Nursing burnout syndrome capstone project implementation

Nursing burnout syndrome capstone project implementation

This is an assignment that focuses on the nursing burnout syndrome capstone project implementation. The paper also discusses the successful aspects of the project.

The nursing burnout syndrome capstone project implementation

Nursing Burnout syndrome (part 2)
C‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍hapter 3. Implementation

A. Firstly, evaluate How you implemented your capstone project by doing the following: Describe the actual steps taken to implement your capstone project. (Starting a resilience program for nurses within the hospital)

B. Secondly, identify interprofessional relationships that promoted implementation of your capstone project. (i.e directors, administration, physicians, and also counselors) Also, discuss how the relationship identified in part B facilitated the implementation of your project. Chapter 4. Post capstone Project Consideration

C. Thirdly, discuss the most successful aspects of your capstone project. (i.e the results, the rollout plan). Additionally, explain how the successes of your project can help to inform future projects.

D. Fourthly, discuss aspects of your project that did not go well as anticipated. (i.e nurses not buying into the resilience programs initially.) So, explain how understanding of what did‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ not go well can help to inform future projects. (understanding that stress is hard to talk about or that more information needs to be given)

E. Then, explain how your capstone project bridged the gap between evidence and current practice. (the hospital currently doesn’t have programs in place for nursing burnout syndrome.)

F. Also, discuss the organization’s plan to support the post implementation of the capstone project, including plan for short-term and long term maintenance.

G. Subsequently, discuss the resources needed for post implementation support. Chapter 5. Reflection

H. Discuss how you integrated two MSN program outcomes into your capstone project.

J. Create an abstract for your capstone project, including: Problem identification Plan for addressing the problem under investigation Implementation process

K. Lastly, when you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA fo‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍rmat

Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association assignment

Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the The Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association assignment. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

The Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association assignment

For this assignment I need you to answer the questions to the relating topics

Chapter 27 – Assignment

The Hospice & Palliative Nursing Association is the leader in palliative care nursing in the U.S. The website is full of great information.(


Firstly, observe several of the pages in the organization’s website.
Secondly, summarize what you believe is the purpose of the organization?
Thirdly, how do they support the practice of nursing and in what areas? Support your answers with evidence from the website.
Based on your reading in the chapter answer the following question:
Firstly, what is the difference between palliative care and hospice care?
Your paper should be:
One (1) page or more.
Use factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.
Cite your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide.

Chapter 20 – Assignment

Ms. B was told that she had a brain aneurysm.  She made an advance statement of wishes saying that she did not want surgery if the aneurysm burst.  However, shortly after she made this statement of wishes, the aneurysm burst and a team of surgeons took her to surgery believing that if not treated with surgery she would surely die.  The hospital (Hospital #1) backed the decision of the surgeons thinking if there was no intervention the hospital would be liable for her death. This all happened as the family were alerted to the emergency and also were making travel arrangements as they were all from out-of-town.

Unfortunately, the outcome of the surgery was that she became ventilator-dependent paralyzed from the neck down and needing 24-hour care.  Once the family was in the hospital, they held a family conference agreeing that Ms. B would not want to continue on in this state, and they petitioned the hospital to remove her from the ventilator. The hospital refused still believing the potential for legal ramifications.  The family was distraught; but eventually, with the guidance of a lawyer they retained, they were able to have her transferred to another facility (Hospital #2) that was willing to take her off the ventilator knowing that the chances of her making it were slim.  The felt that they were honoring her wishes along with her families’ wishes.

Roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia

Roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia

This is a paper that requires the student to examines roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Examines roles and responsibilities of nurses in Australia

Assignment 1 – Written Assignment

HSNS376/576 Assignment 1

This assessment relates to: Learning Outcomes 1-5
Assessment 1: Safeguarding patient care

This assignment examines roles, and also responsibilities nurses have about making decisions about practice aiming to keep patients safe in Australian healthcare.  As a core skill for a nurses reflection is a conscious effort to think systematically about an activity or incident that allows us to consider what was positive or challenging and if appropriate plan how it might be enhanced, improved or done differently in the future.

Case study

In 2001, 18-month-old Josie King died of dehydration and a wrongly administered narcotic while an inpatient at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  Her mother, Sorrel King, tells the story of how this happened and explains her role as a consumer (parent) in improving patient safety.

*Please note Josie’s story is a confronting and also avoidable tragic incident that occurred in a hospital. Please be aware that it may cause you distress and seek support if you need it. You can discuss with the unit coordinator, or contact UNE Student Support.

The Josie King Story

In preparation for the assessment task
View – the video of Josie’s story
Additionally, review – the associated relevant documents below

i.  Firstly, review the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards of Practice

ii.   Secondly, Australian Commission Safety and Quality in Health Care National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards: Partnering with consumer standard and follow to the link Partnering with patients in their own care.

iii. Thirdly, Code of conduct; Code of conduct for nurses

iv. Fourthly, Code of Ethics;  Code of ethics for nurses from 1 March 2018, the International Council of Nurses Code of ethics is in effect for all nurses in Australia


Doctoral Study Problem Statement creation as an independent scholar

Doctoral Study Problem Statement creation as an independent scholar

This is an assignment that discusses the Doctoral Study Problem Statement creation as an independent scholar. Applying Business Strategy to Your Doctoral Study

Doctoral Study Problem Statement creation as an independent scholar

Applying Business Strategy to Your Doctoral Study.  The process of creating a Doctoral Study Problem Statement enables you, as an independent scholar, to develop a concise but comprehensive understanding of the business challenge being examined. In addition, by sharing your experience with colleagues, you can gain further insight into the process of becoming a successful doctoral independent scholar and strategic planner.

