W. E. B. Du Bois

The subject is to be either an event or person from the time period covered in the class from Reconstruction to Present Day. Any event or figure can be covered. The person  to chose is W. E. B. Du Bois Length:Minimum 2 pages typed, double spaced in 10 pitch font. Requirements:  Use of 5 sources, two will be primary sources  Citations will be as footnotes (bibliographic entries are fine, Chicago Style is not required)  No tertiary sources shall be cited for academic reasons (Wikipedia, Encyclopedias,Almanacs, etc.

How to be drawn

Description In his poem, “How to Draw an Invisible Man,” Terrance Hayes directly names Ralph Ellison, the author of “Battle Royal.” Thinking back to reading “Battle Royal” . Based on your reading of the poem, “How to Draw an Invisible Man,” why does Hayes mention Ellison and what does want to say about Ellison’s legacy? Nuts and Bolts: 500 words minimum. Cite at least two passages from Hayes’ poem, at least one passage from Ellison’s “Battle Royal” and of course, as always, MLA citation style throughout.

Housing crisis in Massachusetts

Description I. Introduction: This is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Do not forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out, while also stating your claim. A. Provides an overview of the issue you have selected, briefly describing main points and your argument. B. Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument that you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out. II. Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand. A. Be sure that you write multiple paragraphs that are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses. B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used. C. Address and refute any opposing viewpoints to your argument. This is your chance to discredit any opposing views, thus strengthening your own. III. Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you. A. Review your argument. This section should consist of a review of your main points employed to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to prove your point or your closing arguments. B. Your conclusion should articulate insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or quotes used to support your argument.

The various counterculture groups of the 1960s

Description 1) Do you think that the various counterculture groups of the 1960s had any long-term impact on U.S. society? If so, why/if not, why not. 2) Read the following peers respond to this question and say if you agree with them or not, and why? — The counterculture groups of the 1960s advocated a new way of living by symbolizing love. Most of the members within these groups were middle class white American men. They distinguished symbols such as sexual liberation, drugs, and music as a way of equality and freedom of speech. During this time, authorities had banned drugs such as LSD and forced restrictions on political gatherings. In addition, parents were scared of the impact these actions could make on younger children. Hippies during this era were known for there use in drugs and promiscuous sex. An example of a counterculture event could the “Be-In” was a gathering united with Hippies as a way of expressing existence. These events have led to a massive social change in America. These social gatherings have made a tremendous impact on the counterculture world for the long term in American society. Tour buses would go through hippie neighborhoods as tourists would snap pictures of these sites. In result, entrepreneurs made money of the counterculture groups in the easiest way. The counterculture lifestyle has changed the way Americans view music, love, and harmony. Music was a way of expressing who you were as a symbolic way of art. To this day it has made a tremendous effect like rock music. Another example was expanding the way for peoples consciousness as in yoga. Yoga is a common use for a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that allows individuals to improve their overall health. In result, the counterculture has made a long term effect in the way we view music, love, and so much more in American society.

Evolutionary Biology: Early Ancestors Chimps and Humans

In Your Own Words Assignments At the end of each module you will write a 2-3 page summary of what you learned in the module. The goal of the assignment is two-fold: to assess your understanding of the topics covered in the course, and to develop your ability to write about scientific concepts in a clear and concise manner. FORMAT -2 or 3 pages with 1.5 line spacing and 12 point font -Abstract: ~150-200 words that succinctly summarizes the main body of the assignment, included in the page limit -Main Body: cover the major topics of the module, using evidence from the class lectures/ activities to support your statements (see more about this below) -References (if necessary): use the Journal of Experimental Biology citation and reference style if you use any outside sources When writing your summary, pay attention to the following considerations: Flow: Does your essay make sense to a person who has never taken this course? Is information presented in a logical structure? Does each new paragraph build on and add to the previous paragraphs? Avoid mashing unconnected thoughts together that just list information you learned! Clarity: Your writing should be easy to understand for a pre-college student who did not see the lectures. Use language that is not overly technical (but avoid dumbing things down too far). Ask a friend who isn’t in the class to read your work if you are not sure! Evidence: Instead of making statements simply as fact, explain why the statement is true! For example, the sentence “Australopiths primarily ate tubers and hard plant material,” may reflect what you learned, but how do you know that was the case? “Australopiths primarily ate tubers and hard plant material, as evidenced by their large jaws and teeth adapted for heavy chewing,” provides a much clearer picture of the point being made. Citations: You do not have to cite information that you learned in class, but if you choose to bring in outside research (which is not necessary to complete the assignment) make sure to cite it properly using the Journal of Experimental Biology format linked above.

Movie: Shinjuku Boys

1. In the film, Shinjuku Boys, what are onnabes? 2. Describe two aspects of the onnabes in the film, Shinjuku Boys, that illustrate Butler’s point about performativity. 3. From the film, Shinjuku Boys, describe two examples of onnabes and their relationships that support the fact that sex, gender, and sexuality vary independently. This Is for anthropology of gender class. These papers should include a one-paragraph synopsis or summary of the film’s main ideas and plot. For the rest of the paper you must use anthropological terms and concepts to comment on particular points and issues in the film. Evaluation of the papers will be based upon how well concepts from the course readings are used to comment on the film. Book we are using Is: Brettell, Caroline B. and Sargent, Carolyn F. (eds) 2009, 5th edition Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Academic progress report

Write a college academic progress report on yourself. Include title page and information under these headings, at a minimum: Introduction (a who, what, where, when, how); Goals – Academic, social, financial, professional, personal, sports); Goals Achievement to Date; Challenges/Solutions. Be mindful to use sub-heads where you think appropriate. Single-spaced except for an extra space between paragraphs

Report – Creating Change for Sustainability

Read paper requirement and all files before you start.2.Please only use academic sources. 3.No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list4.Please follow the paper structure/word limit.The final version should include 500 words evaluation report 50 words daily recording notes*10days.5.Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it6.Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors7.Please give me a draft of whatever you have at least 3 days before the final deadline.

A Comprehensive Health Education Program Presentation on a Specific Vulnerable Population

Your presentation should be at least 15–20 slides, not including your cover slide or reference slides. Your reference slides should cite at least seven references.

Your presentation should, at the minimum, include the following topics regarding your chosen vulnerable population and related health education program/plan: Clearly states population chosen Describes the vulnerable population States the current population demographics Discusses background of the problem, and its effect on public health Discusses the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population

Discusses the psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population Discusses the economic concerns of the population including, but not limited to, income levels, educational levels and occupation Discusses specific health concerns of the population Information on specific risk factors for target population is presented concisely and accurately

Discusses prevention and control of health concerns and risk factors (primary, secondary and tertiary) Discusses the role of the public health nurse in caring for vulnerable populations States the core functions of public health and applies it to the care of the specific population Three local agencies/facilities delivering services to the target population are identified and accessibility and service rendered are fully described Additional resources needed in the community are identified.

APN Professional Development Plan paper

Description Once you have submitted your second submission to the grade book dropbox, it will be considered final and subject for grading. Requirements: To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain University Online Library. The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. Submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use APA Academic Writer and Grammarly when creating your assignment. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty. The length of the paper is to be between6-8 pages excluding title page and reference pages. Support ideas with a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 3 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas. APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered, bold): APN Professional Development Plan (This is the introduction. In APA format, the heading of the intro section should be a repeat of the paper title.) APN Scope of Practice – This pertains to NP practice in your state. Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies Leadership Skills Conclusion Preparing the paper The following are best practices for preparing this paper: Provide an introduction that generally addresses scope of practice, competencies, and leadership. The introduction should identify the sections of the paper. NPs need to take into account rules and regulations that guide advanced practice in the states in which they practice. Research and review the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of practice guidelines in your particular state. Describe educational requirements, licensure and regulatory requirements, as well as practice environment details for the state in which you plan to practice. Discuss information regarding full, limited, or restricted practice limitations as well as prescriptive authority. Provide reference support from at least one scholarly  source.

For this section, the source can be your state board of nursing or whatever regulatory/legislative body handles nursing licensure in your state. Review the Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies (NONPF Competencies) contained in the lesson. A link to the competencies can be found in the week 2 readings. Complete a comprehensive, honest, personal assessment to identify your strengths and opportunities for growth. Describe two competency areas in which you’ve identified as strengths and two competency areas in which there are opportunities for growth. Discuss two ways in which you will engage with scholarship as you go through the master’s program to help you achieve these competencies. Provide reference support from at least one scholarly source in addition to the NONPF Competency link and lesson about the competencies you selected to work on. Analyze three leadership skills required to lead as an NP within complex systems. Describe two strategies you could use to help you develop those skills. Provide reference support from at least one scholarly source to support the leadership skills you selected and/or the strategies you will use to develop the skills. Provide a conclusion that summarizes the important aspects of the APN Professional Development Plan