Evaluating a Drug Treatment Program

Research Paper – Evaluating a Drug Treatment Program For your 9-10 page Research Paper (that includes title page, abstract, and references; body of paper is 6-7 pages) you will evaluate a specific drug treatment program.

Evaluating a Drug Treatment Program

There are many programs to choose from including residential treatment (in-patient), out-patient, local support groups, extended care centers, recovery or sober houses, addiction counseling, mental health, holistic approaches to substance abuse treatment, and many others. Some rehab centers offer age- and gender-specific programs,

Therapeutic Communities, Chemical Dependency Programs, Private Hospital Drug Treatment programs, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, The Minnesota Model, Rational Recovery, Secular Organization for Sobriety, Moderation Management, etc., etc.

The paper should include the following sections: Structure – Follow the outline below to format your paper: Title Page APA format Abstract (this heading should be centered, not bolded) After the title page, your abstract will start on the top of page 2 and will be a maximum of 150 words. Although, the abstract is on page 2, it is the last part of paper to be written as it is a brief summary (main points) of your entire paper. This is written in general terms leaving the specifics for later. Introduction (this heading should be centered and bolded) Opening paragraph Begin the paper with an introductory paragraph which includes an explicit thesis statement.

Should be a clear statement providing focus of the topic to be discussed in your paper. Review of literature (ROL) on the topic This is a review of the specific treatment program you will be evaluating. Include four sources in your review (each of these articles must be from peer-reviewed journals). All of these articles should be summarized with enough depth so the reader understands how the treatment program is run. This section should give factual information concerning the programs. You are laying the foundation for the reader and when completed it should be clear how the treatment program is accomplished. All in-text citations must be presented using APA format. Be sure to include each in the reference section as well. Provide a transition paragraph leading reader into discussion section Objective of the rest of the paper should be clarified here. Discussion (this heading should be centered and bolded) This section allows you to give your opinions as to why or how a particular program is effective or not. You may determine it is better for a particular type of client. Much flexibility is given here but your analysis must be clear and to the point. Give evidence as to why you feel the way you do. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment program related to the following: Resistance from clients. You may determine the program is better for a particular type of client; less resistance, etc. Give evidence as to why you feel the way you do. Relapse issues Can program be applied to the real world? If applicable, discuss potential problems it might have in transferring from the artificial setting (for example, a 24/7 detox facility) to the applied setting. Other pros and cons of this treatment program? Include two media reports (magazine, newspaper, or Internet articles) that support your views. Compare/contrast these articles with ROL (journal articles). Conclusion paragraph. Finish this section with final words stating how information contained in this paper is important insofar as applied value is concerned emphasizing what the take-away message is. Your overall opinion. Note: Besides the main heading of Discussion (centered), also include subheadings (flush left) for this section. For example, possible subheadings might be: Advantages/Disadvantages, Compare/Contrast, Conclusion, etc. However, other ways of breaking this section down are possible. Use your best judgement insofar as presenting in a way that makes it easy for the reader to follow. References (centered, not bolded) APA Format Include exactly six sources in your paper (four must be from peer-reviewed journals; the other two from media reports (magazine, newspaper, or Internet). You cannot use your textbook as a source; however, you can use textbook to help locate original articles. Note: While the above includes specific instructions for each section, the following website gives an accurate guideline for general APA rules. For example, notice format for the headings and subheadings, in-text citations, references, etc.

