Professional Gamer

Scenario: You receive a call from a client who is on his way to becoming a professional gamer. His current gaming computer will not be able to handle the demands needed to participate in his next gaming tournament. He wants you to build from scratch a high-end gaming PC with a motherboard that has overclocking controls, M.2 slots, LED backlighting, excellent memory performance, low operating temperatures, fast processing speeds, Wi-Fi, high-performance Ethernet, PCIe, SATA, and dual graphics card capability. Using the Internet, investigate various gaming motherboards, and present your findings in a minimum one-page paper: Introduce the term motherboard, and discuss why this hardware component is integral to the overall operation of a computer in your paper’s introduction. Explain how gaming motherboards differ from standard motherboards. Use examples to illustrate the differences. Discuss what is meant by “frame rates” and why this is important to gamers. Discuss why graphics performance is important to gamers. Provide a table or matrix that compares at least three different gaming motherboards. Your comparison should include items like make and model, processor, graphics, audio, hard drive, memory, connectivity, cost, and any other comparison information. After investigating various motherboards, choose one of these motherboards for your client, and explain why you made that choice. Submit your MS Word paper for grading. Be sure to cite your sources. You should have at least one scholarly source from the CSU Online Library. Page count does not include title or references pages. Use APA formatting.

Schedule for Early Number Assessment 2 SENA

For this assignment, you are presented with a video of a primary student, Mark, who is undertaking a mathematics assessment called the Schedule for Early Number Assessment 2 (SENA2) . Your role is to write a report on Mark’s current development of numeracy concepts and skills, as well as future goals and ideas/suggestions to reach those goals. You will notice during the assessment that the student uses a variety of strategies to complete the tasks, some more sophisticated and accurately executed than others. It is your role to provide a report on what the student could do, where you would take the student next in their development and answer the how and why you would this (i.e. the benefit of future goal). For each section of the SENA2, you will likely look at the student’s accuracy, strategies employed, fluency, understandings and ability to communicate mathematical ideas. Your task will be to offer a response on (1) what skills and understandings the student already has and (2) present a position on what, why and how the student, Mark, will be supported to develop his mathematics skills and understandings through an appropriate teaching intervention. Details and structure Please use the following headings in your assignment. Introduction Addition and subtraction§ (SENA Task* 1 and 2) Numeral identification§ (Tasks 3 to 12) Counting by 10’s and 100’s§ (Tasks 13 to 16) Combining and partitioning§ (Tasks 17 to 18) Place value§ (Tasks 19 to 22) Multiplication and division (incl. area multiplication)§ (Tasks 23 to 29) Conclusion * Tasks in brackets refer to the SENA2 questions § Within any of these sections, you can refer to the findings from other sections or tasks. If you see an important pattern or underlying connections, feel free to describe it because many concepts throughout the SENA are intertwined. Under each heading above, please include: What the student can currently do. Please give evidence of how you know this. This will be linked to the Learning Progressions. Goals – What skills/understandings would we like the student to develop and why is this goal is important. These will be linked to the Learning Progressions. Teaching ideas – What will you do to help the student develop these new skills/understandings. Please don’t include elaborate, detailed plans. We are just wanting a brief description, that explicitly identifies how you might help the student reach the goals. There are NSW Department of Education resources you can look at to help you.

Comparing how segregation in prisons is operated in 4 different countries

Description research the relationship between the segregation of offenders in an institutional environment. The countries include Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Ghana. Research the similarities and differences in each prison system in different countries. Find out how the different laws surrounding segregation affect the offenders in prison surrounding their physical and mental health. Also would like to look into how police brutality in prisons results in segregation amongst prisoners.

A Dolls House

Write an essay of five (5) full pages exploring four (4) separate stages of the breakdown of the marriage between Nora and Torvald. Then, in your concluding paragraph you will make a final analysis of their marriage overall. Each of the four stages must include a direct quotation and example from the play followed by your analysis of the example. The paper will include a total of six (6) paragraphs: introduction, four body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

compare and contrast : the Tragedy of the Commons

Write this about Disney-and the two books that you need to compare and contrast are listed above.

1. Find two quotes from Stangis and compare and contrast what you read in that textbook and what your research is uncovering about your Fortune 500 company. Is your company being Socially Responsible? Remember this is not opinion . Post your research and analysis (not what the company says about themself) that confirms or does not confirm your Fortune 500 as Socially Responsible (triple bottom line). Be sure to explain your companies profitability over the last three years and cite as part of this post.

2. Find two quotes from Snyder and compare and contrast what you read in that textbook and what your research is uncovering about your Fortune 500 company. Is your company exercising leadership or tyranny? Post your research and analysis (not what the company says about themself) that confirms or does not confirm your Fortune 500 is exercising leadership in an ethical manner? (Law suits especially a pattern of class action lawsuits could be a clue here) 3. .Describe at least two ways that your US Fortune 500 company participates in the Tragedy of the Commons (be specific and cite APA).

