The Ethical Dilemma with Sterilization Without Consent

The Ethical Dilemma with Sterilization Without Consent

Include (4) recently published (2012 to present) references.


Each reference that is used MUST include at least 1 RN as the author.

• Helpful resources

• Professional organizations o AWHONN, ACNM, ACOG, Childbirth Connections, Lamaze International, The International Childbirth Education Association, March of Dimes

• Ethical theories and principles o American Nurses Association. Ethics o American Nurses Association.

Short Definitions of Ethical Principles and Theories:

o A searchable database of professional references on various ethical dilemmas The body of the paper MUST answer all of these questions clearly and concisely.

Do not be repetitive. Make sure to read the articles and list examples when you can to support what you are saying

1. Clearly define the ethical dilemma AND Present a scenario where this ethical dilemma may present AND Describe the relationship to Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family.

2. Identify appropriate Ethical principle AND Describe how the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses can be utilized to resolve the scenario.

3. Identify the roles of the nurse and other professionals that will care for the family in the scenario AND Identify at least 2 resources in clinical facility and/or local community to assist with scenario.

4. Identify at least 1 appropriate nursing diagnosis related to the topic of the ethical dilemma. Remember: All articles must be used from credible sources.

There can be multiple authors but of all the authors in each article there MUST be 1 RN as the author per article.


THE TOPIC I’M DISCUSSING IS DEMENTIA  THE TOPIC I’M DISCUSSING IS DEMENTIA Each student will be required to complete a 5-6 page research paper( a minimum of 1500 words-you must submit your word count). At some time in your life, you, your loved ones, or close friends will be diagnosed with a disease, disorder, illness, or condition. This paper is designed to help you to develop the skills necessary to research this diagnosis. The research paper must include, and will be graded on, the following: 1) the topic—definition and discussion 2) how disease/disorder is diagnosed/discovered 3) relevant research/data on topic-what current research exist ( this is where you will cite professional journals) 4) current statistics regarding incidence, morbidity, mortality, recovery rates, gender, age, race , ethnicity 5) treatments (traditional, nontraditional, and experimental) 6) all local and national resources available for information-this is not a works cited requirement, but is intended to have you research local and national sources of additional information. for example, if I was doing my project on breast cancer, I would list as a resource the Breast Cancer Center at the Queen of the Valley Hospital. This is not intended to be your works cited page, but is to answer the question, “Where could I go for more information?” It is not appropriate to say “see your local doctor”, instead I would look up a doctor that treats or deals with breast cancer and list that doctor specifically. The paper must be typed using the MLA format (standard NVC English format) with citations of all work that is not original. You must cite all work. If you choose to use Google docs to submit your work, please remember that you must give me permission to open and read. If you do not, I am not able to read and will result in a possible delay or failure to enter your grade. At minimum, you must use texts( books on the subject matter), professional journals,and websites. You must use reputable sites for your citations. For example, I may use Wikipedia to get started, but I would not submit it as a source. You must include only professionally vetted journals. APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Nursing Theory and Its Relationship to Practice

INSTRUCTIONS In this assignment, you are to select a theory of nursing that fits with your understanding of effective nursing values and practices. Prepare a thorough review of the theory, including a discussion of how this theory, will guide your planning to implement the theory in your work as a nurse, will inform your anticipation of barriers to implementation and will assist you in creating a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of care provided while employing this theory. Use the following process to guide your work: Select one nursing theory that is useful to your practice setting. Research the literature for refereed journal articles (include current, classic – by theorist, and relevant scholarly sources) that discuss the use of the theory in practice. Use a sufficient number of scholarly sources in your paper, but at least five. Critically review the nursing theory and develop a plan for how you would utilize this theory in your practice. Be sure to include thoughts related to holistic spiritual nursing care. (Use Chapter 3 of Smith & Parker to review theory.) In a 6-8 page (not including the title and reference pages, no abstract required for this paper) 6th edition APA paper using spelling/grammar following APA guidelines: Introduction (overview, purpose, your rationale for selecting the nursing theory, and plan for paper) Synthesis of selected nursing theory Examine the nursing theory’s components Design plan for implementing nursing theory into practice Anticipate potential barriers/challenges to implementation Create plan for evaluating the effectiveness of care provided using this nursing theory Construct examples Conclusion (explain how you have met the purpose of this paper) Draft #1 Paper: Due Date; prior to Final Paper (best practice calls for submitting by W3, D5 to give time for revision) Allow time to obtain Match Score (sometimes up to 3-4 hours), in order to revise your paper to avoid inadvertent plagiarism. Remember to avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing, you must change both the words and the sentence structure. Remember, use of quotations is minimal in scholarly writing for graduate school. Final Paper Due Date: Week 4, Day 1 Note: the Final Draft/Paper will be submitted with Turnitin enabled. Note: The Turnitin draft links are for you to use when you are ready. There is no due date for draft submissions. The links may be used anytime before the final copy of the paper is due. Submit your first draft and check for flagged areas on the Turnitin report. Areas that are flagged/highlighted may indicate that there is a need to reword, paraphrase, add a citation, create a quotation, etc. It is very important that you avoid plagiarism/self-plagiarism, so be sure to thoroughly review the Turnitin report. Your similarity score should be below 25%, but your instructor will evaluate the report, not just the score. You cannot rely on the similarity score to ensure that you have not plagiarized. If you are satisfied that there are no areas that need to be changed, you do not need to submit a second draft. The final copy of your paper must be submitted on or before Day 1 of Week 4.

