Comparing sidenafil drug with cialis drug

Semester Project Your semester projects will consist of a 5 page paper (typed, double-spaced, 12pt. font). You will choose 3 articles from a respected publication within the past 5 years, which deals with a topic in Microbiology, Ecology, Evolution, Biotechnology, etc.

Comparing sidenafil drug with cialis drug

Suggested Publications include but are not limited to: National Geographic, Scientific American, Time, Discover, and any scientific journals (Nature, Science, etc.). You paper must include the following 1. A summary of the topic Why you chose the article 2. A research problem or thesis statement 3. Articles addressing number 2 4. A conclusive paragraph 5. Your opinion of the article and its significance to the field 6. A title page 7. A reference page 8.

Appropriate APA formatting Grading Summary (See Rubric for Details: Appropriateness of the articles used (10 points) Use common sense. Is it lengthy enough? Is it current? Does it address the field? ASK ME!! Do you have a cogent thesis? Paper (40 points) Quality of writing (length, grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations, APA formatting) (20 pts) Accuracy of summary, appropriateness of the articles to the problem or thesis (No Plagiarism, I will catch you!) (20 pts)

Evaluating a Drug Treatment Program

Research Paper – Evaluating a Drug Treatment Program For your 9-10 page Research Paper (that includes title page, abstract, and references; body of paper is 6-7 pages) you will evaluate a specific drug treatment program.

Evaluating a Drug Treatment Program

There are many programs to choose from including residential treatment (in-patient), out-patient, local support groups, extended care centers, recovery or sober houses, addiction counseling, mental health, holistic approaches to substance abuse treatment, and many others. Some rehab centers offer age- and gender-specific programs,

Therapeutic Communities, Chemical Dependency Programs, Private Hospital Drug Treatment programs, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, The Minnesota Model, Rational Recovery, Secular Organization for Sobriety, Moderation Management, etc., etc.

The paper should include the following sections: Structure – Follow the outline below to format your paper: Title Page APA format Abstract (this heading should be centered, not bolded) After the title page, your abstract will start on the top of page 2 and will be a maximum of 150 words. Although, the abstract is on page 2, it is the last part of paper to be written as it is a brief summary (main points) of your entire paper. This is written in general terms leaving the specifics for later. Introduction (this heading should be centered and bolded) Opening paragraph Begin the paper with an introductory paragraph which includes an explicit thesis statement.

Should be a clear statement providing focus of the topic to be discussed in your paper. Review of literature (ROL) on the topic This is a review of the specific treatment program you will be evaluating. Include four sources in your review (each of these articles must be from peer-reviewed journals). All of these articles should be summarized with enough depth so the reader understands how the treatment program is run. This section should give factual information concerning the programs. You are laying the foundation for the reader and when completed it should be clear how the treatment program is accomplished. All in-text citations must be presented using APA format. Be sure to include each in the reference section as well. Provide a transition paragraph leading reader into discussion section Objective of the rest of the paper should be clarified here. Discussion (this heading should be centered and bolded) This section allows you to give your opinions as to why or how a particular program is effective or not. You may determine it is better for a particular type of client. Much flexibility is given here but your analysis must be clear and to the point. Give evidence as to why you feel the way you do. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment program related to the following: Resistance from clients. You may determine the program is better for a particular type of client; less resistance, etc. Give evidence as to why you feel the way you do. Relapse issues Can program be applied to the real world? If applicable, discuss potential problems it might have in transferring from the artificial setting (for example, a 24/7 detox facility) to the applied setting. Other pros and cons of this treatment program? Include two media reports (magazine, newspaper, or Internet articles) that support your views. Compare/contrast these articles with ROL (journal articles). Conclusion paragraph. Finish this section with final words stating how information contained in this paper is important insofar as applied value is concerned emphasizing what the take-away message is. Your overall opinion. Note: Besides the main heading of Discussion (centered), also include subheadings (flush left) for this section. For example, possible subheadings might be: Advantages/Disadvantages, Compare/Contrast, Conclusion, etc. However, other ways of breaking this section down are possible. Use your best judgement insofar as presenting in a way that makes it easy for the reader to follow. References (centered, not bolded) APA Format Include exactly six sources in your paper (four must be from peer-reviewed journals; the other two from media reports (magazine, newspaper, or Internet). You cannot use your textbook as a source; however, you can use textbook to help locate original articles. Note: While the above includes specific instructions for each section, the following website gives an accurate guideline for general APA rules. For example, notice format for the headings and subheadings, in-text citations, references, etc.




Paper details:

Evidence-based practice paper. For this assignment, you need to pick a skill (ex. IM injection, trach care, NG insertion, etc.), and conduct research on the evidence-based practice regarding the performance of this skill.


Write a 2-3 page paper using APA format for citing references and include a cover page. I want to write about BEST PRACTICE FOR CONFIRMING PLACEMENT OF NASOGASTRIC TUBE Include title page 3 references (scholarly articles) reference page reference included in the text too 12 inch Times New Roman 1” margins

Identify a toxicant that causes reproductive toxicity


Identify a toxicant that causes reproductive toxicity.

