Controversial environmental issue

this activity, you will research all sides of a controversial environmental issue ( e.g. The Keystone Pipeline, The use of DDT, The Dakota Access Pipeline, Global Climate Change, The US withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, Human population growth and food security, energy use and environmental pollution, Hydraulic Fracking etc.) to gain a better understanding of the environmental issue and articulate a position based on the evidence you have collected. Learning Objectives Addressed by this Activity  Be prepared to apply critical and reflective thinking in environmental science.  Articulate a position on an environmental issue.  Provide evidence that supports a position on an environmental issue. Required Time The completed paper is due before midnight on January 7 th , 201 8 and MUST be submitted through the final paper turnitin link in Canvas. Late submissions will not be accepted. Description You will prepare be a three-page position paper that includes your opinions, viewpoints, feelings, and the evidence that supports them (excluding cover page, reference list and figures/data tables). The main reason for this activity is for you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the different arguments of an issue and then articulate your own position on the issue (supported by evidence). The three-page position paper guideline is included below. Assessment A description of the evaluation criteria is included in the guidelines following. I am also providing the attached cover sheet including the evaluation criteria. I will use the cover sheet to grade your papers. Paper Guidelines Position paper Due date is 01 / 07 /201 9 A position paper differs from a traditional term paper in that it includes your opinions, viewpoin ts, feelin gs, an d the evid ence that supports them. The main reason for thi s activity is to understand an iss ue better by researchin g all sides of the iss ue thoroughly . Choose an environmental topic that interests you (you can select from the list above or c hoose a topic of yo ur ow n). Research the different sides of the issue an d think ab out your position on the issue. Write a position paper based on the guideline s outlined below . The paper should be 3 pages long (12 pts font, 1 ½ spaced). If your paper is longer than 3 pages, I will grade the first 3 pages. Use at least 5 sources for the paper and make sure you use the proper format for your sources. The following books, available at the HCCs bookstore will help you explore different environmental issues:  Tak ing sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues / selected, edited, and with introductions by Theodore D. Goldfarb  Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues / selected, edited, and with introductions by Thomas A. Easton Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines: Point Values Paper : Please turn in the cover sheet I provided 15 possible points 15 possible points 15 possible points 15 possible points 10 possible points 15 possible points 5 possible points I. Introduction: Statement of the issue to be discussed. II. Description of more than one side of the issue supported by relevant and multiple sources of information (use references). III. Clear concise statements of your position on the issue. IV. Discussion of your position supported by relevant and multiple sources of information. V. Questions that have arisen as you researched the issues and information you need to understand the issue better. VI. Concise summary statement restating the issue, your position, and the essential evidence that supports your position. VII. Literature Cited (APA) Appropriate number (minimum of 5 ) Appropriate type (not only opinions) Proper format ( see below for examples ) Overall Important Communication Factors 10 possible points Spelling and grammar Neatness Clarity and consistency of focus Subtitles for each section heading in your paper (required) Total Possible Points 100 possible points Example of proper format for references IN TEXT: Book or Journal Article : The wild boar has caused extensive damage to the wildlife reserve. (Smith, 1993). Personal Communication : J.W. Jones explained that the Smoky Mountains are used quite extensively during the summer months (personal communication, August 24, 2000). The Smoky Mountains are used quite extensively during the summer months (J.W. Jones, personal communication, August 24, 2000). Note : Personal communications should be referred only in text. Provide initials and as exact a date as possible. Explain who the person is and why their input is important. Examples of proper APA (American Psychological Association) format for LITERATURE CITED: Journal Article : Adelgid, B. W. (1999). Killing fraser firs in the Smoky Mountains. Journal of Exotics and Introduced Species . 1 (15), 13-15. Book : Boar, E. W. (1993). Upsetting the balance of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge . (3 rd ed.). London: Island Press. On -Line Sources : Mussel, Z., Loosestrife, P. (September 23, 1999). Gaining a foothold in a new environment [On-Line]. Available: A brief listing of some suggestions that should be implemented in your position paper to ensure the highest quality: Make sure your ‘voice’ is apparent in the paper

