The Dynamic Hijab: A Veil that Uncovers Identity and Difference

The Dynamic Hijab: A Veil that Uncovers Identity and Difference

Safar, which means travel or journey in Arabic, is a photographic project with the hijab, the head cover worn by Muslim women, as the main subject. The project consists of printed photographs of different pieces of hijab, video projections representing the process of the tying of hijab, and a musical track using the Oud as its sole instrument playing in the background. This paper discusses how the subject matter in this artwork, the hijab, is used to represent and connect the concepts of identity and belonging, difference and sharing, and cultural roots and self development. This is done by exploring the multidimensions of the hijab, and employing an understanding of a dynamic concept for the hijab in an artistic self expression. These broader concepts of identity, difference, and self development are better understood and connected through a lense of intersectionality, as it is explained in this new context.


Research paper – Find an empirical study (a study that has been conducted by psychologists and reported about in a scholarly journal – from psycharticles database on the library website) relating to any topic we have been studying. Write your paper discussing how this article relates to the material discussed in text and lecture. About half your paper should be a synopsis of the article. IN YOUR OWN WORDS describe how the study was done – who were the participants, what was the research methodology used, and what was the design? In the rest of your paper, describe how the findings relate to information presented in text and lecture materials. Does it support, enhance, or contradict the information you already knew about this topic? As you write this paper particularly it is important to remember that I want to hear YOUR voice. I want to hear what you thought about how the research was conducted, on whom, and what results were found. Please do NOT copy directly from the article or it will be considered cheating and penalized accordingly.

Analysis on Richard II

Analysis on Richard II A

paper’s required length is 4-5 pages (not including the work cited page), please write 5 pages (4 and a half is fine) long and feature a work cited page for the 6th page. The required number of sources is 2 or more which are at least 1 for original text from Richard II, and 1 from peer reviewed sources. If a proper academic database is needed for the source, please contact me and I will give you access to my school library’s database. Thank you so much! Below is the professor’s instruction for the assignment. There’s a list of topics to answer for the paper’s thesis (must have a clear one). You can choose depending on which one you feel like the easiest to work on, or use mine which I think is pretty easy to talk about: “Examine Richard’s struggle to find and live an authentic life or compare and contrast the Richard at the beginning to the Richard at the end of the play. How has he changed? How does he remain the same?”. Goals: Your purpose is to analyze one of Shakespeare’s Richard II. When we analyze, we separate a text into significant parts in order to explain the meaning of the text. The objectives for this essay are: (1) to demonstrate the ability to narrow down a topic, (2) to effectively present a focused analysis in which summary of plot and unnecessary details are avoided, (3) to use the drama concepts studied in class such as plot, character, performance, setting, conflict, etc. effectively in the analysis, (4) to use critical and innovative thinking in the analysis, (5) to prove points using the text, (6) to use grammar, mechanics, and punctuation conventions effectively, and (7) to use MLA conventions adequately. Length and Format: 4-5 typed pages (not including the Works Cited page), double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point standard font size. Task: • Write a focused critical interpretation of Richard II. • The analysis must be both original and insightful. • It must reflect the point of view of psychological, feminist criticism, Queer theory or any other school of criticism you are interested in. • Focus on HOW and WHY rather than merely on describing. For instance, you might follow your thesis, “There is religious symbolism in Richard II with explanation of what a few important names mean. This is description without an argument (a point to prove). You can still use this topic, but focus on how and why. You could say, for example, “In Shakespeare’s Richard II there is much religious symbolism that enhances audience’s sympathies for the protagonist. Sources: The play + one source peer-reviewed source. Due Date: Submit on Canvas by 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 1 Criteria of Evaluation • Essay has to include a creative title that reflects your interpretation of the play. • Number the pages on the upper right corner of each page. Ex.: Jones 1. • MLA format (parenthetical citations and works cited entries for each source) is required. • Use sources that can either be directly about the play or about ideas you will bring into your interpretation of the text. • Don’t quote from Wikipedia, standard dictionaries, purchased/prewritten essays, nor literature summary websites such as Shmoop, SparkNotes, Cliff’s Notes,, Infoplease, GraderSaver, or generic study guides, etc. • Avoid using sources that do not present an argument but only summarize the plot. • Avoid writing in the first person point of view in order to maintain stronger objectivity. • Avoid using the second person as well. • Use the present tense to refer to events that happen during the timeframe of the play. • Development of a strong introduction that includes a clear thesis statement, opening arguments, and writer-based techniques such as a forecast or a framing device. • As you go through the evidence, include assertions, examples, and explanations to convey critical readings and interpretations of the texts with which you are working. • Don’t over quote nor end your paragraphs with a quotation. Always explain the quote’s significance, especially in relation to the thesis statement. For quotes of four lines or longer use the “block format” and explain the details of this long quote and why it means. • Prove points using the text. • End with a concluding paragraph that presents more than a recapitulation of the thesis and main points, but a “Big Picture” of the importance of your analysis. • Proper use of grammar and syntax will be important in conveying ideas lucidly. Structure: Follow this outline 1. Introduction: “hook” the reader by introducing its author, by briefly summarizing the plot, by concisely describing an interesting aspect from the play, by describing its main themes, and by providing relevant background information about the play, its author, and any other relevant information. Then ease into your thesis: 1-2 sentences that encapsulate your interpretation of the play. Thesis should be arguable and not solely based on personal opinion or constitute a statement of fact. Articulate the thesis in specific and effective Underline this statement. 2. Body: Develop your analysis. Remember to make logical claims and prove them with ample and appropriate evidence from the play. Make analysis innovative. Do not summarize plot in the body. 3. Conclusion: End your analysis by paraphrasing your thesis and leaving readers with a sense of closure avoiding both a mechanical repetition of previously mentioned points as well as bringing up a new topic.

No Eletronic Theft Act of 1997

No Eletronic Theft Act of 1997


Paper details:

This project provides you with the opportunity to increase and demonstrate your understanding of cyberlaw theory and practice. You will need to choose a law(s) that you are interested in researching. The paper must be 4-6 pages in length detailing the below questions. Before completing the below steps, please make sure that the topic is approved. 1. Thesis: What law are you researching (You are to choose a specific law. Please do not choose a topic)? What position do you want to take in regard to your chosen law? You will need to decide if you agree or disagree with the current way the law is written. You can choose to like certain aspects of the law and not others. 2. Background: What is the existing point you want to challenge or support, and how did the law get to be that way (This is where you would need to find cases, background information, etc.)? 3. Inadequacies: What are the deficiencies in the present way of doing things, or what are the weaknesses in the argument you are attacking? 4. Adequacies: Discuss the positive aspects of the law? 5. Proposed Changes: How will we have a better situation, mode of understanding or clarity with what you are advocating? In short, how can the law be improved (or not diminished)? (This is where you have the chance to change the law with your own ideas of how it should be written). 6). Conclusion: Why should and how can your proposal be adopted? A detailed implementation plan is NOT expected, but you should provide enough specifics for practical follow-up. In making recommendations, you are expected to draw on theories, concepts and reading. When writing the term paper you must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources cited and referenced in the paper. When writing the term paper you must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources cited and referenced in the paper following APA guidelines. Assignment Grading Rubric ( 100 Points) Synthesis of Concepts 75 Writing Standards – Clear Citations (APA format) 25 Timeliness Seelatepenalty

La Haine Movie DJ SCENE

The World is (Y)Ours: for this prompt, your final response paper will be based on a scene/sequence of your choosing, to be selected from any of the films we have screened this quarter. Pick your favorite, or pick the one you found most insufferable, but be sure to pick a scene that is dense enough to stand up to rigorous analysis (that is, make sure there are enough interesting things going on, both formally and diegetically). Your paper must do the following: CONTEXTUALIZE the scene (where does it occur in the film and why is it important?) Briefly DESCRIBE the scene (setting; what happens; who is present; who isn’t present–if that is relevant) ANALYZE the scene formally (discuss elements of mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, sound): this need not be an exhaustive laundry-list of formal elements; you do not need to deal with every single category of formal film grammar, but you should use your own best judgement as to how many formal elements you will need to analyze in order to segue into a meaningful interpretation (see step 4). If there is much to be said about 2 particular techniques, that might be sufficient. using your description and formal analyses, proceed to an INTERPRETATION of the scene: how do form and content work in synergy to create meaning? (Interpretation should be a significant portion of your response paper, perhaps 1/3 to 1/2 of the total length.)

Do you think the Federal Government is right to deregulate gene editing in the case of agriculture

Choose two of the following topics and write a 750-word response to each. You are to refer to the set reading in your response. You may research wider if you like, but it is not necessary. The set readings are enough to answer the question. 1. Martin Luther King, in his Letter from Birmingham Prison, provides an argument for when it appropriate to break the law. Do you think the recent acts of civil disobedience by vegan protesters were justified? Refer to King’s letter in your response. 2. Do you think the Federal Government is right to deregulate gene editing in the case of agriculture? Refer to Steven Pinker’s essay in your response. 3. Using the arguments of Thomas Nagel about the responsibilities of those in public positions, evaluate the morality of: Israel Folau (in relation to his ongoing dispute with Rugby Australia over controversial social media posts). 4. Milton Friedman argues that the social responsibility of businesses is to increase their profits. Consider the controversy over Woolworths new store operating model and consider whether or not Friedman’s argument applies. Marking Criteria You will be awarded a qualitative mark out of 15 for each response. That 15 marks is comprised of… 5 marks for clarity of expression 5 marks for the level of familiarity with the resources 5 marks for the depth of critical argument demonstrated. You may also need to connect this response to the theories from week1-5’s slides

Community and The Community Boundaries

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest. Include the following in your presentation: 1. Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health. 2. Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships. 3. Summary of interview with community health/public health provider. 4. Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion. 5. A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA format ting guidelines.

