Why is Play important for young children’s learning

Research paper on a topic related to the course. The course is Arts Play & the Young Child The paper must be 12 pt. double spaced and 4-5 pages in length. APA Citation format The paper must use evidence-based research and have a minimum of 6 current references. The course emphasizes culturally relevant evidence-based approaches to early childhood education emphasizing play and the arts for diverse groups of learners, including English Language Learners. Topic for Research Paper : Why is Play important for young children’s learning

The Six Pillars of Law Enforcement and Communities Strategies

Directions In 2015, a Presidential Task Force was assembled to discuss strategies for improving the relationship between law enforcement and communities. The panel included representatives from a diverse field of citizens, law enforcement, and governmental and research communities. The strategies developed by this task force were focused on six pillars of focus. Those six pillars were: 1. Building Trust and Legitimacy 2. Policy and Oversight 3. Technology and Social Media 4. Community Policing and Crime Prevention 5. Training and Education 6. Officer Wellness and Safety After reviewing these recommendations and strategies, which are found in The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing: Implementation Guide and The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing: One-Year Progress Report, discuss the strategies and processes recommended (and in some cases implemented) as they apply to the three organizational systems discussed during Week 1.

Air Carrier Human Factor Related Accident

Description Your case analysis will consist of an air carrier human factors-related accident that has occurred within the last 5 years. The accident investigation report must be complete and probable cause issued by the NTSB. From this information you will summarize the cause of the accident and discuss the HUMAN causal factors leading to the accident (i.e., decision making, situational awareness, fatigue, etc.). You should provide supporting citations and references to amplify your thoughts on what went wrong with the crew decisions/actions. Your case analysis must be in APA format, 12 point Times New Roman Font, 1″ margins all around, double-spaced, and a minimum of 3 pages (excluding the cover page and reference page which are also required). Therefore, the total will be no less than 5 pages. When citing other sources make sure that you cite those sources properly.

public budget shortage

Description Write an essay that analyzes a public budget shortage in your community or state(South Carolina). In this essay assignment, you will identify a public problem, pinpoint stakeholders involved, draft potential resolutions, and examine what strategies were used or could be used in order to derive additional revenue or to eliminate the shortfall. Based on your suggested resolution, identify the cost and benefits from a public-sector perspective. Budget topic examples could include public education, transportation, health and welfare programs, or economic development themes. This assignment can also apply to a nonprofit institution of your choosing. Ensure your essay is double-spaced, and uses 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. Section headings are also encouraged to help organize your paper.

Standards regarding special purpose entity reporting

Review the Governmental Accounting Standards Board website. GASB has issued standards regarding special purpose entity reporting. To explore this idea, go to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board https://www.gasb.org/home website, key in the search field, and hit enter. Then review GASBS 6 (not the Summary), and summarize this information in your own words. While no specific number of words is required, ensure you adequately cover the material for the class. Assume several paragraphs will likely be needed to summarize this material properly. References Copley, P. A. (2017). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (13th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.mheducation.com

Practice change simulation

Create a power point presentation that reflects upon the clinical problem that you have identified in your area of nursing practice (as identified in Module 1).Critically appraise the research and summarize the knowledge available on the clinical problem (minimum requirement of 6 scholarly journal articles reviewed and appraised for application to practice problem). Outline a strategic plan for implementation of a practice change in your clinical practice environment based upon your findings. Describe how you intend to operationalize the practice change in your practice environment. What theoretical model will you use and how will you overcome barriers to implementation? What sources of internal evidence will you use in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes? Describe evaluation methods of implementation clearly. Are there any ethical considerations? Include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, reference slide in APA format. NOTE: The problem identify in my area of practice ( Emergency department). how to enforced infections control by implementing hand hygiene to prevent hospital acquired infection.

