify too why you have selected a specific psychotherapeutic approaches.

Ø  Conclusion and recommendations (Approximately, 175 words*) This should consider the future, what next for the individual. There should also be an evaluation of what you think you would have achieved with the person over a period of time.


65-year old black male client admitted yesterday with hypertensive crisis

65-year old black male client admitted yesterday with hypertensive crisis.  His BP in the ER was 212/100.  It is now 180/95.  He received Nitroglycerin in the ER and is still on a Nitroglycerin IV drip.

65-year old black male client admitted yesterday with hypertensive crisis

Instructions: Use the patient information below to write the Benchmark Paper, and make sure to use the Alternative Benchmark Paper Template.

Patient Information:  65-year old black male client admitted yesterday with hypertensive crisis.  His BP in the ER was 212/100.  It is now 180/95.  He received Nitroglycerin in the ER and is still on a Nitroglycerin IV drip.  He stated that he has trouble affording his medication, and often rations his pills to make them last longer.

Instructions: Use the patient information below to write the Benchmark Paper, and make sure to use the Alternative Benchmark Paper Template.

Patient Information:  70-year old Native American female client admitted yesterday with a recent diagnosis of chronic renal disease.  She has had 50 mL of dark amber urine via the Foley catheter in the past 12 hours.  She insists that she can improve her condition with traditional herbal remedies.

Instructions: Use the patient information below to write the Benchmark Paper, and make sure to use the Alternative Benchmark Paper Template.

Patient Information: 40 year old Asian male client was admitted for diabetic ketoacidosis. Also, He has a history of noncompliance with medication. Further, He is obese, with a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, He states that he eats whatever he wants. Finally, He is currently on an insulin drip at 0.1units/kg/hour.

Instructions: Use the patient information below to write the Benchmark Paper, and make sure to use the Alternative Benchmark Paper Template.

Patient Information: 72-year old Hispanic male client admitted yesterday with CHF exacerbation and respiratory distress.  He is currently on a 100% non-rebreather mask and low-sodium diet.

Instructions: Use the patient information below to write the Benchmark Paper, and make sure to use the Alternative Benchmark Paper Template.

Patient Information: 52-year old homeless male client admitted this morning for acute COPD exacerbation.  He has smoked 1 pack of cigarettes per day for the past 30 years, and drinks beer daily – his last drink was 2 days ago.  He appears extremely cachectic.