Biblical Exegesis on Ephesians 2:8-13

Detailed Analysis Rough Draft This week you will begin to get into the real “meat” of this exegetical paper. You will begin to do a detailed analysis of the passage that you have selected to study for this course. Now would be the time to freshen up on the passage you have selected one more time and read it again. From your readings and study consider the following: * What does the analysis of the historical background and context indicate about the meaning of the passage? * Read and compare the passage with a minimum of two other translations. Note any differences that indicate truly divergent meanings or help amplify a meaning. * Identify at least one key word as indicated in your Elements of Biblical Exegesis textbook (pages 105-111. Rely on commentaries to help you understand the contextual meanings of these words. What is significant about the author’s use of such words? * Define the meaning of each key word in light of its unique context. Remember that this is an exegesis paper NOT a word study. Be careful not to overwork word definitions. * What is the literary form? Are there any literary devices (metaphors, allegories, etc.)? What impact does this make on the meaning of the passage? * Note the grammatical structure of the passage for any bearing this has on the meaning of the passage. * Consult and use a minimum of three commentaries and compare them with the meaning of the passage as derived from the above process. * Look up the passage in at least one periodical/journal (you should have found two in your SEU Library Exercise. Prefer any periodical listed in the bibliography under the heading “Periodicals.” * What specific theological issues are addressed? How do these theological issues relate to the basic message of the Bible? What, if any, unique concepts or insights are presented concerning these theological issues? What issues were at stake? Does the passage describe some aspect of God, humans, Christ, salvation, ethics, the Church, or the Holy Spirit? Old or New Testament theology resources would be helpful at this point. Interact with and present the result of steps A-I on one or two verses at the most for this rough draft. This section must be written as a narrative rough draft. Submitting a paper that lists A-I and includes research will not suffice. The rough draft must be written in a narrative format just like your final paper.

The Three Evils of Society by Martin Luther King Jr

Text Speech Analysis Paper with Annotated Reference Page In a three to four page paper, analyze the rhetorical strategies of one of the speeches chosen from a list provided by the instructor. Prompt: How does the speech work to convince its audience, what kind of rhetorical strategies does the speech use to convince its audience? Do not summarize the content of the speech. Analyze its rhetorical and argumentative strategies. The thesis driven argument can be substantiated by providing an examination of any combination of rhetorical modes, argumentative appeals, figurative devices, persuasive strategies, moral reframings, fallacies, pillars, analogies, specious diction or propagandistic techniques. One should quote from at least two outside sources and provide an annotated bibliography of the paper’s source material. The speech that will be analyzed: “The Three Evils of Society” by Martin Luther King Jr. “And so the collision course is set. The people cry for freedom and the congress attempts to legislate repression. Millions, yes billions, are appropriated for mass murder but the most meager pittance for foreign aid for international development is crushed in the surge of reaction. Unemployment rages at a major depression level in the black ghettos, but the bipartisan response is an anti-riot bill rather than a serious poverty program…. We cry out against welfare handouts to the poor but generously approve an oil depletion allowance to make the rich, richer. Six Mississippi plantations receive more than a million dollars a year, not to plant cotton but no provision is made to feed the tenant farmer who is put out of work by the government subsidy. The crowning achievement in hypocrisy must go to those staunch Republicans and Democrats of the Midwest and West who were given land by our government when they came here as immigrants from Europe. They were given education through the land grant colleges. They were provided with agricultural agents to keep them abreast of farming trends, they were granted low interest loans to aid in the mechanization of their farms and now that they have succeeded in becoming successful, they are paid not to farm and these are the same people that now say to black people, whose ancestors were brought to this country in chains and who were emancipated in 1863 without being given land to cultivate or bread to eat that they must pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. What they truly advocate is Socialism for the rich and Capitalism for the poor… we have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that Capitalism grew and prospered out of the protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice; the fact is that Capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor– both black and white, both here and abroad… Somewhere we must see that justice is indivisible, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, and I have fought too long and too hard against segregated public accommodations to end up at this point in my life, segregating my moral concerns…So let us stand in this convention knowing that on some positions, Cowardice asks the question, “is it safe? Expediency asks the question, “is it politic?” Vanity asks the question, “is it popular?” But conscious asks the question, “is it right?” And on some positions, it is necessary for the moral individual to take a stand that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but he must do it because it is right. And we say to our nation tonight, we say to our Government, we even say to our FBI, we will not be harassed, we will not make a butchery of our conscious, we will not be intimidated, and we will be heard.”

