Decision-Making Styles

There is more than one approach to decision making. Decisions will vary based on the individuals making them, all of whom may have different decision-making styles. By understanding your own decision-making style, you will have a more informed idea of how effective your decisions are currently and how you can make better decisions in the future. In this Discussion, you will determine whether your own decision-making style supports your current professional practice and future goals. Post a  explanation of whether or not the results of the self-assessment on decision-making styles relates to your professional life and goals. In your explanation, address the following: Do you agree with the outcome of the self-assessment? Why or why not? Do you feel that this style is most effective for your current professional practice and future goals? If so, how could you leverage the strengths of this style to make good decisions in your professional life? If you don’t feel this style is most effective for you, how might you change your approach to be more in line with your professional goals? As a manager, how might you use the outcome of this self-assessment to improve one thing about your work? To support your response, be sure to reference at least two properly cited scholarly sources and include specific examples from your own experience, where applicable.

Hazards of Firefighting

You will complete a 10-Page Term Paper including cover page and reference page with a minimum of “5” reference cites. The topic of the term paper is called “The Risks of a High-Hazard Occupation” and each student is responsible to conduct in-depth research on the hazards of firefighting. Pick any topic that affects the safety of firefighters’ in any capacity of the job; gather all kinds of data and information. Next, analyze critical information important to your paper, and document the findings in a systematic report. You may include charts and graphs in your term paper

How and why juveniles are influenced to join gangs

Description Pick one of the theories outlined in Chapter 8 and them write a short paper (3 – 4 pages, Time New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced) outlining how and why juveniles are influenced to join gangs. Two scholarly journal articles should be included as references Attach one MS Word Document for all responses; do not upload several documents. Keep it organized. All submissions must be written in students’ own words. Any instances of plagiarism will result in: First Offense: Zero, with no opportunity to resubmit Second Offense: F in the course. Third Offense (in any other course): Expulsion from FNU. Every response must be properly cited following APA. Grade Distribution: Content (thorough, accurate, original, less than 30% matching as per SafeAssign): 50% Grammar (minimal errors, proper grammar, complete sentences/paragraphs): 25% Citations (scholarly source, properly formatted citation to APA): 25% As noted by this distribution, citations are worth 25%. Without a proper citation, the highest grade possible would be a 75% (100 – 25 = 75), which is a C, and that’s assuming that the content and the grammar were absolutely perfect. Therefore, please do not disregard the importance of citing your work. The only APA rules that must be followed are: Running Head Header on first page Headers on all other subsequent pages In-text cites for all material referenced Reference list / page Fonts must be Times New Roman 12 All other APA rules are to be disregarded The writing lab director can also provide tutorials, training, and support with writing skills and the rules of citations. Students bear the responsibility for acquiring college-level writing skills. Seek the help that you need, and you will succeed.

Vietnam War Tet the Tet Offensive and its aftermath

Tet This discussion addresses the following outcomes: • Analyze the Tet Offensive and its aftermath : The events of 1968, both in the US and in Vietnam, left Americans reeling. In the US, assassinations, racial strife, anti-war protests, and economic problems each contributed to a growing general sense of disillusionment. Concerning the US-Vietnam War, the Tet Offensive of January had a profound impact on public opinion of the war. While US forces continued to fight, Johnson’s advisors fiercely debated policy, North Vietnam feigned interest in negotiating a settlement, the Viet Cong/NLF continued to assert themselves in South Vietnam, and the American people wrestled over popular opinion and the way forward in Vietnam. After completing all of the Module 6 readings, and viewing/listening to the Module 6 Notes Presentation (Links to an external site.), craft a response to the following questions in a post of at least 250 words APA format: user mikecrahan1 pass Izakzack1 • Why was the Tet Offensive a political and public relations “loss” for the US despite the fact that it was a tactical victory? • Popular arguments about the Vietnam War sometimes revolve around the role of the press during and after Tet. Did the press “turn” public opinion against the war or did the “facts on the ground” do this? • In the aftermath of Tet, senior civilian and military officials were divided over the path forward and both groups attempted to sway Johnson. Why were both options unattractive to Johnson?

