Lost Horizon 1933

Three questions to answer: 1.Give a detailed description of our four travelers: Conway, Barnard, Mallinson, Brinkow. Who are they? What are their professions? Describe their personalities. 2. Describe Shangri-La: what is this place like? Would you want to spend time there? 3. How do the monks/lamas at Shangri-La generally spend their time? This paper doesn’t need to be exactly 2 full pages!

Fairclough CDA of Ontario Programmatic Literacy curriculum

Write the preliminary results of Critical Discourse Analysis of Ontario’s Programmatic (official) Literacy curriculum. Will need charts and graphic organizers.

Four focal points: students, teacher, subject matter (literacy) and milieu (learning environment). Research questions: Research Questions My research investigates Ontario’s programmatic literacy to respond to the following research questions: · How are literacy (subject matter), literacy learners (students), literacy instructors (teachers), and conditions of and for literacy learning (milieus) configured and positioned in the programmatic literacy curricula of Ontario? · How do the above configurations address the increased levels of migration, diversity, and rapid technological change that characterize the current era?

· What implications do these findings have on literacy education in the 21st Century? How literacy is defined is an important question to investigate, as literacy directly influences who can and cannot actively and meaningfully participate in society; literacy, then, plays a fundamental role in ensuring an inclusive society (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009b). Responses to these questions can contribute to the literature of how equitable literacy curricular are created.

Observe and analyze the role of daily nutrition


Nutrition Written Assignment Instructions Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe and analyze the role of daily nutrition. Action Items: 1. Record all food and liquid consumption for 3 days (72 hours). Details of everything eaten are needed. For example: 1 whole wheat pita, ¾ cup lettuce, 1 tablespoon mayo, 3 oz. sliced turkey, ½ oz. mild cheddar cheese, ¼ small tomato, and ¼ small pickle. 2. Enter all food and liquid consumption into a nutritional tracking site or an android/ iPhone application such as Fitbit.com. The Fitbit.com app or website is recommended but you can also use the application of your choice.

Detailed instructions: How To Log Food Using Fitbit 3. Ensure that you will be able to download a nutritional report that has (a) food log and (b) percent consumption of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. 4. Here is an article from the Fitbit website that contains instructions on how to access your macronutrient charts using the APP.

How to Track Macros in Your Fitbit App 5. After you access your charts, take a screenshot and then email it to yourself. You’ll then be able to include it in your paper. The screenshots can also be uploaded by themselves into your dropbox for the written assignment. 6. Determine if your consumption of protein, carbohydrate, and fat are within recommended guidelines for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) – http://goo.gl/Cea63p. 7. Compare your results to the guidelines and describe what adjustment should be made to improve body composition.

8. Submit a 500-word written analysis of what you learned. The write-up will follow APA or MLA formatting guidelines. Grading Rubric: 100 points. The following items will be graded 20 points for each item. • 3-day log and % consumption report • 500 word minimum write-up • Personal Consumption Analysis • Comparison to NAS Guidelines • Application to Body Composition

Genetics Mendel’s Law of Segregation

1. Show that the the E-gene in turkeys is located on the Z-chromosome 2.Mendel’s Law of Segregation is not really applicable to alleles found on sex chromosomes. But does it apply to the actual sex chromosomes? Explain. 3.Researchers sometimes use gamma rays to induce deletion mutations in certain organisms and thus create mutant strains. What might this suggest regarding how exactly gamma rays interact with DNA? What are they probably causing to happen that results in these deletion mutations? 4.Explain, in detail, how you could use the FISH method to to determine whether a person is 47,XYY male or 47,XXX female. 5.What would be the result from a nondisjunction of chromosome 21 in a zygote that is 46,XY? Explain your answer. 6.How many of the following people would have cells containing ONE Barr Body? 46,XY 46,XX 47,XYY 47,XXX 45,X 47,XXY 7.There is an autosomal gene in cats that controls whether or not they also have white patches of fur (W = white spots, w= no white spots). Considering this along with the Orange gene (O0 and OB) from the previous question, and how it works, how many possible genotypes (using these 4 alleles) are there for cats that are orange, black, and white (in other words, calico)?

compare and contrast the leadership and communication techniques of former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Instructions We have been focusing upon how those at the top of terrorist groups perform leadership roles and influence various audiences (both within their organizations and to the world at large). For this research paper compare and contrast the leadership and communication techniques of former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden with those of one other terrorist leader.

Select one other terrorist leader from al Qaeda or affiliated groups such as Zawahiri, Baghdadi or Awlaki to compare and contrast with bin Laden’s leadership and communication approaches. State this topic question in your paper. Compare Osama bin Laden to this person: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham [ISIS] leader) McCants, W. (2015, September 1). The Believer. Retrieved from http://csweb.brookings.edu/content/research/essays/2015/thebeliever.html Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (2018).