For this Discussion, you will apply the tools and information from this course to support the development of your Doctoral Study Problem Statement. To prepare for this Discussion, consider the research you have already done for your Doctoral Study Problem Statement, which you submitted for this week’s Assignment, and think about how your perspective as an independent scholar has evolved during this course.

By Day 5 Post an application of strategic planning concepts to professional and academic contexts. Your application should include answers to the following:

What concepts did you find that changed the way you developed your Hook statement?

What connections did you discover that helped to ground your Anchor statement?

How did your General Business Problem incorporate any key learning outcomes for the course?

How will this course content help you refine your Specific Business Problem?

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations. From this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source. By Day 7 Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

Finally, Compare your initial posting with that of your colleague, including insights on integrating strategic planning concepts.

Lastly, Provide a suggestion for an additional tool or concept discussed in this course to better support your colleague’s posting, including a rationale for your suggestion.

Genitalia and Rectum diagnosis assessment on episodic case study

Genitalia and Rectum diagnosis assessment on episodic case study

This is an assignment that focuses on the Genitalia and rectum diagnosis assessment based on the episodic case study.

The Genitalia and Rectum diagnosis assessment on episodic case study

Firstly, review th‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment. Please see the attached section of the classroom for your Episodic note case study. • Based on the Episodic note case study: Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study. Refer to Chapter 3 of the Sullivan resource to guide you as you complete your Lab Assignment.

Secondly, search the school library or the Internet for evidence-based resources to support your answers to the questions provided. Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study.

Thirdly, consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

Identify at least five possible conditions that you may consider in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

The Lab Assignment post 3 pages Using evidence-based resources from your search, answer the following questions and support your answers using current evidence from the literature.

• Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that you are to include in the documentation.

• Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.• Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?

• Would diagnostics be appropriate for this case. Also, how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

• Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that you may consider as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍based literature.

• Use 4 to 5 references less than 10 years old

Quality nursing care and ethical principles patient-centered care

Quality nursing care and ethical principles patient-centered care

This is an essay discussing the various aspects of quality nursing care and the related relationships and ethical principles. What are the benefits and importance of nursing to the society.

Quality nursing care in regards to relationships and ethical principles

In the beginning, define what is Professional Relationships. How will you develop therapeutic professional relationships with the people you look after?

Then explain your understanding of Person and Family Centered Care. How will you deliver person and family centered care?

Thirdly, state your understanding of professional knowledge in the context of nursing. Choose between explaining why professional knowledge is important in nursing? or defining one of the ethical principles (Autonomy, Non-Maleficence, Beneficence or Justice).
Fourthly, either describe how you plan to apply this ethical principles to your practice? OR Select one personal value and say why this is meaningful in nursing.
Likewise describe how this value will shine through in your attitudes to people you deliver Quality Nursing Care to?

Later, state why continuous professional development is a requirement for nurses in ethical principles. How can reflection enable continuous professional development?

Afterwards, drawn from what you have answered already, why and how will you adapt your Quality Nursing Care to meet the needs of EITHER an older person or someone with Learning Disabilities?

Science Quality Improvement on skin cancer

Science Quality Improvement on skin cancer

This is an assignment that discusses the state of the Science Quality Improvement . It focuses on Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviors.

State of the Science Quality Improvement – Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviors.

P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍art 1: Criteria for Content: Sections: All sections should have scholarly resources integrated as in-text citations that support the content.

Firstly, your paper should have an introduction. It should contain an Overview of Selected Evidenced-Based Practice Quality Improvement Project. Additionally, the overview should include rationale for selection of the project topic based upon scholarly resources. Lastly, the introduction should also include an overview of the purpose or aim of the paper.

Secondly. problem Discussion: Identification of the selected problem for the quality improvement project: A comprehensive discussion of the selected problem should be included. It should contain the following elements: Explanation of the selected problem in detail. Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern. Identify the consequences/importance of the selected concern; state rationale for selection of the topic. Identify a purpose statement (the specific aim) for this EBP proposal.

3. PICO question and Literature Search Process: This section identifies the PICO question that will used for this EBP proposal. you have to identify the literature search parameters. Also, it should contain the following elements: Identify the PICO question in correct format with all required elements. Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including: The specific library databases used The key search terms and phrases used The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal Include the following documents in your appendix: Johns Hopkins Question Development Tool

4. Theoretical Framework

Lastly, this section presents the theoretical framework that will used in this Quality Improvemen‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍t Project. It should contain the following section: Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal. Has this theory been used, tested, in your topic area? Be sure to include references that support your choice of theory. Describe how the found theoretical framework is to apply to this Quality Improvement Project.