Nursing Informatics Best Practices

Discussion Question: Review the evidence-based practice requirements outlined for the Magnet Recognition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) at https://www.nursingworld.org/organizational-programs/magnet/magnet-model/. Compare and contrast your current practice environment to that of the guidelines. Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length. # 1-Larisa Baskin posted Nov 28, 2019 5:57 AM The magnet model of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) has been developed to guide future nursing practice and research. Organizations recognized under ANCC’s magnet model will be the principal sources of knowledge and expertise in global nursing care delivery (“Magnet Model,” n.d). The Magnet Recognition Program requires healthcare organizations to demonstrate transformational leadership to facilitate quality care delivery. As a healthcare practitioner, the model’s guideline for transformational leadership is consistent with my organization’s practices as the facility’s management focuses on strong staff expertise and aligning its practices to its mission. A fundamental guideline for the Magnet Recognition Program is the demonstration of exemplary professional practice in the nursing field of healthcare. Nurses must have a comprehensive understanding of their professional roles as such knowledge enables them to effectively interact with communities, patients, and family members (“Magnet Model,” n.d). This guideline coincides with the nature of my current nursing practice environment as my healthcare facility’s management regularly evaluates the quality of patient care to improve existing standards and practice methods. Such management actions motivate my colleagues and me to maintain professionalism through the demonstration of a positive work-place attitude and being compassionate in our interaction with patients. The Magnet Recognition Program requires healthcare organizations to have stable structures and processes as they facilitate the flourishment of healthy professional practice. Moreover, stable organizational structures enable healthcare facilities to build strong relationships among different communities thus allowing coordination of services, which leads to improved patient outcomes (“Magnet Model,” n.d). This guideline differs from healthcare practices in my current work environment as we lack an effective recruitment structure that would ensure adequate staffing at the institution. Under-staffing in my current practice environment contributes to nurses’ fatigue and poor work-life balance. Such challenges aggravate the risk of poor service delivery and medical errors. References Magnet Model. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/organizational-programs/magnet/magnet-model/ less #2-Angelia Murphy posted Nov 28, 2019 4:24 AM “The Magnet Recognition Program for healthcare organizations promotes excellence in nursing services and professional practices” (Tai & Bame, 2017). Hospital with Magnet status have been linked to higher cost efficiency over hospitals that do not have Magnet status. Tai and Bame, 2017 reports that there has been previous research done that shows that there are many benefits to hospitals having Magnet programs such as greater patient satisfaction, and hospitals are able to recruit and retain qualified nurses due to greater job satisfaction. According to (Tai & Bame, 2017) Magnet hospitals are more compliant with the Health Quality Alliance’s national standards for heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia. With the better nursing quality and work environment Magnet hospitals has been recognized for having better patient outcomes. The Magnet hospital concept evolved in response to persistent nursing shortages in America. Tai & Bame, (2017) report that this lead the American Academy of Nursing (AAN), to conduct a national study to determine and understand why some hospitals were more successful than others when it came to recruiting and retaining nurses on staff. There were fourteen components of the Magnet program which have since be configured into five model components to include transformational leadership, structural empowerment, exemplary professional practice, new knowledge, innovation and improvements and lastly empirical quality results. “The Magnet Recognition Program advanced three goals in healthcare organizations: (1) promote a setting that supports quality of professional practice; (2) identify excellence in the delivery of nursing services to patients; and (3) disseminated best practices in nursing services” (Tai & Bame, 2017). The main hospital for which the community hospital, where this nurse currently works, is associated with has reached and maintained Magnet status for years now. The community division hospital has some work to do before they can gain Magnet recognition. When it comes to the guidelines set by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) this writer’s current emergency department has things that need to be improved. As for transformational leadership of the organization is into the future with updates in computer software and other equipment. However, when it comes to listening to staff this is one area they needs to be improved in. Management will often ask what they can do to make the emergency department run better, however when suggestion are given they tend to shoot them down. For structural empowerment this writer’s facility continues to review and update polices and adds new education to keep the nurses updated on their stills. With the exemplary professional practice the facility does not have nurses as teachers. They do make sure the nursing role is clear and there are many opportunities to develop and apply what one has learned. With the new knowledge, innovation and improvements the facility has quality improvement teams to research new and better ways to care for patient. Nurses are ask to help lead these teams. When it comes to empirical quality results the hospital tracks the quality of care provide through sending out surveys that patient fill out and send back to the hospital. The surveys are look at to see where change is needed and new education or policies to improve areas that need to be changed. This writer also understands that 80% of all the nurses must have or be working towards a BSN degree. There are only a hand full of the nursed working in the emergency department that actually has already obtained a BSN. Reference: Tai, T., & Bame, S. (2017). Organizational and community factors associated with magnet status of U.S. hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 62(1), 62-76. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1937373061?accountid=34574 Discussion Question: As nurses, we need to find effective ways to handle our stress. Explain how stress has affected you personally. How do you manage stress in your life? Are there other activities you could incorporate into daily routine to reduce stress? Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length. #3-Wanda O’Berry posted Nov 27, 2019 10:49 PM The US Occupational and Safety and Health Institute has reported that the nursing profession is ranked 27th among one hundred and thirty professions that were studied regarding stress and pressure (Akbar, Eslami, Elahi, Nasrin, Mohammadi, & Khoshknab, 2017). Nursing has been identified universally as a stressful career choice and due to the increasing demand for healthcare, stress among nurses is predicted to increase in the years to come. This is a trend that must not be ignored given the deep negative effects on the health of nurses and the patients under their care (Zeller and Levin, 2013). It has been reported that stress is considered the black plaque in our time (Poursadeghiyan, Moghimian, Amjad, Mohahammad &Yari, 2017). Since I have a been a nurse, some of the major stressors that I have dealt with are very high demands such as, heavy workloads, long hours, working at home, insufficient teamwork, and little to no managerial support. My stress level is much better than it has been in the past, but there have been periods where I have experienced sleeplessness, fatigue, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, crying spells, and burnout. There were times in the beginning of my career when I thought I had made a mistake, but I knew I was called to be a nurse and I have a passion for patient care along with a strong desire to help them live the best quality of life. In order to continue in the profession, this student begin to manage stress through prayer, meditation, listening to music, walking outside and focusing on the beautiful sounds of nature. Also, when I find myself dealing with patients that are difficult and demanding, I have learned to walk away for a brief period of time, take slow deep breaths, allow myself to calm down and then return to finish the task. Other activities that can be incorporated to lower stress is by talking to coworkers because they are down in the trenches with you and they can relate. This opens the door to therapeutic venting sessions which can be extremely helpful not only by releasing concerns, but a good time to share ideas on how to improve the issue. This student has the opportunity to meet with a team of nurses for dinner once a month and this allows us to be more upfront in verbalizing our concerns outside of the workplace. Another activity to reduce stress is exercise, which is an excellent stress reducer. This is known to aid in reducing adrenaline and cortisol as well as increasing endorphins. Also, exercise heightens energy and help nurses not to be extremely exhausted at the end of the workday. Furthermore, taking up a hobby is a good way to relieve stress because this gives the nurse something else to focus attention on and it is something that can be enjoyed. Hobbies can include reading, knitting/sewing, or painting. The possibilities are boundless and can provide huge health benefits. Also, hobbies have a way of making people feel good about themselves and can cultivate a sense of pride (Registered Nursing.org, 2019). Akbar, R.E., Elahi, N., Mohammadi, E., Khoshknab, M.F. (2017). How do the nurses cope with job stress? A study with grounded theory approach. Journal of caring Sciences Vol 6(3), 199-211. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/central/docview Poursadeghiyan, M., Moghimian, M.R., Baneshi, M., Yari, Ahmdreza, et.al. (2017). Effects on job stress on Iranian clinical nurses. Annals of tropical Medicine and Public Health Vol 10(4). Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/central/docview Registered Nursing.org (2019). How to manage your stress as a nurse. Retrieved from https://www.registerednursing.org #4-Lucinda Enterline posted Nov 27, 2019 6:33 PM Stress is defined as how the brain and body respond to any challenge like workplace issues, school demands, significant life events and/or traumatic experiences (NIMH, n.d.). Anything that is important to us can cause stress as self-expectations are high and the feeling that we must succeed raises stress levels to varying degrees. Stress can affect your health and cause many issues with emotional and physical health and well-being. Recognizing stress and finding ways to address stress before it becomes critical is very important for overall well-being and health. As a Hospice Nurse, I felt stress to make my hospice patients and their loved ones as comfortable as possible at the end of life. The stressor was knowing that I would not get a second chance with these patients and I had to do my best every visit. As a Clinic Supervisor, I feel a different type of stress, but it is still stress. Add trying to finish a BSN, take care of my 82-year-old Mom that has suffered three major strokes and lives with me and there are days this 61-year-old nurse feels like taking a long walk on a short pier! Instead, I stop and center myself and remember to be grateful every moment for all the blessings in my life. I remember that I am one person doing the best I can every moment and that is enough. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests that there are five things we should all know about stress (NIMH, n.d.). First and foremost, everyone experiences stress from time to time. Stress can be short or long term, it can be a one-time situation, or it may reoccur and we all recover from stress differently (NIMH, n.d.). The different types of stress are defined as “routine” like the stress felt in school, work or in day to day responsibilities. Stress brought on by situations that are perceived as a negative life change like losing a job, divorce or illness. Traumatic stress is the stress experienced in war, a major accident, natural disasters causing death and destruction (NIMH, n.d.). Traumatic stress can cause distressing emotional and physical symptoms that usually lessen with time (NIMH, n.d.). Second thing to know is that not all stress is bad and can be a motivator to get things done. Stress is also a natural reaction to situations that could be dangerous and activates your warning system (NIMH, n.d.). Third is long term stress can over time, cause a continued strain on your body and contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, including mental disorders such as anxiety and depression (NIMH, n.d.). Fourth remember there are ways to manage your stress. Some suggestions are regular exercise, talking to your health care provider, do relaxing activities, remember you are not alone and recognize the signals your body gives you when stressed and address them (NIMH, n.d.). Lastly, if you feel overwhelmed ask for help from your healthcare provider or if feeling suicidal talk to someone – you are not alone and help is available you must ask. Reference 5 Things You Should Know About Stress. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2019, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/stress/index.shtml Discussion Question: Below are some common delegation issues with examples. Give your own examples of over-delegation, under-delegation, and refusal to accept a legitimate delegation, and explain what you would do in each case. Over-delegation. (Would you pass my medications for me and sign off my orders? I’m really busy). Under-delegation. (I’ll do it myself. The nursing assistant argues with me when I ask her to do something/I always have to do it over). Refusal to accept assignment of legitimate delegation. (I don’t know how to do that very well/I have too much work already/It’s always me that gets the work; ask someone else/I’m too busy/I won’t be able to do a very good job, but if that’s what you want…) Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length. #5-Agustin Urra posted Nov 26, 2019 6:39 PM Delegation is considered a key function of modern nursing and knowing how and when to delegate are critical skills for nurses entering the profession today and in the future. Delegation is described as the process for a nurse to direct another person to perform nursing tasks and activities. This means that a nurse can request another person to perform a task not usually performed by that person. (Weiss & Tappen, 2015) Delegation becomes a liability issue for the nurse because even if he or she has been put in a situation in which they feel they have to delegate tasks to an unlicensed staff member to get the job done, ultimately they are responsible for what happens to that patient. Effective delegation frees the nurse to focus on providing quality care to the patient rather than being overwhelmed with tasks that can be carried out safely by someone with less training. Tasks that can be safely delegated are those that do not require nursing judgment. Because of the possible legal and ethical constraints arising regarding delegation in nursing, the American Nurses Association developed the five rights of delegation to assist nurses in making safe decisions. These five rights are as follows: Right task, Right circumstance, Right person, Right supervision, and Right direction and communication. (Barrow & Sharma, 2019) One of the frequent delegation mistakes in nursing is over-delegation. Over-delegation occurs when the nurse assigns tasks to personnel that is not qualified, educated, or licensed to perform such tasks. An example of over-delegation would be a nurse Supervisor asking a charge nurse to perform a corrective action to a staff nurse. This request is completely inappropriate as a charge nurse responsibility lie in the clinical and operational aspects of the nursing unit. Charge nurses do not have the administrative authority to present to a staff nurse a performance corrective action as is the duty of administrative personnel as a Nurse Supervisor or a Manager. Another delegation mistake is under-delegation. Under-delegation occurs when nurse takes on tasks that are usually performed by assistive personnel. As an example, we can mention a nurse performing all the accuchecks (bedside blood sugar test) for his diabetics patient before the patients receive their meals. This is a task for which the CNAs at my institutions are trained and authorized to perform. Is not an appropriate excuse for a CNA to say is “too busy and can’t get to it now” as accuchecks must be perform before meals for an appropriate glycemic control. Educating this CNA on task prioritizing would be the correct course of action in this case. Lastly, the refusal to accept a legitimate delegation occurs when the individual tries to avoid the task delegated using all sort of excuses. An example of this situation is when a nurse is asked to do a blood culture from a central line, and the nurse states that she/he is not too familiar with the steps although all nursing staff have been trained to do this activity. My approach to this would be to request a senior nurse to be present as a guide, but to have the primary nurse perform the test as originally requested. Reference Barrow, J. & Sharma, S. (2019) Nursing Five Rights of Delegation. July 30, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519519/#!po=18.7500 Weiss, S. A. & Tappen, R. M. (2015). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company less #6-Amber Ferrer posted Nov 28, 2019 6:06 AM Delegation is one of those nursing aspects that I have struggled with since I can remember. In nursing school, delgation seemed easy. I never missed those questions on our exams, and they seemed like obvious answers using common sense however; things changed when I got out of school. During nursing practice it is not difficult to know and understand what tasks you can delegate and what you cannot. The difficult part of the delgation process for me is the responsibility that delegation carries, and the fact that I am already responsible for six or seven patients so the responsibility of someone else’s work puts alot of pressure on me. I am one of those people who like to get things done, done the right way, and done myself if it is not done fast enough or the right way. I have never experienced over-delegation. Even when I was worked as a UAP, the nurses I was working under never expected me to do anything that was not within my scope of practice. I think an example of over delegation to a UAP would be asking them to get a urine sample from a Foley catheter. It could very easily be an over-delegation. In the state of Arkansas, UAP cannot do sterile technique and therefore cannot get a urine specimen from a Foley. They can get a urine speciment from a cup the patient does themselves. If I witnessed this over-delegation, I would intervene and let the nurse delegating know they cannot get the specimen, but I could assist if needed. Under-delegation is something that I genuinely struggle with. If I have a patient who in accuchecks every four hours, I expect that they will be done every four hours. If I see they are not done, I just get my accucheck machine and go check it myself. I have had a UAP tell me as I am going, “oh I was just about to go do that.” I then replied, “no it’s fine, you must be busy. I can get it.” I know this is something I should not do and I am learning to be more assertive. I think my issue is that I recognise the importance of time management and I need those things done. During our yearly competency, we actually have to perform delegation skits, so I am steadily improving, but this is by far one of the most difficult things for me. I have experienced a delegation refusal before. It was not a down right refusal. It was one of those where the UAP stated they did not know if it was the safesty idea for them to do the job because they were uncomfortable. I offered to be with them so they could get used to it and the UAP said if I was going to be there then I could just do it while I was in the room. This is one scenario that I did stand up and say no you can get off your cell phone and either come do it while I watch or we can get the charge nurse to watch you to make sure you are doing it correctly. The UAP was doing homework and did not want to stop. It had nothing to do with being uncomfortable and I was aware of that. She ended up not working out and they let her go, but that is probably what was best for the organization. According to Meiring (2016), we are in a time period where one person cannot single-handlely achieve success. They must put trust into another person to do certain duties, and by doing so the nurse will realize she is allowing herself free time to do more difficult or important tasks (Meiring, 2016). Reference: A., M. (2016, December 1). To delegate or not to delegate. Retrieved November 28, 2019, from https://journals.co.za/content/journal/10520/EJC-4f4c18d4d#. less NB: Please reply to each response, starting by a greeting with the person name, each response has to be at least 200 words, and the reference at the end of each response not at the end all together. I add the discussion question just to let you know what all is about.