Short Music Analysis

For this assignment, go to “Listen and Respond” in the “Music in Words” section found on p. 108-109 of the ebook). You must use the clip available on p.108 to complete the exercise. You can also find this clip after clicking on the PLAYLISTS icon from the Norton digital landing page, under “Part 2 Style Exercise: Weelkes, Since Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and Little John.” Listen to Thomas Weelkes’s Since Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and Little John several times. Your writing must demonstrate your understanding and ability to identify and describe basic music elements accurately. 1. In bullet point form, create a simple outline for the song and describe the elements heard on the clip. a) Melody (conjunct/disjunct, range): b) Rhythm/Meter (duple, triple, quadruple, sextuple *hint: there is a section in a different meter): c) Harmony (major/minor, consonant/dissonant overall): d) Texture (homophonic/polyphonic/monophonic): e) Genre and function (is it sacred or secular vocal music (Mass, organum, motet, madrigal, chanson) or instrumental music (dances)?) f) Form (Are there repeated sections of the text? If so, how many? Where? Include time references to support your answer): g) Expression (word-painting examples with time references): h) Performance group (accompanied or not?): 2. Now write a short paragraph describing the selection as you might for a concert report. For guidance, refer to chapter 13 and the Beginner Music Critic’s Writing Guide. Here you can demonstrate your understanding of the relevant terms and concepts as well as your response to the expressive quality of the song.

Listening and Non-Verbal Skills Presentation

Based on what you have learned throughout this unit, evaluate and describe your current level of listening and non-verbal skills. Research ways to improve listening and non-verbal skills in a business setting and determine your personal goals of improvement in these skills. Present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation. The requirements for the PowerPoint presentations are as follows: Maximum of 8-10 slides. Provide a title on each slide. Use bullet format to highlight speaking points (avoid wordiness). Include at least three images. Cite all sources and provide APA references on the last slide. Refer to the grading rubric for specific grading criteria.

Exploring Service

Look up the words community, service, partner, and reciprocity in the dictionary. Consider how these words and definitions are related to each other and to this course. Now, as you write responses to the following questions, try to locate yourself within these terms and their meanings. Please be as concrete as possible, using examples, as you consider the following:

1. How have you experienced a sense of community in other settings? (4 points)

2. When have you been of service to others? In what ways? (4 points)

3. When have you been served by others? In what ways? (4 points)

4. What did you give to others when you were providing service? What did you gain from your service experience? (8 points)

5. What images about those being served do you carry? (4 points)

6. Have you experienced situations in which benefit resulted from a collaborative effort? (4 points)

7. What have been some of the critical elements of those partnerships that contributed to the success? What do you think and feel about them as a result of having been involved in them? (4 points)

8. What communication skills, critical thinking abilities, or other new skills did you develop as a result? (4 points)

9. How do you think your experience might prepare you for this current community-based learning opportunity? (4 points)

Digital Strategy Essay

Course:Digital Strategy Title: Digital Strategy Research Essay Question Choose a company and analyse how culture influences the uptake of digital disruption and how this then influences digital strategy. Some cultures are open to change and others may find it more challenging. Make sure you take into account issues such as cultural values and norms, the role of hierarchy, infrastructure and financial implications (but not limited to these issues). Use specific examples to support your thesis. Your essay shall be structured, as follows 1. Introduction: definitions and discussions of key concepts as well as a description of the essay structure. 2. Background about your choose a company 3. Provide a critical analysis of relevant literature: this should identify and explain relevant theories, arguments and perspectives regarding the topic of your choice. You can take a specific position on the topic and discuss the literature to support, refute or demonstrate your position. Here you are free to create appropriate sub-section headings. 4. Discussion of the main challenges, problems and issues businesses face in relation to the chosen topic (or your specific position). 5. Conclusion: discussion of the overall coverage of the topic including emerging trends about the future. 6. References Process • Chose a topic that can demonstrate your understanding of the course (and that interests you!) • Locate relevant sources (databases, journals, books). You are expected to refer to refereed (peer reviewed) academic papers more so than Internet yellow pages. • Identify relevant literature (at least 10 relevant articles. Start with the course references list to support your initial exploration of the themes, concepts and issues that may apply to the topic). • Analyse and synthesise the literature to produce an analytical essay that addresses not only “what” questions but also “why”, “how” and “in what sense” questions. Digital Strategy Essay

LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement

Critique an article. Topic Out of the System and onto the Streets: LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details This is for a Masters level Reseach evaluation social work class. It is two pages, it consist of reading the article that I will Attach named “Out of the System and onto the Streets: LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement . I will be attaching the article.

Also the Article critique assignment instructions and the template the Professor has provided so information is added on template. Will send those three documents, (kindly send me email where I can attach such documentations that are important for critique) Writer who works on this assignment should be familiar with Social Work Evaluation and research article critiques, since important terms such as study sampling, type of target population and other important terms is imperative. Book to refer from is Essential research methods for socail work 4th edition Rubin, A & Babbie (2016). K

The role and influence of some strong female characters in the game of thrones(ex.from teen queen Daenerys, scheming Queen Cersei, child avenger Arya, knight Brienne, Red Witch Melisandre, and many more)

The role and influence of some strong female characters in the game of thrones(ex.from teen queen Daenerys, scheming Queen Cersei, child avenger Arya, knight Brienne, Red Witch Melisandre, and many more) Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details These are the only restrictions: 1) The media or fandom you choose must be in English 2) There must be relevant academic research about your chosen topic/text that you can draw upon 3) If you are working with a serialized text (i.e. a television show with multiple seasons, a book series with many parts), you must limit the scope of your investigation. That is, you cannot deal with all ten seasons of Friends or all the books in A Song of Ice and Fire. Similarly, if you are interested in writing a paper about a large fandom (like Marvel comics and/or films), you will also need to set boundaries around what specific elements of that fandom you are focusing on. We will be completing this capstone research project in several stages. The first will be the submission of a proposal and bibliography. The aims of this portion of the assignment are as follows: 1) To encourage students to develop realistic and scalable research questions and projects pursuant to their specific interests in this course 2) To get students started on researching their chosen topic/question 3) To continue to aid students in thinking of themselves as researchers and taking an active role in making decisions about how to undertake this work Structure: Students will complete a short proposal (450-500 words). This will include: • A discussion/rationale for your topic choice (explaining what specific aspects of your chosen media you feel warrant investigation/research) • A specific research question you are aiming to answer • A description of what type of project you are completing (a paper or creative project) and an explanation of why your project is best suited to that type of research expression • A plan outlining the specific steps you will take as a researcher to successfully answer this question The assignment should also include a bibliography of at least four sources relevant to your topic/text. • At least three of those sources should be secondary, academic/scholarly works (found in either peer-reviewed journals or academic manuscripts)

Post secondary Re-entry Scholarship

A word essay that describes my commitment to postsecondary education, the circumstances of the earlier interruption(s) to your postsecondary education and your return to study, and your career plans after graduation. The Osher Re-entry Scholarship of up to $5,000 per year is awarded to both incoming and current students in the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies program at Georgetown University. Eligibility: Incoming and current students; have at least a five year gap in education; anticipating working for a significant time after graduation; demonstrate financial need; show academic promises and commitment to completing their degree. Scholarship requirements: completed FAFSA; 300 word essay; current resume. Application deadlines: Spring: December 1 Summer: May 1 Fall: August 1

Why is Play important for young children’s learning

Research paper on a topic related to the course. The course is Arts Play & the Young Child The paper must be 12 pt. double spaced and 4-5 pages in length. APA Citation format The paper must use evidence-based research and have a minimum of 6 current references. The course emphasizes culturally relevant evidence-based approaches to early childhood education emphasizing play and the arts for diverse groups of learners, including English Language Learners. Topic for Research Paper : Why is Play important for young children’s learning

The Six Pillars of Law Enforcement and Communities Strategies

Directions In 2015, a Presidential Task Force was assembled to discuss strategies for improving the relationship between law enforcement and communities. The panel included representatives from a diverse field of citizens, law enforcement, and governmental and research communities. The strategies developed by this task force were focused on six pillars of focus. Those six pillars were: 1. Building Trust and Legitimacy 2. Policy and Oversight 3. Technology and Social Media 4. Community Policing and Crime Prevention 5. Training and Education 6. Officer Wellness and Safety After reviewing these recommendations and strategies, which are found in The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing: Implementation Guide and The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing: One-Year Progress Report, discuss the strategies and processes recommended (and in some cases implemented) as they apply to the three organizational systems discussed during Week 1.