Evolutionary Psychology: The Brain and Nervous System

In his seminal work, The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin wrote about and described the mechanisms behind his grand theory, the evolution of life.

Darwin postulated that life evolves and changes through a process called Natural Selection, in which environmental pressures favor certain phenotypes of a species allowing those individuals to survive and pass their genetic material on to subsequent generations.

Through this process these useful adaptations become more common in the population until this adapted subpopulation itself becomes so different from the original population that they become an entirely different species.

Over the course of history many adaptations have helped our ancestors survive and thrive (e.g. encephalization, bipedalism), but because of the length of our lifespan and the speed at which evolution works, it is not possible to observe human evolution in the same way we can observe a human develop from infant to adult.

Sometimes, however, other species with shorter lifespans give us a glimpse of evolution in action.

Please read the article on the English Speckeled Moth and then discuss how the article shows natural selection (e.g. name what the environmental pressure was, how the phenotype influenced the moth’s ability to survive).

Please also discuss how, in the nature vs. nurture debate, evolution stands an example of how the interaction of the two is perhaps the biggest key to our understanding of how our world works

Assessing Community Health Care Needs

Assessing Community Health Care Needs

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Assessing Community Health Care Needs assignment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assignment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assignment. Do not turn in this document as your assignment submission.

Assess the health care needs of a community and report your findings in an executive summary.

Assess Community Health Needs

Assess, via a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a public health perspective.

  • What areas of the community will you include in your survey?
  • What aspects of the physical environment are relevant to your survey? Why?
  • What are the limitations of the survey?
  • What factors would you consider in assessing risks to your safety while conducting the survey?
  • What conclusions can you draw from the survey? What evidence leads you to those conclusions?

Analyze the environmental factors affecting population health in a community.

  • What questions are you trying to answer?
  • What health issues are of concern in the community? For example, technological, social, regulatory, political, or economic issues.
  • What opportunities and threats are influencing health care providers in the community?
  • What conclusions can you draw from the analysis? What evidence leads you to those conclusions?

Identify the social determinants of health in a community.

  • What are the social factors that influence community health?
  • What are the social factors that influence change?
  • What evidence do you have to support your claims?

Summarize windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders.

  • How will you organize the data and information you have collected?
  • What are the information needs and expectations of your target audience?
  • What do the data and information tell you about community health needs, challenges, and opportunities?
  • What are the key lessons learned from your survey and analysis?

Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

  • Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
  • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

  • Integrate relevant and credible evidence from 3–5 peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications.
  • Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
    • How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
    • Will your reader see the connection?
  • Did you summarize, paraphrase, and quote your sources appropriately?

Submission Reminders

  • Have you completed your environmental analysis and windshield survey, with supporting evidence to substantiate your conclusions?
  • Have you identified the social determinants of health in the community and their effects on change? Have you provided supporting evidence?
  • Is your summary of the analysis and survey findings complete and accurate?
    • Have you documented your conclusions and lessons learned?
    • Is your information clear and coherent?
    • Is your summary 2–3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page?
    • Did you proofread your writing?
  • Are your assertions and conclusions well supported by 3–5 sources of relevant and credible evidence?

Health Policy Statement. Community Health Policy Statement


You are to identify a current or emerging health care policy issue identified as critical to the future
of health care in your community (Miami, FL). This position paper should include a summary of
evidence-based research and pertinent background information on the topic providing the
legislator with a substantive yet concise briefing on all aspects of the health policy issue. Be sure
to provide and cite substantial (pertinent) evidence from the literature that supports your
Must include:
1. Identification of the issue
2. Position statements
3. Substantive background information
4. Supportive evidence for both sides
5. Potential solutions
6. Defense of position/ making the argument for the position
7. ONE PAGE Summary/ conclusion of argument with position statement

Reflection on a Community Event – Community Health Nurse

Reflection on a Community Event – Community Health Nurse

Comunity Helth Nurse

As  community health nurse (CHN), reflect on your recent volunteer activity in a nursing home (7-8 pages, APA style). Why was the event organized What was your role as a community health nurse? What were your observations (number of people, health complications, etc). Did you impact the community? What questions did you ask Health Care Administrator or Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)  working in the facility? The questions are unlimited. Add more.

