the relationship between the segregation of offenders in an institutional environment Comparing 4 countries

Description the relationship between the segregation of offenders in an institutional environment. The countries you will be researching for this paper include Canada, United States of America, Britain and Ghana. For the purpose of this paper,  plan on researching segregation; the similarities and differences in each prison system in different countries. Do research and find out how the different laws surrounding segregation affect the offenders in prison surrounding their physical and mental health. Look into how police brutality in prisons results in segregation amongst prisoners.

Forms of political participation that do not directly involve the electoral process

Write a 400 to 600 word essay addressing one of the following questions. Make sure to reference the textbook. At least 3 references and one must be the textbook from chapter 8 or chapter 10. If possible, rely on your own experience to help answer the question too. 1. Describe and give examples of some forms of political participation that do not directly involve the electoral process. Who is most likely to employ what forms of participation and why? How effective do you believe these different methods are? 2. Why is turnout in the United States lower than in other Western democracies? What reforms might increase the level of turnout in the United States? Textbook link:

Explain how Moby Dick uses Emerson’s theme of self-reliance plus four other Romantic characteristics

Must watch Moby Dick Film 1956 version of the film directed by John Huston and starring Gregory Peck. Explain how Moby Dick uses Emerson’s theme of self-reliance plus four other Romantic characteristics. Use at least one specific example for each characteristic. will attach 2 files one explaining Emerson’s theme of self-reliance by professor and another with some info and list of themes for Romantic period. >should meet the following minimum requirements: 1. a thesis statement 2. support from assigned literature 3. MLA documentation for all direct quotes and paraphrases (including in-text citations and a Works Cited) 4. clear organization 5. a summative statement

Three classes of net assets used in private not-for-profit accounting

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in the text. In your own words, list and describe the three classes of net assets used in private not-for-profit accounting. Give an example of each type to illustrate. Reference Copley, P. A. (2017). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (13th ed.). Retrieved from

Types of Loss: Separation and Divorce: Eric and Nancy

For this assignment, you will choose a case related to sexual assault, family crisis, or personal loss. Given the background information in the textbook, you will take on the role of the crisis interventionist by assessing the situation, identifying the components of the crisis and determining interventions that would best fit the situation.

Ensure that you are incorporating ethical and multicultural factors in your intervention. Select one of the following Case Studies from the Crisis Intervention Strategies textbook (use the links in the Learning Activities folder to access each chapter): o Sexual Assault: “Intervention Strategies for Rape and Battery:

The Case of Melody” in Ch. 9 o Family Crisis: “Case Vignette” in Ch. 11 o Types of Loss: “Separation and Divorce: Eric and Nancy” in Ch. 12 Write a 800- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following: o Describe the case you chose. o Examine the crisis components related to the case. o Examine what intervention strategies should be provided. o Recommend a strategy that could be implemented to promote change.

Racial Encroachment

Description For this please read the Kane et al. article, “Racial Encroachment and the Formal Control of Space…” Then post responses to the following two questions: – In what ways do you think the findings from the study could actually play out in neighborhoods? That is, assuming the findings are valid, how do you think police arrests would actually occur as a neighborhood defense? – In what ways are the findings too unbelievable to be true?

Digital Field Trip Reflection – The National Archives

Week 5: Digital Field Trip Reflection – The National Archives This week you will take a digital field trip to view the Founding Documents Gallery at the National Archives.

Located in Washington D.C., the National Archives are dedicated to preserving important historical and cultural documents, including the founding documents of the United States. Your visit to the digital archive will help you develop your understanding of definitions of democracy and political revolution, and provide key details about the contexts that these forms emerge from.

For this assignment you will need to: • Visit the National Archives at: (Links to an external site.)

• Produce a 500-700 word reflection assignment (see description below) For your reflection assignment for this week, please select one primary example from the archive and address the following in a two-page reflection assignment: • Describe the example you have selected and insert the image into the essay. Include the specific link in the reference page. • Explain the origins and context of the example. • Include examples from the textbook this week that help develop your analysis of the work and its context.