News story

Write a complete news story based on the following information. Your lead should summarize the most important news and not exceed 35 words. All other paragraphs cannot be longer than 40 words. Be thorough; include all the information you consider important. Because much of the material is wordy, awkward and poorly organized, it should be extensively rewritten. Correct any errors you may find in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Use AP style. The style book is posted. Keep in mind that information should be organized and written by order of importance and not chronologically. Look up the definition of the word trustee if you are unsure of its meaning. Note there is vocal opposition to the proposal. Be sure to note it early and briefly. Later expand on it. You will find a link to a story. Use the information sparingly to provide some context. Review the assignment as soon as possible and let us know if you have questions or concerns. Please don’t do so at the last minute.

Rebid Art / Architecture Compare / Contrast

Description demonstrate great ideas on how to guide through formal analysis reminding essays should show how to use looking and analysis and NOT research and analysis. State the facts then create own opinions (agree or disagree) based on numerous sources and what they SEE in the works of art (like the hidden symbolism). For formal analysis papers should use at least 5 or more ONLINE ACCESSIBLE outside sources in order to further bolster the assertions made in essay. Please select ONE of the three topics listed: All must be three pages in length APA style writing with at least five sources. 1. Select three works from three different chapters showing a political message. How are they similar? How did the Artist express the political topic or opinion and did it change that society or culture? 2. Many cultures have influence each other. Find two examples of art movements influenced by other cultures. Explain how they influenced the works created and if the artwork changed messages from one culture to another. 3. Select three innovative buildings that changed the face of architecture. What are the similarities and differences. Is a functional building or an artistic purpose? Why is it innovative? How has it influenced other architects?

Anthropology: Food and Culture

Description Project 1: Food Film Essay The Film to be watched and wrote about is: In Search of Israeli Cuisine Films about food are an excellent way to think critically about the ideas raised so far in this course. Module 1: Edibility and Module 2: Ingredients cover cultural definitions and categorizations of food, food rules, subsistence/food getting strategies, and the commercialization of food at a global level. You are encourage to select a film that allows you to see these issues from another culture. Films about food in the US are accepted, but if you choose the US, select a film that recognizes the vast cultural diversity found in the US. Your film should be a minimum of 60 minutes. It should be contemporary (within the past 20 years). Your paper should be 3 pages (minimum) double spaced. A minimum of 750 words (~3 pages double spaced). Part 1: Essay For your essay, select a total of 3-4 learning objectives from chapter 1-3. Pick learning objectives that can be addressed using the film. Thus, its best to watch the film first and then pick your objectives. Your essay should include: 1. Introduction: This is a very brief (~4 sentences) summary of the film including its production details such as its release date, where it was made, and the main plot. 2. Objectives: State your objective as a header in your paper. Then use ~1 page to explore how concepts/ideas/theories from your text can be observed in the film. Please rely on your text and my lectures! develop well articulated arguments/statements that demonstrate anthropological ideas using the content in the film.

Change an outdated policy

Change an outdated policy

Paper details:

Previous Next Instructions Write an analysis of an outdated educational policy. Locate an outdated educational policy about the use of technology in the classroom either from your school, an outdated text on school technology, or the Internet. (Note: Include a copy of the policy at the end of your paper as an APA Appendix.) Analyze your selected, outdated educational policy against current practices in PK-12 education using information from peer-reviewed research. Consider the leadership role you would perform in changing this obsolete educational policy by addressing the following items: Include the NPBEA standards pertaining to the policy. Explain why this policy change was selected, the importance to schools in general, and to the type of education-related setting in which you work or aspire to work. Explain how this policy may have been influenced by historical educational leadership theories and ideas from the past. Identify the pros and cons of the policy, as described in the professional literature. Explain the current or desired ramifications of this educational policy change. Include a draft of the revised educational policy at the end of your paper. Describe a plan to change the policy to include collaboration from those who will be affected by the policy change (e.g., teachers, students, parents, staff). Discuss both written and verbal communication about the policy, including both pros and cons (verbal may be from school board minutes or other types of community discussions). Identify any budget implications driven by needs for equipment, materials, and/or training. Develop a timeline for the implementation of the educational policy change. Then, discuss any additional needs such as training, equipment, etc. Include a conclusion that outlines the important elements of the educational technology policy and the implementation plan. Length: 12-15 pages, not including title and reference pages References: A minimum of five scholarly resources. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standard

Re: Clandestine Operations


For this assignment your literature review should reference 12-15 or more scholarly sources. Format: This assignment should be 8-10 pages in length not including title and reference page. Your paper should have 1-inch borders on all four sides, use times new roman-12 point font, be double spaced, and not have an extra space in between paragraphs. (You may need to turn this off in MS word by going to paragraph and clicking “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style). Since this is an INTL course you need to use the Turabian parenthetical citation style with a references page.