Diagnosing Diabetes (Vignette)

Case 1

Mrs. S is a 28-year-old patient, with a 12-year history of type I diabetes mellitus. Her husband
states that she has had a “bad cold” for several days. Yesterday she stayed in bed and slept all
day. She was “too ill” to check her blood sugar, and since she was not really eating, she did not
take her insulin. This morning, she was not able to stand up and vomited twice. A Gram stain of
Mrs. S’s blood contains gram-positive cocci in clusters. Her admission vital signs are: BP = 90/60; HR = 118 bpm (sinus tachycardia); RR = 32/min; T = 102.3° F; O2 sat via pulse oximetry
= 96%. Her serum glucose is 398 mg/dl, and she is positive for serum ketones. She is admitted
with a diagnosis of DKA.
Her baseline ABGs on 2 L of oxygen are: pH = 7.25; PCO2 = 28; HCO3 = 14; PaO2 = 92; O2 sat
= 96%. Her respirations are deep, rapid, and labored. She has bronchial breath sounds in the
right axillary area. There is bilateral chest expansion and no evidence of cyanosis.
A regular insulin bolus is given and a regular insulin drip is initiated. Mrs. S’s IV fluids are infusing
at 800 ml/hr. Her vital signs after 2 hours in the unit are: BP = 120/70; HR = 78 bpm (normal
sinus rhythm); RR = 22/min; O2 sat = 100%. Her serum glucose is 250 mg/dl and serum
potassium is 4.0 mEq/L. She is more alert and is feeling hungry.
1 What is insulin’s function in the body? What is the most significant basic defect in the
development of DKA?
2 What is the cause of Ms. S experiencing DKA? Describe the pathophysiologic rationale for
your answer.
3 List the classic signs and symptoms of DKA. Which signs and symptoms did Ms. S
experience? What are the pathophysiologic causes of these signs and symptoms?

4 What is an anion gap? Why is the anion gap important to follow in the treatment of DKA?
5 What acid base disturbance is Ms. S experiencing? What compensatory mechanisms are in
effect at this time?
6 What is the primary nursing diagnosis for Ms. S.? What are the goals for treatment (both
independent and collaborative)? What interventions are imperative to initiate immediately? What
interventions are important within the next 12-24 hours?
7 What are potential lab abnormalities for a patient in DKA?
8 What nursing considerations are important in planning Ms. S’s discharge?

The Up Series

During this course, we will be watching a documentary series that follows the life of a British
cohort of children throughout their development. The first documentary is filmed when the
children are seven years old, and each subsequent one is filmed seven years later. There are six
“episodes.” We will watch the first installment together, but you will watch the remainder on your
own, or during viewing parties with classmates. Along with viewing the documentary, you will
submit four, 3 to 4-page (double-spaced) papers connecting course material with the lives of
those portrayed in the documentary.
Imagine yourself as a developmentalist and use professional language and terminology to both
explain the development of various individuals and to make informed predictions. Focus on two
or three individuals for each paper in order better organize your thoughts and keep your paper
concise. Think specifically about the risk- and protective-factors that likely led to various outcomes, and identify specific outcomes (e.g., marital satisfaction, SES, level of education, life
satisfaction). Be sure to consider the individuals’ physical, cognitive, and psychosocial
development. I am most concerned that you are able to apply what we have learned in the
textbook to real-world examples. I will be looking for deep, critical thought and intellectual
engagement with both the course material and the documentary.

An Ethical Dilemma + ANA Code of Ethics


Nurse face situtitions of ethical dilemma. Present a case of an ethical dilemma you may face in your profession as a nurse.  Show you can use two or three ethical theories to solve the ethical dilemma. You may need to refer to what the ANA code of ethics say about your final solution. Does ANA code of ethics support your solution? (8-10 pages, APA 7th edition)

End Of Life, Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide

Please follow all the i instructions and rubrics.


(1)outline (follow the format),

(2)rough draft before the

(3)final draft for this paper.

The outline and rough draft are mandatory so my professor can see how the paper is going. It is APA format.

5 pages with 3-4 references from textbooks, websites, and articles and citation must be used properly.

No plagiarisms. References And sources should be Less than 5 years old. Please read the instructions and rubrics.

Venn Diagram

Venn diagrams define all the possible relationships between collections of sets. The most basic
Venn diagrams simply consist of multiple circular boundaries describing the range of sets.
The overlapping areas between the two boundaries describe the elements which are common
between the two, while the areas that aren’t overlapping house the elements that are different.
For this assignment, you will use a 3 circle Venn diagram to compare the similarities and
differences between Gap Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and Failure Modes and Effects

Personal Statement (Nursing)

Here are a few steps to a successful application:
1. Personal Statements are important and are carefully reviewed by the admissions committee.
• What life experiences and personal qualities will make you an outstanding professional nurse.
• Describe a situation or time when you practiced empathy and relate how you will apply it to
• What type of personal support system do you plan to have while completing your degree at