• Chose at least one contemporary issue in government that relates to the example. Discuss the influence that these documents continue to have on contemporary cultural patterns. Include a link to the source for the contemporary issue in the reference page.

PORTER’s Five forces analysis as a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry

This project involves an analysis of an Asian company of your choice in relation to the political and the economic integration of Asia to the global economy. The objective is to allow you to learn about this company’s strategy of going global. 1. It is important for all of you to apply the following theory to your final paper for a good grade. • SWOT/PESTAL Analysis

• PORTER’s Five forces analysis as a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry • And/or Michael Porter’s Diamond Model of National Advantages • Suggestion/Conclusion 2. Example of Presentation format Slide 1: The problem or research topic – Short explanation. Why do you think this is topic is a good research topic? Slide 2: Evaluation of the project: SWOT or PESTAL Slide 3/4: Competition: PORTER’s Five forces analysis as a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry And/or Michael Porter’s Diamond Model of National Advantages Slide 5: Suggestion/ Conclusion Your final paper should persuasively argue and reason half a dozen major points. The final presentation will require your critical insights, analysis, and recommendations for this company

. 1. A short introduction of the company? Why does this company want to globalize? 2. What are the most important issues/challenges that confront the company when coming to the US? 3. What is your analysis of these issues? • You can start with SWOT/PESTEL. • You should use Michael Porter’s Five forces analysis as a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry.

• You may also need Michael Porter’s Diamond Model of National Advantages to help understand the competitive advantage nations possess due to certain factors available to them, and to explain how governments can act as catalysts to improve a country’s position in a globally competitive economic environment. 4. What, exactly, should the company (case protagonists) do? Recommend an explicit, feasible plan of action that will improve the company’s competitive position and/or outcomes.

Stem Cell : Analyze the clinical biological and psychological factors that are important in successful recovery of brain functions after brain damage

Analyze the clinical, biological, and psychological factors that are important in successful recovery of brain functions after brain damage. How can the brain repair itself or restore lost function after traumatic brain injury (TBI) or other causes of brain damage? Be sure to focus on the concept and mechanisms in neuroplasticity. The text lists ways that the brain can repair itself, but reminds us later in the chapter that in adults in most areas of the brain neurons cannot replicate (undergo mitosis in the process of neurogenesis) to replace lost/dead neurons. There are some areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus (which is responsible for formation of new memories), which are capable of neurogenesis, but in adults other areas of the brain must utilize neuroplasticity to restore lost function. In addition, Discuss what clinical, biological, and psychological factors are important in successful brain function recovery outcomes.

What are some clinical interventions (e.g., medication, surgery, stem cell therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation techniques, and psychotherapy) that help facilitate the restoration of lost brain function? Include information on brain structures, pathways, neurotransmitters/receptors, and psychological factors when discussing the topic areas above. Additional emphasis should be placed on relating the underlying pathology of brain trauma and damage to the actual biological mechanisms of how various treatments support repair or restoration of function. Also in your discussion, imagine you are in a career position that utilizes a degree in psychology.

These may include, but are not limited to, careers such as a social worker, teacher or teacher’s aide, child care worker, psychiatric technician or other behavioral health staff, peer support specialist, social service specialist, probation or parole officer, case manager, human resources professional, rehabilitation of vocational counselor, or behavioral counselor. How would your knowledge of the neurobiology of traumatic brain injury help you in your professional life? How would this knowledge help you better assist your clients, students, or patients? For instance, think of how this knowledge would help support reinforce the need for compliance with recommended treatments, or how to implement recommendations for modifications of the patient’s work or lifestyle to accommodate complications of brain injury.

Christian servant leaders

Description Christian servant leaders profess to serve those whom they lead through love and the moral obligation to promote the greater good of others. What leadership behaviors would you expect from a Christian servant leader and how might those behaviors differ from someone who is not a servant leader. Also, although servant leadership is often associated with the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, do you believe servant leadership is compatible with other religions or worldviews? Why or why not?