Data Collection Techniques

Description paper is for a nursing informatics class. Please refer to the provided vila health simulation transcripts. please incorporate the people in the transcript like it’s a real life work environment when incorporating the team. the eventual proposal will be incorporating kiosks in the doctors office (this is just to give you an idea when incorporating data collection techniques. Provided detailed assignment instructions with competencies that need to be met with either a distinguished or proficient rating per scoring guide provided. also provided a copy of the first assignment to reference. Provided references, if any other references are used they need to be peer reviewed and less than 5 years old.

Literature Essay based on the novel The Great Gatsby

The paper is to produce an original and rewarding analysis of the significance of a textual echo in The Great Gatsby. Your task is to analyze how Fitzgerald uses the textual echo to develop an illuminating claim or insight, or thesis, about a specific keyword—a topic, problem, or question—or intersection of keywords. Your analysis should be 600-700 words. A quick reminder: A textual echo is a pair or series of passages, moments, or scenes that the author invites us to connect. An echo might feature a repeated word or phrase, but more often it features a repeated image, action, plot point, setting, or idea. By inviting us to compare and contrast these passages, moments, or scenes, textual echoes help us think about the characters and the story in fresh ways, and they point us to topics and questions the author wants us to think about. Textual echoes gain their meaning and emotional force not just from the similarities between the passages, moments, or scenes but also, as importantly, from the differences. A keyword is a topic, problem, or question with which the text is preoccupied. You can think of it as an idea that the author wants to say or show something about. Every literary text invites us to think about many keywords. A keyword is not usually a word that appears in the text. A keyword can be a phrase (e.g., “How far do our moral responsibilities extend toward strangers?”). What to do: Choose one (1) of the textual echoes in The Great Gatsby listed below, and analyze how Fitzgerald uses it to develop an interesting claim or insight about a specific keyword (or intersection of keywords). To do this, think carefully about the following questions: • How do the paired passages constitute a textual echo? What textual data (e.g., language, imagery, action, setting, context) suggests that these passages, moments, or scenes are connected, and that Fitzgerald invites us to think of them in connection with each other? • What keyword or intersection of keywords does this echo evoke or call our attention to? It can be difficult to produce an illuminating and original echo analysis that focuses on an obvious keyword (like “the American Dream”). For this reason, home in on a keyword, or an intersection of keywords, that was not discussed at length in lecture. Discerning fresh keywords related to your textual echo requires interpretive and conceptual work. Examples of non-obvious keywords in The Great Gatsby include chance, determinism, flesh, gender, the Midwest, to name just a few. One way to achieve analytical originality is to explore the intersection of two seemingly remote keywords (for example, gender + flesh or chance + corruption). • What is Fitzgerald saying or showing about the keyword (or intersection of keywords) by staging this echo the way he does? How does comparing these passages, moments, or scenes—and thinking about the movement from one to the next in the novel—serve to illuminate what Fitzgerald is saying or showing about the keyword or keyword intersection? Your answer to this question will be your thesis (see below). This paper is exploratory in the sense that its purpose is to help you to come up with a fresh thesis (defined below). Your fresh thesis should emerge from your textual analysis, not the other way around. Your fresh thesis should identify what Fitzgerald is saying or showing about the keyword (or intersection of keywords) and how the staging of the textual echo conveys this. Your thesis should be 1-3 sentences. Underline this thesis. Your thesis may appear anywhere in your analysis (unlike in a formal essay, where it always appears in the first paragraph).

What is the relationship between regulation deficits in BPD and ADHD and what factors might explain commonalities


WORDS LIMIT IS 3000 (EXCLUDING ABSTRACT LIMIT OF 250WORDS), PLEASE REDUCE ANY RUN-ONS OR IRRELEVANT SENTENCES The purpose of the term paper is to provide a more detailed and balanced scientific perspective on a topic that is supported by original, empirical research studies. The term paper does not include a conventional thesis statement (such as the one in your thought papers) because your job is not necessarily to take a stance on a particular issue but instead to present a fair, balanced and empirically-supported review of a research area. Normally, the introduction of the paper describes the aim(s) of the review, the theoretical model (if relevant) that guides the review, and a list of the topics and subtopics around which the review will be organized. The main body of the paper presents a logical sequencing of topics and subtopics that logically follow from and address the overall aim(s) of the review. You should use headings and subheadings to organize your writing. A methods section is not required. The conclusion section of the paper synthesizes the results of the literature review, which may provide a new perspective on the topic. The paper should end with a brief description of the major limitations of the review itself (e.g., are there certain topics that fell outside of the scope of the paper that might be informative?) and the individual studies described in the review.

It is also important to discuss potential future avenues of research that would help to address questions that could not be fully answered by the review and the available research on the topic. As stated above, while a minimum of six original, empirical articles must be included in the proposal, the list of references in the term paper need not be identical to the list provided in the proposal, so long as any additional references are relevant to the topic of the paper and are original, empirical studies. Evaluation Criterion Marks Does the title page contain an appropriate title and all other required information as indicated in the APA Publication Manual? 5 Does the Introduction provide a clear and concise description of the aim(s) of the paper and its structure/organization? Do the topics/subtopics logically follow from the stated aim(s) of the review? 10 Does the body contain well-articulated (logical, concise, and clear) summaries of research studies? 15 Does the writing in the body of the paper provide a deep analysis and synthesis of the topics/subtopics and original, empirical studies? That is, does the writing draw logical connections between topics/subtopics and the corresponding studies? Are the studies and their findings described in a manner that attempts to highlight their similarities and differences (e.g., in research design and main findings), rather than simply describing one study separately from another (without substantial attempts to compare or contrast them)? 25 Does the Conclusion provide a complete and concise summary of the main findings of the review paper and ultimately address the aim(s) of the review and the potential implications? 10 Are the limitations of the review paper itself and the individual studies contained in the review acknowledged? 5 Are logical, feasible, and original future research directions articulated? 5 Is the paper fully formatted according to APA style—6th edition? 15 Is the overall writing style clear and concise with appropriate sentence construction, grammar, headings/subheadings, and logical transitions between topics/subtopics? 10 Total 100 8/3/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Wri

Living on Almost Nothing in America

***IMPORTANT*** Please be familiar with the book; $2.00 a day: Living on Almost Nothing in America; by Kathryn Edin and H. Luke Shaefer Have you read this book?… If you have and/or you are a fast reader; then this is the job for you!! _______ INSTRUCTIONS; This is a 4-page (double-spaced) **UNIVERSITY LEVEL** book review that is guided by the following questions: 1. What social problems are identified in the book? 2. What are the major social welfare policy issues related to the content of the book? 3. What social values and beliefs are critical? 4. What are the implications for future social welfare policy and social work practice? *Cite four (4) additional peer-reviewed references (besides this book) used to inform your answers to these questions. Use APA format (6th Edition) to reference these sources. **Please write this paper from a social worker point of view!!** Reference: Edin, K. J. & Shaeffer, H. L. (2015). $2.00 a day: Living on almost nothing in America. Boston, ————– Please make sure the topics below are all addressed within the 4-page essay; -Social problems raised in the book are identified -Major social welfare policy issues related to the content of the book are discussed -Social values and beliefs are well identified and analyzed well -Implications for future social welfare policy are well presented -Implications for future social work practice are well presented -Writing quality; appropriate citations ———— I am working my way through this book and by the time the due date is here next-week, I will be done. *(For example what I got out of the book so far for #1) -Poverty and why the system is built against the poor. -Welfare and why it is so hard to break a stereotype. -Why the “poor” stay “poor” -Why the racial pay gap exists.

Policy Development is Critical to Ensure Legal and Ethical Adherence and Consistency

Policy Development is Critical to Ensure Legal and Ethical Adherence and Consistency


Paper details:

Policy Development is Critical to Ensure Legal and Ethical Adherence and Consistency Discuss processes used in your organization to develop new policies and communicate them to your internal and external stakeholders. Include how you take ADA and EEO mandates into consideration. Include in your discussion the role played by your Board. How do you train employees on policies to ensure consistency in application. How would you improve your policy development based on that comparison? Proper APA style is required.

Database Modeling and Normalization

Database Modeling and Normalization


Paper details:

Imagine that you work for a consulting firm that offers information technology and database services. Part of its core services is to optimize and offer streamline solutions for efficiency. In this scenario, your firm has been awarded a contract to implement a new personnel system for a government agency. This government agency has requested an optimized data repository for its system which will enable the management staff to perform essential human resources (HR) duties along with the capability to produce ad hoc reporting features for various departments. They look forward to holding data that will allow them to perform HR core functions such as hiring, promotions, policy enforcement, benefits management, and training. Using this scenario, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Determine the steps in the development of an effective Entity Relationship Model (ERM) Diagram and determine the possible iterative steps / factors that one must consider in this process with consideration of the HR core functions and responsibilities of the client. Analyze the risks that can occur if any of the developmental or iterative steps of creating an ERM Diagram are not performed. Select and rank at least five (5) entities that would be required for the development of the data repositories. Specify the components that would be required to hold time-variant data for policy enforcement and training management. Diagram a possible 1:M solution that will hold salary history data, job history, and training history for each employee through the use of graphical tools. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length. Plan each step of the normalization process to ensure the 3NF level of normalization using the selected five (5) entities of the personnel database solution. Document each step of the process and justify your assumptions in the process. Diagram at least five (5) possible entities that will be required to sustain a personnel solution. The diagram should include the following: Dependency diagrams Multivalued dependencies

LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement

Critique an article. Topic Out of the System and onto the Streets: LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details This is for a Masters level Reseach evaluation social work class. It is two pages, it consist of reading the article that I will Attach named “Out of the System and onto the Streets: LGBTQ-Identified Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Past Child Welfare System Involvement . I will be attaching the article.