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Identify a toxicant that causes reproductive toxicity


Identify a toxicant that causes reproductive toxicity.

Develop a research paper that includes the following: background information on the toxicant, its use, and routes of exposure; the process by which this toxicant causes reproductive toxicity and the concentration of exposure; ways exposure to the toxicant might be limited, treated, and/or effects reversed; and recent research findings (within the last five years) on this toxicant.  The research paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and written in APA format with proper in-text citations and references. The paper should utilize at least three credible sources that include at least one peer-reviewed journal article published within the last five years.

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Nursing Education

Nursing Education

Please answer the below two questions separately, the answers should be 1.5 pages each and 2 references less than 5 years old for each one in APA format 1-In reviewing the curriculum, the Curriculum Committee faces one of the most difficult issues for undergraduate nursing faculty:


how to grade clinical performance. As a committee member, do you favor giving letter grades for clinical experiences, or are you in favor of using pass or fail grades only? How are formative and summative assessment related to this issue? 2-Since you and Dr.

Becker are new to the Curriculum Committee, you need to become familiar with the regulation and accreditation of nursing programs. What are the differences between educational regulation and accreditation, and what are each looking for? Who is responsible for each function? Finally, what is the role of the U.S. Department of Education in overseeing higher education?

Disease process

The focus of this course has been the structure and function of the human body. A disease process results when there is a disorder of this structure or function.


