Christian servant leaders

Description Christian servant leaders profess to serve those whom they lead through love and the moral obligation to promote the greater good of others. What leadership behaviors would you expect from a Christian servant leader and how might those behaviors differ from someone who is not a servant leader. Also, although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, do you believe servant leadership is compatible with other religions or worldviews? Why or why not?

Nutrition Metabolism Energy Balance & Body Composition

Your discussion topic can be about anything: A topic that you read from a book, news article, a research article that you read, a topic from the Nutrition book….Here is what you should do to write your topic: 1) Provide a summary of the topic that you read (about 2 paragraphs and references) and then let other students discuss it. If you propose a topic for discussion, then you need to express your opinion with making scientific reference as to why you think that way, also please provide the link as to where you obtain it from. Lecture 6 discussion topic: (Metabolism, Energy Balance & Body Composition)

Neighborhood Assessment Project on Broward County Florida

Description Report Instructions First: Identify the neighborhood or community for your project. It is preferred that you select the place you are currently living and not an entire city. A neighborhood can vary in sizes, and for this project, a good rule of thumb to choose an area that extends for one or two miles. By selecting a small space, the project becomes more manageable for this assignment. Second: Choose the planning field that you think it’s the most interesting to you, from the list below (you may request a planning field if not listed); Transportation Planning Neighborhood Planning Community Health Environmental Planning Urban Design Economic Development Growth Management Land Use Planning Third: Identify one issue in your neighborhood under the chosen planning field. For example, if you want community health as the planning field, you may identify childhood obesity as the issue to be addressed. After you have completed the initial three steps you will write a report containing the following; A brief description of your neighborhood of choice including; (25 Points) Name, Boundary History Describe in detail your neighborhood’s issue (100 Points) What is the issue/problem? Why is it an issue/problem? Who are affected or impacted by the issue/problem? How the neighborhood or city has dealt with the issue/problem? Has it been effective or not? Why? Explain why the issue falls under the desired planning field (25 Points) Why would the planning field you chose be the best to tackle the issue/problem? Would other planning fields be an option to solve the problem? Why? Propose improvements or solutions to the issue or problem you have chosen  Describe and explain what you are proposing to do. Look for examples done in other communities. Explain how your plan is going to be implemented. Explain how your plan is going to solve the issue/problem. Describe the possible impact(s) on those being affected by your plan. Include a “Works Cited” section, along with an in-text citation. (Assignment will not be graded without proper citation) To answer all these questions successfully, you will have to draw information from the course materials and conduct additional research on your own. The proposed improvements and solutions will call for your imagination and creativity while requiring critical thinking upon the material used in this course to support your plan.

Hoarding disorder

Description Gloria Oaks is 66-year-old divorced Caucasian woman who has lived alone for more than 20 years. Although Gloria was very reluctant to seek any help, her adult children have convinced her to come see you because her home has become uninhabitable. Gloria has not cleaned out her home for many, many years. Her son Jeremy and her friend Jeanne come with her to the first appointment. Jeanne, Gloria’s only good friend, calls her every day. Friends since high school, Jeanne is no longer able to visit Gloria because of the hoarding issues. Jeanne says Gloria’s problem all started after her parents and her younger brother were killed in a car crash during their senior year of high school. After Gloria’s family died, she lived with an aunt and uncle for a year before heading off to college. Gloria married after her freshman year of college and the couple soon had two children. Gloria and her husband divorced after five years of marriage. Gloria has lived in the family home ever since. She now rarely goes out of her home and never allows anyone inside. Jeremy states that he and his sister have tried to help her clean up but their mother continues to bring more and more stuff into the house. He states he believes his mother is depressed, is not sleeping, and is starting to experience some health problems from living in the home. Answer the following questions from your perspective as her psychiatric nurse practitioner, in a paper in APA format. In your initial interview with Gloria, Jeremy, and Jeanne, what types of questions would be most important to ask? Identify three of your most important safety concerns for Gloria. Provide a rationale. Identify resources (including links) available in your own community to help Gloria clean her home. If her diagnosis is hoarding disorder, what medications could be used to treat Gloria? Provide a rationale. If you were to offer Gloria psychodynamic psychotherapy, articulate a possible case formulation using a psychodynamic approach for working with her. Identify one research article that addresses any aspect of hoarding disorder.