N537 – Health Care Informatics

Syllabus N537 – Health Care Informatics Health informatics is the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care. It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health care settings. Health informatics tools include not only computers but also clinical guidelines, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems.

This course focuses on the application of health care informatics from a nursing perspective. Based on the Foundation of Knowledge model, this course demonstrates how nursing and healthcare informatics relate to knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and feedback, all of which build the science of nursing. Course Goals: By the conclusion of this course, student will be able to:

• Understand knowledge and how it is acquired, processed, generated, and disseminated • Implement informatics applications from the perspective the current healthcare delivery system and specific individual organizational needs • Proactively anticipate and create future informatics applications in both health care systems and the nursing profession • Identify, develop, evaluate, modify, and enhance informatics applications to improve patient care • Discover opportunities to use informatics • Participate in the design of informatics solutions within the health care setting Course Materials: Required Textbook: • McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2017) Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN 978-1284121247 • American Psychological Association. (2009).

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author. ISBN: 9781433805615 Course Structure:

Module 1: The Building Blocks of Nursing Informatics Module 2: Perspectives on Nursing Informatics Module 3: Nursing Informatics Applications: Ethics, Privacy, and Security

Module 4: Nursing Informatics Administrative Applications:

Precare and Care Support Module 5: Nursing Informatics Practice Applications:

Care Delivery Module 6: Nursing Informatics Applications:

Nursing Research Module 7: Nursing Informatics Applications: Nursing Education Module 8: Imagining the Future of Nursing Informatics Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these go

Speculative design on end of life care to create a better death experience

Speculative design on end of life care to create a better death experience  Prompt: For this term paper, please write between 1000 to 2000 words that articulates your beliefs and possible solutions about a particular issue related to 21st century design. Use at least three outside credible bibliographic citations/sources. 1. Begin with a statement to the effect that there is an important change in history/historical circumstances. Then try to define this change in a few key terms. 2. State your design related solutions to this circumstances. 3. Use case studies and researches to back up your designs, and state the importance of your work. Topic: The topic for this term paper is about how we should improve current end-of-life care to those who are terminally ill, and thus change the perspective of death to create a better “death experience”. First spot flaws on existing end of life care design (miscommunication, patient stress, etc.), and then think of a better design system for this specific topic. Sources must be credible, and ideas must be creative. It can be idealistic and speculative.

Professionial portfolio

Description 1. Create a professional mission statement (suggested length of 1 paragraph) that includes the following: • a representation of your career goals, your aspirations, and how you want to move forward with your career • an overview of where you would like to focus your time and energies within the profession a. Reflect on how your professional mission statement will help guide you throughout your nursing career.

2. Complete a professional summary (suggested length of 3–4 pages) that includes the following: a. Explain how the specific artifacts or completed work or both in your portfolio represent you as a learner and a healthcare professional. b. Discuss how the specific artifacts in your portfolio represent your professional strengths. c. Discuss challenges you encountered during the progression of your program. i. Explain how you overcame these challenges. d. Explain how your coursework helped you meet each of the nine nursing program outcomes. Note: Refer to the attachment “Nursing Conceptual Model.” e. Analyze how you fulfilled the following roles during your program: • scientist • detective • manager of the healing environment f. Discuss how you have grown professionally since the beginning of your program. B. Complete the following within the section “Quality and Safety”: 1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of quality and safety developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition. a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition. b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition. i. Explain how these artifacts support your definition from part B1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio. 2. Discuss the importance of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) certificate for your future role as a professional nurse. C. Complete the following within the section “Evidence-Based Practice”: 1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of evidence-based practice developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition. a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition. b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i. Explain how these artifacts support your definition from part C1. Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your understanding of evidence-based practice and applied nursing research by doing the following: a. Discuss how you are able to evaluate current primary research and apply the concepts to your nursing practice, considering the following:

• relevancy and believability of data • differences between quality improvement and research (places and uses of each) • differences between primary and secondary research and resources and the implications of each in clinical practice b. Explain how your experience in the program helped you achieve excellence in evidence-based practice.

