Team Building Electronic Management Records EMRs

Team Building Electronic Management Records EMRs

You are a nurse in charge of implementation of Electronic Management  Records (EMRs). Form a hypothetical team who will be tasked with the implementation of the project. Incorporate what you have learned in the module (750 words).

Nursing Leadership


After reading Chapter 4 of the IOM report (Keeping Patients Safe) as well as your other readings
for this module, reflect on this content in relation to your work setting and patient safety.
Compose an initial pose that highlights an assessment of patient safety issues in your work
setting in relationship to the 5 management practices described in the IOM report (Keeping
Patients Safe) using evidence-based research.
1. Select and describe the most pressing patient safety issues in your work setting that you think
needs improvement.
2. Provide rationale using evidence-based research on your patient safety issue that speaks to how patient safety could be improved in your work setting. What are the best practices? How are
they being implemented? What could your work setting improve upon based on the best
practices presented in the literature?
3. Select one (1) out of the five (5) essential management practices that could best be utilized in
helping to implement the changes for improved patient safety based on the evidence-based
research you uncovered on your patient safety issue.
o * The five essential management practices are (IOM, 2003):
1. Balancing the tension between production efficiency and reliability (safety).
2. Creating and sustaining trust throughout the organization.
3. Actively managing the process of change.
4. Involving workers in decision making pertaining to work design and work flow.
5. Using knowledge management practices to establish the organization as a “learning
organization” (p. 3).
4. Given the readings you have competed thus far on leadership theory, in what ways do you
think transformational leadership would best support implementation of improved patient safety
practices in your work setting?
Institute of Medicine. (2003). Keeping patients safe: Transforming the work environments of
nurses. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine. (2004). Transformational leadership and evidenced- based management. In
Institute of Medicine. Keeping patients safe: Transforming the work environment of nurses.
Institute of Medicine Report (pp. 108-161). National Academies Press.

Health History and Medical Information

Health History and Medical Information

Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. M., presented below.
Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the
Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.
Health History and Medical Information
Health History
Mr. M., a 70-year-old male, has been living at the assisted living facility where you work. He has
no know allergies. He is a nonsmoker and does not use alcohol. Limited physical activity related
to difficulty ambulating and unsteady gait. Medical history includes hypertension controlled with ACE inhibitors, hypercholesterolemia, status post appendectomy, and tibial fracture status
postsurgical repair with no obvious signs of complications. Current medications include Lisinopril
20mg daily, Lipitor 40mg daily, Ambien 10mg PRN, Xanax 0.5 mg PRN, and ibuprofen 400mg
Case Scenario
Over the past 2 months, Mr. M. seems to be deteriorating quickly. He is having trouble recalling
the names of his family members, remembering his room number, and even repeating what he
has just read. He is becoming agitated and aggressive quickly. He appears to be afraid and
fearful when he gets aggressive. He has been found wandering at night and will frequently
become lost, needing help to get back to his room. Mr. M has become dependent with many
ADLs, whereas a few months ago he was fully able to dress, bathe, and feed himself. The
assisted living facility is concerned with his rapid decline and has decided to order testing.
Objective Data
Temperature: 37.1 degrees C
BP 123/78 HR 93 RR 22 Pox 99%
Denies pain
Height: 69.5 inches; Weight 87 kg
Laboratory Results
WBC: 19.2 (1,000/uL)
Lymphocytes 6700 (cells/uL)
CT Head shows no changes since previous scan
Urinalysis positive for moderate amount of leukocytes and cloudy Protein: 7.1 g/dL; AST: 32 U/L; ALT 29 U/L
Critical Thinking Essay
In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mr. M.’s situation. Include the following:
Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. M.
Based on the information presented in the case scenario, discuss what primary and secondary
medical diagnoses should be considered for Mr. M. Explain why these should be considered and
what data is provided for support.
When performing your nursing assessment, discuss what abnormalities would you expect to find
and why.
Describe the physical, psychological, and emotional effects Mr. M.’s current health status may
have on him. Discuss the impact it can have on his family.
Discuss what interventions can be put into place to support Mr. M. and his family.
Given Mr. M.’s current condition, discuss at least four actual or potential problems he faces.
Provide rationale for each

Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care


Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
Create a 5–10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidencebased plan to improve the outcomes for a patient and examine how remote collaboration
provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.

As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and
collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to
work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work
produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding how to
leverage EBP principles in collaboration will be important in the success of institutions delivering
quality, safe, and cost-effective care. It could also lead to better job satisfaction for those
engaging in remote collaboration.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course
competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a
Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the
care plan.
Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.
Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.
Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes
based on evidence.

Patient Centered Protocol for Respiratory Care Adult Patients

Patient-Centered Protocol for Respiratory Care Adult Patients

For this paper you will create a patient-centered protocol. The patient-centered protocol needs to
be supported by evidence based medicine and you need to search for adequate evidence to
support the rationale for your patient centered-protocol. This may end up being a protocol you
will wish to pursue implementing within your facility. Be sure to describe your patient centered
protocol in a 2-3 page double spaced paper. You will need a title page and a reference page.
Your paper will need the support of at least 3 scholarly sources.

Professional APN Resume

Professional APN Resume

Creating a Professional Advanced Nurse Practitioner (APN) Resume

Instructions: Creating a Professional APN Resume

Create a resume related to your desired area of expertise and advanced practice role.

Follow professional guidelines in creating the resume May include a school Career Services as a reference for formatting the resume Additional details: Students will be graded in DISCUSSION BOARD on feedback to minimally 2 peers Attach a professional cover letter to resume Resume can be no longer than 3 pages including cover letter

Resume is for an APN seeking an APN position

Nurse Skills: Managing Challenges and Potential Barriers


Introduction: Managing challenges and potential barriers is an essential skill for nurse leaders in transforming culture into one of excellence.

Challenges that leaders may encounter in the professional work environment include:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Crisis management
  • Supervising others
  • Healthy versus unhealthy work environments
  • Delegating
  • Networking
  • Final Paper: write 8 to 810 pages APA formatted paper discussing how you intend to manage these challenges to maintain quality and safe care environment for clients.

Nurse Burnout


Literature review on nurse burnout and medical residency (1,100 words).

Role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Discuss the roles of the ANP.

You can include the following in your discussion.

  • Introduction
  • Purpose statement
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Nurse Practitioners and Physicians
  • Career Advancement
  • Autonomy and Flexibility
  • Financial status
  • Clinical and Non-clinical Masters Prepared Advanced Practice Nurse.
  • Four Roles Used to Describe Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Future of Nurse Leading Change, Advancing Health.
  • Conclusion

Recent Trends in Prescription Drug Costs and Nurse Advocacy

Write about recent trends in prescription drugs costs and nurses’ interventions. How can nurses use their advocacy skills to lower the cost of drugs. Identify one of your political representative, organize a meeting or send him a list of questions you would like to ask. (2,500 words).