Database design technology

1. With regards to Database design technology 2. Using the database design technology, define and describe how the element would be measured or evaluated. list three elements that will be used to evaluate the user-technology interface. 3. Perform an assessment using elements of user-technology interface or human factors methods to determine functionality. 4. For each element, propose practicable suggestions for improvement using support from the literature

Mark Twain

Discuss one work or one author from this course that you believe had the most significant influence on American literary history. Please be sure to maintain third person perspective. Author is Mark Twain Submission Instructions: Your essays should be in MLA Style and approximately 1500-2000 words, not including the Work(s) Cited page. Meeting the minimum word requirement makes you eligible for a C grade. Meeting the maximum word requirements makes you eligible for an A grade. As with most academic writing, this essay should be written in third person. Please avoid both first person (I, we, our, etc.) and second person (you, your). In the upper left-hand corner of the paper, place your name, the professor’s name, the course name, and the due date for the assignment on consecutive lines. Double space your information from your name onward, and don’t forget a title. All papers should be in Times New Roman font with 12-point type with one-inch margins all the way around your paper. All paragraph indentations should be indented five spaces (use the tab key) from the left margin. All work is to be left justified. When quoting lines in literature, please research the proper way to cite short stories, plays, or poems. Should you choose to use outside references for prompt one or two, these must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources obtained via the APUS library (select Advanced Search and check the Peer Reviewed box). Reliable open web sources may be used for prompt three. Be careful that you don’t create a “cut and paste” paper of information from your various sources. Your ideas are to be new and freshly constructed. Also, take great care not to plagiarize.

Divine foreknowledge objection to human freedom.

Divine foreknowledge objection to human freedom.


Paper details:

Follow the added file exactly. All questions in order under each paragraph. Added information: 1. Introduction Here you should just simply state what the paper is about: a particular argument (with a name), and what you’re going to do with it (state it, explain it, and evaluate it) and then what you thought about it (that it was a convincing argument or that it was an unconvincing argument). It should read almost like a road map for the journey the paper takes you on. 2. The Argument Just say something that in introduces it. One way is to say “the following is the (name of the argument)”: P1… P2… C… That’s it! 3. Explain premise 1. Sometimes arguments have some technical terminology that needs explaining, as well as the rationale (why you should believe it). That’s what you’re doing here, just sorting this premise out on its own in isolation. The assignment has a series of questions and other things you need to do in order to accomplish this. As long as you do these things, in the right order (the order they appear on the assignment) you should do just fine. Just make sure it all flows together nicely so that it makes sense. 4. Explain premise 2. Basically the same thing as above but for a different premise. 5. Explain the conclusion. Here you wrap up explaining the argument: say what kind of argument it is, why it is this kind of argument, and the upshot of the conclusion turns out to be true. Largely you’re doing almost the same thing as the last two paragraphs in terms of doing the things the assignment asks in the order it asks you to do them. 6. Evaluate the argument. Here you are presenting two sides that you could take. First the side that opposes the argument. Pick the weakest premise and argue against it on behalf of the opposition with some rationale (the reason that the premise is argued to be false). Then respond on the side that would defend the argument against the objection from the other side. Once you have laid out both sides, pick one of them and say why you picked this side rather than the other. Again, address all the points that the assignment asks you to, in the order it asks you to, and you’ll do fine. To answer your question about this part, you can bring in something like an outside source to justify whatever position you take. That is a fine way to do it, but it isn’t necessary. It just has to be your reason and it should be one that you clearly thought about. 7. Conclusion. Do exactly what you did in the introduction, but in past tense. Summarize the paper with a simple map of the journey “In this paper, I stated explained and evaluated the (name of the argument). My thesis is that it was (your stance on whether it was convincing or not)”.

Can the incorporation of lean six sigma principles improve the distribution of Clothing within the Irish Defence Forces

Can the incorporation of lean six sigma principles improve the distribution of Clothing within the Irish Defence Forces?


Paper details:

Basically, I am focusing the IRISH Defence forces and comparing it to how other Armies distribute clothing to their troops and whether the Irish Defence forces could be more efficient in how they do it. I’m going to compare to the US Army and the Italian Army.

Paternal Resilience and Parenting Styles Among African American Fathers as a Predictor of Daughters’ Learning

Paternal Resilience and Parenting Styles Among African American Fathers as a Predictor of Daughters’ Learning Academic Level : Professional Paper details In a Word document, report on the results of your searching with the advanced techniques. Report a minimum of ten articles: Be sure to use both strategies when procuring your articles. Be sure cite all of your articles using APA format. For each article discovered, write a brief description of what it adds to your literature review on the dissertation topic. As always, provide correct in-text citations. locate 10 new articles for your literature review. • Bibliography Mining: Find five older sources from the articles that you already have. • Practice Cited Reference Searching: Find five more recent articles that cite your original articles

How can early literacy skills be promoted in a cultural and linguistically diverse classroom

How can early literacy skills be promoted in a cultural and linguistically diverse classroom?


Paper details:

PART I: INTRODUCTION (15 points) Topic: Make sure the proposal starts on a general level with some type of introductory remarks before going into the details of the specific research problem you are planning to research. This can be accomplished by providing a frame of reference, a definition, or a discussion of the significance of the topic in the field. Provide a statement of the problem and significance of the study that you are examining. (remember: this is more than one sentence or paragraph. You should explain and support your problem. Make sure you also clearly explain why it is important (significance) as a transition in the writing to your research questions.) Rationalize the importance of your study. Make sure the research question/s (and hypothesis) are fully listed. (optionally, these could go in the method…if you do that then make sure to put an overarching broad question here that frames your study- this is more likely in quantitative where you would also need hypothesis) Additional information is optional. This may include aims, objectives, limitations, and a summary. PART II: LITERATURE REVIEW (15 points) The literature review is written to place your study within the context of existing knowledge and other studies in your discipline. It gives recognition to other scholars and it also allows you to point out what is new about your research. Ideally, at least five studies should be discussed in the literature review. After you have written the literature review, read it carefully and make sure it is clear. Notice whether you can easily determine how the proposal is building on earlier studies, as well as exploring a line of research that is new. Synthesize the information into topics that are specifically relevant to your research question. When you mention other studies they are usually cited by the author’s last name and the date of publication. For example: “Another important study in the area (Chan and Gibbs, 2017) found that…” Later on, in the bibliography, you will provide a full citation to all the studies you cited in your proposal. 4. if you have a theory supporting your study, you should include this in your literature review. (second weekend) 5. a final short paragraph should explain how your study is situated in the current literature (second weekend) PART III: METHODOLOGY (15 points) Provide a full description of your general method and design. The methodology should be sufficiently detailed so that it can be replicated. The details that you include in describe your method will depend on the type of method you feel is best to propose for studying your topic. Explain the details of your data collection. Describe the instruments or means of data collection you are planning to use. Please include any relative information pertaining to each instrument or protocol. (References, Appendices) Validity and reliability or trustworthiness information – Process and citations of used measures should be included. (Validity/Reliability = quantitative & trustworthiness = qualitative) Discuss the data collection procedures (HOW) (primary or secondary texts, interviews, surveys, experimental, etc.) Describe the analysis process you will use with data. (reference the theory as needed) You are making the best match of analysis based on the data you think you will produce through your data collection. PART IV: Conclusion (2 points) Wrap up your proposal and make a predictive statement about your research. (this is unique to our proposal and not the typical research study conclusion)

In Inventory Management describe the difference( between Fixed-Quantity Ordering versus Periodic Ordering

675 Final Essay Questions: 


Answer the following questions briefly and comprehensively.

Submit answer for all essay questions in a word document.

Your essay is required to be submitted to the office of the Dean for Special Assessment. 

Save you essay as a word file with your name.  Submit as an attachment.



In managing processes within organizations, what type(s) of methodology can be implemented in order to become more efficient and cost effective?  Please describe each methodology(s) briefly.  For example, Lean Manufacturing.   (9 points)


Why should organizations be concerned with quality of their products/services?  What are some of the common approaches to accomplish that in recent years.  Please describe each briefly. (8 points)


In Inventory Management, describe the difference(s) between Fixed-Quantity Ordering versus Periodic Ordering.  Under what circumstances should one be more appropriate over the other?  (8 points)


Describe briefly the differences between the use of Distribution Center versus the Direct-Store-Delivery approach.  Please explain the trade-offs.  (8 points)


Describe various transportation modes available to most industries.  What would be trade-offs amongst them? (8 points)


What are Third Party Logistics Providers(3PLs)?  What services they typically provide?  What would be trade-offs between using a 3PL versus providing the service in-house? (9 points)

Artistic Expression: Robert Frank and Brassaï

Art & photography have been linked from the beginnings of photography. In the contemporary art world, photography is a major player as a stand-alone voice and as an integrated medium with traditional art forms and digital technology. For this essay, search for photographers who are in the art genre and who grab your attention. (If you would like a starting place for your search, there is an excellent list on page 210 of our London text.) Select two artists, and compare and contrast their work. Defend your choices by explaining how their work qualifies as art. Would you characterize their expressions as photographs? or mixed media images? or multiple images or sequences? Is size an element in their work? In what way does the work relate to earlier traditions such as artistic photography or documentary photography? What other artistic, cultural, social, or political influences are evident in the work? What effect do you think the digital revolution has had on how artists define photography and make photographic images? For all essays in this course: Your essay should be at least 600 words. Cite any sources you use for your essay and include a list of works cited in either a MLA or APA format. Please include images, and remember to provide proper citations for each. Proofread your essay for grammatical and spelling errors.

Factors influencing the dietary fibre consumption of older people living independently and the impact of dietary fibre intake on health in this population

Factors influencing the dietary fibre consumption of older people living independently and the impact of dietary fibre intake on health in this population

Paper details I want just a discussion section about dietary fibre and related to sex, retire, have children, marital status, highest degree, monthly income, monthly household income, people live with you, economic factors affect food choice, physical factors, psychological factors, good appetite, biological factors, social factors in older people over age 65 years old

Story intervention from the movie Freedom Writers

Description: watch the freedom writers movie (very wholesome movie and a good watch) then provide a story intervention from the perspective of one of the characters from the movie Freedom Writers. Imagine you are taking a freeze frame from the movie at a very significant moment or a moment with lots of context from One of the characters from the movie like Marcus or Eva coming into the film like Eva wearing the ankle bracelet at the start of the film representing her being tracked and things that lead to it as an example. Please let me know what u are to write about before commending.