Also the Article critique assignment instructions and the template the Professor has provided so information is added on template. Will send those three documents, (kindly send me email where I can attach such documentations that are important for critique) Writer who works on this assignment should be familiar with Social Work Evaluation and research article critiques, since important terms such as study sampling, type of target population and other important terms is imperative. Book to refer from is Essential research methods for socail work 4th edition Rubin, A & Babbie (2016). K

The role and influence of some strong female characters in the game of thrones(ex.from teen queen Daenerys, scheming Queen Cersei, child avenger Arya, knight Brienne, Red Witch Melisandre, and many more)

The role and influence of some strong female characters in the game of thrones(ex.from teen queen Daenerys, scheming Queen Cersei, child avenger Arya, knight Brienne, Red Witch Melisandre, and many more) Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details These are the only restrictions: 1) The media or fandom you choose must be in English 2) There must be relevant academic research about your chosen topic/text that you can draw upon 3) If you are working with a serialized text (i.e. a television show with multiple seasons, a book series with many parts), you must limit the scope of your investigation. That is, you cannot deal with all ten seasons of Friends or all the books in A Song of Ice and Fire. Similarly, if you are interested in writing a paper about a large fandom (like Marvel comics and/or films), you will also need to set boundaries around what specific elements of that fandom you are focusing on. We will be completing this capstone research project in several stages. The first will be the submission of a proposal and bibliography. The aims of this portion of the assignment are as follows: 1) To encourage students to develop realistic and scalable research questions and projects pursuant to their specific interests in this course 2) To get students started on researching their chosen topic/question 3) To continue to aid students in thinking of themselves as researchers and taking an active role in making decisions about how to undertake this work Structure: Students will complete a short proposal (450-500 words). This will include: • A discussion/rationale for your topic choice (explaining what specific aspects of your chosen media you feel warrant investigation/research) • A specific research question you are aiming to answer • A description of what type of project you are completing (a paper or creative project) and an explanation of why your project is best suited to that type of research expression • A plan outlining the specific steps you will take as a researcher to successfully answer this question The assignment should also include a bibliography of at least four sources relevant to your topic/text. • At least three of those sources should be secondary, academic/scholarly works (found in either peer-reviewed journals or academic manuscripts)

Magical realism and Salman Rushdie

This essay will have to be well developed, have an introduction and clear thesis and evidence from your sources to support your ideas. The essay has to be about 4 pages long and is due August 5th. If you want feedback. August 3. You need a minimum of 3 peer reviewed sources. you can add in 2 others if they have valid information (BBC film ) you can use – newspaper articles New York Times and Wall Steet Journal, Washington Post, and NPR – peer reviewed articles on university databases and pdf files you cannot use: simple googled websites, other student papers, wikipedia, book reviews and other unreliable sources, Plagiarism rules apply. plagiarized papers receive an F USE MLA paper format – document all sources

Yeti Beard Oil; Script for explainer video

Yeti Beard Oil is a beard oil that helps the consumer grow a beard using essentials that will allow you to grow a beard faster. This website has the list of ingredients used to create it.  “Ever wanted an kick-ass beard, but only grow peach fuzz.. Tried everything to grow a mantastic viking beard but nothing works, Well look no further Yeti Strong is the beard oil for you. Our product is guaranteed to have you walking around looking like a mythical beast in no time. Yeti strong uses high concentrated hair growing minerals that help enhance the growth of hair and also provides vitamins and nutrients that a healthy bread would need. Subscribe now to join Yeti strong beard oil and receive a monthly order of Yeti strong miracle growth and unleash your inner BEAST. ”

The script should be able to answer the following questions: 1) Do they have a clear defined target market? 2) Do they have a clear problem/opportunity they are addressing? 3) Is it clear that this is a big problem/opportunity? 4) Does their solution bring value to the problem/opportunity? 5) Is there something special about how they are addressing the problem/opportunity? 6) Do they have a clear business model? 7) Do they have a clear understanding of the competition and where they fit? 8) Do they have a clear understanding of the objections and how to address ?