Develop a research paper that includes the following: background information on the toxicant, its use, and routes of exposure; the process by which this toxicant causes reproductive toxicity and the concentration of exposure; ways exposure to the toxicant might be limited, treated, and/or effects reversed; and recent research findings (within the last five years) on this toxicant.  The research paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and written in APA format with proper in-text citations and references. The paper should utilize at least three credible sources that include at least one peer-reviewed journal article published within the last five years.

Breastfeeding: The attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate students


This is a thesis on the attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate students in order to promote the rate and duration of breastfeeding. I needed to hand out the questionnaires to a range of undergraduate students at a university. I will attach the questionnaire. You will need to generate results yourself and analyse them using a tool such as ANOVA. Please follow the mark scheme for the layout and grading.

Nursing Education

Nursing Education

Please answer the below two questions separately, the answers should be 1.5 pages each and 2 references less than 5 years old for each one in APA format 1-In reviewing the curriculum, the Curriculum Committee faces one of the most difficult issues for undergraduate nursing faculty:


how to grade clinical performance. As a committee member, do you favor giving letter grades for clinical experiences, or are you in favor of using pass or fail grades only? How are formative and summative assessment related to this issue? 2-Since you and Dr.

Becker are new to the Curriculum Committee, you need to become familiar with the regulation and accreditation of nursing programs. What are the differences between educational regulation and accreditation, and what are each looking for? Who is responsible for each function? Finally, what is the role of the U.S. Department of Education in overseeing higher education?

Disease process

The focus of this course has been the structure and function of the human body. A disease process results when there is a disorder of this structure or function.


This paper will be a 900-1,200-word research-based paper in current APA format focusing on a disease process of your choice. The paper must include at least 2 scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks and materials. The disease chosen must involve at least three organ systems and the effect of the disease on these systems must be detailed in the paper. When discussing the treatment, describe how science equips humans (scientists and physicians in this case) to participate in God’s redemptive work.

The effect of the disease on the body’s efforts to maintain homeostasis should be addressed, as should all other given parameters. Content and Outline Use the following headings when writing your paper. Each point on the outline below must be a separate section (with the section heading in APA format) within your paper.

I. Introduction •Indicate the disease to be discussed • Indicate the organ systems affected • Provide a brief overview of disease II. Description • Describe disease process • Explain disease effect on organ systems • Discuss effect on homeostasis and the body as a whole III. Diagnosis • Outline how the disease is diagnosed • Include common symptoms • Discuss the main causes of the disease IV. Treatment • Discuss treatment and management of the disease

• Describe how science equips humans to participate in God’s redemptive work • Outline steps for prevention of disease (if possible) V. Conclusion • Provide a summary statement for your paper. • Do not introduce new material in your conclusion.


FPX4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

NOTE* Please see attached files for further Instructions, Recourses, scoring guide, Templates to complete paper. Thank you! Develop a 3-4-page preliminary care coordination plan for an individual in your community with whom you choose to work. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.


Part 1: Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Complete the following: Identify a health concern as the focus of your care coordination plan. Possible health concerns may include, but are not limited to: Stroke. Heart disease (high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure). Home safety. Pulmonary disease (COPD or fibrotic lung disease). Orthopedic concerns (hip replacement or knee replacement).

Cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia). Pain management. Mental health. Trauma. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.

Part 2: Secure Individual Participation in the Activity Complete the following: Contact local individuals who may be open to an interview and a care coordination plan addressing their health concerns.

The person you choose to work with may be a colleague, community member, friend, or family member. Meet with the individual to describe the care coordination plan session that you intend to provide.

Collaborate with the participant in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to the plan. Establish a tentative date and time for the care coordination plan session. Document the name of the individual and a single point of contact, either an e-mail address or a phone number

Is there a gap between nursing education and nursing practice

Is there a gap between nursing education and nursing practice?

Please explain and support your answers Academic Level :

Bachelor Paper details Is there a gap between nursing education and nursing practice?

Please explain and support your answers

Please write a five (5) page essay, and include a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 – 12 slides.

Your essay should be: Be a total of five (5) pages or more. Original, work and will be checked for plagiarism. Cite your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide. Please include at least five (5) current professional nursing references in your presentation that are no more than 5 years old.

Nursing education curriculum

nursing education Please answer the below 2 question. The answers should be separate and each one have 2 references less than 5 years old. Each question should be answered in 1.5 pages 1-One of the Curriculum Committee members proposed using only the test banks that come with the program’s textbooks. How should the Curriculum Committee respond? How do you plan to develop your own test banks for your courses? 2-Students are protesting several questions on a unit examination. To address their concerns ethically, how should the faculty analyze their exams? What are important components of item analysis, and what is your philosophy on handling questionable test items?