D. Complete the following within the section “Applied Leadership”: 1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of applied leadership you developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition. a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition. b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition. i. Explain how these artifacts support the definition from part D1. Please see attached documents for continued rubric

Johns Hopkins Nursing Non-Research Appraisal tool

Description The purpose of this assignment is to provide the graduate nursing student opportunity to practice reading and critiquing research articles for application to an evidence-based practice. (All articles to be used are attached) Critique will require a two-three page written analysis of the article.

The paper should include: Introduction – Article topic/focus – Author(s) – Aim of assignment  Critique of Article The article critique should be a methodological review specific to type of article (for example, qualitative or quantitative). The analysis must be two to three pages and detailed using the text and resources. The content of the review should also include:

1. Ethical review

2. Analysis of findings

3. Limitations

4. Discussion

5. Application (translation) to practice specialty

6. Future implications

In addition, students must complete the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool that is applicable to the type of study design (qualitative, quantitative or non-research evidence) for the week. (Attached below) Non-research appraisal:

Guideline or Systematic Review Select a guideline or systematic review article from the Week 4 list (attached). Write a two-three (2-3) page critique of the article in a Word Doc integrating your course readings. Be sure to include a citation for your article using APA (paper format is above). ** Complete the Johns Hopkins Non-research evidence review document (attached)

The efficacy of hypnosis on tinnitus relief


Hello, Please could you do a thorough cross examination of the attached data? The Hypothesis is to identify How effective hypnotic suggestion is in providing tinnitus relief. Some questions to answer: • Are post-hypnotic suggestions effective at providing tinnitus relief? • Can placebo (control group) have any effect in providing tinnitus relief? • Does anxiety correlate with the severity of tinnitus on the handicap inventory? • Does anxiety reduce following post hypnotic suggestions? • Does level of hypnotisability have any impact on success rate in the control and test group? • Is there any correlation between people wearing hearing aids and post test results? Please use SPSS. Please use measures of central tendency to decipher the data Alongside a T-test to measure the efficacy of hypnosis vs placebo, comparing the GAD 7, THI and SUDS. (I was thinking the efficacy of the study would be at 80% of participants have a greater success rate as a direct result of the treatment compared to the control group with p < .05, power of 80? I will leave this upto you to please identify) Please also add some scientific graphs to show the data. Please also mention any outliers, and show on a graph. I see that Ref 22 is a potential outlier. When asked, they said they had been extremely stressed and I see that they also wore hearing aids.. Perhaps some correlation? Any other data of interest, please identify any findings

Contemporary Nursing practice

The field of nursing has changed over time.

In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing.

Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.

Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision‐making, differ between the BSN‐prepared nurse and the ADN nurse. Discuss the significance of applying evidence‐based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN‐BSN nurse supports its application.

Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

P53 and cancer treatments

P53 and cancer treatments

Please edit my paper as following use simple language so my teacher and the students could understand it, add a good statistic in the introduction about the cancer and use a clear thesis. Research Writing 28 October 2019 P53 and future of cancer treatment The health impact of certain disorders alters the quality of life (QOL) of many individuals. Especially, cancer is a special kind of disorder that has a severe life-threatening impact on life. Cancer affects many body systems, organs, and tissues. Cancer starts in cells that serve as the body’s building blocks. In general, a body synthesizes novel cells based on the needs then substitutes old cells that later encounter death. When this natural process undergoes aberration, novel cell continues to grow regardless of any need and old cells fail to die or go off. The additional cells later turn into a tumor mass (Cancer). A tumor may be of benign otherwise malignant types. Benign tumors do not lead to cancer whereas malignant ones lead to cancer. Malignant tumor based cells can affect the tissues in the nearby region. Very often, these abnormal cells can also undergo breakage and spread to different body parts. Research initiatives have been instrumental in discovering a gene, P53 (Cancer). Briefly, the p53 gene is commonly termed as the tumor suppressor gene. The activity of this p53 gene ceases the tumor formation. If a person inherits only one functional copy of the p53 gene from their parents, they are predisposed to cancer and usually develop several independent tumors in a variety of tissues in early adulthood. This condition is rare and is known as Li-Fraumeni syndrome. However, mutations in p53 are found in most tumor types, and so contribute to the complex network of molecular events leading to tumor formation. Researchers mapped p53 gene to chromosome 17. In a given cell, protein p53 forms binding with DNA. This again activates a different gene to give rise to a p21protein that in turn forms a link with a cdk2 (cell division-stimulating protein). Whenever p21 forms a tight linkage with cdk2 and this restricts the cell passage to the subsequent cell division stage. A mutant form of p53 could not form any bondage with DNA in a reliable manner, and thus a p21 protein cannot be fully ready to function as the cell division. Thus cells undergo division in an uncontrolled manner and form tumors (Genes and Disease, 1998). Importance of p53 gene: