Criminal Justice: Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era
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This section contains only peer reviewed research that is related to your particular topic. I want to make it very clear, you should choose a topic that has many peer reviewed research articles for you to use. Do not choose something abstract where you cannot find anything.
This is VERY important. It is very important that you check this out in advance using the online library. You have to make sure of this or you will struggle with the class. Peer reviewed research articles are those that appear in criminal justice or public policy related journal articles that have passed a rigorous review process to validate the research contained in the article. The review process for these journals involves forwarding the research study to several researchers associated with the journal and these researchers review the study for reliability and validity, bias, proper research policies and procedures, ethical treatment of research subjects, ethical practices of the researchers, etc. If all of these and other criteria are met, the study can then be published in that journal. This section is expected to be very thorough and substantial.
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson.
-Book Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson. -Courage how do the characters in this novel exhibit courage? Does courage look the same for everyone? How does courage in the novel resemble courage in my own life? why is it important to be a courageous person? -Write a book review as it would be done for a newspaper that focuses on the theme you have chosen begin your review with an introduction should include the author, the title, and theme you have chosen. Also, provide an overview of the novel after you have written an introduction and an overview of the novel you will write your explanation for the rating you will at the end. This will include references to the book that demonstrate the theme you have chosen. Includes quotes and descriptions of relevant scenes. Finally, you should end the review with your rating. This usually done on a scale of 5 stars, but you can come up with your own creative, but school appropriate, rating scale
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Debunking the Skin Improvement Myth – Product review Locate an ad for a skin improvement product that attempts to use evidence-based data to promote its effectiveness. For example, an ad might say something like this: with natural botanical enzymes that exfoliate your skin. Analyze the ad’s claims and categorize these claims as accurate or inaccurate and explain why. (Minimum length of paper 500 words.) Papers need to be referenced and follow APA formatting guidelines. Paper will go through plagiarism program
Pollution in The Passaic River New Jersey
Prompt: Read and review three scholarly articles that are relevant to the issue you described in Milestone Two.
The articles should provide information (i.e., production, use, disposal, and/or societal impact) on the waste you are focusing on and they must be from recognized, research-oriented academic journals. In your paper, include a one-paragraph abstract or summary of each article (minimum 300 words each). In the summary, be sure to summarize the article and explain the relevance of the article to your project.
Provide a correct citation for each article. (Note: You will need to complete additional research for your final paper.) Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Summary: For each article, summarize the article, explain why you chose the article, and describe how the article relates to your chosen issue.
II. Application: Explain how the article applies directly to the waste issue selected for your final project. Be sure to include information regarding production, use, disposal, and/or societal impact. III. Reference list: This should contain at least three scholarly, relevant, and credible research sources, one of which is a primary source. Guidelines for Submission: Your submission must be 3–4 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least three references cited in APA format
Using “Ten Quick Ways to Analyze Children’s Books for Racism and Sexism,” select a piece of children’s literature, young adult literature, informational article, or textbook from the library or your own collection to evaluate for bias. In 275 words conduct a text analysis using the 10 guidelines mentioned in the article to identify bias in your selected material. After you complete the analysis, in 275 words describe where you think the text falls on the Cultural Competence Continuum and why. Submit both written portions as one assignment.
Operational Plan for Increasing Volume
Project management is a significant portion of the workload for healthcare administrators. Part of successful project management involves creating an operational plan that outlines the goals and objectives of the organization and can provide clarification when faced with a difficult decision. It also indicates responsibility for certain tasks, time frames, budgets, and strategies. Imagine you are a healthcare administrator who has been asked to investigate ways to increase the number of patients who use the clinic. Use the attached template Click for more options and create an operational plan that identifies the following: Objective: How can we increase patient volume? Why should we do it? What can be gained? What outcomes are we hoping to achieve? You must list at least three objectives for your clinic. Some examples include purchasing ad space in newspapers, creating a clinic page on social media outlets, and recruiting a well-known physician to practice at your facility. Strategies: Break down the objective into measurable tasks for completion Time frames for completion Accountable member(s) of the team Estimated budge Total project cost Now, based on your operational plan, compose a reflection and reflect on the following: Is the plan feasible? Why or why not? Are there areas where you could reduce or increase your budget? Which areas? How does this affect the outcome? Is the proposed cost or the initiative worth the return on investment? Why or why not? If not, what alternate plans could you research to achieve the same goal? How does having the plan completed affect your practice? Your paper must be formatted in accordance with APA guidelines, and you must use at least two scholarly references with appropriate citations. Your reflection should be at least two to three pages in addition to the template you submit. Visit the WCU library to locate additional research on the topic.
