Why is it difficult for a challenger to unseat an incumbent member in Congress

Choose any two (2) of the questions below for a 250-word response (500 word minimum total this section) typed response. Do not restate the questions in your responses. Pick any two (2) questions to answer: 1) Why is it difficult for a challenger to unseat an incumbent member in Congress? What advantages do incumbents have when they seek reelection? 2) In what ways does Congress oversee the executive branch? What “checks” does Congress have on judicial power? 3) Identify the stages of the domestic policymaking process. What happens during each phase of the process? 4) What are “issue ads”? How do interest groups use issue advocacy to influence public policy? 5) What is the role of the media in a democracy? What special role do the media play in campaigns and elections? 6) Describe American foreign policy from the Cold War to the present. How has the focus of preserving our national security changed? 7) Have recent attempts to improve government efficiency worked? How difficult is it to reform the bureaucracy? 8) Which presidential role in Chapter #12 is the most critical that they perform: chief legislator, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief executive, or head of state. 9) Drawing on examples of Supreme Court decision making, explain how courts are policymakers. How much policymaking power should courts have?

Diabetic foot care patient education

Diabetic foot care patient education Consumer Health Information Website Analysis paper evaluating consumer/patient health information on the web. You will be required to find a website that is designed to provide health information to the consumer/patient and analyze it according to the criteria described below. You are required to report your analysis in a formal course paper. health topic: Diabetic foot care patient education  An explanation of your health topic/issue and why you selected it (Significance of the topic/issue selected). • Find an internet source that is designed to provide information/education about your selected health topic/issue and analyze the following:  describe the website (main title, information)  describe the overall impression about the design of the website (organization, easiness of finding information, easiness to read, table of content/index, colors, font, does it look professional).  Who is sponsoring the website?  How often is the site updated? When was the site created? Was it updated recently?  Does it state that the content is not medical advice?  Who is the intended audience? Does the site have a clear target audience? is the information presented appropriate to the target population? • How credible are the information presented?  Is there any evidence that the author of the web information has some authority in the field about which she or he is providing information? Who is responsible for the information? What are the author’s credentials? Is a mechanism in place for you to contact the author?  Are there clues that the author/s are biased? For example, is he/she selling or promoting a product? Is the author taking a personal stand on a social/political issue or is the author being objective ? Bias is not necessarily “bad,” but the connections should be clear.  Does the information have a complete list of works cited, which reference credible, authoritative sources? Is the information valid and supported by evidence? Are omissions noted? Is the author’s point of view objective and unbiased?  Are the information accurate? any inconsistencies, inaccuracies, errors, false information, etc…  Are there links that point to additional, valuable resources with minimum effort? • • Adequacy:  Over all, does the site provide consumer/patient education? is the education adequate or does the consumer have to go somewhere else to find answers about the topic? • Sophistication of the information:  Is this source too elementary, too technical, too advanced, or just right?  Is the purpose of the site clearly stated? Does the site match its purpose? Is the site intended to educate or sell? • Submit a 3-5 pages analysis paper following APA format (include title page, running head, introduction, headings, Summary paragraph, reference page, in-text citation). You need to include at least 5 reliable references of which at least 3 journal articles. For assistance in completing this assignment visit the following two websites: https://www.mlanet.org/resources/userguide.html and http://mason.gmu.edu/~montecin/web-eval-sites.htm


Application paper – Take any two different novels or movies (or novel and movie combination – though in that case it needs to be a movie not based on the novel), and find one important psychological principle presented to discuss in your paper. In the first page you will describe the psychology topic/principle of your choice in detail, and then in the following pages you need to elucidate how the movies/novels accurately or inaccurately portray the topic you chose. Discuss whether they do a good job, whether the topic is accurately presented (insofar as your scientific understanding of it goes). Discuss whether the movie/book enhanced your understanding of the topic. For example, you might choose to watch Memento and 50 First Dates. You would describe the topic of memory, the ideas about consolidation of memory from short term memory into long term memory, and anterograde amnesia. Then you would write about how those ideas are presented in the two movies. A SHORT synopsis of each movie would be appropriate, and then the majority of your paper would discuss how the two movies presented the ideas of memory consolidation and the particular type of amnesia in question. As you write this paper again remember that I would like to hear YOUR voice and your impressions of the movie. Do NOT copy directly from an outside source.

John Cheever The Swimmer

Paper details Please Read John Cheever, “The Swimmer.” You must connect your research to specific moments in the literary text. Be sure to explain to your reader both what your research says and how it impacts your reading of your piece of literature. Your essay must meet these requirements: Do non-literary research: Please don’t look up literary criticism on your chosen text–for example, don’t use criticism that analyzes symbols or characters in the work. Use at least six research sources: Your paper’s grade will be reduced if you don’t use the required number of sources. At least three of your sources must be scholarly; these can either be scholarly journal articles or excerpts from books written by scholars. Acceptable popular (non-scholarly) sources include college-level books, reputable websites, and newspapers. Subject-specific encyclopedias, like the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, are also acceptable, although general encyclopedias are not. Avoid these sources: Wikipedia, other general encyclopedias like the Encyclopedia Britannica, web sites such as SparkNotes, dictionaries, and web sites that provide pre-written essays may not be used as sources. Make connections between the texts: Your paper must connect your research sources to your literary text. Don’t just describe what the research says or compare it to your literary text. Use quotes from your literary text and each research source. I will check to see that each source is cited at least once in the paper. Have a Works Cited page: Your final draft must include a Works Cited page in MLA style. The Works Cited page does not count toward the page length requirement. Essay Requirements: A minimum of seven double-spaced pages Criteria for a successful essay include: A title that captures the essence of your essay Well-developed introduction Clear thesis statement in the introduction Well-developed support for your argument (weave in quotes and analyze them) Logical organization with topic sentences and transitions Conclusion that adds a final thought Few sentence-level errors (grammar, spelling) MLA citation Attached at the bottom will be the main idea of the story and the second paragraph in the attached is the questions that need to be answered with the resources. Some questions I would like to research on are how do people know they have an issue with alcohol. How does alcohol affect your memory? How does alcohol affect your health? How does being an alcoholic affect those around you, especially family? Does genetics come into play in someone becoming an alcoholic? Does having an alcoholic parent make their children more prone to being an alcoholic? What are ways to get out of the habit of drinking alcohol?