This paper will be a 900-1,200-word research-based paper in current APA format focusing on a disease process of your choice. The paper must include at least 2 scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks and materials. The disease chosen must involve at least three organ systems and the effect of the disease on these systems must be detailed in the paper. When discussing the treatment, describe how science equips humans (scientists and physicians in this case) to participate in God’s redemptive work.

The effect of the disease on the body’s efforts to maintain homeostasis should be addressed, as should all other given parameters. Content and Outline Use the following headings when writing your paper. Each point on the outline below must be a separate section (with the section heading in APA format) within your paper.

I. Introduction •Indicate the disease to be discussed • Indicate the organ systems affected • Provide a brief overview of disease II. Description • Describe disease process • Explain disease effect on organ systems • Discuss effect on homeostasis and the body as a whole III. Diagnosis • Outline how the disease is diagnosed • Include common symptoms • Discuss the main causes of the disease IV. Treatment • Discuss treatment and management of the disease

• Describe how science equips humans to participate in God’s redemptive work • Outline steps for prevention of disease (if possible) V. Conclusion • Provide a summary statement for your paper. • Do not introduce new material in your conclusion.


FPX4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

NOTE* Please see attached files for further Instructions, Recourses, scoring guide, Templates to complete paper. Thank you! Develop a 3-4-page preliminary care coordination plan for an individual in your community with whom you choose to work. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.


Part 1: Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Complete the following: Identify a health concern as the focus of your care coordination plan. Possible health concerns may include, but are not limited to: Stroke. Heart disease (high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure). Home safety. Pulmonary disease (COPD or fibrotic lung disease). Orthopedic concerns (hip replacement or knee replacement).

Cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia). Pain management. Mental health. Trauma. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care.

Part 2: Secure Individual Participation in the Activity Complete the following: Contact local individuals who may be open to an interview and a care coordination plan addressing their health concerns.

The person you choose to work with may be a colleague, community member, friend, or family member. Meet with the individual to describe the care coordination plan session that you intend to provide.

Collaborate with the participant in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to the plan. Establish a tentative date and time for the care coordination plan session. Document the name of the individual and a single point of contact, either an e-mail address or a phone number




Paper details:

Evidence-based practice paper. For this assignment, you need to pick a skill (ex. IM injection, trach care, NG insertion, etc.), and conduct research on the evidence-based practice regarding the performance of this skill.


Write a 2-3 page paper using APA format for citing references and include a cover page. I want to write about BEST PRACTICE FOR CONFIRMING PLACEMENT OF NASOGASTRIC TUBE Include title page 3 references (scholarly articles) reference page reference included in the text too 12 inch Times New Roman 1” margins