Description – This chapter comes under the title “Recommendations and conclusion”. – The maximum word count is 1200 words. – What you need to include is your recommendations in light of the issues addressed as part of this dissertation in 700 words, and 500 words concluding the dissertation in tation.a relative cohesive manner. – In the recommendations make it like bullet points with a small brief to each point.
Description Select a specific community of interest to you. The community can be a demographic group (eg. race/ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, etc.), a geographical area (eg. state, city, region), or some combination of the two. The community should be specific enough so that you can identify research articles about the group, but broad enough so that you have a sufficient amount of information to discuss in the project. An example of a community you might choose is African American women in the southeast US. Describe the community you selected. Be sure to include information about why the community should be focused on and what some of the population’s unique characteristics are (eg. location, behaviors, socioeconomic status, culture, etc.). Describe the health issues affecting the community. Be sure to include information about what the health issues are and the prevalence and incidence of the health issues in the community. Focus specifically on those health issues that are more prevalent in the selected community than the population overall. Explain the determinants of health for the selected population. That is, explain why the selected community experiences higher rates of particular health issues and what is influencing their health status. Refer back to the characteristics of the community in the second bullet. Select one health issue that is particularly prevalent in the selected community and discuss this particular health issue in depth. Be sure to include information about what the health issue is, how the health issue develops, what happens to a person who has the health issue, and why the community you selected is particularly affected by it. Discuss future trends for the community’s health. Be sure to include information about if the community is getting healthier or unhealthier, what current predictions are for the community’s health, and what is being done to improve the health of the community. Suggest a strategy for improving the health of the community. Consider what would be the best way to improve the health of the community given what you know about it. This strategy can be based on current research about the community. PHP Part 3: Written Paper For part 3 of the assignment, you will create an eight to 10 page written paper that addresses each of the bullet items in the assignment description. Your paper must be written in a formal, academic, scholarly style. You should utilize the feedback you received from me and your classmates on your PHP presentation to help craft your final written paper.
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Colleges and universities need well-trained leaders and managers who can turn institutional visions into realities. Write a paper that addresses some of the major issues confronting higher education’s ability to maintain professional development standards within the staff and faculty corps. Discuss the challenges faced by higher education in regards to advances in technology, new instructional methodologies, political changes, and economic pressures, as well as any other issues you believe are pertinent. Paper must be written in third person.
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This will require more than simply understanding how the main equity valuation models (DDM, DCF, RIVM) measure financial data need to understand complex theories of how measurements of accrual-based earnings, cash flow and dividends compare with each other for accuracy and efficiency of equity valuation This will require more than simply understanding how the main equity valuation models (DDM, DCF, RIVM) measure financial data You will need to understand complex theories of how measurements of accrual-based earnings, cash flow and dividends compare with each other for accuracy and efficiency of equity valuation The further developments of equity valuation theory (such as Abnormal Earnings and Operating Income Growth, Linear Information Dynamics, conservative accounting, inflation impact) are significantly more difficult to understand than the basic comparisons between DDM, DCF and RI valuation models 1. SIMPLE BENCH-MARKING Book asset value Relative multiples of entity/equity value to various measures of earnings, cash flow, dividends, sales and book value Screening of companies by multiple measures 2. INTRINSIC CORPORATE VALUE Compute Present Value (PV) of forecast stream of: Dividends – DDM Free Cash Flow – DCF (Residual) Earnings – RE or RIVM HOW TO DEVELOP THE ARGUMENT Define objectives of literature review Plan a clear line of argument through the valuation models Use references to specific academic research articles to support each argument throughout the review Show a good understanding of the differences between: Valuation models preferred in most academic research studies Valuation methods applied in practice by most equity analysts Try to link review of academic literature to the valuation conclusions from your company case study Show understanding of all valuation models Compare advantages and limitations of each Understand difference between theory of corporate valuation and its practice in financial markets by applied equity analysts Use references to academic research literature to support each stage of the argument Try to use academic research articles as much as possible
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