Gender socialization and roles

“You Be The Teacher” Sociology Project Overview of this Assignment: This project will require you to create a visual, accessible and engaging presentation meant to teach others about a sociological topic of your choice. You may use power point, prezi, make a video, or use any other visual medium that is engaging, informative and creative (please do not submit a traditional research paper). You will submit your presentation to a forum for comments by your classmates, as well as to the assignment link to be graded. Please adhere to due dates in the syllabus for this assignment Through this assignment you will: Explore in greater depth a sociological topic. Demonstrate sociological thinking about a particular sociological topic. Synthesize and apply sociological theories and concepts in the analysis of their chosen topic. Summarize your understanding of a particular sociological topic. Gain confidence in utilizing a visual medium for presenting ideas and information. Learn how to identify and use academic sources for the purpose of academic research. Possible Topics and Topic Areas Include (but are not limited to)*: The sociological imagination Presenting on one or more of the major theoretical frameworks in sociology (Functionalism, conflict perspective, Feminist theory, Symbolic interaction, Postmodernism, Midrange Theory.) Exploring the biography of a lesser-known sociologist (W.E.B. DuBois, Ida Wells-Barnett, Jane Adams, Harriet Martineau, C.Wright Mills, Arlie Hoschchild, William Julius Wilson, Erving Goffman). Research method approaches (experiments, surveys, interviews, ethnography/field research, content analysis, existing data research, etc.) Exploring a particular subculture or even a deviant subculture in greater depth Concepts in Culture: Media, Material, non material, hegemony, ethnocentrism Gender socialization and roles Theories of gender inequality Class inequality in the U.S. Concepts in race: Scientific racism, eugenics, institutional racism, The difference between race and ethnicity Different kinds of social movements Theories of social movements An example of a particular social movement *I am open to any suggestions not reflected in this list. Students will be submitting proposals in the Second Week’s module for my feedback on your chosen topic. Requirements for an effective presentation: Choose a topic and go in depth. Use visuals (pictures, film clips, etc) not just text. Carefully choose the text you use (don’t overwhelm us with blocks of dense text). Proofread your presentation! Use at least two academic sources of information and cite them on a work cited slide or page of some sort (you may use more than two sources but at least two of your sources must be academic and not just credible sources.) Stay away from file formats that not everyone has access to (e.g. Keynote, pages, etc) If you are making a video, it might help to upload to youtube or some other video streaming channel to help with file size.

An alalysis of bullying across the intersections of age gender race and class in society

An alalysis of bullying across the intersections of age, gender, race and class in society


Paper details:

The paper should have an introduction page explaining what bullying is and it’s effects in society. Then 4 subheadings for bullying in age, gender, race and class. And a conclusion page.

Analysis of the Play Equus

Analysis of the Play “Equus”

Description: Part I – Text Analysis Analyze the text, focusing on the three assigned scenes, but taking into account the entire play. Your analysis should take the form of an essay. Your analysis should take into consideration the following: 1. Plot – the sequence of the events – What is the story of the play? What are the major events of the play? What is the climax of the story? What is the major dramatic question? What are the events of the assigned scenes? 2. Character – the agents of the action. For Dysart and Alan, analyze the following: a. Objectives – wants and desires b. Actions – what they do to get what they want c. Previous Action – character history/back story d. Relationships – who can help them get what they want and who stands in their way; tactics they use against specific characters e. Function in Story – Protagonist, antagonist, supporter of one or the other, etc. f. Character Arc/Journey – How does the character change/progress over the course of the play? g. Physical Characteristics – what does the character look like? How do they move? What do they sound like? Do they have any unique/identifying characteristics? 3. Language – the words that characters use to get what they want. For Dysart and Alan, analyze the way they talk, using specific examples from the scene or play. Consider: a. Vocabulary b. Images c. Metaphors d. Syntax e. Rhythms f. Dialect g. Any other aspects of language that you feel are important in distinguishing the two characters 4. Idea – anything that happens or is said that stimulates thought. What is the major debate of the play? Which sides of the debate do Alan and Dysart represent? Which side of the debate does the playwright come down on? How do the assigned scenes contribute to the debate? What are some of the other ideas that the playwright explores in the play? 5. Spectacle – What opportunities does the playwright provide for visual excitement in the play? What are the specific images that you believe will be most powerful for an audience to witness? 6. Music – What opportunities doe the playwright provide for sound in the play? How do these sounds enhance the storytelling? What effect do they have? Part I will be evaluated on its organization of thought, thoroughness of the analysis, accuracy of the analysis, and correct spelling and grammar.