The Counter Extremist Project Retrieved from https://www.counterextremism.com/extremists/abu-bakr-al-baghdadi Atwan, A. B. (2015). A Portrait of Caliph Ibrahim. The Cato Review. Retrieved from https://www.thecairoreview.com/essays/a-portrait-of-caliph-ibrahim/ Assignment Specifics: The body of your report is to be at least FOUR FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following: A brief defined (stated) introduction, with the topic and your thesis A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis A defined (stated) conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely

U.S. foreign policy and the rise of China or Russia-US relations

This is a survey course on U.S. foreign policy, the paper entails a wide range of choices depending on the interest of the particular student. Students must choose a particular foreign policy issue upon which she or he will research. The overall goal of the paper is the following: 1) Capture a summary of the principle issue; 2) advance a thoughtful analysis of the issue; 3) relate the subject matter to the course; 4) incorporate at least five different sources you have found on your own in order to advance a substantial and thoughtful analysis; 5) weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the particular policy; and 6) relying upon your own research, offer ideas on how one can improve or, in case you choose a historical case study, could have improved the particular policy. For example, one issue may deal with how the U.S. has currently chosen to address poverty as a foreign policy issue. This assignment is to not only prepare you for future university research and assist students with navigating through the library’s vast resources, most of which are often unbeknown to university students, but also begin to think of policy analysis and solutions. The paper must reach 11 pages in length, not including the reference list. Use Roman-Time font double spaced with default margins. You could also do a topical paper, such as U.S. foreign policy and the rise of China or Russia-US relations.

Demonstrate your understanding of and apply the research on developing positive Mathematical mindsets for active and engaged learning in Mathematics

Description Task 1: Literature Review Goal: To demonstrate your understanding of, and apply the research on, developing positive Mathematical mindsets for active and engaged learning in Mathematics.

Product: This task requires you to conduct a review of the research and literature shaping the thinking and practices that build mathematical mindsets. This paper will combine the skills of researching, analysing, evaluating, synthesizing and documenting information to reflect on the effective learning and teaching of Mathematics and Numeracy in the learning areas.

(Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Format: From the research and literature reviewed • • • Identify and critique the key ideas that are required for students to be successful learners in mathematics Analyse the practices/teaching ideas that foster engagement and build mathematical mindsets Identify challenges in building mathematical mindsets for your students and propose actions for how these can be addressed Submission Due: 26 August Selected Key References: The list below is indicative of some of the references required to respond to this task.

A minimum of 6 references will be required. It will be necessary to reference recent research articles beyond the list provided: Boaler, J. (2016) Mathematical Mindsets. New York: Jossey Bass Sullivan, P. (2011) Australian Education Review: Teaching Mathematics Using Research Informed Strategies. Retrieved 1 March 2018, from https://research.acer.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=aer Hattie, J Fisher, D & Frey, N. (2017). Visible Learning for Mathematics What works best to optimize student learning. California: Corwin. Anthony, G & Walshaw, M. (2009). Characteristics of Effective Teaching of Mathematics: A View from the West. Journal of Mathematics Education, 2(2), 147- 164. Retrieved 1 March, 2018, from https://www.researchgate. net/profile/Glenda_Anthony/publication/228743535_Characteristics_ of_Effective_Teaching_of_Mathematics_A_View_from_the_West/ links/53ed24720cf2981ada135a13.pdf

Civil Government Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Description 1. Resistance to Civil Government (Civil Disobedience) by Henry David Thoreau: I. Background of Thoreau and why he wrote Civil Disobedience. II. Summary of Civil Disobedience. III. Write on the civil rights movements of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. IV. Take a position, for, against, or hybrid of the use of civil disobedience and research individuals or groups who support your views with a discussion of their movements.

Configure Backup Settings

Configure Backup Settings Assignment Content You want to ensure your personal computer is set to save data on a daily basis. Using OneDrive® configure a personal computer to save and maintain data. Configure backup settings as described below, taking screenshots to demonstrate your knowledge: Schedule a daily backup to an external physical storage device. Schedule a weekly backup to Microsoft® OneDrive®. Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and that definitions are current. Submit your assignment.

Sustainable Development Goals SDGs

Description The assignment is about Patagonia company. 1. Identifying the appropriate SDGs the business can get involved in. (3 PAGES) Determine and identify the SDG(s) that most appropriately pertain to the company’s value chain. Through this process you will identify what SDGs are most connected to the business and its value chain and can provide an opportunity for the business to strategize and bring action to engaging potential new policy in operations to provide social-ecological responsiveness strategies. Using the SDG Compass will be integral in this process. (Please watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phXssQBCDls and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0usNyQKIMNU) 2. Mapping the value-chain and identify the priorities of the identified SDGs (3 PAGES) In this stage, you will use the SDG Compass to understand how to utilize and recommend strategies to implement policy and action that address social ecological system gaps. Since business resources- financial and non-financial ones- are limited and time plays a critical role in the implementation of SDGs; therefore, the specified SDGs to be achieved by different entities in the value chain are prioritized based on the required urgency for action. In this regard, first each member prioritizes the SDGs individually (Please watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9s2Q-51B44) and then aggregate the scores given through using geometric mean. Finally, the level of urgency to take initiatives by the business is determined. By exploring what you have learned through conducting your research, you will be able to recommend potential actions, and provide possible outcome benefits of these action steps.