Media Consumption Journal

Your assignment as a MEF consultant is to deconstruct a recent print advertisement and analyze the ad you deconstructed. Choose a provocative advertisement that provides you with sufficient fodder for your analysis, and address the following questions: Background: What is the ad selling? (e.g. product, brand, lifestyle) Target Audience: For whom is the advertisement intended? How do you know this? Are you the intended audience? Hook and Story: How did the ad get your attention? What story does the ad tell? What “problem” is the product meant to resolve? What do the advertisers want you to believe? Assumptions: What assumptions does the ad make about gender, race, class, success, beauty, etc.? Intended and Unintended Effects: What do you think are the intended effects of the ad? What could be some of the unintended effects of the ad? What other meanings could audiences consciously or unconsciously construct from the ad? What the Ad Does Not Show: What information is withheld from the audience? Labor involved? Resources used? Cost to the environment? Health concerns? Etc. Personal Reactions/Reflections: What are your personal reactions to this ad? What are your reflections on the social, political, and cultural impact of ads such as this on American society? Connection to Course Content: What concepts/ideas that we have read about/discussed/viewed do you see illustrated in this advertisement? (Consider Chapter 11 in our textbook, Kilbourne & Levine readings, and other related material.) Anything else you would like to discuss: Are there other questions/ideas that come to mind as you critically analyze this ad? Looking for provocative ads?  start here: (Links to an external site.) You are welcome to use any print advertisement that you find. Please include the advertisement and/or a link to it in your submission. This assignment should be proofed/edited and be approximately 2 pages in length (double-spaced).

Creating an FAQ for a Website

Creating an FAQ for a Website” Review the Strayer University Website to find an opportunity to write a FAQ that does not exist but would be useful to an intended audience. You will format the document as if it would be going on the Website, but you will write the document in Microsoft Word or equivalent word processing software. Write a one to two (1-2) page FAQ sheet for the intended audience and purpose. On a separate page within the same document, write a paragraph that identifies the intended audience and purpose of the FAQ sheet you have created. (Submit one document in total with both components included.) Your assignment cannot be graded without this analysis. In your document, you should: 1. Match the intended audience and purpose for situation and tone. 2. Format FAQ Web page(s) accurately and according to the details in the textbook. 3. Ensure that content is measured, concise, and applicable. 4. Craft a document that is easy to read. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: • Illustrate the relationship between how audience characteristics match the context of technical writing. • Explain ideas in proper format using accurate details and relevant examples. • Use syntax, tone, and word choice appropriate to technical communications. • Employ correct Edited Standard Written English (ESWE). • Use technology and information resources to research issues in technical writing. • Write clearly and concisely about technical writing using proper writing mechanics.

key drivers of globalization

Do some research on one of the following that relates to key drivers of globalization: • The history of the internet • • Trade barrier changes in the last twenty years • • The impact of social media •

Discuss Avila Valley Barn San Luis Obispo. Bricks and Clicks

Discuss Avila Valley Barn, San Luis Obispo. Bricks and Clicks!

Use the materials from the textbook (Chapters 7-12) and second guidesheet. The discussion is less structured than the first discussion, BUT… ***I expect most of the material from the second guidesheet to end up in your group’s discussion! I look favorably on your use of materials that are in the guidesheet but not in the text!*** Guidesheet 2 : You should try to think of this as a discussion–not a term paper.

LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement

Critique an article. Topic Out of the System and onto the Streets: LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details This is for a Masters level Reseach evaluation social work class. It is two pages, it consist of reading the article that I will Attach named “Out of the System and onto the Streets: LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement . I will be attaching the article.