Evaluating a Contract

The ability to read and understand contracts is fundamental in law and in life. Corporate transactions are bundles of contracts, most civil litigation is based on contract, and we all deal with contracts in our personal lives (whether we are aware of this fact or not). In this project, you will analyze a contract and answer questions about specific provisions of the contract, as well as general questions about the effectiveness of the contract in general. Read the Employee Noncompetition and Nondisclosure Agreement for Boulder Dry contained in this learning module, paying close attention to the explanations that are included along with the contract. Then, answer the following questions: 1. Is there a governing law provision? If so, what state’s laws apply to this contract? In what paragraph is this provision found? (3 points) 2. Can the contract be assigned? In what paragraph is that provision found? (3 points) 3. What is the definition of “proprietary information”? (3 points) 4. If the employee takes a side job, must he or she notify the company? In what paragraph is this provision found? (3 points) 5. Is there a covenant not to compete? If so, how long does it apply? In what paragraph is this provision found? (3 points) 6. Which party seems to have had the stronger bargaining position, and why? (5 points) 7. Which specific provisions favor the employer? Explain. (5 points) 8. Which specific provisions favor the employee? Explain. (5 points) 9. The parties’ main intentions in signing this contract were to protect the firm’s confidential information and to explain how the CFO could use that information. Which provisions are related to those two purposes? (5 points) 10. Which provisions seem entirely unrelated to the main purposes of the contract? Why are these other provisions included in the contract? What do they do for the parties? (5 points) 11. As a potential employee being asked to sign this agreement, what major concerns might you have? (Discuss at least two.) (5 points) 12. Suppose that after one year the employee decides to resign from Boulder Dry. What provisions of this contract should the employee review before resigning—that is, which provisions will likely affect his or her future in this situation? When leaving the company, what actions should the employee take to ensure that he or she is in compliance with all obligations? (5 points)

History- Western Civilization

Identify what you consider to be the three most significant political changes in the century preceding the start of World War I. To support your choices, you will need to highlight a minimum two major Western nations and two colonies during this period. In addition to outlining the changes, your descriptions should include details related to economics and the rising political conflicts associated with imperialism, politics, and society. Be sure to include the following points in your essay: An introduction that engages the reader and clearly presents the essay’s thesis and a summary of the main points that clarifies your point of view. Choose at least two sources from the databases in the CSU Online Library. These sources may be eBooks or articles as long as they are academic in nature. The Academic One File and America History and Life databases are good places to start your research. The organization of the essay should clearly present points arranged logically to support the thesis. The writing should be clearly organized and concise with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Your essay should be at least two pages in length, double-spaced, and use APA style guidelines. The title and reference pages do not count towards the minimum page length requirement.