Reflection of How People Learn

Description Students learn in a variety of ways. It is important for teachers to be aware of the various learning theories and models mentioned in the text and topic materials related to the history of how students learn. This knowledge will provide a foundation in order to create learning experiences that promote student development and acquisition of knowledge. For this assignment, utilizing the topic materials and and your own research to create a brochure to be used as a resource for beginning teachers, describing how learning occurs and the different ways that students learn. Your brochure should include: Detailed descriptions of how students learn, including principles related to development and acquisition of knowledge. Strategies to teach collaboration in the classroom environment. Strategies for encouraging students to monitor their work and engage in self-reflection. A description of the type of teaching you prefer to demonstrate in the classroom environment. How your teaching practices will support the learning preferences of students based on researched learning theories. The importance for a teacher to assist diverse students’ learning. Support your brochure with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly resources. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

How to interview Effectively

How to interview Effectively

Review the topic and objectives you developed in the Training Needs Analysis you completed in Unit 3. Identify the appropriate trainer for your program. Will you use an internal employee or an external vendor? Why is your proposed trainer the best fit? Identify methods for transfer of training. How will the trainees acquire new information? Provide details for your instructional strategy. For example, will they see a video or listen to a lecture? Why did you choose this method? Describe how the trainees will practice what they have learned. Provide specific examples for how this will take place. Identify how the trainees will get feedback on their practice. Be specific as to how they will receive direct and individual feedback. Develop a brief lesson plan for this program. Use the sample lesson plan provided in the Resources for guidance. Requirements Written communication: Communicate your thoughts in a manner that conveys the overall goals of the assignment and is consistent with current APA standards for style and professionalism. Number of pages: Your paper should be 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages. References: The paper must include a references list. Include at least 2 references from current peer-reviewed journals. Format: You must use proper APA style in listing your references. Write your paper using Microsoft Word, not Works or Word Perfect. Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.

International expansion strategy of Chinese firms: An Exploratory Study of HUAWEI

International expansion strategy of Chinese firms: An Exploratory Study of HUAWEI

Paper details I completed literature review section, and my supervisor checked it. but she gave me some suggestions, so I need to develop the second part of literature review. I will provide comments later. (picture 1) the structure of dissertation: introduction (600W) literature review (2000W completed but need to improve) Methodology (1000W) case study (2500W) Discussion (1500W) Conclusions (600W) reference Appendix

Lean Manufacturing

Paper details:

Course: Supply Chain Management Requirement: Literature Review for dissertation Topic: Lean Manufacturing Dissertation Title: “An investigation on whether Football teams can achieve a competitive advantage by adopting a lean philosophy as part of their existing structures” Description I am doing a dissertation for a Masters in Supply Chain Management. My dissertation relates to the concept of Lean Manufacturing. The title of the dissertation is as follows: “An investigation on whether Football teams can achieve a competitive advantage by adopting a lean philosophy as part of their existing structures” Basically, I am focusing on amateur football teams and the aim of the dissertation is an investigation to see whether or not the philosophies associated with lean could be used by managers and players in their team structures to enhance their chance of winning and creating a more prosperous environment for all concerned. Specific Requirements I require a literature review that identifies the major themes within the concept of lean e.g. Kaizen, Value Stream Mapping, Voice of the Customer, 5s, Nemawashi, Principles of Lean, Respect for people, Failure Modes Effect Analysis (FMEA), DMAIC etc. Word Count: 3,000 words Tables & Figures: Please include a number of each in the Literature Review. Referencing: Harvard Referencing I have attached the bibliography that I will be using for the entire dissertation. Can you please use as a many references from this list as possible. I have also attached a number of journals that are essential and must be used in the literature review. Furthermore, I would like the following book used as an essential reference: The Machine that changed the World (Womack, Jones and Roos). Thereafter, feel free to include additional references as you deem necessary. Please include a Reference List at the end of the Literature Review. Structure The literature review is to be typed using double spacing, font is size 12 in Times New Roman. Writing Style: This is essential. Please ensure the style of writing is that of a native English speaker and not someone who speaks English as their second language. I have received essays before and it is clear the writer did not use English as their first language. A high level of writing is required for this Literature Review as it is for Masters Leve and anything less will be unacceptable. Furthermore, I am in the UK so please keep this in mind with regard to writing style. The Literature Review should read easy and have flow, linking one point to the next contain paragraphs and headings as required.