Consultancy report

Description Brighton and Hove City has long been associated with sustainability and environmental movements. For example the first Body Shop opened in the City in 1976 and from 1970 until recently Brighton was home to the National Society for Clean Air who campaigned for improved air quality.

The City Council was recently led by the Green Party, and it is home to the only Green MP in the UK. Within its Sustainability Action Plan the City Council sets out a series of actions which strive to enhance the environment in the City improving local environment quality for residents and visitors, and addressing pollution. As part of this drive the City Council has contracted your consultancy company to collect data to help them understand how Brighton & Hove City is performing in terms of sustainability. You have been allocated part of the City and are required to submit a report to the council that sets out the following: A description of the area being monitored;

The methods applied and results of monitoring local environmental quality in the area – this includes primary data collected from fieldwork on air quality, noise pollution, and waste/local environmental quality issues; Evaluation of how the local environment in the area compares against regulatory/legislative standards or codes of practice; Recommendations to the Council on how local environmental quality could be improved including case studies/examples of good practice adopted in other areas. Whilst you will undertake the fieldwork as a group you are required to write an individual consultancy report of 3,000 words and include a reference list. Support for conducting fieldwork will be provided throughout the module and time is also allocated for you to undertake fieldwork

Knowledge Gained from Contract Management

Summative Discussion Board Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 pages on the following: What were the most compelling topics learned in this course? How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified? What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information? The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources should be cited using APA format.

The Victorian Era Victorian Literature Tennyson Realism and Naturalism Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler Modernism S Eliot’s The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock Existentialism Sartre Beauvoir and Camus Postmodernism Julio Cortázar

Prompt: Write an academic essay illustrating how the literary texts for Units 3-5 represent the influence of worldviews on specific themes. Requirements: The essay should be a minimum of 1,000 words, be APA-compliant, and include a title page, appropriate citations, and references. Please include at least five direct quotations from the texts we have read. Sources: Cite any of the course texts and any academic article(s) All references must by cited correctly in the text and be included in the references page. Do not use online or printed sources beyond the parameters outlined above.

critically analyses the interplay between platforms and our lived experience

write a 1000 word piece that critically analyses the interplay between platforms and our lived experience. (Please decide a topic question before you start.)  1. Please read paper requirement and all files before you start. 2. Please only use academic sources. 3. No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list 4. Please follow the paper structure/word limit 5. Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it 6. Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors 7. Please give me a draft of whatever you have at least 3 days of the final deadline. 8. Dear writer, please let me know your topic before you start. We need an approve from professor for the topic. FYI, I am a student who studying in Australia.

Future Models of the Church

Forum 5B – Future Models of the Church


Paper details:

Future Models of the Church Content: Dialogue with your cohort members on possible models of the future church. Evaluate and critique the Dulles text and explore whether all the Biblical metaphors for the “Ekklesia” have been fully described/utilized. Feel free to use current global trends and developments in organizational design/leadership to support your observations.

Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era

 Criminal Justice: Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era


Paper details:

This section contains only peer reviewed research that is related to your particular topic. I want to make it very clear, you should choose a topic that has many peer reviewed research articles for you to use. Do not choose something abstract where you cannot find anything. This is VERY important. It is very important that you check this out in advance using the online library.

You have to make sure of this or you will struggle with the class. Peer reviewed research articles are those that appear in criminal justice or public policy related journal articles that have passed a rigorous review process to validate the research contained in the article. The review process for these journals involves forwarding the research study to several researchers associated with the journal and these researchers review the study for reliability and validity, bias, proper research policies and procedures, ethical treatment of research subjects, ethical practices of the researchers, etc.

If all of these and other criteria are met, the study can then be published in that journal. This section is expected to be very thorough and substantial. *Both a draft of the thesis and research analysis with professor feedback has been attached. And a literature review draft document with already used sources has been attached.Do not use them but add to them