Research critique

The purpose of the Final Exam is to assess your understanding of the main statistical concepts covered in this course and to evaluate your ability to critically review a quantitative research article. The exam will consist of two parts: Part I includes three essay questions and Part II includes a research critique. All of your responses should be included in a single Word document for submission.

Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She This Is for anthropology of gender class

These papers should include a one-paragraph synopsis or summary of the film’s main ideas and plot. For the rest of the paper you must use anthropological terms and concepts to comment on particular points and issues in the film. Evaluation of the papers will be based upon how well concepts from the course readings are used to comment on the film. Book we are using Is: Brettell, Caroline B. and Sargent, Carolyn F. (eds) 2009, 5th edition Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Niccolò Machiavelli

Description Essay Two: A Critical Examination of Power and Leadership in World Literature :Length: Minimum of 5 complete pages, double spaced Format: MLA, Times New Roman 12-point font, Works Cited Page Sources: At least two works of imaginative literature and the text of Machiavelli’s The Prince, including the scholarly introductions for historical context and critical insight. Do not use internet sources. Instructions: Develop a thesis and write a well-organized essay in formal, academic writing, which responds the the following prompt: “In literary masterpieces of world literature, from the ancient and medieval periods, the ultimate source of a leader’s power is the supernatural or divine. From the Renaissance onwards, the source is mankind ourselves.” Demonstrate the validity of this claim. Your thesis statement should state explicitly what is the purpose of your essay, and should also give the reader a sense of how you will organize your essay and which works you will focus on (it can be more than one sentence). You should quote frequently from the texts, but quoted text should not exceed 20% of the total. Where possible, try to focus on individual words or phrases, explaining their significance in terms of your overall ideas. Your conclusion should summarize all the major ideas of your essay. Be creative, critical, and precise. Supply historical context where necessary.

Literature review; Ebola’s effect on Institutional Deliveries in Sierra Leone

Description Introduction (2000 words) 1. Background (a) Maternal Health – Global attention on maternal health – Sierra Leone health system (b) Sierra Leone’s Maternal Health – Post civil war maternal health > indicators and political/ public discourse – Pre Ebola maternal health (Free Health Care Initiative) > indicators and political/ public discourse (c) Ebola in Sierra Leone and it’s effect on maternal health – Summarise Ebola’s direct effect on Sierra Leone – Ebola had indirect effects on access & service delivery especially in maternal care 2. Theoretical Framework (a) Thaddeus and Maine’s 3-Delays Model – Explain concept, relevancy and theory limitations (b) Kingdon’s 3 Stream Model – Explain concept, relevancy and theory limitations (c) Ovterton’s Policy Window – Explain concept, relevancy and theory limitations 3. Aims (a) Project Aims and Objectives – Literature review of Ebola’s effect on institutional births Identify impact Ebola has on access to and quality of institutional deliveries and analyse & present findings using 3 delays model – Analyse and evaluate post- Ebola policies tackling any of the 3 delays · Methodology (1500 words) 1. Search Strategy 2. Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria 3. Data Extraction 4. Study Quality Assessment 5. Data Synthesis 6. Ethics · Section 1 – Literature Review (2000 words) 1. Results for Ebola’s effect on… (a) Policy for deliveries pre- Ebola (b) Institutional Births during Ebola (c) Institutional Births post Ebola 2. Discussion · Section 2 – Policy Analysis (2000 words) 1. Identify policies 2. Stakeholder Analysis 3. Discussion · Conclusion & Recommendations (1500 words)

Analyze Government Use of GIS

Description Write a paper in which you analyze how state and local governments have employed GIS to tackle the issues of displaying and analyzing information in a geographical manner. You should include the following: * Identify those who are developing and using GIS software. * Analyze the manner in which GIS is used by governments. * Determine how GIS may be used in the future based on expected changes in technology.


Our business case on creating new product (milk tea powder) and we are going to sell it on China. Our business case should contain (Feasibility analysis). In feasibility analysis we should Establish relevant macro-environmental factors relating to our business case using the PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis.

PESTEL analysis is a framework that is used to scan external macro-environment and look in detail at specific types of issues that frequently have an impact on implementation of the project/ initiatives.

The term PESTEL (table 1) refers to the following: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal PESTEL involves identifying the factors in each of these six factors that are relevant for the project being considered. It plays a significant role in value creation opportunities of a strategy. However, they are usually outside the control of the corporation and are generally considered as either threats or opportunities. It is important to consider that macro-environmental factors can differ per continent, country or even a region.


You must download MS Project from the software store or access it through Virtual Lab (Citrix). If you have had any difficulty with this, please let your professor know. You will create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the project you selected and the scope you have created. See the Course Project Overview page under Introduction and Resources for details. Remember that the WBS starts with your major deliverables (that you stated in your scope management plan) at the highest level. The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables.

Petition for Suspension Release

There are the questions. you can combine all question to answer. 1: Summarize the incident(s) that led to your suspension and answer these questions: How are you responsible for being involved in the incident(s)? What kinds of decisions led to the incident(s)? How did your actions and subsequent suspension affect others? How did it affect you? 2: Identify what resources you will need to be successful at WSU. These could be financial support, emotional support, academic support, access to therapy or support groups, etc. Consider both on and off campus resources. The Office of Student conduct has a webpage with a list of resources to get you started. 3: What action steps will you take to ensure that you have access to those resources? Be specific. For example, if you identify counseling as a resource you will need, who will provide that for you? What days will you go? Etc. . . 4: What have you done while you were gone and, if allowed to return, how can you contribute positively to the WSU community?

How AI will Rewire Us

How AI will Rewire Us: This is the source needed. These are argument points. Does interaction with AI technology have a negative impact on developing brains (kids)? What does the future of robotics look like? Should AI technology be further developed or should robots be developed without AI and focused on manual labor?

What is next for the LGBT movement Did the gay-marriage win shift the movement in a good direction


The Project is made up of five parts. The end result is an eight page written paper about your selected topic: What is next for the LGBT movement? Did the gay-marriage win shift the movement in a good direction? Or has what is referred to as the “mainstreaming of the movement” taken us far away from the transformative vision of the early gay rights movement? What are the pros and cons of this?Your paper will include: Introduction (statement of the problem) Literature review Background information/history Global perspective Future implications Conclusion References Project: Part 3 requires you to develop a your paper in APA format