Also the Article critique assignment instructions and the template the Professor has provided so information is added on template. Will send those three documents, (kindly send me email where I can attach such documentations that are important for critique) Writer who works on this assignment should be familiar with Social Work Evaluation and research article critiques, since important terms such as study sampling, type of target population and other important terms is imperative. Book to refer from is Essential research methods for socail work 4th edition Rubin, A & Babbie (2016). K

The role and influence of some strong female characters in the game of thrones(ex.from teen queen Daenerys, scheming Queen Cersei, child avenger Arya, knight Brienne, Red Witch Melisandre, and many more)

The role and influence of some strong female characters in the game of thrones(ex.from teen queen Daenerys, scheming Queen Cersei, child avenger Arya, knight Brienne, Red Witch Melisandre, and many more) Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details These are the only restrictions: 1) The media or fandom you choose must be in English 2) There must be relevant academic research about your chosen topic/text that you can draw upon 3) If you are working with a serialized text (i.e. a television show with multiple seasons, a book series with many parts), you must limit the scope of your investigation. That is, you cannot deal with all ten seasons of Friends or all the books in A Song of Ice and Fire. Similarly, if you are interested in writing a paper about a large fandom (like Marvel comics and/or films), you will also need to set boundaries around what specific elements of that fandom you are focusing on. We will be completing this capstone research project in several stages. The first will be the submission of a proposal and bibliography. The aims of this portion of the assignment are as follows: 1) To encourage students to develop realistic and scalable research questions and projects pursuant to their specific interests in this course 2) To get students started on researching their chosen topic/question 3) To continue to aid students in thinking of themselves as researchers and taking an active role in making decisions about how to undertake this work Structure: Students will complete a short proposal (450-500 words). This will include: • A discussion/rationale for your topic choice (explaining what specific aspects of your chosen media you feel warrant investigation/research) • A specific research question you are aiming to answer • A description of what type of project you are completing (a paper or creative project) and an explanation of why your project is best suited to that type of research expression • A plan outlining the specific steps you will take as a researcher to successfully answer this question The assignment should also include a bibliography of at least four sources relevant to your topic/text. • At least three of those sources should be secondary, academic/scholarly works (found in either peer-reviewed journals or academic manuscripts)

Magical realism and Salman Rushdie

This essay will have to be well developed, have an introduction and clear thesis and evidence from your sources to support your ideas. The essay has to be about 4 pages long and is due August 5th. If you want feedback. August 3. You need a minimum of 3 peer reviewed sources. you can add in 2 others if they have valid information (BBC film ) you can use – newspaper articles New York Times and Wall Steet Journal, Washington Post, and NPR – peer reviewed articles on university databases and pdf files you cannot use: simple googled websites, other student papers, wikipedia, book reviews and other unreliable sources, Plagiarism rules apply. plagiarized papers receive an F USE MLA paper format – document all sources

Yeti Beard Oil; Script for explainer video

Yeti Beard Oil is a beard oil that helps the consumer grow a beard using essentials that will allow you to grow a beard faster. This website has the list of ingredients used to create it.  “Ever wanted an kick-ass beard, but only grow peach fuzz.. Tried everything to grow a mantastic viking beard but nothing works, Well look no further Yeti Strong is the beard oil for you. Our product is guaranteed to have you walking around looking like a mythical beast in no time. Yeti strong uses high concentrated hair growing minerals that help enhance the growth of hair and also provides vitamins and nutrients that a healthy bread would need. Subscribe now to join Yeti strong beard oil and receive a monthly order of Yeti strong miracle growth and unleash your inner BEAST. ”

The script should be able to answer the following questions: 1) Do they have a clear defined target market? 2) Do they have a clear problem/opportunity they are addressing? 3) Is it clear that this is a big problem/opportunity? 4) Does their solution bring value to the problem/opportunity? 5) Is there something special about how they are addressing the problem/opportunity? 6) Do they have a clear business model? 7) Do they have a clear understanding of the competition and where they fit? 8) Do they have a clear understanding of the objections and how to address ?