PROBLEM-SOLVING APPLICATION CASE Does Forever 21 Foster Positivity

Description Source: Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach ISBN: 9781259915451 By: Angelo Kinicki Use 3-Step Problem Solving Approach Does Forever 21 Foster Positivity? (Pages 290-292) Forever 21 was founded in downtownPage 290 Los Angeles in 1984 by a Korean-American immigrant couple, Do Won Chang and Jin Sook. They are known as Mr. and Mrs. Chang and still run the privately held company. Today, it employs about 35,000 people and runs 600 stores worldwide, with operations in the United States, Canada, China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Latin America, Mexico, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom.161 The company made about $4.5 billion in 2015. The Changs are born-again Christians and try to run their business using Christian values. Mrs. Chang told Bloomberg Businessweek that she prayed about whether to open their first store. God told her to do so and promised she would succeed. The couple attend a daily prayer meeting at their church, where Mr. Chang leads a Bible study and Mrs. Chang is a deacon. The pastor noted that the Changs have contributed millions of dollars to worldwide missions. The Changs’ faith is represented in their stores, where every bright yellow shopping bag includes a reference to John 3:16. This Bible verse says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”162 FOREVER 21’S KEY VALUES Supplier and Vendor Social Compliance and Ethical Sourcing. The company commits to caring “not only for our employees but also for the employees of hundreds of vendor manufacturing facilities throughout the world which make our products. We want all of these employees also to work in safe and healthy environments.” Support Charities. “At Forever 21, one of our core values is to encourage giving, to lend a helping hand to those who need it most.” Environmental Sustainability. “Forever 21 is committed to reducing its environmental footprint throughout its global operations.”163 ARE THESE VALUES BEING LIVED AT THE COMPANY? Forever 21 has experienced a number of lawsuits and controversies regarding different aspects of its operations. The US Department of Labor issued a subpoena in 2012 to force Forever 21 to reveal “how much the company’s suppliers pay the workers who make its clothes. Anecdotal evidence suggests the salaries are well under the current US federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.” After the company failed to provide the information, a US District Court judge ordered the company to provide the requested data.164 A class-action lawsuit accuses the company of “failing to provide meal breaks, rest periods and overtime wages. Plaintiffs . . . claim that requisite bonuses weren’t paid which qualify as overtime, and that the company failed to cover business expenses as required under law.” Although the case has not been settled, plaintiffs “may be entitled to up to $4,000 in penalties as well as any due wages.”165 The company decided to reclassify 1 percent of its workforce to part-time status, working a maximum of 29.5 hours a week. This level of work is just “under the 30-hour full-time designation assigned by the Affordable Care Act, which requires companies who employ 50 or more workers to provide health insurance coverage for their full-time employees or face a penalty. Newly part-time workers who were enrolled in medical, dental, vision and voluntary plans will also see their coverage cut off on August 31 [2013], and they won’t be able to receive paid time off.”166 These actions led to a social media firestorm, resulting in comments such as, “A true Christian thinks of others first and is not greedy. Tell me, just how rich do you need to be?” Another person wrote, “Jesus Christ would never, NEVER do this to anyone, ever.”167 Forever 21 agreed to pay $100,000 in penalties to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for safety violations at its Westfarms Mall store in Farmington, Connecticut. A store inspection revealed that emergency exits and hallways were blocked by store inventory. Boxes were “piled as high as 10 feet and stacked in an unstable manner so that they blocked exit routes or could fall onto workers. The company contested the citations and penalties but has now reached an agreement in which it agrees to abate the cited hazards.”168 The company has been cited 12 times for similar violations at other locations.169

Pathos of 2020 democratic primary debate

Candidate to analyze: Delaney, Amy Klobuchar, Biden, De Blasio Which Aristotelian emotions (+ patriotism from Heinrich’s) did each candidate attempt to stir up in the audience? Hoe did they do it, and how effective was it in encouraging the audience to judge their argument favorably? 1.Record example of your candidates appealing to pathos. How do these appeals compare to those of other candidates? 2. How do your candidates use pathos to appeal to their target audience? How effective are they? Did they make any decisions that may have helped them with their target audience but hurt them with a more general audience? (or vice versa?) 3.How do your candidates use pathos to overcome their persuasive challenge? How effective are they?

Strategy in Employment Strategy

Select a company that has violated an HR law. Imagine that you are an HR manager within that organization. You have been tasked with developing training to help prevent future violations of the HR law. Compile research and information to include in your training. Address the following in 700 to 1,050 words from your research: Summarize the situation. Discuss the law’s requirements. Include information regarding what the law does, how it is executed, and the execution gaps of your selected organization. Recommend steps that organizational leadership should take in order to avoid challenges such as this one from happening in the future. Cite your outside sources with APA formatting.

Research critique

The purpose of the Final Exam is to assess your understanding of the main statistical concepts covered in this course and to evaluate your ability to critically review a quantitative research article. The exam will consist of two parts: Part I includes three essay questions and Part II includes a research critique. All of your responses should be included in a single Word document for submission.