Nursing and Health Care Informatics Ethics and the Law

Paper direction Purpose The process for affecting positive change to improve practice outcomes can start with either the identification of an area of interest or the identification of a potential or existing practice problem. Selecting an area of interest helps to define a direction for further inquiry. The purpose of this assessment is for students to identify and discuss an area of interest specific to advanced practice nursing. Students will identify a common practice problem related to the selected area of interest and provide a recommendation to affect positive change. Students will build on this project in later courses. Note: The purpose of the MSN project is to translate evidence currently found in the literature into practice within the chosen specialty track. Due to the research complexity, time involvement, and implications regarding human subjects, drug studies are not acceptable areas of interest for an MSN project. Area of Interest Powerpoint Presentation. The week 6 assignment will not go through Turnitin. Total Points Possible: 175 Requirements: Criteria for Content For this presentation, select an area of nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in which you would like to see a practice change occur. Conduct a review of literature to see what is currently known about the topic and to find research support for the practice change you are recommending.  You may use a topic from the list at the link below or may investigate a topic of your choice as long as it pertains to NP practice. If you are unsure of your topic, please reach out to your instructor. Be sure to provide speaker’s notes for all slides except the title and reference slides.  List of Possible Topics (Links to an external site.) Creating a Professional Presentation (Links to an external site.) Create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following: 1. Introduction: slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered. 2. Evidence-based projects: slide should explain the general importance of master’s-prepared nurses engaging in evidence-based projects related to nursing practice and profession. Provide speaker’s notes with additional detail and support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 3. Conceptual Model: slide should provide an illustration of a conceptual model that could be used to develop an evidence-based project. Possible models include The John’s Hopkins or Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) Models or you may select another model you find in the literature. In the speaker’s notes, explain how the model would be applied to the development of an evidence-based project. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 4. Area of Interest: identify an area of interest related to NP practice in which a practice change may be needed. Slide should identify the area of interest and what is currently known on the topic. Speaker’s notes more fully explain what is currently known and should provide rationale for why the area of interest is important to NP practice. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 5. Issue/concern and recommendation for change: slide should identify a specific concern related to your general area of interest and your recommendation for a practice change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain the recommended change and rationale for the change. Recommendation should be supported by at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 6. Factors Influencing Change: slide should identify at least 2 internal and external factors that could impact your ability to implement your recommended change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain how the factors you’ve identified would support or impede the implementation of your recommendations. Factors may be based on personal experience or on information you found in your research. If the identified factors come from the literature, provide reference citations to support your ideas. 7. NONPF Competencies: slide identifies at least two NONPF Competencies that are relevant to an evidence-based project related to your area of interest. Speaker’s notes should explain how the competencies relate to your area of interest. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 8. Conclusion: slide provides summary points of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic.  Preparing the presentation Submission Requirements 1. Application: Use Microsoft Power Point™ to create the PowerPoint presentation.  2. Length: The PowerPoint presentation must be 8-12 total slides (excluding title and reference slides).   3. Speaker notes are used and include in-text citations when applicable. 4. A minimum of four (4) scholarly literature references must be used. 5. Submission: Submit your file: Last name_First initial_Wk5Assessment_Area of Interest.  Best Practices in Preparing the Project The following are best practices in preparing this project: 1. Review directions thoroughly. 2. Follow submission requirements. 3. Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included. 4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing. 5. Review the Creating a Professional Presentation located resource.  6. Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly. 7. Abide by CCN academic integrity policy. ASSIGNMENT CONTENT Category Points % Description Introduction 9 5% Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered. Evidence-based projects 12 7% Slide should explain the general importance of master’s-prepared nurses engaging in evidence-based projects related to nursing practice and profession. Provide speaker’s notes with additional detail and support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). Conceptual Model 18 10% Slide should provide an illustration of a conceptual model that could be used to develop an evidence-based project. Possible models include The John’s Hopkins or Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) Models or you may select another model you find in the literature. In the speaker’s notes, explain how the model would be applied to the development of an evidence-based project. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). Area of Interest 35 20% Identify an area of interest related to NP practice in which a practice change may be needed. Slide should identify the area of interest and what is currently known on the topic. Speaker’s notes more fully explain what is currently known and should provide rationale for why the area of interest is important to NP practice. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). Issue/concern and recommendation for change 35 20% Slide should identify a specific concern related to your general area of interest and your recommendation for a practice change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain the recommended change and rationale for the change. Recommendation should be supported by at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). Factors Influencing Change 17 10% Slide should identify at least 2 internal and external factors that could impact your ability to implement your recommended change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain how the factors you’ve identified would support or impede the implementation of your recommendations. Factors may be based on personal experience or on information you found in your research. If the identified factors come from the literature, provide reference citations to support your ideas. NONPF Competencies 14 8% Slide identifies at least two NONPF Competencies that are relevant to an evidence-based project related to your area of interest. Speaker’s notes should explain how the competencies relate to your area of interest. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). Conclusion 9 5% Slide provides summary points of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic. 149 85% Total CONTENT Points= 149 points ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Category Points % Description APA Formatting 8 5% 1. References on reference slide must be in APA format. May use bullets instead of hanging indents. 1. In-text citations on slides and in speaker’s notes must be in APA format. Writing Mechanics 9 5% Writing mechanics follow the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. Presentation length meets assignment guidelines. Slide Formatting 9 5% 1) Presentation has title slide 2) Presentation has reference slide(s) 3) Slides are professional in appearance and tone; 4) Slides are balanced spatially, including words and graphics. 26 15% Total FORMAT Points= 26 points 175 100% ASSIGNMENT TOTAL=175 points

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Epidemiology and Nursing

epidemiology and nursing research on (Communicable diseases the writer will choose) Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease.

Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection Chickenpox Tuberculosis Influenza Mononucleosis Hepatitis B HIV Ebola Measles Polio Influenza Epidemiology Paper Requirements Describe the chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence).

Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.

Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.

Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors.

Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population? Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic data are necessary to the health of the community.

Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.

Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example. A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.