Criminal Justice – Corrections

The student will write a 10-page Literature Review on a specific problem in Corrections (provided in files). It should not be a descriptive paper but one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student should make an argument if need be. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources (also provided, but you can use others) that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources.

The paper must properly follow current APA style. Include the following elements in your paper: Title page including a running head Abstract and keywords Body The body of the paper consists of all of the questions a person would ask if you mentioned the hypothesis to them. What is it I am researching? What is the current problem? What is the solution? What do my critics say about the problem and my solution? What does the literature say about the problem and my solution? What gaps in the literature will my solution address? If successful, what are the implications of my research? And a conclusion. Conclusion (Make sure you reflect back upon your thesis statement and make adjustments as needed.) References Review the Literature Review Rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.

How did the strategies promoted by Booker T. Washington differ from those of WEB DuBois and Booker T. Washington

How did the strategies promoted by Booker T. Washington differ from those of WEB DuBois and Booker T. Washington? Which were more effective.

Paper details To better answer this question you will have to read Washington’s speech: http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/39/ and WEB DuBois’ response: http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/40. The video below will also help clarify the discourse between both thinkers/leaders. You must read both links in order to get credit for this post. You will not get points for summarizing from the textbook. Refrain from summarizing their lives, we do not need to read a biography but read your analysis of their arguments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmnBAKnnww ps: When citing the author of the course text, please know that her name is Darlene Clark Hines. When citing note her name as Hines.

Wildlife Management Essay

Wildlife Management Essay

The Essay:

The essay must be researched and of a maximum of 2000 words (+/- 10%) 1.5 spaced size 12 font and typed. All references, figures and tables must be correctly cited and included in the reference list, where applicable. The essays must be set out in a logical order.

Discuss single specie management, the methods, needs, and applications of such management. The specie to be discussed is of the student’s own choice, however it must be an Australian vertebrate animal, of conservation importance such as a threatened, endangered or listed species, or of commercial value. Explain the need for single species management, and describe methods of achieving this. Why is there a need to ensure biodiversity of wildlife population for single specie management? What are, if any, the threats to these animals?

Ensure you follow the Harvard referencing style with not less than 15 references from peer-reviewed articles and include all figures and tables in the text and NOT in an appendix. There is a 2000word count (+/- 10%) limit that excludes all references, footnotes, figures and tables.

This assessment is weighted 30% of the course grade and a student must achieve 50% or more to pass this assessment.

Cognitive Psychomotor and Affective Domain Objectives

Nurse educators write measureable objectives in all three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. It is relatively easy to write measureable objectives in the cognitive and psychomotor domains. The challenge is writing measureable objectives in the affective domain that relate to feelings, values, and beliefs. Beliefs and values are important concepts, and nurse educators must develop skills in writing affective domain objectives. For this discussion, you will write a total of four affective learning objectives, two for the classroom and two for the clinical setting.

Compare and contrast the cybersecurity strategies and frameworks of the US and China

Compare and contrast the cybersecurity strategies and frameworks of the US and China

Research the cybersecurity strategies and frameworks of the US and China and compare and contrast them. Note: In many instance framework and strategies are used synonymously, there is a distinct difference between the two. For instance, the U.S.A. cybersecurity framework is centered around a specific organizations research about best practices, but the strategy is how that framework is going to be implemented. Address and Think about the following in your response: 1. What are the main differences between the cybersecurity frameworks of the countries? 2. What are the main differences between the cybersecurity strategies ? 3. Are there any similarities? 4. What will some of the challenges be for a US company doing business in China? 5. What about for a Chinese company doing business in the US?

Small Group Communication

Recall a small team or group of which you have been a part. Write a 800- to 1,050 word paper about your experience. Include the following: Provide a brief description of the team or group. How many members did it include? What was its purpose? Describe the behaviors the team or group exhibited as it went through each stage of development. Describe a problem the team or group encountered. What steps were taken to address and solve the problem? Was the team or group able to generate a successful solution? Why or why not? Discuss the influence that leadership-or the lack of leadership–had on the team’s or group’s ability to solve the problem. What style of leadership did the leader exhibit? What problem-solving steps were taken to resolve the situation? What steps would have produced better results? Explain whether the team or group was effective. Support your position by discussing goals, roles, ground rules, norms, and characteristics your team or group displayed. How did these characteristics affect the team’s or group’s ability to accomplish its purpose and solve the problem it encountered? Analyze how communication contributed to cohesiveness. Identify and address how diversity or technology affected the team or group members’ ability to communicate with one another to reach a resolution. Explain your thoughts on how goals, roles, ground rules, and norms help determine effectiveness. How did these characteristics affect the team’s or group’s ability to accomplish its purpose and solve the problem?