Cardiovascular case study and its effects on patients

Cardiovascular case study and its effects on patients

This is an essay that discusses the Cardiovascular case study and its effects on patients. Additionally, it discusses on the needs before going into a clinic.

Cardiovascular case study and its effects on patients

Firstly, read the below case scenario of a Cardiovascular case. You will us e the case study to answer questions below.

A 60-year-old male patient enters the walk-in clinic reporting dizziness and fainting that has been happening off and on for the last 48 hours. The patient reports a 10-year history of hypertension, which he describes as “usually” controlled. The man reports being recently ill with a “bad case” of influenza but otherwise well, with a history of depression controlled with antidepressant medication. The man reports taking an ACE inhibitor daily for her hypertension and notes he has taken a dose today. His vital signs upon arrival are: blood pressure 104/48, heart rate 180, respiratory rate 30, and temperature 99.1?F. The man appears diaphoretic, fatigued, and weak.

Also, physical assessment reveals an irregularly irregular heart rate, weak peripheral pulses, cool, pale skin, ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍and decreased capillary refill. The ECG shows atrial fibrillation. The man reveals that he is in the United States illegally and is undocumented. The patient expresses concern about his status as you prepare him for treatment.

Secondly, use the above case study to answer the following questions:

1.What would be included in your initial interventions for this patient?

2.Calculate the patient’s CHADS2 score and determine whether anticoagulation is recommended based on the score.

3.What is the significance of this condition happening off and on for the last 48 hours?

4.You, the nurse practitioner, decide the patient needs treatment beyond the walk-in clinic’s resources. What action do you take to ensure that the patient is treated promptly?

5.Because the patient is an undocumented immigrant, what considerations will be needed while care‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ is provided?

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if patients engage in the program. You have been asked by your manager to pilot a program aimed at improving transitions of care using the new telemedicine system recently implemented at your hospital.

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if

Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if patients engage in the program. You have been ask ed by your manager to pilot a program aimed at improving transitions of care using the new telemedicine system recently implement ed at your hospital.

Firstly, What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success?

Secondly, What barriers or challenges would you anticipate?

More details;

Firstly, What is Telenursing and telemedicine?

“Telenursing is the use of telemedicine technology to deliver nursing care and conduct nursing practice. … Since that time, creative nurses have used technology to advance healthcare in a variety of ways. Many advanced practice nurses are now leaders in telenursing practice.
Secondly, How is telemedicine use d in nursing?
Telemedicine , or telehealth, involves real-time communication between a patient and a doctor, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), or other provider. It can be used to treat chronic conditions and for remote patient monitoring, medical education, and specialist consultations.
Thirdly, What are examples of telemedicine?
Patient consultations via video conferencing, transmission of still images, e-health (including patient portals), remote monitoring of vital signs, continuing medical education, consumer-focused wireless applications, and nursing call centers, among other applications, are all considered part of telemedicine.
Fourthly, What is the role of the telehealth nurse?
A nurse in telehealth can provide patient education, care and/or counseling with a telephone call. … Nurses who practice telehealth come from all settings and use technology like web cameras, VOIP, the Internet and telephone lines to deliver care over a long distance. Telehealth care is effective despite being remote.”

Leadership traits mentorship in nursing legal Issues in nursing unit Leaders in Patient-Centered Care

Leadership traits mentorship in nursing legal Issues in nursing unit Leaders in Patient-Centered Care

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing the two elements: Part I: Choose one of the listed topics;

Synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing the two elements: Part I: Choose one of the listed topics
Firstly, Implementing change on a nursing unit (Student must incorporate an example and a change theory)

Secondly,  Leadership traits for successfully managing in the clinical arena.

Thirdly, Quality improvement in the nursing unit or system

Fourthly, Mentorship in nursing

Further, Preceptor programs for nursing leaders

Also, Solving incivility in the work place, how can a nurse manager help? (conflict resolution)

Additionally, Legal Issues within the nursing unit

Moreover, Promotion of ethical behaviors within the nursing unit (student must create a plan and implementation strategy)

Also, Nursing Unit Strategic Planning

Finally, Compare and contrast the following new roles for the changing health care arena:

Lastly, Nurse Navigators, Clinical Nurse Leaders, and Leaders in Patient-Centered Care


Part II: Evaluate how the topic applies to 2 of the following course competencies.

Integrate concepts related to leadership into the professional nursing role.

Analyze the philosophy, goals, and organizational structure of a healthcare system in relationship to the delivery of quality healthcare.

Compare selected theories of leadership, management, and organizations in relation to healthcare agencies.

Identify how collaborative leadership styles might be utilized in various community agencies to enhance the role of the nurse leader.

Examine change theory, change management, conflict resolution, and strategies to promote innovation.

Explain principles of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and the process of quality planning, improvement, and control.

Discuss the management process and its impact on the delivery of optimal healthcare.

Analyze how accountability, advocacy, and collaboration augment the management of care.

Describe the meaning of teamwork in respect to the health care team

Identify the essential components of a business plan

Analyze various organization structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice