Compare and contrast the cybersecurity strategies and frameworks of the US and China

Compare and contrast the cybersecurity strategies and frameworks of the US and China

Research the cybersecurity strategies and frameworks of the US and China and compare and contrast them. Note: In many instance framework and strategies are used synonymously, there is a distinct difference between the two. For instance, the U.S.A. cybersecurity framework is centered around a specific organizations research about best practices, but the strategy is how that framework is going to be implemented. Address and Think about the following in your response: 1. What are the main differences between the cybersecurity frameworks of the countries? 2. What are the main differences between the cybersecurity strategies ? 3. Are there any similarities? 4. What will some of the challenges be for a US company doing business in China? 5. What about for a Chinese company doing business in the US?

Small Group Communication

Recall a small team or group of which you have been a part. Write a 800- to 1,050 word paper about your experience. Include the following: Provide a brief description of the team or group. How many members did it include? What was its purpose? Describe the behaviors the team or group exhibited as it went through each stage of development. Describe a problem the team or group encountered. What steps were taken to address and solve the problem? Was the team or group able to generate a successful solution? Why or why not? Discuss the influence that leadership-or the lack of leadership–had on the team’s or group’s ability to solve the problem. What style of leadership did the leader exhibit? What problem-solving steps were taken to resolve the situation? What steps would have produced better results? Explain whether the team or group was effective. Support your position by discussing goals, roles, ground rules, norms, and characteristics your team or group displayed. How did these characteristics affect the team’s or group’s ability to accomplish its purpose and solve the problem it encountered? Analyze how communication contributed to cohesiveness. Identify and address how diversity or technology affected the team or group members’ ability to communicate with one another to reach a resolution. Explain your thoughts on how goals, roles, ground rules, and norms help determine effectiveness. How did these characteristics affect the team’s or group’s ability to accomplish its purpose and solve the problem?

In what ways has climate change revealed the limits of contemporary media and communications

1. In what ways has climate change revealed the limits of contemporary media and communications? How might these limits be overcome? What are some counter-examples that illustrate a more positive use of media and communications with regard to climate change? (Note: you should discuss these questions as specifically as possible, with particular examples of both media and communications and aspects of climate change, in specific situations.) 2. Choose an important contemporary problem involving climate change and develop a media and communications strategy to address it. Be specific in your choice of problem, the situations involved and your strategy and tactics in response. 3. How are media and communications being used to reorganise social life in response to climate change. Be specific in your choices of examples and situations. How might they be used in the future? What kinds of roles will they play? 4. Where do you, yourself, find hope in a world of changing climates? What roles do/might media and communications play in this? 5. Devise your own essay topic and/or approach to this assignment. If you decide to do this, you must confirm it with Don by the time of your tutorial in week six. Criteria * Materials (and Research): Your demonstrated engagement with the materials/readings/explorations for the course and your further research into the topic, beyond the course materials. * Response: Your critical thinking through of the issues involved and careful response to them. Note here that “critical thinking” is not just (or even) saying “what’s wrong” with something. “Critical” is much misunderstood as a term. In this course, “critical thinking” means that you need to explore what actually works or what’s valuable in the ideas you’re engaged with, as well as what doesn’t work. You need to ask where the ideas could go further, where their limits are (the point at which such ideas cease to be useful), or how they could be modified to be more useful, etc. * Expression: Your synthesis (bringing together) of the ideas, practices and issues you’re dealing with into a satisfactory form of academic expression in English. The form of expression should fit the ideas and issues at hand.

Sound and performance

Address these 3 assignments separately: 1. What does sound (volume, timbre, attack, etc.) add to the lyrics, and vice versa, in these songs? (any three of the following songs: New York Dolls, “Personality Crisis,” Black Flag, “White Minority,” Bad Brains, “I Against I,” Fugazi, “Suggestion,” Bikini Kill, “Rah! Rah! Replica,” Against Me!, “Transgender Dysphoria Blues) [ 300 words] 2. You should analyze (2 LINES SAPARTLY) how sound and word come together in Dylan’s “Visions of Johanna.” Taking Hampton’s comments ( I attached the file) as a spring board, you will make your own argument about the lyrics. 3. Langston Hughes’s poem “The Weary Blues” and his musical performance of the same poem gives us a unique opportunity to compare sound and print. WRITE comments (2 LINES SAPARTLY) that connect the reading of the poem to the sound of the performance.

Deviance in sports

 Given assignment is a group assignment. Please make just the second and third part. It should be single spaced(not double as mentioned in sample paper) You’ve to complete part for just one group member. Not all 3. Please relate the main idea of articles and the interviews. You have to create interview questions for 2 people(not more than that). the questions in research papers should be related to overdosing of prescribed painkillers, who is more addicted to painkillers? how it affects players and former players personal and professional lives? what kind of treatment will be helpful for former players who are having serious problems by drug abuse? please consider one of the interviewee to be an Indian international basketball player. for any kind of enquires please feel free to ask and please hand the assignment in time. 

Paper on Afro-Brazilian Art, Culture, Soccer and Politics.

Paper on Afro-Brazilian Art, Culture, Soccer and Politics.

Highlight the historical context (time period) covered in the reading or film. b) Outline the most pertinent issues affecting Afro-Brazilian people. This should include the key points or main arguments that the writer or film make is making. c) Pin-point relevant quotes that reinforce your main points d) Offer your own personal opinion on the issues, arguments and points raised in the reading and or film. e) Raise at least THREE questions for class discussion in your presentations. Each presentation should not exceed FIVE typed pages and they should be in an ESSAY FORMAT and NOT POWERPOINT and should be submitted via the D2L ASSIGNMENT folder at the time and the dates stipulated in the class schedule. These Assignments should be in WORD FORMAT and PDF documents will NOT be accepted. I prefer a presentation format in the form of an ESSAY with clearly broken-down sections outlined above like Historical Context, Key Issues Affecting Afro-Brazilians, Relevant Quotes, Personal Opinions and Discussion Questions. Bullet points and lists are also preferred where it’s necessary to list things and they should be accompanied by adequate explanations.

Examine the benefits and consequences of informing and influencing policymakers through health-related advocacy

Write a script for a presentation that you have been asked to make at a community coalition meeting. The script must address (but is not limited to) the following: Verbalize the problem, needs at the local/state level, and the type of assistance you seek. Describe the intrapersonal and interpersonal factors which contribute to an individual contracting measles. Identify health behaviors an individual can adopt/minimize to reduce their chance of contracting measles. Explain how the main principles of the social marketing theory can be used to change behavior associated with measles. Examine the benefits and consequences of informing and influencing policymakers through health-related advocacy

How should the U.S. approach its relations with Israel in light of developments in the Middle East

The Middle East is important to the United States. We get most of our oil from the region and investment from the Arab states is of growing importance in our economy. The United States strongly supports Israel, but also has had dealings with Palestinian political groups. US leadership in conflicts with and in Iraq and tense relations with Iran and Syria add to the muddled situation. Further complicating matters is the changing role of Russia in the region and our relationship with that nation. Finally, relations with the European Union and NATO necessarily influence how we deal with the Israel-Palestine question and other issues rising in the Middle East. How should the U.S. approach its relations with Israel in light of developments in the Middle East?

Fiction Analysis Of The Story of an Hour Smoke Signals or The Lottery

Essay 3: Fiction Analysis

Your task in this assignment is to analyze a work of fiction. You have three works to choose from: “The Story of an Hour,” Smoke Signals, or “The Lottery.” Your analysis must be organized around a clear thesis statement. There are two typical approaches.

Theme analysis: examine and explore a theme that you see at work in the story. Make sure you can express the theme in a thesis statement!

Example, “The Lottery” explores the danger of unexamined belief.

The tradition in “The Lottery” dehumanizes the people of the town.

In “The Story of an Hour” Mrs. Mallard discovers that “self-assertion” is more important to her than love.

In the film Smoke Signals, we see how stories give meaning to our lives.

Character analysis: examine how a character is developed in the story. Explore what motivates or drives the character, or what conflicts they have to struggle with. Again, make sure you develop a strong thesis:


Ex. In “The Story of an Hour,” Mrs. Mallard experience an awakening and discovers that self-determination is “the strongest impulse of her being.”

In Smoke Signals, Victor’s rage and anger are healed when he learns how to forgive his father for leaving them.

The thesis: you must have a unified thesis that is drawn from the conflict in the story. You must not analyze the story as an exercise in identifying the elements of fiction. Your thesis is your argument, and your analysis fills in the details and defends your thesis. You are welcome to use any of the working thesis I have mentioned in this and other handouts.

Quoting from the story. The story you have chosen is the best evidence for proving your thesis, along with your commentary and analysis. If you turn in an essay with little or quotations from the story, you run the risk of being too abstract or to general. Another problem that arises is falling into summary of the plot. Plot summary is not analysis. Devise your essay around the main points you want to make, and which support your thesis.

Class discussion: as we discuss the stories in class, we are practicing making inferences and building an analysis. It is important that you reflect some of what we have discussed in to your own essay. I am trying to reinforce the deliberative process of exploring, discovering, and developing a theme and a thesis. You must reflect this in your essay. in other word, you need to show me that you have been present in class (in every sense of that word) and that you have absorbed ideas from our discussion.

Important points to keep in mind:

Write about the story in present tense, even when the story is told in past tense. (as an example, look at one of the thesis statements above).

Stay close to the story, but don’t spend time retelling the plot!

Back-up generalities about theme, character, or whatever point you are making with specific example.

Build up evidence to support a specific, clear thesis.

Explore or develop a chain of reasoning so that your reader will understand the logic of your argument.

Ask yourself, what am I trying to prove? What is my evidence?

An analysis essay should include:

An introduction which may include any of the following

A general sense of your subject.

Possibly, a brief introduction of the points you will develop in your essay.

An interesting “hook” that pulls the reader in, making them want to read more.

A statement of your thesis, your controlling idea, or at least an indication of the direction you intend to follow.

The body of the paper: well developed, well unified paragraphs that explore the main point you want to develop.

A conclusion which may include:

A general summation.

A final evaluation.

Final observation that bring a satisfying sense of conclusion to your paper.

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Plato Vs Aristotle

Compare the major differences of thought on Freedom , Love , Politics, Life, equality and the impact on contemporary views. Must have at least 5 academic scholarly sources Summarize key points Identifies key terms states whether the student agrees or disagrees and gives reasons locates on or two quotations to be used in the final research project evaluates ways this article is importantand hes helped focus understanding